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CN1561994A治疗类风湿性关节炎和免疫性疾病的含青蒿提取物药物组合物---双氢青蒿素,青蒿琥酯,蒿甲醚,蒿甲醚等)的药物组合物|CN1561994A Medicinal composition containing Artemisia extract for treating rheumatoid arthritis and immune-related diseases---a medicinal composition comprising dihydroartemisinin, artemet




CN1561994A Medicinal composition containing Artemisia extract for treating rheumatoid arthritis and immune-related diseases---a medicinal composition comprising dihydroartemisinin, artemether, arteether, etc



           剂量   动物数                              肿胀值(ml)
组别     (mg/Kg)  (只)
                             正常        1小时          2小时          4小时          6小时
对照组             12    29.00±1.88  30.00±1.90** 30.17±2.16** 30.17±2.17** 30.17±2.17**
模型组             12    28.33±2.49  34.25±2.86    38.67±3.63    38.67±3.63    38.67±3.63
强的松组    5      12    29.08±2.47  33.75±2.86    36.08±4.10    36.08±4.10    36.08±4.10
大剂量组    54     12    28.33±3.22  33.91±3.62    34.64±2.87** 34.64±2.87** 34.64±2.87**
中剂量组    27     12    28.00±2.34  33.42±2.47    36.58±3.06    36.58±3.06    36.58±3.06
小剂量组    5.4    12    28.67±2.54  34.58±2.35    36.33±3.53    36.33±3.53    36.33±3.53
          剂量    动物数    肉芽肿重量
组别    (mg/Kg)    (只)       (mg)
对照组              11    259.73±44.58
强的松组    5       12    173.75±43.10**
大剂量组    54      12    176.42±37.98**
中剂量组    27      12    177.17±32.25**
小剂量组    5.4     12    180.50±34.63**
表3.药物组合物对小鼠热板法疼痛反映的影响( X±SD)
             剂量     动物数    出现疼痛反应时间
组别       (mg/kg)     (n)           (s)
对照组                 21       23.05±6.39
阿司匹林组   100       19       36.74±11.79**
大计量组     78        20       38.15±8.82**
中剂量组     39        19       31.68±8.39**
小计量组     7.8       21       29.29±6.63*
按常规方法,取小鼠70只,体重13g±2g,雌雄各半,随机分为五组,即空白对照组(给与给药大剂量组相当量的蒸馏水)、给药大剂量组(78.0mg/Kg)、中剂量组(39.0mg/Kg)和小剂量组(7.8mg/Kg)以及阳性对照组(阿斯匹林100.0mg/Kg)。均为口服灌胃给药,每天一次,连续14  。于末次给药后1小时将0.6%的醋酸溶液注射于小鼠腹腔内,以引起深部的、大面积而持久的疼痛刺激,致使小鼠产生扭体反应,观察并记录各组小鼠出现扭体反应的时间(潜伏期)及20分钟内产生扭体反应的次数,用T检验进行统计学处理。结果见表4。
表4.药物组合物对小鼠化学刺激法疼痛反应的影响( X±SD)
            动物数    剂量         扭体次数
组别         (n)      (mg/Kg)    (次数/20min)
对照组       15                   38.87±8.48
阿司匹林组   12        100        23.67±10.77**
大剂量组     13        78         28.85±14.09*
中剂量组     9         39         26.89±16.68*
小剂量组     11        7.8        37.82±10.88
表5.药物组合物对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的影响(右后足)( X±SD)
            剂量     动物数                               肿胀值(ml)
组别       (mg/Kg)    (只)
                             注射前    注射后第2天      第4天            第6天        第8天        第10天
模型组                 12  29.17±1.27  39.92±2.64  43.00±3.69   41.00±5.34    38.17±3.81    39.33±2.49
强的松组      5        12  28.75±1.66  39.00±3.13  39.42±2.54* 36.92±2.91* 35.66±2.94    36.25±3.59*
大剂量组      54       12  29.08±1.31  40.58±3.15  39.92±2.99* 37.83±3.61    35.67±3.82    34.42±3.78**
中剂量组      27       11  29.00±1.79  40.09±3.83  39.82±3.95   37.64±4.21    35.55±2.84    34.55±2.84**
小剂量组      5.4      12  28.67±1.56  39.25±3.08  40.00±2.34* 37.75±2.45    34.42±2.23** 34.92±2.50**
表6药物组合物对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的影响(左后足)( X±SD)
组别         剂量       动物数                                        肿胀值(ml)
            (mg/Kg)      (只)    注射前      注射后第2天     第4天        第6天       第8天         第10天
模型组                    12    26.17±1.75  29.08±0.99  29.17±1.12  28.83±0.94  28.58±1.08  30.50±1.93
阳性药组      5           12    26.25±2.05  28.58±1.73  29.25±1.87  28.42±1.73  28.50±1.51  30.08±1.73
大剂量组      54          12    26.00±1.65  28.75±1.66  28.83±2.21  28.75±1.55  28.42±1.88  29.33±2.06
中剂量组      27          11    25.91±1.45  29.45±1.92  28.18±1.47  28.18±1.40  28.46±1.75  29.18±1.60
小剂量组      5.4         12    26.50±2.07  29.17±1.47  29.25±1.77  28.58±1.83  28.08.±1.97 29.50±2.78
  第12天       第14天     第16天      第18天        第20天        第22天        第24天        第26天
29.92?.02  31.83?.99   31.42?.11   31.00?.95   30.58?.35    31.25?.18   31.42?.73   31.00?.86
29.17?.17  30.83?.21   29.58?.11* 29.83?.82   29.25?.60    29.92?.88   30.33?.78   30.33?.15
