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  • Joshua Fogleman


    By Joshua Fogleman

    罗斯柴尔德有一句名言:“只要我能控制一个国家的货币发行,我不在乎谁制定法律”。货币发行权,是一切权力的核心。而美元作为世界货币,它的发行权成为全世界沼泽地必争之地。谁控制了美联储,谁就真正掌握了控制世界的钥匙。 那么到底是谁控制了美联储? 是罗斯柴尔德、摩根、还是传说中的八大家族? 2022年6月4日,康妮摩根女士(摩根夫人)接受采访中透露两点: 1. 摩根家族不是美联储的控制者 2. 当初是为了限制摩根的影响力,所以才成立了美联储 那么到底谁是美联储的控制者呢? 明轩工作室 on GETTR_ 2022年6月4日,康妮摩根女士接受采访中透露两点: 1. 摩根家族不是美联储的控制者 2. 当初是为了限制摩根的影响力,所以才成立了美联储 那么到底谁是美联储的.mp4     是谁控制了美联储? 其实在《真相拼图 - 美联储的秘密》节目中,Nick已经给出答案:是洛克菲勒家族! 明轩工作室 on GETTR_ 是谁控制了美联储? 其实在《真相拼图 - 美联储的秘密》节目中,Nick已


注:以下文本为ChatGPT AI翻译,未经人工校对,仅供参考!请以2024年6月5号郭先生庭审英文文字笔录为准。 本文短链接:gettr.ink/nihrjF   美利坚合众国地方法院 纽约南区 ------------------------------x 美利坚合众国, 诉 23 Cr. 118 (AT) 郭文贵, 被告。审判 ------------------------------x 纽约市 2024年6月5日 上午9:05 在座: ANALISA TORRES女士,地方法官 -及陪审团- 出庭人员 涉及纽约南区法院法律案件的律师名单, 表格标题:案件涉及的律师 列标题: 姓名:涉及的律师姓名 角色:每位律师在案件中的角色 南纽约联邦地区法院涉案律师名单 名称


Roger in ChatGPT


本文短链接:gettr.ink/iccHe7   2024年6月4号 郭先生庭审英文文字笔录: https://nfsc.press/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Case-23_cr_00118_Transcript-04-06-2024.pdf (注:未经人工校对,仅供参考!)的中文AI翻译全文如下:   美利坚合众国地方法院 纽约南区 ------------------------------x 美利坚合众国, 告变人, 郭万里, 被告人。 ------------------------------x 2024年6月4日 纽约市 上午9:00 出庭: 控方代理人 辩方代理人 法官: 托雷斯法官, 地方法官 -和陪审团- 译者注:以上为法庭文件中的部分内容。 法庭案件中的法律代表, 以下是表格标题: 法庭案件中的法律


Roger in ChatGPT

HCTTM: A New Hope for Overthrowing the Communist Party 推翻共产党的新希望

Short Link : https://gettr.ink/6bTc5D   HCTTM: A New Hope for Overthrowing the Communist Party   Amid the global digital wave, HCoin, a new type of digital currency, is rapidly rising and becoming a significant force for societal change. HCTTM (H Coin To The Moon) is more than a slogan; it is a symbol—representing freedom, innovation, and the boundless possibilities of the future. This article explores the relationship between HCTTM and the overthrow of the Communist Party an


Roger in PayMap

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Buy & Sell - Market Orders|Himalaya Exchange 完整指南:买入和卖出- 市价订单

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Buy & Sell - Market Orders What is Market Order? Market Order enables users to buy or sell at the current, best available price. After submitting your Market Order, the Exchange will automatically choose the best available buy/sell rate from the Order Book to match your order. The order is usually traded immediately, unless there are no buyers or sellers trading at that time. For example, Mr. B wants to sell 1 HCN immedia

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Buy & Sell|Himalaya Exchange 完整指南: 买入和卖出

