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青蒿、青蒿素和 2015 年诺贝尔医学奖 – 一种抗癌植物



背景: 青蒿素是一种天然提取物,来自一种称为青蒿(青蒿)的植物,用作治疗疟疾的药物。迄今为止,它拯救了数百万人的生命,其发现者屠呦呦女士因此获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖( 参考文献 )。


它的发现可以追溯到 1969 年。当全世界都在寻找一种对氯喹(另一种具有强大抗癌潜力的元素)具有抗药性的疟疾的治疗方法时,屠呦呦萌生了筛选中草药的想法。她首先查阅历史上的中医经典,亲自走访全国各地的中医医师。在筛选了 2000 种传统中药配方并制成 380 种草药提取物后,一种有效的化合物,即青蒿(Artemisia annua),用于治疗疟疾的“间歇性发烧”。这是青蒿素的完整故事:  http://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674 (11)00950-0


此外,青蒿素和青蒿素衍生化合物已被证明具有抗病毒、抗炎、抗寄生虫、抗过敏、抗纤维化、抗心律失常、免疫调节和避孕作用,并且发现这些药物对自身免疫具有活性。疾病(参考文献1、参考文献 2参考文献 3)。青蒿还能杀死人类体内的血吸虫病寄生虫(参考文献1、参考文献2)。





青蒿叶中存在复杂的化学物质基质,似乎增强了青蒿素的生物利用度和功效。在健康小鼠中,喂食干叶的小鼠的青蒿素血清水平比喂食纯青蒿素的小鼠高 40 倍以上。同样,人体试验数据表明,当以干叶形式给药时,与纯青蒿素相比,获得治疗反应所需的青蒿素数量要少 40 倍。(参考


然而,当使用整个植物时,我们可能会得到不同的结果。其原因之一可能与以下事实有关:根据地区的不同,所使用的物种也多种多样,例如 苦艾、青蒿、非洲苦艾、毛细蒿。韩国艾草)、普通艾草(普通艾草)和亚洲艾草(亚洲艾草)。它们都属于同一物种,并且在非洲(A. afra)、亚洲(A. asiatica)、中国(A. annua)、远东(A. capillaries)和欧洲(A. capillaries)的传统医学中享有广泛和相似的用途。 .苦艾)。虽然上述各种物种都预计具有抗癌作用,但我会尽量确保我们使用 青蒿 ,因为这是在抗癌作用方面研究最多的物种。

可能导致不同患者出现不同结果的另一点是全植物提取物的制备方法。这是由于自检测青蒿素以来已知青蒿素的水溶性差所致。屠呦呦一开始在温水中提取青蒿素,抗疟效果不一致。直到她查阅了有关中医传统用途的原始历史记录(《急救方剂手册》,《后备济方》,洪阁着,公元前 281-340 年),她才认识到压汁而不是热水建议提取。




“青蒿素是青蒿的成分,是一种众所周知的抗疟药。青蒿素类药物还在体外和体内抑制癌症生长。青蒿草本提取物可抑制癌细胞系的生长。在此,我们报道使用青蒿粉末胶囊治疗宠物肉瘤。手术切除肿瘤作为标准治疗,并辅以青蒿辅助治疗。一只患有纤维肉瘤的猫和一只狗分别存活了 40 个月和 37 个月,肿瘤没有复发。另外两只患有纤维肉瘤和血管内皮肉瘤的狗也表现出完全缓解,并且分别在 39 个月和 26 个月后仍然存活。青蒿的耐受性良好,没有明显的副作用。这四个案例表明青蒿可能是一种有前途的癌症治疗草药。”

“在决定使用Luparte ®后,测量了血清铁(正常范围在 140 至 170 µg/dL 之间)。在抽血和从临床诊断实验室获取血清铁结果之间,给予铁剂p。奥比德或每3天肌注一次以标记铁亲和恶性细胞。口服铁的初始“盲”剂量(例如Ferrosanol ®胶囊 100 mg)约为 100 mg/30 kg bid 或约 100 mg/10 kg 体重 Ursoferran 每周两次。在整个治疗期间持续施用铁,并调整以将铁水平维持在 250 ± 30 µg/dL。从第四天开始,对动物进行治疗。o。每日两至三次,同时服用一粒青蒿胶囊(猫 150 毫克,狗 450 毫克)。”



  • 口服青蒿琥酯治疗结直肠癌的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照初步研究。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26137537


    • 该研究中青蒿琥酯的剂量为口服 200 毫克,每天服用 14 天,手术前 48-72 小时停止用药。
  • 用蒿甲醚治疗垂体大腺瘤的病例报告 http://ict.sagepub.com/content/5/4/391.refs
    患者口服蒿甲醚 12 个月。尽管肿瘤大小保持一致,但 CT 扫描显示其密度降低,临床上,随着治疗的进展,相关症状和体征显着缓解。
  • 青蒿琥酯治疗喉鳞状细胞癌病例报告 青蒿


    • 治疗第一天,餐后下午 2:00 口服含有硫酸亚铁 (150 mg) 和叶酸 (0.5 mg) 的胶囊。从第一天(01/22/2001)到第15天(02/05/2001)每天晚上10:00注射青蒿琥酯(每天60毫克肌注;Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad, India)。从第 16 天 (02/06/2001) 开始,每天晚餐后晚上 10:00 口服一粒青蒿琥酯(50 mg;Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad, India)。
  • 青蒿琥酯治疗转移性葡萄膜黑色素瘤的首次经验。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16273263
    我们报告了两名癌症患者首次接受 ART 联合标准化疗的长期治疗。这些患有转移性葡萄膜黑色素瘤的患者在单独使用标准化疗无法有效阻止肿瘤生长后,接受了同情用药的治疗。该治疗方案耐受性良好,除了单独标准化疗引起的副作用外,没有其他副作用。一名患者在福莫司汀加用 ART 后出现暂时反应,而在单独使用福莫司汀治疗时疾病正在进展。第二位患者在达卡巴嗪联合抗逆转录病毒治疗后,病情首先得到稳定,随后脾脏和肺转移出现客观消退。该患者在首次诊断为 IV 期葡萄膜黑色素瘤后 47 个月仍然活着,这种情况的中位生存期为 2-5 个月。

  • 自然疗法中青蒿素治疗前列腺癌的初步病例系列 在
    之前接受过 RP 的患者中,2/5 (40%)
    在青蒿素治疗后 PSA 动力学得到改善。在之前没有 RP 的患者中,5/10 (50%) 的 PSA 动力学有所改善。没有患者出现转移迹象,也没有患者死亡。没有不良反应的报道。
  • 青蒿琥酯联合长春瑞滨联合顺铂治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌:一项随机对照
    试验与对照组。青蒿素120mg,每日1次静脉注射,第1天至第8天,连续8天。至少进行了两次 21 天的治疗周期。
  • 据报道可降低乳腺癌和骨肉瘤患者转移的发生率和风险(