28.25?.18  29.58?.64* 28.83?.33**29.08?.64* 29.00?.45* 28.92?.35* 29.17?.25* 29.00?.49*
29.09?.43  29.82?.23* 28.82?.94**29.36?.91* 28.55?.21* 29.17?.25* 29.27?.00* 29.09?.17*
29.17?.76  30.58?.08   29.17?.43   29.58?.03    28.92?.68* 29.17?.44* 29.08?.19**29.33?.15


Medicinal compositon containing artemisine extract for treating rheumatoid arthritis and immunologic disease

A composite medicine for treating the umatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease contains the sweet worm wood herb's extract (dihydroarteannuin, artesumate, artemether, etc).
Treatment rheumatoid joint class and immune disease contain the Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract pharmaceutical composition
Technical field:
The present invention relates to a kind of medicine that is used for the treatment of rheumatoid joint class and autoimmune disease companion arthritic symptom, contain arteannuin or artemisinin derivative (dihydroarteannuin especially for treatment rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease companion arthritic symptom, artesunate, Artemether, Artemether etc.) pharmaceutical composition.
Background technology:
Rheumatoid arthritis (hereinafter to be referred as RA) is a kind of of autoimmune disease, it is a kind of worldwide agnogenic systemic autoimmune disease, its sickness rate 0.4~1%, its principal character is with chronic, symmetry and tip joint diffusivity synovitis, the carrying out property destruction of joint of various degree appears latter stage, degeneration and function of joint are lost, and seriously affect patient's work and viability, cause huge burden to society.And other autoimmune disease is also usually with similar joint symptom, such treatment of diseases still there is not specific medicament, non-steroid class analgesic agents and the immunosuppressant treatments of adopting more, disease controlling fully not only, and have bigger poison to pay effect.
Research is subjected to domestic and international expert and patient's attention to Chinese medicine to rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease in recent years, has developed the medicine of some treatment RA, and for example: Chinese patent application 02137816 discloses the medicine compositions of a kind of RA, wherein contain Chinese medicinal ingredients: Poria 12%, Radix Angelicae Sinensis 12%, the Fructus Kochiae 12%, Cortex Acanthopancis 10%, Folium Eriobotryae 10%, Cortex erythrinae 9%, Radix Cynanchi Atrati 9%, Radix Scutellariae 8%, Rhizoma Coptidis 7%, Herba Pogostemonis 6%, Caulis Akebiae 5%.Chinese patent application 01117709 discloses a kind of medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis for another example, it is with Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Radix Codonopsis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, the Radix Astragali, Rhizoma Polygonati, the Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Rhizoma Cibotii, Scorpio, Zaocys, Pheretima, Formica fusca, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Ramulus Mori, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Rhizoma Atractylodis, Rhizoma Et Radix Notopterygii, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae, Herba Taxilli, the Cortex Eucommiae, Radix Cyathulae, Cortex Phellodendri, Rhizoma Homalomenae, bore Cortex Illici difengpi, Olibanum, Myrrha, Caulis Sinomenii, Rhizoma Arisaematis, Caulis Spatholobi, Fructus Mori, Rhizoma Corydalis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Semen Ziziphi Spinosae, the Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Poria, Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii, Radix Aconiti, Herba Epimedii, Flos Carthami, Radix Dipsaci, Cortex Moutan, Caulis Lonicerae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Semen Coicis, Cortex erythrinae, Caulis Trachelospermi, Radix Glycyrrhizae is a raw material, different qualities according to every flavor Chinese medicine, at the different symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, be mixed with basic medicament in proportion, even the medicament that cold hot very person adapts.