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Buy & Sell There are 3 ways to BUY and SELL coins on Himalaya Exchange: • Quick Trade: This option will allow you to purchase the coins at the current available price in the market, without the need to access the Trading Page. • Limit Order: On the Trading Page, this option will allow you to set your desired to buy or sell a coin. • Market Order: On the Trading Page, this option will allow you to buy or sell coins at the curren

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Using the Chart|Himalaya Exchange 完整指南:使用图表

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Using the Chart Welcome to Himalaya Exchange Trading Page. You can find the trading pairs (HCN/HDO), Current (Last) price and 24 hours changes of trading prices (High, Low and volume) on the top section.   Candlestick charts The trading chart (Candlestick charts) is located in the middle of the Trading interface. Here are the options that you can select your trading chart display other than candlestick, for instance, Bas

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Trading Page |Himalaya Exchange 完整指南:交易页面

The definitive guide to Himalaya Exchange:Trading Page To enter the Himalaya Exchange Trading page, sign into your account and click the Himalaya Exchange link at the top left side of our Official Website. Here is a quick guide of the trading interface: Area 1: Trading Pairs Area 2: Trading volume of trading pair in 24 hours Area 3: Sell order book Area 4: Buy order book Area 5: Candlestick chart, Trading View and Market Depth Area 6: Buy/Sell Cryptocurrency (Type of

The Ecosystem|Himalaya生态系统

The Ecosystem A critical component to achieving mass acceptance, adoption and sustainability of any cryptocurrency while enhancing value and utility, is the development of an ecosystem sufficient to give intrinsic value to the currency and incentivize adoption and use. The Issuer and its affiliates are working to develop the Himalaya Ecosystem through partnerships with businesses and with the aim of expanding this over time. By establishing and developing the Himalaya Ecos

Initial Issuance|首次发行

Initial Issuance The Initial Issuance of Himalaya Coin will be made available to members of the Himalaya Exchange on a private placement basis. This means that only members who have been formally notified by the Himalaya Exchange prior to the commencement of, or during Phase 1, that they may participate in the Initial Issuance (the customers are referred to as "Private Placement Participants") are able to pre-order Himalaya Coins. Private Placement Participants

Launch and Roll Out|发行和产品与服务之分阶段推出

Launch and Roll Out The initial launch of the Himalaya Coin and the roll-out of associated products and services is intended to be phased over a period of around 2 months. The objective of the phased roll-out is to maximise liquidity on the Himalaya Exchange from the first day of trading and to achieve optimum utility for users of the associated products and services. The anticipated timetable for the phased roll-out is: Phase 1 April 2021 Himalaya Exchange Pre-Launch and Launch of

The Initial Offering and Allocation|首次发行和私人配售

The Initial Offering and Allocation The Initial Issuance is being undertaken on a private placement basis and will only be available to Private Placement Participants who have opened an account with the Himalaya Exchange. Private Placement Participants who wish to participate in the Initial Issuance must complete registration and verification procedures and open an account with the Himalaya Exchange. Following the opening of their account, participants may purchase Himalaya Dollar Cred

Himalaya Exchange Fees |Himalaya Exchange:收费

Himalaya Exchange Fees Spot trading - Our fees are charged on a per-transaction basis every time you buy and sell on the Himalaya Exchange.   All coins available for trading on Himalaya Exchange are tradeable at one flat fee. Himalaya Exchange uses a flat fee rate of 0.25% for both maker and taker across all order books.     For the first three (3) months following the official Exchange launch (2nd November 2021) we offered an 80% discount on the trading fees making the

Biotechnological Approaches for Production of Artemisinin, an Anti-Malarial Drug from Artemisia annua L.