2021 年 4 月更新:最近的评论中列出了更多研究https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7564301/




癌细胞和疟原虫都会吸收铁,其积累量是正常细胞储存量的 1000 倍。在肿瘤中,这是因为癌细胞在细胞表面表达高浓度的转铁蛋白受体,并且通过转铁蛋白机制比正常细胞具有更高的铁离子流入。细胞分裂过程中 DNA 复制需要铁。给疟疾或癌症患者服用青蒿素会破坏这些异常细胞,而正常细胞不受影响。这种铁依赖性细胞死亡称为铁死亡。癌细胞积累的铁越多,青蒿素疗法起作用的机会就越高。因此,有人建议在青蒿素给药前几个小时添加铁,以增强治疗的细胞毒性和选择性(但我不会补充铁)。




  • 磷酸肌醇 3-激酶(参考文献
  • Akt(参考
  • NF-κB 激活(参考
  • TNF-α(参考
  • IL-6(参考
  • HIF1 和 VEGF(参考
  • 青蒿素改善葡萄糖稳态(增加 GABA 信号传导并阻止 α 细胞分泌胰高血糖素,从而使 α 细胞获得 β 细胞特征(参考文献


青蒿素的半衰期约为3-4小时,青蒿琥酯为40分钟,蒿甲醚为12小时。血浆浓度峰值在 1-2 小时内出现。




配方来源 1: 来自维基百科:其制备方法在一篇 1,600 年前的文本中描述,标题为“紧急处方保持袖子”。起初,它不起作用,因为他们用传统的沸水提取它。屠呦呦发现可以通过低温提取工艺从植物中分离出有效的抗疟物质;屠说,她受到了葛洪于公元340年撰写的《救急方手册》的影响,其中指出这种草药应该用冷水浸泡。

书中对此药有有益的参考:读了中国古代医学描述后,“取青蒿一束,浸二升(∼0.4升)水,拧干取汁,全服。” ”。(参考)屠夫重读了配方后,发现热水已经破坏了植物中的活性成分;因此,她提出了一种用低温乙醚提取有效化合物的方法。动物试验表明它对小鼠和猴子完全有效。

配方来源2: 李的团队还开发了含有青蒿素的栓剂来治疗脑型疟疾,目前已在非洲的野外诊所使用。使用栓剂缩短治疗时间可以提高生存率。(参考

配方来源 3: 青蒿素可溶于乙醇(参考文献)。因此可以用乙醇提取青蒿素及其他主要物质:将5g干粉加入10ml乙醇中,放置3天后使用。


参考资料 1:在刚果民主共和国,54 名感染疟疾的志愿者接受了含有青蒿叶粉的胶囊治疗 10 天。每名患者服用15克干叶,含15毫克青蒿素(叶子中青蒿素含量=0.1%[38])。2 天后,所有受试者均不再发烧,10 天后,51 名(或 94%)受试者体内没有寄生虫。(参考

参考文献 2:在中非班吉一项旨在预防严重术后疟疾的研究中,向 25 名患者服用青蒿叶粉末胶囊,其中 22 名患者年龄为 1-16 岁[24]。治疗持续时间为 3-4 天,剂量为 0.4-0.5 克/天的青蒿干叶(0.1% 青蒿素叶含量),提供 0.4-0.5 毫克/天的青蒿素。尽管青蒿素的日剂量非常低,但患者的平均寄生虫血症下降了 62%,并且具有强烈的镇痛反应,特别是对术后患者有益。(参考

参考文献 3:对 227 名疟疾患者服用青蒿素,第 1 天服用 1000 毫克,随后在第 2-7 天每天服用 500 毫克(参考文献)。饮食是任何口服药物的一个重要考虑因素,当 Dien 等人进行比较时无论是否与食物一起口服青蒿素,禁食和不禁食的受试者之间的 Cmax 值相似。与青蒿素一起食用似乎不会影响青蒿素的吸收。相比之下,Weathers 等人后来进行的一项啮齿动物研究发现,当青蒿素作为复杂植物材料 pACT 的一部分被食用时,进入小鼠血清的药物比口服纯药物大约多 45 倍。

同样,当给小鼠喂食纯青蒿素时,60 分钟后在血清中检测不到青蒿素。然而,当与小鼠饲料一起食用时,在血清中检测到了青蒿素,小鼠饲料由多种植物材料组成,包括大豆、燕麦、小麦、苜蓿、甜菜浆、玉米等(参考文献

参考4:青蒿素含量为干重的0.02%至1.1%。6 青蒿素及其半合成衍生物用于以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法中的抗疟治疗,每日剂量在 100 至 200 毫克之间(参考文献


  • 蒿甲醚 + 苯芴醇(参考
  • 双氢青蒿素 + 哌喹(参考


以下是他们在这项研究中准备和服用艾蒿茶的方法:“在艾蒿治疗组中,患者每天饮用 0.33 升青蒿或阿夫拉输液,每天 3 次,持续 7 天。浸剂制备如下:将青蒿或阿芙拉干叶和嫩枝5g加入1L沸水中,浸泡10分钟,并通过灭菌的1mm筛网过滤。(参考


  1. 青蒿素的给药剂量为 500 至 1000 毫克/天
  2. 即使整株植物的青蒿素含量低得多,就达到血液中特定水平而言,整株植物比青蒿素胶囊更好
  3. 全植物茶浸液会导致半衰期缩短,需要每天服用 4 次(参考文献
  4. 整株干叶比茶水更好,但茶水比纯青蒿素更好(参考文献
  5. 干燥的植物叶子可能会更好,并且每天给患者服用高达 15 克的干燥叶子,持续至少 7 天。在另一项研究中,患者每天服用 0.5 克,仍然有效。在另一项研究中,服用 2-5 片 500 毫克干左旋糖苷,第一天两次,然后在接下来的 5 天内每天两次服用 1-4 片,可有效抗疟疾(参考文献
  6. 整个植物似乎在饭前或饭后服用时效果最好(参考文献