Above-mentioned these Chinese medicine compositions generally all are the routine administrations of Chinese medicine, use Shi doctor also must carry out prescription according to patient's situation according to the principle of differentiation of tcm; Also have some Chinese patent medicine compositions more, preparation is complicated, and practical application can't be satisfied clinician and patient's needs fully.
Arteannuin is Chinese scholar independent development and by internationally recognized Chinese medicine extract, arteannuin and derivant thereof are effective antimalarial of a class and antimalarial agent compositions.The effective monomer component that system extracts from China Chinese medicine Herba Artemisiae annuae has been the malaria new drug by world health organisation recommendations.Along with country and each research unit are goed deep into the continuation of arteannuin research, having developed some is the anti-malarial agents of the new compound preparation of main component with the arteannuin in recent years, as: Chinese patent application 00113134 discloses a kind of compound preparation for the treatment of malaria; Also constantly found the application in other frontiers simultaneously, as: Chinese patent application 99103346 discloses a kind of pharmaceutical composition that contains dihydroarteannuin for the treatment of lupus erythematosus and photosensitive diseases etc.Existing bibliographical information can be applied to the Herba Artemisiae Annuae oil liniment treatment of tinea, by research to the external antifungic action of arteannuin, the antibiotic universal effect that confirms arteannuin is similar to broad-spectrum antifungal medicine ketoconazole commonly used at present, and the effect to some fungus is better than ketoconazole, and promptly its antifungic action is respond well.
Summary of the invention:
Purpose of the present invention, provide a kind of treat rheumatoid joint class and immune disease safely and effectively contain the Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract pharmaceutical composition.
Technical scheme of the present invention is as follows.
A kind of treat rheumatoid arthritis and immune disease contain the Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract pharmaceutical composition, be the arteannuin that contains effective dose or the pharmaceutical composition of artemisinin derivative.
Described artemisin derivant comprises dihydroarteannuin, artesunate, Artemether and Artemether.
The content of arteannuin or artemisinin derivative is 1~99% in the said composition.
The effective dose that described pharmaceutical composition contains arteannuin or artemisinin derivative is 20~200mg/ day.
This pharmaceutical composition can use separately, also can unite use with the other drug of existing treatment RA and autoimmune disease.
Described pharmaceutical composition is can be any medicament forms commonly used, as: solid preparation, fluid, or paste etc.
The present invention is based on that such fact finishes.This case inventor finds that in secular clinical treatment RA and autoimmune disease and various arthritic process the Chinese medicine Herba Artemisiae Annuae has heat-clearing and toxic substances removing preferably, detumescence, pain relieving effect.And arteannuin is Chinese medicine one kind new medicine that China began one's study from the seventies, we are studying arteannuin or derivatives thereof and the pharmaceutical composition that contains arteannuin aspect immunity and the autoimmune disease for this reason, show that arteannuin has on the immunoregulatory basis, prove all that from pharmacodynamics and clinical research arteannuin or artemisinin derivative to the curative effect preferably that has of RA and autoimmune disease companion joint symptom, have antiinflammatory, analgesia, immunoregulatory curative effect.And has instant effect, the advantage of no obvious toxic and side effects.
Pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is applicable to the disease of rheumatic arthritis and autoimmune disease companion joint performance.
Pharmaceutical composition of the present invention can be any medicament forms commonly used, can be solid preparation, as: tablet, colloid, suppository, powder, granule, cream etc.; Also can be fluid preparation, as: oral liquid, injection; Or paste etc.
Preparation method of the present invention is the known preparation method commonly used of those of ordinary skills.
According to pharmaceutical composition of the present invention, preferentially be to be made into tablet or capsule, each tablet or capsule contain arteannuin or the artemisinin derivative of 10-100mg.