The article from MDPI discusses various biotechnological approaches to enhance the production of artemisinin, an important anti-malarial drug derived from the plant Artemisia annua. It covers the significance of artemisinin in malaria treatment and explores methods like tissue culture, genetic engineering, and bioreactor-based approaches to boost its yield. The review particularly focuses on the propagation of A. annua through cell and organ cultures, employing strategies like elicitation and me

CN102048728A青蒿素衍生物在制备治疗克罗恩病的药物中的应用|Application of artemisinin derivative in preparation of medicaments for treating Crohn disease

The invention discloses an application of an artemisinin derivative in preparation of medicament for treating Crohn disease, and the artemisinin derivative is selected from artesunate or artemether or styrene monomer 905 (SM905). The artemisinin derivative can be used for achieving the purpose of treating the Crohn disease by inhibiting Th1/Th17 immune response and inhibiting nuclear factor-kB activation. Compared with the existing medicaments, the artemisinin derivative has less and light side

CN101940569A含有索拉非尼和青蒿素及青蒿素类衍生物的药物组合物及其在制备治疗癌症的药物中的应用|Medicament composition containing sorafenib, artemisinin and artemisinin derivative and application thereof in preparing medicament for treating cancer

The invention relates to a medicament composition containing sorafenib, artemisinin and an artemisinin derivative and application thereof in preparing a medicament for treating lung cancer, pancreas cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, prostatic cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, brain tumor, sarcoma, ovarian cancer or breast cancer. The medicament composition has remarkable synergistic effect, improves the curative effect of the medicament, reduces the administration dosage and reduces side

CN101879158A青蒿素衍生物的新应用---防治肥胖病的|New application of artemisinin derivant

The invention discloses an application of arteannuin derivant with the structure disclosed in I,II,III, IV and V for preparing medicines for preventing and treating adiposity, wherein n=0-1; R1 is selected from C1-C3 alkyl; and the R2 is selected from aryl or aromatic heterocyclic ring substituted by nitrogenous atom. The medicine prepared from the arteannuin organisms is taken as the medicine for resisting adipose differentiation and can play a very important role in treating the diseases.


The invention discloses Artemisia apiacea extract and a preparation method and application thereof. The Artemisia apiacea extract is prepared by waste Artemisia apiacea residue discarded during the production of Artemisinin or directly by Artemisia apiacea plant, and has inhibiting effect on pathogenic bacteria of microbe diseases of picked fruits and vegetables and especially has obvious bacteria inhibition in vitro of picked fruit germs such as orange green mould, banana and mango anthracnose,

CN101756957A含有青蒿素和青蒿素衍生物和抗生素|Combined application of artemisinin and its derivative and antibiotic medicine

The present invention discloses the new use of available antimalarial arteannuin and its derivatives dihydro arteannuin, antiannuic methyl ether, antiannuic ethyl ether and antiannuic amber. Arteannuin and its derivatives are used through combination with antibiotic medicine to inhibit bacterial growth and enhance the antibiotic effect of available antibiotic medicine. Especially, antiannuic amber is applied in preventing and treating bacterial infection diseases except being used as antimalaria

青蒿叶粉囊的惊人功效|The surprising efficiency of Artemisia annua powder capsules

Short link to this article: https://gettr.ink/X2catz   该研究评估了使用青蒿叶粉作为预防疟疾发作的治疗方法,在25名患者中进行了评估,其中大部分是儿童,所有患者都因骨科问题接受了手术治疗。治疗持续时间为36小时的患者有11例,60小时的患者有14例。平均寄生虫数量从432个/毫升降至165个/毫升,即改善了62%,而且根据治疗持续时间的不同没有显著差异。不论患者的年龄和体重如何,疗效都是相似的。这些结果是在非常低的粉末量(每天400至500毫克)和极低的青蒿素数量(每天0.4至0.5毫克)下获得的。结论是青蒿叶粉似乎比茶制品更有效,但成本更高,可能不易获得。廉价且随处可得的茶制品仍然是大规模预防和治疗疟疾的最佳方法,在最贫困的国家应优先选择使用。除了研究寨卡病毒感染外,术前调查还包括检测消化道寄生虫(所有病例均呈阳性)和艾滋病病毒检测(除了一个成年患者外,所有病例均呈阴性)。   表1 不同制备方法得到的[

干叶青蒿素:发展中国家实用的疟疾治疗方法?|Dried-leaf Artemisia annua: A practical malaria therapeutic for developing countries?