  • 口服青蒿干叶胶囊比纯药效果 更佳。(参考文献1、参考文献 2参考文献 3参考文献 4
    • 它可以在网上找到整株植物或胶囊(或在家种植)
    • 干叶粉的使用剂量为0.5g/天至15g/天;我会从每天 5 克开始,然后将剂量增加到每天 5 克左右(参考文献
    • 餐中或餐后服用
    • 将每日剂量分两次或多次给药
    • 青蒿素化合物抑制其自身吸收。停止使用青蒿素化合物可迅速使吸收恢复正常。因此,最好在周末停止服用青蒿素化合物。
  • 口服热水中的青蒿干叶
    • 晒干的生命可以在热水中煮沸
    • 5 克/天干叶(或 25 克新鲜叶)(参考
    • 一整天都喝
    • 缺点是味道苦
    • 缺点是与以胶囊形式服用的干叶相比,其效果可能较差
  • 口服冷水或乙醇中的青蒿干叶
    • 我需要进一步澄清这个表述,因为它可能非常相关
  • 与干叶相比,口服青蒿素或其他衍生物的效果较差,但许多人仍在使用
    • 可以在网上找到胶囊
    • 使用剂量为 2 mg/kg/天或更高;通常服用 100 毫克/天至 1000 毫克/天
    • 通常在饭前 30 分钟服用 - 人们普遍认为需要空腹服用,因为食物中的铁会与青蒿素化合物发生反应 - 然而大多数临床试验和轶事报告表明反应是在餐时或饭后服用
    • 青蒿素、青蒿琥酯和蒿甲醚最好联合使用
    • 将每日剂量分两次给药
    • 青蒿素化合物抑制其自身吸收。停止使用青蒿素化合物可迅速使吸收恢复正常。因此,最好在周末停止服用青蒿素化合物。
  • 静脉注射给药
    • 通常以青蒿琥酯的形式给药,每周几次
    • 通常每日剂量为300mg或5mg/kg/天
    • 在 250ml NaCl 溶液中给药约一小时
      (IV 给药基于德国诊所的最佳实践)
  • 其他的:
    • 避免使用谷胱甘肽补充剂或其他强抗氧化剂(例如 NAC),因为它们可能会抵消青蒿素化合物的促氧化抗癌作用


  • 在青蒿素治疗前几天和青蒿素治疗期间服用铁补充剂将增强治疗的效果(出于安全原因,如果患者决定服用,我会确保铁剂服用和青蒿素之间有几个小时的间隔 - 但就我个人而言,我不会使用铁)
  • 与约 3g/天剂量的丁酸钠组合可以增强青蒿素化合物的有效性。丁酸钠是一种具有抗癌作用的物质,可以在网上找到作为补充剂。
  • 早餐后和午餐后服用维生素C,可增强胃对铁的吸收,使铁在服用青蒿素之前到达肿瘤
  • 不建议与放射治疗同时使用,因为死亡癌细胞的铁渗漏会损害健康细胞




在正常人每天服用 8 毫克/公斤/天单药青蒿琥酯的短期研究中,味觉改变和网织红细胞计数轻微减少是唯一注意到的副作用。(参考




其他相互作用和协同作用:  http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2012/247597/tab3/


青蒿 – 整株植物:

  • 在线食品补充剂公司


  • 网上食品补充剂公司


  • 每瓶 250 至 300 毫克的价格约为 50 欧元。来源之一是Burg Apotheke


  • 一位来自德国的女士,擅长种植蒿(参考文献









方法:通过影像技术(MRT、闪烁扫描、SPECT/CT)和临床化学标准参数的血液检查进行临床诊断。对福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋的肿瘤材料进行免疫组织化学测定多种生物标志物(环加氧酶-2 (COX2)、表皮生长因子受体 (EGFR)、谷胱甘肽 S-转移酶 P1 (GSTP1)、Ki-67、MYC)的表达、氧化低密度脂蛋白(凝集素样)受体 1 (LOX1)、p53、P-糖蛋白、转铁蛋白受体(TFR、CD71)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、血管性血友病因子(CD31))。已将免疫组织化学表达与两种前列腺癌细胞系(PC-3、DU-145)中这些标记物基于微阵列的 mRNA 表达进行了比较。

结果:一名前列腺癌患者(pT3bN1M1,格里森评分 8 (4+4))的前列腺特异性抗原 (PSA) 水平 >800 µg/l。经过巴卡妥胺短期治疗(50 mg/d,14天)和青蒿胶囊长期口服治疗(连续5×50 mg/d)后,PSA水平降至0.98 µg/l。MRT、闪烁扫描和 SPECT/CT 证实肿瘤缓解。七个月后,PSA 和 ostase 水平升高,表明肿瘤复发和骨骼转移。

用青蒿酯注射液(2 × 150 mg,每周两次,静脉注射)替代青蒿胶囊并不能阻止肿瘤复发。PSA 和 ostase 水平分别升至 1245 µg/l 和 434 U/l,MRT 显示进行性骨骼转移,表明肿瘤获得了耐药性。与青蒿素耐药的 DU-145 细胞相比,患者活检中 MYC、TFR 和 VEGFC 的高表达与这些标记物在青蒿素敏感的 PC-3 细胞中的高表达相对应。


青蒿 – 药理学和生物技术






2006 年 Willmar Schwabe 奖:青蒿素的抗疟原虫和抗肿瘤活性——从实验室到临床。





从古代草药到现代药物:青蒿和青蒿素用于癌症治疗。 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28254675

青蒿在整个亚洲和非洲被用作茶和压榨汁来治疗疟疾和相关症状(发烧、发冷)。其活性成分青蒿素(ARS)已被开发为抗疟药并在全世界范围内使用。有趣的是,生物活性不仅限于疟疾治疗。我们和其他人发现 ARS 类药物在体外和体内也具有抗癌作用。在这篇综述中,我们对过去二十年直至 2016 年底发表的文献进行了系统概述。与其他天然产物一样,ARS 以多特异性方式对抗肿瘤。

ARS及其衍生物(二氢青蒿素、青蒿酯、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚)对癌细胞的细胞反应包括活性氧和一氧化氮的氧化应激反应、DNA损伤和修复(碱基切除修复、同源重组、非同源末端连接) )、多种细胞死亡模式(凋亡、自噬、铁死亡、坏死、坏死性凋亡、肿瘤死亡)、抑制血管生成和肿瘤相关信号转导通路(如Wnt/β-catenin通路、AMPK通路、转移通路等)和信号传感器(NF-κB、MYC/MAX、AP-1、CREBP、mTOR 等)。ARS 类药物位于诊所的楼梯上。

一些已发表的病例报告和 I/II 期试验表明这些化合物具有临床抗癌活性。由于出现意外的肝毒性,不建议将 ARS 类药物与补充和替代药物联合使用,直到对照临床试验证明未经批准的联合治疗的安全性。

青蒿素类药物的癌症联合疗法 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006295217301818