Description of drawings:
Fig. 1 is the influence (right back foot) of pharmaceutical composition to rat assist agent arthritis
Fig. 2 pharmaceutical composition is to the influence of rat (left back foot) adjuvant-induced arthritis
The specific embodiment:
Pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is generally oral administration, also can other administration, can use external preparation as treatment RA and autoimmune disease companion joint symptom.Consumption is generally the 1-10mg/Kg body weight/day, and the consumption of adult patients is preferably 20-200mg for each person every day.
The arteannuin that the present invention uses or the preparation technology of artemisinin derivative (dihydroarteannuin, artesunate, Artemether, arteether) are known, and relevant its preparation method is found in all bibliographical informations.
Can further illustrate the present invention by following test.But should be noted that experiment content of the present invention only is used to illustrate the present invention, rather than restriction the present invention.
Pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is to the influence of tentative general arthritis and autoimmune arthritis
Experiment material
Animal: 1. healthy Wistar rat, body weight 130 ± 20g, 180 ± 20g and 150 ± 20g, male and female all have.Quality certification numbering is followed successively by: SCXK (capital) 2002-0003, SCXK (capital) 2002-0003 and SCK (capital) 2002-0006; 2. healthy Kunming kind white mice, body weight 20 ± 20g and 13g ± 2g, male and female all have.Quality certification numbering is SCXK (capital) 2002-001.Supply with by my animal housing of institute.
Main medicine:
1. contain the pharmaceutical composition that Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract comprises arteannuin and artemisinin derivative (dihydroarteannuin, artesunate, Artemether, Artemether etc.).Hereinafter to be referred as [pharmaceutical composition].
2. prednisone (5mg/ sheet), Dongbei Pharmaceutical General Factory production, lot number 20031113;
3. carrageenin, U.S. Sigma company product, lot number 87F-0463;
4. Freund ' s Freund's complete adjuvant, bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine (lot number 20030115) preparation with the Beijing Biological Product Inst., Ministry of Public Health provides includes tubercule bacillus 0.7mg/0.07ml.
Instrument: Mus foot volume determination instrument, self-control.
Method and result
One, to the influence of rat carrageenan foot swelling
With reference to rat toes edema blood capillary measurement by magnification method, get 72 of rats, body weight 130 ± 20g, male and female half and half, be divided into five groups at random, be blank group and model group (giving distilled water) with the heavy dose of group of administration a great deal of, the heavy dose of group of pharmaceutical composition (54.0mg/Kg), middle dosage group (27.0mg/Kg) and small dose group (5.4mg/Kg) and positive controls (prednisone 5.0mg/Kg).Be the oral administration gavage administration, once a day, continuous 14 days.1 hour mensuration Mus foot volume (ml) after the last administration, be about to 1% carrageenin normal saline 0.1ml and inject the subcutaneous inflammation that causes of the rat left hind foot sole of the foot, respectively at inject back 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 and hour, measure Mus foot volume with Mus foot volume determination instrument, calculate the swelling value, compare the difference condition of each time administration group and matched group with the T check.The results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. pharmaceutical composition is to the influence of rat carrageenan foot swelling (X ± SD)
Dosage number of animals swelling value (ml)
Group (mg/Kg) (only)
Normal 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours
Matched group 12 29.00 ± 1.88 30.00 ± 1.90 *30.17 ± 2.16 *30.17 ± 2.17 *30.17 ± 2.17 *
Model group 12 28.33 ± 2.49 34.25 ± 2.86 38.67 ± 3.63 38.67 ± 3.63 38.67 ± 3.63
Prednisone group 5 12 29.08 ± 2.47 33.75 ± 2.86 36.08 ± 4.10 36.08 ± 4.10 36.08 ± 4.10
Heavy dose of group 54 12 28.33 ± 3.22 33.91 ± 3.62 34.64 ± 2.87 *34.64 ± 2.87 *34.64 ± 2.87 *
Middle dosage group 27 12 28.00 ± 2.34 33.42 ± 2.47 36.58 ± 3.06 36.58 ± 3.06 36.58 ± 3.06
Small dose group 5.4 12 28.67 ± 2.54 34.58 ± 2.35 36.33 ± 3.53 36.33 ± 3.53 36.33 ± 3.53
Compare with model group: *P<0.01
By table 1 as seen, the pharmaceutical composition administration is respectively organized the foot swelling value and all is lower than model group, and wherein heavy dose of group of effect is obvious, thus 2,4, the 6 hours foot swelling values in scorching back and model group relatively the P value all less than 0.01, in, though small dose group foot swelling value do not have significant difference, and is consistent with the prednisone effect.Illustrate that pharmaceutical composition can suppress the foot swelling due to the proinflammatory agent carrageenin, promptly inhibited to the experimental arthritis swelling that the proinflammatory agent carrageenin causes, and drug effect is relevant with drug dose.