Short link to this article: https://gettr.ink/zPHa8E   来自植物青蒿(Artemisia annua L)的青蒿素,作为青蒿素联合疗法(ACT),是目前治疗疟疾的最佳疗法,这种疾病尤其在发展中国家影响儿童和成人。传统上,中国人将青蒿作为茶用于治疗“发热”。近年来的研究表明,青蒿茶浸提物和口服该植物的干叶具有预防和治疗效果。在青蒿叶中存在的复杂化学物质基质似乎增强了青蒿素的生物利用度和功效。尽管这些植物化学物质在抗疟疾活性方面约比青蒿素弱1000倍,但主要是包括其他青蒿素化合物、萜类化合物(主要是单萜和倍半萜)、类黄酮类和多酚酸的小分子。此外,青蒿叶的多糖成分可能增强了青蒿素的生物利用度。啮齿动物的药代动力学研究显示,在接受青蒿叶治疗的Plasmodium chabaudi感染小鼠中,T1/2和Tmax更长,Cmax和AUC更大,而在健康小鼠中则相对较小。在健康小鼠中,与纯青蒿素喂养的小鼠相比,接受干叶青蒿素的小鼠血清中青蒿素水

CN1680388A青蒿素的提取方法|Extraction of artemisine

本发明公开一种提取青蒿素的方法,包括采用60~70%的乙醇为溶剂浸提原料青蒿叶,还包括:1)沉淀:调节浸提液pH值到7.5~8.0,使大部分杂质沉淀,过滤并调节母液pH值6.5~7.0;2)减压浓缩:将母液浓缩至原体积的8~1 5%,冷却除杂;3)结晶:加等量70%乙醇加热至溶解,静置析出粗结晶;4)重结晶:用热石油醚溶解粗结晶,静置分离后,得到精品。本发明采用生石灰粉CaO作为沉淀剂,既沉淀了大部分杂质,又易于结晶的形成,同时降低了成本,并采用石油醚作为的重结晶溶剂,重结晶效果优于酒精,利用本发明得到青蒿素精品总收率大于0.4%。   青蒿素的提取方法 技术领域: 本发明涉及一种中药提取方法,特别涉及从菊科植物青蒿中提取青蒿素的方法。 背景技术: 青蒿素是我国科学家在1971年首次从菊科植物黄花蒿(Artemisiaannua Linn)提取出的具有新型结构的倍半萜内酯。纯青蒿素为无色针状晶体,熔点150~153℃,比旋光度[α]D 23+75°至+78°(无水乙醇),味苦,易溶于苯、

New Japanese Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Behind Explosion of Cancer Cases in Japan during the Pandemic|日本最新研究表明,mRNA 疫苗是大流行病期间日本癌症病例激增的幕后推手

A new Japanese study ties “statistically significant” increases in particular kinds of cancers in the country in the period 2020-2022 to the administration of mRNA vaccines. These cancers include ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. Importantly, the study demonstrates that neither COVID-19 itself nor “reduced cancer care” as a result of the lockdowns is likely to be responsible for these increases. The study’s abstract explains the motivation for t


Roger in Long Vax

CN101569601A具有祛痘功能的组合物及其应用|CN101569601A Compound with acne-removing function and its application

CN101569601A具有祛痘功能的组合物及其应用 CN101569601A Compound with acne-removing function and its application 具有祛痘功能的组合物及其应用 本发明公开了一种具有祛痘功能的组合物及其应用,该组合物按重量份计由下述组分组成:青蒿素母液1~10份、乳木果油5~100份;其能平衡油脂分泌,去除老化角质,疏通毛孔,杀菌消炎,并能促进细胞新陈代谢,修复受损肌肤,在祛痘的同时除印、平疤,长期使用可以有效抑制痤疮生成,还原健康肌肤,且安全无毒;以本发明组合物为活性成分,与一种或多种化妆品可接受的载体按照常规制备方法可以制成各种剂型的祛痘化妆品,满足广大痤疮患者的迫切需要,具有良好的应用前景;此外,本发明将青蒿素母液变废为宝,充分回收利用资源,可以提高经济效益和社会效益。   具有祛痘功
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