在本综述中,我对青蒿素类药物与不同类型的细胞毒药物和治疗方式联合使用时的协同和相加作用进行了全面概述:(a)标准化疗药物,(b)放射治疗和光动力治疗,(c)用于癌症以外其他适应症的既定药物,(d) 新型合成化合物,(e) 天然产物和天然产物衍生物,(f) 治疗性抗体和重组蛋白,以及 (g) RNA 干扰。我还总结了青蒿素类药物对多重耐药细胞和具有其他耐药现象的肿瘤细胞的活性。由于协同相互作用不仅可能发生在肿瘤细胞中,还考虑了正常细胞中的毒性反应(肝毒性、药物相互作用)。这篇综述总结了截至2016年底20多年来的科学文献。

一项大型临床试验中青蒿和红蒿茶浸剂对血吸虫病的影响 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30466622

结果:在 800 名入组患者中,每个粪便样本平均含有 > 700 个曼氏血吸虫卵,其中 780 名完成了试验。治疗 14 天内,所有接受艾蒿治疗的患者在粪便涂片中均未检测到虫卵,这一结果在治疗后 28 天持续有效。D21 后,PZQ 治疗患者的粪便涂片中检测不到虫卵。参加试验的男性患黑便的人数多于女性,但男女对治疗的反应均相同。到D28,所有患者的黑便都消失了。

在所有组中,从 D0 到 D28,嗜酸性粒细胞水平下降了约 27%。从 D0 到 D28,PZQ 和 A. afra 治疗的患者血红蛋白增加幅度大于青蒿治疗的患者。与用 A. afra 治疗的患者相比,用 PZQ 或 A. annua 治疗的患者从 D0 到 D28 的血细胞比容增加更大。性别比较表明,经 D28 治疗的雄性青蒿处理的血红蛋白和血细胞比容显着高于经 PZQ 或青蒿处理的雄性。相比之下,经 PZQ 和 A. afra 处理的雌性比经 A. annua 处理的雌性具有更大的血红蛋白和血细胞比容增加。与 PZQ 治疗相比,使用青蒿治疗的成人和儿童患者的反应都更好。







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from my reading around the chemistry and pharmacokinetics of Artemisia Annua it’s clear it is an unusual herb in several respects.
1, the active components are mainly found in tiny structures on the surface of the leaves and flowers/pre-flower buds in the top 1/3 of the plant – this is important when sourcing the herb as many sources out there are mainly stalks and stems ground up.
2, the active components in it ( notably artimisin – but also others) are heat, light and air sensitive – so drying and processing conditions are critical – to maintain the finished product potency
3, the herb is grown commercially in many countries for malaria medicine – and often high yield varieties are used that have 2-5x higher levels of active components – especially where it is grown for sudo-pharmacological drug production – but currently, herb suppliers do not typically have validated information about their sources – or the raw herb or finished herb product potency.
4, the chemicals in it have unusual absorption/excretion profile in humans/mammals – artemisinin blood concentrations in the blood are highest on the first day of dosing and fall rapidly to 25% of those by day 8. for this reason effective treatments are likely to be those that dose sufficiently from day 1 and continue for a relatively short course ( approx 30-40 days max ) – rather than slowly ramping up – or long-term use.

I highlight the above as I think it’s important for more of us to question our herb sources and ask for information on, growing processing and storage conditions, and concentration of active components in the herbs we buy. in the way, the industry will respond over time by providing more of this essential information to its customers. I also believe natural medicine should make the best use of the science we have available to us at this time, as well as the traditional and anecdotal resources.

I do not have references to hand but much of the above information is available online if you look for it – my knowledge of this herb stemmed from my initial reading of work by Stephen Buhner – a world renowned herbalist – and the references he cited in his books

if anyone locates a source of whole Artemesia Annua herb that can validate the above potency questions I would be very interested. As, other than growing your own, it seems very hard to find.


1. 其活性成分主要存在于叶子和花/花蕾的表面微小结构中,位于植物的顶部1/3处 - 这在采购草药时非常重要,因为许多来源主要是切碎的茎和枝。
2. 其中的活性成分(尤其是青蒿素 - 但也包括其他成分)对热、光和空气敏感 - 因此干燥和加工条件至关重要 - 以保持成品的效力。
3. 青蒿草在许多国家商业种植用于疟疾药物 - 通常使用高产量品种,其活性成分含量是普通品种的2-5倍 - 特别是在用于伪药物生产的情况下 - 但目前,草药供应商通常没有关于其来源的验证信息 - 或原始草药或成品草药的效力。
4. 其中的化学物质在人类/哺乳动物中有不寻常的吸收/排泄特性 - 青蒿素在血液中的浓度在第一天用药时最高,然后迅速下降至第8天的25%。因此,有效的治疗可能是从第1天开始足够剂量的治疗,并进行相对较短的疗程(最多约30-40天) - 而不是缓慢增加 - 或长期使用。


我手头没有参考资料,但上述大部分信息可以在线找到 - 我对这种草药的了解源自我最初阅读史蒂芬·布纳(Stephen Buhner)的著作以及他在书中引用的参考资料。


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about the best sources you mentioned for capsules , the doses are not clear …

example : http://www.iherb.com/Nutricology-Super-Artemisinin-60-Veggie-Caps/3484

this one : is it 200mg/capsule ? or 180mg ?

for low doses capsules , to get better results (5g/day) we need to consume about 25 capsules daily !

this will make it hard and expensive , but may be the best !?


the powder here looks cheap even if you take high doses

but I really don’t know which one is better against cancer ?










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about the best sources you mentioned for capsules , the doses are not clear …

example : http://www.iherb.com/Nutricology-Super-Artemisinin-60-Veggie-Caps/3484

this one : is it 200mg/capsule ? or 180mg ?

for low doses capsules , to get better results (5g/day) we need to consume about 25 capsules daily !

this will make it hard and expensive , but may be the best !?


the powder here looks cheap even if you take high doses

but I really don’t know which one is better against cancer ?










Hi Emad, the point of the article above is that the whole plant (Artemisia Annua) may be more effective than the pure Artemisinin.

The dose of 5g/day and up to even 15g/day was connected to the whole plant such as that from teemana from Germany.

On the other hand, the pure extract such as the Super Artemisinin cited above is usually taken at a daily dose of 100mg up to 1000mg.

I hope this clarifies things.



每天5克甚至高达15克的剂量与来自德国 teemana 的整株植物相关联。

另一方面,像上面提到的 Super Artemisinin 这样的纯提取物通常每天服用100毫克到1000毫克。


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I want to take sodium butyrate with it , is it better to administrate it before or with or after the artemisinin ?

do you know a good source for sodium butyrate ? there is a lot in amazon.com and I don’t know which one is the best



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This brand is what I bought http://healthygoods.com/sodium-butyrate-100-capsules.html but Sodium Butyrate has such a bad smell … so that my wife never use it and I would also not do it. Only touching the capsule and your hand will smell bad the entire day 🙂


我购买的是这个品牌http://healthygoods.com/sodium-butyrate-100-capsules.html 但丁酸钠有一种很难闻的气味…以至于我妻子从不使用它,我也不愿意。只要碰一下胶囊,你的手整天都会闻到难闻的气味 🙂

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@daniel. why did you say your personally wouldn’t do the Iron if getting IV Art??