Two, pharmaceutical composition is to the influence of rat granuloma formation
Get 72 of rats, body weight 180 ± 20 grams, male and female half and half.All animal lumbar injection pentobarbital sodium 30mg/kg anesthesia before the experiment, the button that adopts operation method to sterilize and weighed respectively at every subcutaneous implantation of back part of animal, behind the skin suture, outside sterilization.Second day after operation, to become live animal evenly to be divided into five groups, be blank group (giving distilled water) with the heavy dose of group of administration a great deal of, the heavy dose of group of pharmaceutical composition (54.0mg/kg), middle dosage group (27.0mg/kg) and small dose group (5.4mg/kg) and positive controls (prednisone 5.0mg/kg).Each treated animal all adopts gastric infusion, and be administered once every day, successive administration 14 days.Put to death animal in second day after the last administration, take out the button of implanting, carefully peel off adhering tissue, weigh, it is heavy to deduct button, is granuloma tissue weight, carries out statistical procedures with the T check.The results are shown in Table 2.
The influence that table 2 pharmaceutical composition forms the rat granuloma
Compare with the blank group: *P<0.01
By table 2 as seen, the pharmaceutical composition administration is respectively organized granuloma weight and all is starkly lower than the blank group
Dosage number of animals granuloma weight
Group (mg/Kg) (only) (mg)
Matched group 11 259.73 ± 44.58
Prednisone group 5 12 173.75 ± 43.10**
Heavy dose of group 54 12 176.42 ± 37.98**
Middle dosage group 27 12 177.17 ± 32.25**
Small dose group 5.4 12 180.50 ± 34.63**
(P<0.01)。Illustrate that this pharmaceutical composition is formed with the obvious suppression effect to granulomatous, points out this medical instrument to have good resistive connection to form the effect of hamartoplasia inflammation.
Three, to the influence of mice hot plate method pain reaction
Improved with reference to the mice hot plate method, get mice 80, body weight 20g ± 2g, male and female half and half, be divided into five groups, be blank group (giving distilled water) with the heavy dose of group of administration a great deal of, the heavy dose of group of administration (78.0mg/Kg), middle dosage group (39.0mg/Kg) and small dose group (7.8mg/Kg) and positive controls (aspirin 100.0mg/Kg).Be the oral administration gavage administration, once a day, continuous 14 days.After the last administration 1 hour, each group mice divided be placed in the aluminum box that is heated to 55 ℃ in advance, to add the index of metapedes as pain reaction, the record mice carries out statistical procedures from dropping into hot plate to the time that the metapedes reaction occurs licking with the T check.The results are shown in Table 3.
The influence that table 3. pharmaceutical composition reflects mice hot plate method pain (X ± SD)
The pain reaction time appears in the dosage number of animals
Group (mg/kg) is (s) (n)
Matched group 21 23.05 ± 6.39
Aspirin group 100 19 36.74 ± 11.79 *
Big metering organizes 78 20 38.15 ± 8.82 *
Middle dosage group 39 19 31.68 ± 8.39 *
Subtotal amount group 7.8 21 29.29 ± 6.63 *
With to the blank group relatively: *P<0.05, *P<0.01
By table 3 as seen, compare with the blank group, the pharmaceutical composition administration is respectively organized the pain reaction time of occurrence and is all prolonged, (P<0.05-0.01), consistent with the aspirin effect, wherein heavy dose of group of effect is the most obvious to have significant difference, middle dosage group is taken second place, and small dose group is taken second place again.Illustrate that pharmaceutical composition has the obvious suppression effect to the mice pain reaction that the thermostimulation method causes, and drug effect and drug dose there is certain relation.