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Hi Nicole,

It is well known in the scientific literature that cancer cells usually increase the input of iron and inhibit its output, leading to intracellular iron accumulation. Given this fact, it is natural to expect that cancer cells have accumulated enough Iron.

If cancer cells don’t have enough Iron, it means they can not develop, and I woudl be happy to keep that status, while I would find it risky to give them fuel for division when they don’t have enough iron. If on the other hand, cancer cells have enough Iron (as we woudl expect based on science), there is no point to further supplement.

Furthermore, it has been shown that the availability of extracellular Iron reduces the effectiveness of Vitamin C https://www.nature.com/articles/srep05955 and I woudl expect the same applies to Artemisinin.
(I discussed this paper some years back here https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-cancer/ )

In this context, the authors in the paper above even suggested it may be best to use Iron chelators prior to the use of Vitamin C in cancer therapy in order to remove some of the extracellular iron, and as a result enhance the effect of Vitamin C. This concept woudl apply to Artemisinin treatment strategy as well, and we therefore could argue it is even the opposite to the concept of using Iron prior to Artemisinin that is often promoted online (which is logical at first, without going into the details mentioned above).

Iron chelator typically used at integrative clinics is EDTA.

Kind regards,






此外,已经有研究表明,细胞外铁的可用性会降低维生素C的有效性 https://www.nature.com/articles/srep05955 ,我认为同样的情况也适用于青蒿素。
(我在几年前在这里讨论过这篇论文 https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-cancer/ ) 




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Hi Daniel,

U have been doing a very good job and it gives hope to everyone who’s fighting this kind of disease.
Can you also pls explain which supplements/ food should not be taken or what time gap should be maintained along with artemisinin.






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Hi PS, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding your question, I think Arte is similar to Vitamin C, i,e, one of the main anticancer mechanism is based on its interaction with Fe. So you want to have Arte reaching the cancer cell in order to interact with intracellular Fe and kill cancer cells. Due to this, I would avoid taking Arte with or after high Fe containing foods as it may end up reacting with Fe before reaching its target. Taking Fe chelators prior to Arte may help too. Kind regards.


嗨 PS,感谢反馈。关于你的问题,我认为青蒿素类似于维生素C,即,其主要的抗癌机制之一是基于它与铁的相互作用。因此,你希望青蒿素达到癌细胞,以便与细胞内铁发生作用并杀死癌细胞。由于这个原因,我会避免在高铁含量的食物中服用青蒿素,因为它可能在到达目标之前与铁发生反应。在服用青蒿素之前服用铁螯合剂也可能有所帮助。亲切的问候。

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Thanks for replying.

Also, would like to know if there may be interference of antioxidants with Arte. Should one continue curcumin, carrot juice (oxylates), vitamin C, asparagus, baking soda, wheatgrass, other vitamin and mineral supplements with Arte. If so, what time gap in your opinion will be reasonable to avoid any interference.




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Hi Daniel,
You have given a very brief literature on Artimesia Annua on MALARIA & CANCER .
1.Leaf powder of art.annua what is the dosage for cancer treatment ?
2. What is the period of dosage ?
3. Along with cannibis oil Artmisia annua can be taken ?
Kindly clarify.


1. 对于癌症治疗,青蒿素的叶粉剂剂量是多少?
2. 剂量周期是多长?
3. 青蒿素和大麻油可以一起服用吗?

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Hi, thanks for your questions:
1. the answer is in the post
2. i would probably check after one month if there is still progression or not and continue or stop accordingly
3. I am not aware of any interaction between the two so I would use them at the same time


1. 答案在帖子中。
2. 我可能会在一个月后检查是否仍然存在进展,并相应地继续或停止。
3. 我不知道两者之间是否有任何相互作用,所以我会同时使用它们。

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I found the case report about fatal connection Artesuante + NaDCA:


1. What do you think? Is it safe to use both medicaments together? How about connection of Artemisinin and NaDCA, both orally administrated?

2. And how about using anti oxidants? I know it is not recommended, but shoud it be stopped at all or it is enough to take Artemisinin a few hours after anti oxidants?

3. Is Artesuante better than Artemisinin in cancer treatment?

Thank you for your help 🙂

Best regards,


我找到了关于致命联系 Artesuante + NaDCA 的案例报告:


1. 你认为怎么样?同时使用这两种药物安全吗?口服青蒿素和NaDCA的连接如何?

2. 使用抗氧化剂怎么样?我知道不建议使用,但是是完全停止还是只需要在抗氧化剂几小时后服用青蒿素就足够了?

3. 在癌症治疗中,Artesuante 是否比 Artemisinin 更好?



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Hi Rob, I’ve been using NaDCA and artemisinin tea for a while now and have not experienced any worsening in liver enzymes, etc. I haven’t been taking a large dose of artemisinin though, just one cup daily generally.



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Hi Rob,

Thank you Meech for helping out with teh response.

1. I would not worry about combining the two as long as they are used in the oral version both. But if that is given IV, I would indeed follow the treatments with blood tests every week or so.

2. In general, I would not worry about combination with anti oxidants unless you use very strong anti oxidants such as NAC. If that is the case, I would indeed give them some hours latter or even better stop them while using pro oxidant treatments. When the treatments are performed IV, I would clearly not combine anti oxidants with pro oxidants, not even days latter, as the antioxidants will cancel out the effects of the pro oxidant treatments. That is based on facts. To be clear, I am speaking about the use of strong antioxidants such as NAC and ALA.

3. It doesn’t really matter because of the following: if given orally I prefer the whole plant from an effectiveness point of view; if given IV only Artesunate is available (so far and to my knowledge).