Four, to the influence of mice chemical stimulation method pain reaction
According to a conventional method, get 70 of mices, body weight 13g ± 2g, male and female half and half, be divided into five groups at random, i.e. blank group (giving distilled water), the heavy dose of group of administration (78.0mg/Kg), middle dosage group (39.0mg/Kg) and small dose group (7.8mg/Kg) and positive controls (aspirin 100.0mg/Kg) with the heavy dose of group of administration a great deal of.Be the oral administration gavage administration, once a day, continuous 14.After the last administration, 0.6% acetum was injected in the mouse peritoneal in 1 hour, with cause the deep, large tracts of land and persistent pain stimulation, cause mice to produce writhing response, observe and the number of times that produces writhing response in the time (incubation period) and 20 minutes that writhing response appears in mice respectively organized in record, carry out statistical procedures with the T check.The results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. pharmaceutical composition is to the influence of mice chemical stimulation method pain reaction (X ± SD)
Number of animals dosage is turned round the body number of times
Group (n) is (number of times/20min) (mg/Kg)
Matched group 15 38.87 ± 8.48
Aspirin group 12 100 23.67 ± 10.77 *
Heavy dose of group 13 78 28.85 ± 14.09 *
Middle dosage group 9 39 26.89 ± 16.68 *
Small dose group 11 7.8 37.82 ± 10.88
Compare with the blank group: *P<0.05, *P<0.01
Annotate: because of the mice body weight too small, may be in experimentation owing to irritate the improper and part in the dust of stomach, it is uneven to cause every group of quantity.
By table 4 as seen, compare with the blank group, the big or middle dosage group of pharmaceutical composition pain reaction time of occurrence prolongs slightly; Turn round the body number of times in 20 minutes and then obviously reduce (P<0.05), similar to the aspirin effect.Illustrate that this pharmaceutical composition has the obvious suppression effect to the mice pain reaction that the thermostimulation method causes, and certain relation is arranged with drug dose.
Five, to the influence of rat assist agent arthritis
With reference to methods such as rattan village one and WAX, get 72 of rats, body weight 150 ± 20g, male and female half and half are divided into 5 groups at random, and wherein one group is model group (giving the distilled water with the heavy dose of group of administration a great deal of); Three groups of positive matched groups (prednisone 5.0mg/Kg); Three groups are the swollen upright administration group that disappears, and dosage is respectively 54.0mg/Kg, 27.0mg/Kg and 5.4mg/Kg.Be oral administration gavage, once a day, began administration the same day, finish until experiment in injection Frdund ' s Freund's complete adjuvant.With Freund ' s Freund's complete adjuvant 0.05ml (include fast knot nuclear bacillus 0.5mg) intradermal injection in the right back foot pad of rat.Injection adjuvant is measured the rat right side, left back sufficient volume (ml) with Mus foot volumetric measurement instrument before and after in 26 days the next day, carries out statistical procedures with the T check.The results are shown in Table 5, table 6 and Fig. 1 pharmaceutical composition be to the influence to rat (left back foot) adjuvant-induced arthritis of the influence (right back foot) of rat assist agent arthritis and Fig. 2 pharmaceutical composition.
Table 5. pharmaceutical composition is to the influence (right back foot) of rat assist agent arthritis (X ± SD)
Dosage number of animals swelling value (ml)
Group (mg/Kg) (only)
The injection back is the 2nd day the 4th day the 6th day the 8th day the 10th day before the injection
Model group 12 29.17 ± 1.27 39.92 ± 2.64 43.00 ± 3.69 41.00 ± 5.34 38.17 ± 3.81 39.33 ± 2.49
Prednisone group 5 12 28.75 ± 1.66 39.00 ± 3.13 39.42 ± 2.54 *36.92 ± 2.91 *35.66 ± 2.94 36.25 ± 3.59 *
Heavy dose of group 54 12 29.08 ± 1.31 40.58 ± 3.15 39.92 ± 2.99 *37.83 ± 3.61 35.67 ± 3.82 34.42 ± 3.78 *
Middle dosage group 27 11 29.00 ± 1.79 40.09 ± 3.83 39.82 ± 3.95 37.64 ± 4.21 35.55 ± 2.84 34.55 ± 2.84 *
Small dose group 5.4 12 28.67 ± 1.56 39.25 ± 3.08 40.00 ± 2.34 *37.75 ± 2.45 34.42 ± 2.23 *34.92 ± 2.50 *
Table 6 pharmaceutical composition is to the influence (left back foot) of rat assist agent arthritis (X ± SD)
Group dosage number of animals swelling value (ml)