Note: Based on personal experience Artesunate combined with Vitamin C, both given IV, may lead to decline of hemoglobin so I would avoid this combination – however, this change is reversible and hemoglobin will come back once the treatment is ended.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,


嗨 Rob,

谢谢 Meech 的帮助。

1. 只要两者都是口服版本,我不会担心它们的结合。但如果是静脉注射,我确实会在治疗后每周进行一次血液检查或者更频繁一些。

2. 一般来说,我不会担心与抗氧化剂的结合,除非你使用非常强的抗氧化剂,比如 NAC。如果是这种情况,我会在之后几个小时内甚至更好地停止它们,或者在使用氧化剂治疗时停止它们。当治疗是静脉注射时,我绝对不会在氧化剂治疗中结合抗氧化剂,甚至是几天后,因为抗氧化剂会取消氧化剂治疗的效果。这是基于事实的。要明确,我说的是对于如 NAC 和 ALA 这样的强抗氧化剂的使用。

3. 这并不重要,因为以下原因:如果是口服给药,从有效性的角度来看,我更喜欢整株植物;如果是静脉注射,目前我只知道有 Artesunate 可用。

注:根据个人经验,静脉注射的 Artesunate 与维生素 C 结合使用可能导致血红蛋白下降,所以我会避免这种组合——然而,这种变化是可逆的,一旦治疗结束,血红蛋白就会恢复。



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Thank you for the answer and detailed explanation. I’m fighting with rectal cancer in a member of my family. It was diagnosed about 3 months ago and it is stage 3 (T3N1). The patient has also advanced cardiovascular disease CVD. Beacuse of coronary artery disease the chemotherapy was banned. Currently radiotherapy is in progress (5 x5Gy). After about 8 weeks the operation is planned. It is not simple case as we have two serious diseases, patient has 62 years and he its life style was fatal until now, so any changes are difficult to implement… Nevertheless

what I did until now in nutrition and suplementing area:

1. I completely changed the diet: it is now low fat, unprocessed plant only based diet based on rules described by Caldwell Esselstyn (http://www.dresselstyn.com/site/), Colin Campbell (http://nutritionstudies.org/), Dean Ornish (http://deanornish.com/) and finally David Servan-Schreiber (http://www.anticancerbook.com/) to use most anticancer nutrition products.

2. I applied a lot of suplements, extracts and cancer treatmens. I had a few goals:
– elimination of nutritional deficiencies,
– stimulation of the immune system,
– direct fighting with cancer (increasing apoptosis, inhibition of proliferation and angiogenesis),
– stopping CVD and reversal of atherosclerosis,
– necessary supplementation in the vegan diet.

I’ve used until now:
– vitamins: D3, K2-MK4, K2-MK7, C (as acerola extract), B12,
– minerals: zinc and copper (for a change), selenium, iodine, magnesium malate,
– short and long chain Omega3 (ALA from flax/chia/hemp protein and EPA/DHA from microalgal oils),
– others: Q10, CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid), beta-alanine + histidine (for increasing carnosine synthesis), NAC+glycine+glutamine (for increasing glutathion synthesis; I stopped glutamine as I found CRC likes it), astaxanthin,
– lot of plant extracts: piperinum, garlic extract, tumeric (row and as a Theracurmin), black and cayenne pepper (for increasing curcumin bioavailability), milk thistle (row and as a strong silymarin extract – synergistic with curcumin), grape seed (a lot of OPC), cat’s claw, resveratrol, ginkgo biloba, graviola leaves, gotu kola, hylandia dockrillii, ashwagandha, houttuynia, boswellia, olive leafs, green tea, fisetin, broccoli (as row seeds and as BroccoMax), shatavari, echinacea, noni, black cumin, moringa oleifera leaves, quercetin+bromelain, acai, cranberries,
– mushrooms: oyster, cordyceps, chaga, reishi, shitake,
– BioBran (Bibran): http://www.daiwa-pharm.com/english/product/biobran.htmlhttp://www.biobran.org/.

All used extracts has scientifically proven anticancer properties, sometimes in vitro or in mouse/rats, but it
has. Daniel a few more questions to you:

1. As it is not possible to use all of the above extracts and we have 4 weeks to reduce main tumor size, then please let me know what to use and what not. Maybe you also know some bad interactions between the above extracts, then let me know (in example I found that chaga can may magnify the effects of anticoagulant medications such as aspirin which we use; patient also uses beta blockers for hypertension).

2. Regarding curcumin – I found that the best bioavailability has Theracurmin, so I choosed it. Theracurmin is better than BCM-95, BCM-95 is better than row curcumin and row curcumin is better than turmeric. Example research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25994138. Let me know what do you think.

3. I plan to start NaDCA. What doses you suggest and what additions should be used. I found information about thiamine, ALA (alpha lipoic acid) and caffeine (preventing NaDCA-induced neuropathy) and omeoprasole (synergistic effect: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22580646https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3362455/).
Please advice.

4. Currently we use Artemisinin 2 x 200g orally administrated. According to your and Meech information it should be safe with NaDCA. Also, do you know good sources of row Artemisia annua extract?

5. What other treatments you suggest? According to your website (in my opinion the best – congratulations!) I thought about mebendazole, methylglyoxal. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

6. What do you think about BioBran? Treatment is in progress (3 x 1g MGN-3) and is not cheap, so if there is something definitely better then let me know.

7. I found the information about retinoic acid in CRC (https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/?p=137https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160830130817.htm). Retinoic acid it is not easy available and I don’t know what doses should be used in human, but maybe a lot of carrot juice and retinol suplementation would make the same effect?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards,




非常感谢你的回答和详细的解释。我的家人患有直肠癌,我正在与之作斗争。大约3个月前被诊断为3期(T3N1)的癌症。患者还患有晚期心血管疾病。由于冠状动脉疾病,化疗被禁止。目前正在进行放疗(5 x 5Gy)。大约8周后计划手术。这不是一个简单的情况,因为我们有两种严重的疾病,患者已经62岁了,他的生活方式直到现在都是致命的,所以任何变化都很难实施……尽管如此,到目前为止我在营养和补充领域所做的事情有:

1. 我完全改变了饮食:现在是低脂、未加工的植物为主的饮食,基于 Caldwell Esselstyn、Colin Campbell、Dean Ornish 和最后 David Servan-Schreiber 的规则,以使用最抗癌的营养产品。

2. 我应用了大量的补充剂、提取物和癌症治疗方法。我的几个目标是:
   - 消除营养缺乏,
   - 刺激免疫系统,
   - 直接与癌症作斗争(增加细胞凋亡、抑制增殖和血管生成),
   - 阻止心血管疾病并逆转动脉粥样硬化,
   - 在纯素饮食中必要的补充。

   - 维生素:D3、K2-MK4、K2-MK7、C(作为樱桃西红柿提取物)、B12,
   - 矿物质:锌和铜(轮流使用)、硒、碘、苹果酸镁,
   - 短链和长链 Omega3(亚麻籽/奇亚籽/大麻蛋白的ALA和海藻油的EPA/DHA),
   - 其他:Q10、共轭亚油酸(CLA)、α-硫辛酸(Alpha Lipoic Acid)、β-丙氨酸+组氨酸(用于增加肌肉肌酸的合成)、NAC+甘氨酸+谷氨酸(用于增加谷胱甘肽的合成;我停止了谷氨酸,因为我发现 CRC 喜欢它)、虾青素、植物提取物:胡椒碱、大蒜提取物、姜黄素(生和作为 Theracurmin)、黑胡椒和辣椒粉(增加姜黄素的生物利用度)、水飞蓟(生和作为强力水飞蓟提取物 - 与姜黄素协同作用)、葡萄籽(大量的OPC)、猫爪、白藜芦醇、银杏叶、佛手柑叶、阿胶、牛至、乌林麦、乳叶植物、绿茶、花青素、西兰花(作为生籽和 BroccoMax)、天那磨、紫锥菊、诺丽、黑种子、辣木叶、槲皮素+溴酸(Quercetin+bromelain)、巴西莓、蔓越莓、
   - 蘑菇:牡蛎、虫草、灵芝、香菇,
   - BioBran(Bibran):http://www.daiwa-pharm.com/english/product/biobran.html, http://www.biobran.org/


1. 由于不可能使用所有上述提取物,我们有4周的时间来减少主要肿瘤的大小,请告诉我该使用什么,不该使用什么。也许你还知道上述提取物之间的一些不良互动,那么请告诉我(例如,我发现虫草可能会增加抗凝药物(如阿司匹林)的效果,我们使用它;患者还使用β受体阻滞剂治疗高血压)。

2. 关于姜黄素 - 我发现 Theracurmin 的生物利用度最高,所以我选择了它。 Theracurmin 比 BCM-95 好,BCM-95 比生姜黄素好,生姜黄素比姜黄素好。例如研究:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25994138 请告诉我你的看法。

3. 我计划开始使用 NaDCA。你建议使用什么剂量以及应该使用什么添加剂。我找到关于硫胺素、α-硫辛酸和咖啡因(预防 NaDCA 引起的神经病理学)以

及奥美拉唑(协同作用:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22580646、https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3362455/ )的信息。请给予建议。

4. 目前我们口服使用青蒿素 2 x 200g。根据你和 Meech 的信息,与 NaDCA 一起使用应该是安全的。此外,你知道优质的生 Artemisia annua 提取物的来源吗?

5. 你推荐什么其他治疗?根据你的网站(在我看来是最好的 - 祝贺!),我考虑了甲苯咪唑和甲基乙醛。任何建议都将不胜感激。

6. 你对 BioBran 有什么看法?治疗正在进行中(3 x 1g MGN-3),并且不便宜,所以如果有更好的选择,请告诉我。

7. 我发现了关于 CRC 中维甲酸的信息(https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/?p=137、https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160830130817.htm)。维甲酸不容易获取,我不知道在人体中应该使用多少剂量,但也许大量的胡萝卜汁和维生素 A 补充剂会产生相同的效果?



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Dear Rob,

Thank you for the overview and for the nice words regarding the website.

Because your comment was so long it went directly to “Thresh” – I had to restore and approve that – that is why it took a bit more to see it published. If you will make a user account on this page I will not have to approve every of your future comment. It will be immediately visible, unless is detected as a spam due to e.g. too many links or too long, in which case it may go again to “Thresh”.

There are many questions 🙂 I will try to shortly address all and if you have questions following the response just let me know.

1. I recognize most of those supplements but there is no major interaction that comes to my mind, based on my (limited) knowledge about most of them. I would however avoid the use of Zinc and Cooper since they are debatable and specifically Copper since it helps angio genesis.

2. There are many statements about various sources of Curcumin that are better than others. And there is marketing behind that. Curcumin is an extract from Turmeric. Curcumin is the most researched one but Turmeric has other powerful anti cancer components inside. For oral administration I would just pick a 1000mg capsule with piperine and use several of those each day. I would also administer a whole plant capsule with that (Turmeric) in order to get the benefits that may come from the other components. I would take this with some oil, e.g. Omega 3 capsules to help the absorption. With that, I would stop researching for the best source and move to a next treatment. Otherwise we may even write a PhD thesis on it and still not find the best version.

3. With DCA, I would start with 10mg/kg and if no issue increase to 20mg/kg. 5 days on and 2 days off to reduce chance for side effects. If there is serious benefit to the patient that should become visible at this dose. Omeprazole and even more Metformin will both help DCA but also themselves having anti cancer properties. ALA and caffeine indeed help against potential side effects as well as B1. I will once write a post on DCA.

4. I had a good source from Germany – I will search and if I find it I will let you know

5. For CRC Mebendazole is great indeed – up to 1000mg/day but always starting with lower dose with anything new. Quercetin is also very good. For some 3BP works great to debulk fast.

6. No specific opinion. Is a nice to have not necessarily a must have from my point of view. Coriolus can also help a lot the immune system and is cheaper.

7. Retinoic acid is easy available to my knowledge – I do not have the source at hand but if you remind me in the coming days I will give you a link to their website

I hope this answers your questions and helps.

Kind regards,


亲爱的 Rob,




1. 我认识大多数这些补充剂,但根据我对大多数补充剂的(有限)了解,我没有想到重大的相互作用。但是,我会避免使用锌和铜,因为它们是有争议的,特别是铜,因为它有助于血管生成。

2. 关于姜黄素,有许多关于各种来源的声明,其中一些比其他的更好。而且背后有营销。姜黄素是从姜黄中提取出来的。姜黄素是研究最多的,但姜黄中还含有其他强大的抗癌成分。对于口服给药,我只会选择一颗含有胡椒碱的1000毫克胶囊,并每天服用几颗。我还会用整个植物胶囊(姜黄)一起服用,以获得可能来自其他成分的好处。我会用一些油,例如 Omega 3 胶囊来辅助吸收。除此之外,我会停止寻找最佳来源,并转向下一个治疗方法。否则,我们甚至可能会写一篇关于它的博士论文,但仍然找不到最佳版本。

3. 对于 DCA,我会从每公斤体重10毫克开始,如果没有问题,会增加到20毫克。5天用药,2天休息,以减少副作用的机会。如果对患者有严重的益处,这种剂量应该是可见的。奥美拉唑甚至是二甲双胍都会对 DCA 有帮助,但它们自己也具有抗癌特性。ALA 和咖啡因确实有助于减轻潜在的副作用,以及B1。我将在未来写一篇关于 DCA 的文章。

4. 我有一个德国的好来源-如果我找到了,我会告诉您

5. 对于 CRC,甲苯咪唑确实很棒-最多每天1000毫克,但始终从较低剂量开始尝试新的东西。槲皮素也非常好。对于一些人来说,3BP 可以迅速去除大量肿瘤。

6. 没有特定的意见。从我看来,这是一种好东西,而不是必备品。乌头菌也可以极大地帮助免疫系统,并且更便宜。

7. 根据我的了解,维甲酸很容易获取-我手头没有这个网站的链接,但如果您在未来几天提醒我,我会给您一个链接。



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1. I know about Cooper, but it was necessary as I use high doses os Zinc in order to fix its deficiency caused fatal diet before diagnosis. I planned to suplement Zinc for 2-3 months which has just elapse.

2. Whole plant extract of Turmeric is simply Turmeric spice (I already use them), right?

3. What doses of ALA/B1/Omeoprazole/Metformin you suggest in combination withDCA?

5. Mebendazole and Cimetidine just purchased. Quercetin + Bromelain is already used. What about methyloglyohal? There is a lot of good info on your website (https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/?p=1471) and it looks it should works also in CRC (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27455418). Fast research shows Methyloglyoxal, 2-oxopropanal and Pyruvic Aldehyde are the same substances, right? I found it here: https://www.molport.com/shop/moleculelink/2-oxopropanal/1769006. Is that right choice?

6. Coriolus just purchsed.

4,7. Please let me know about good source of Artemisia annua row extract and retinoic acid. I found it here: https://www.molport.com/shop/search-results?searchkey=7FID7IHM2MR5G1B3PNL2SH, but there are a lot of versions: 9-cis-Retinoic Acid, Retinoic Acid, 11-cis Retinoic Acid, 13-cis-Retinoic acid, 13-cis Retinoic Acid Methyl Ester, 4-Oxo-9-cis-Retinoic Acid, 4-Keto 3-cis-Retinoic acid, 4-Keto all-trans-Retinoic Acid, 4-Keto all-trans-Retinoic Acid-d3, 9-cis Retinoic Acid Methyl Ester, 4-Keto all-trans-Retinoic Acid Methyl Ester. I don’t know the differences and don’t know the dosage in humans. To use it I need to be absolutely sure what I’m doing… Any advice?

Thank you very much again for your help!

Best regards,



1. 我知道铜,但由于我在诊断前使用高剂量的锌以修复其缺陷造成的致命饮食,这是必要的。我计划补充锌2-3个月,刚刚过去。

2. 姜黄的全植物提取物就是姜黄香料(我已经在使用它们),对吗?

3. 与 DCA 结合使用时,您建议 ALA/B1/Omeoprazole/Metformin 的剂量是多少?

5. 刚刚购买了甲苯咪唑和西美替丁。槲皮素+菠萝蛋白酶已经在使用中。甲基乙醛怎么样?您的网站上有很多好信息(https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/?p=1471),看起来它在 CRC 中也应该起作用(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27455418)。快速研究显示甲基乙醛、2-氧丙酸醛和丙酮醛是相同的物质,对吗?我在这里找到了它:https://www.molport.com/shop/moleculelink/2-oxopropanal/1769006。这是正确的选择吗?

6. 刚刚购买了冬虫夏草。

4、7. 请告诉我哪里可以找到良好的青蒿素原提取物和维甲酸。我在这里找到了它:https://www.molport.com/shop/search-results?searchkey=7FID7IHM2MR5G1B3PNL2SH,但有很多版本:9-顺式维甲酸、维甲酸、11-顺式维甲酸、13-顺式维甲酸、13-顺式维甲酸甲酯、4-氧基-9-顺式维甲酸、4-酮-3-顺式维甲酸、4-酮全部反式维甲酸、4-酮全部反式维甲酸-d3、9-顺式维甲酸甲酯、4-酮全部反式维甲酸甲酯。我不知道它们的区别,也不知道人体内的剂量。要使用它,我需要绝对确定我在做什么... 有什么建议吗?



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For Metformin, I think Daniel has suggested 1000mg/day.

In my experience, I take 1500mg, spread out as 500mg in the morning, evening, and before bed. I take it in conjunction with DCA.

The only negative side effect I’ve had has been upset stomach and diarrhea. This has completely subsided though, as my body has adapted. It could have also resulted from not taking it with sufficient food.



根据我的经验,我每天服用1500毫克,分为早上、晚上和睡前各500毫克。我将它与 DCA 一起服用。


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Forgot to mention that doctors frequently titrate Metformin when given as a standard drug for Type 2 Diabetes. They may start with a lower dose and build up gradually to the optimal dose to avoid side effects. I did not do this.



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Very good point Meech – always go up gradually with drugs that may have strong effectivness or possible side effects



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Hi Robert,

2. Whole plant Turmeric is the Turmeric spice.
3. ALA 600mg should be not too low and not too high for this specific purpose. Omeprazole 40-80mg should be safe. Metformin 1000 to 2000 should be good but depends on weight, should be increased slowly as Meech suggested, and note that the plasma level may be increased by the Cimetidine so take care when combining the two – in this case 1000mg should be enough I think.
5. Please check the CAS# on my MG post and you will find the answer to the question
4.7. Retinoic acid http://uk-rxcart.com/44-buy-accutane.html

Note: please chack the drugs you are adding new with your doctor – always add a new one after a few days not all at the same time – increase the dose step by step to the target dose, specificaly for those you expect side effects

Kind regards,



2. 整株姜黄就是姜黄香料。
3. ALA 600毫克应该不低也不高对于这个特定目的。奥美拉唑40-80毫克应该是安全的。二甲双胍1000到2000应该不错,但取决于体重,应该像Meech建议的那样缓慢增加,并且注意西美替丁可能会增加血浆水平,因此在合并两者时要小心——在这种情况下,我认为1000毫克就足够了。
5. 请检查我关于甲基乙醛的帖子上的CAS#,您将找到问题的答案。
4.7. 维甲酸 http://uk-rxcart.com/44-buy-accutane.html



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I have many clients whom are using artemisia for malaria,pile and skin diseases, I will also give it to cancer patients. Thanks for your transparent knowledge.



Shigella Philip Matejasays:

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it is also used against Lyme disease.




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Hi Daniel
I am using the malaria tablet Coartem now since February 2016. I was diagnosed with tubular prostate cancer, Gleeson Score 8, PSA 901, black spot on the pelvis. Also received the terrible Lucrin injections until December 2016. My PSA is down to 0.23. A third bone scan last year August showed the black spot cleared up.
Kind Regards
Thinus Coetzee


Thinus Coetzeesays:
自2016年2月以来,我一直在使用抗疟疾药物Coartem ( Coartem :复方蒿甲醚 )。我被诊断为管状前列腺癌,格里森评分为8,PSA为901,骨盆上有黑色斑点。还接受了可怕的Lucrin注射,直到2016年12月。我的PSA降至0.23。去年8月进行的第三次骨骼扫描显示黑色斑点已清除。
Thinus Coetzee

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