(mg/Kg) injected the back the 2nd day the 4th day the 6th day the 8th day the 10th day before (only) injection
Model group 12 26.17 ± 1.75 29.08 ± 0.99 29.17 ± 1.12 28.83 ± 0.94 28.58 ± 1.08 30.50 ± 1.93
Positive drug group 5 12 26.25 ± 2.05 28.58 ± 1.73 29.25 ± 1.87 28.42 ± 1.73 28.50 ± 1.51 30.08 ± 1.73
Heavy dose of group 54 12 26.00 ± 1.65 28.75 ± 1.66 28.83 ± 2.21 28.75 ± 1.55 28.42 ± 1.88 29.33 ± 2.06
Middle dosage group 27 11 25.91 ± 1.45 29.45 ± 1.92 28.18 ± 1.47 28.18 ± 1.40 28.46 ± 1.75 29.18 ± 1.60
Small dose group 5.4 12 26.50 ± 2.07 29.17 ± 1.47 29.25 ± 1.77 28.58 ± 1.83 28.08. ± 1.97 29.50 ± 2.78
Swelling value (ml)
The 12nd day the 14th day the 16th day the 18th day the 20th day the 22nd day the 24th day the 26th day
29.92?.02 31.83?.99 31.42?.11 31.00?.95 30.58?.35 31.25?.18 31.42?.73 31.00?.86
29.17?.17 30.83?.21 29.58?.11 *?29.83?.82 29.25?.60 29.92?.88 30.33?.78 30.33?.15
28.25?.18 29.58?.64 *?28.83?.33 **29.08?.64 *?29.00?.45 *?28.92?.35 *?29.17?.25 *?29.00?.49 *
29.09?.43 29.82?.23 *?28.82?.94 **29.36?.91 *?28.55?.21 *?29.17?.25 *?29.27?.00 *?29.09?.17 *
29.17?.76 30.58?.08 29.17?.43 29.58?.03 28.92?.68 *?29.17?.44 *?29.08?.19 **29.33?.15
Compare with model group: *P<0.05, *P<0.01
By table as seen, be early stage inflammatory reaction behind the right back foot injection of rat Freund ' the s adjuvant, promptly be obvious swelling next day in the injection back, increase the weight of gradually, to the 4th day, foot swelling reached the peak, alleviates gradually then; In injection back swelling once again in the 10th day, developed into very serious swelling state to the 18th day, last till that the observation period finishes; Because of delayed hypersensitivity, the left back foot of injection adjuvant did not begin enlargement in the 10th day, and obviously red and swollen, lasted till that the observation period finishes.
The right back foot swelling trend and the prednisone group basically identical of injection adjuvant respectively organized in the pharmaceutical composition administration, compares P<0.05-0.01 with model group; Not the left back foot swelling trend of injection adjuvant also with prednisone group basically identical, with model group relatively, the P value also<0.05-0.01, and the significance of its effect also is better than prednisone, but that difference between the effects is respectively organized in the pharmaceutical composition administration is not obvious.More than the explanation pharmaceutical composition all has the obvious suppression effect to constitutional nonspecific inflammation and the infringement of supervention inflammation due to Freund ' the s adjuvant, promptly due to Frdund ' s adjuvant rat assist agent arthritis is had the obvious suppression effect.
Above-mentioned result of the test shows: pharmaceutical composition is that experimental arthroncus has the obvious suppression effect to rat paw edema due to the proinflammatory agent carrageenin; Formation promptly has the obvious suppression effect to the connective tissue proliferation inflammation to the rat experiment granuloma.
Simultaneously, this pharmaceutical composition all has the obvious suppression effect to thermostimulation and the caused mice pain reaction of chemical stimulation.
On the basis of above-mentioned experiment, we further carry out and have finished the adjuvant-induced arthritis experiment, presentation of results, and pharmaceutical composition has obvious inhibitory action to rat assist agent arthritis (being the immune inflammation model) due to Freund ' the s Freund's complete adjuvant.And effect is consistent with prednisone, even also is better than prednisone in some stage of going back.
A kind of experimental model of rat assist agent arthritis Chang Zuowei rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune arthritis, the explanation of above-mentioned experimental result also certainly this pharmaceutical composition to the preventive and therapeutic effect of rat assist agent arthritis, for this pharmaceutical composition control rheumatoid joint and autoimmune disease companion arthritis provide certain basis and foundation.
Only be to describe the present invention with the top experimental data.But the thing that should be appreciated that, for experimental technique personnel of the present invention, can be under the prerequisite that does not depart from spirit of the present invention, correction and improvement to the present invention carries out all belong to protection scope of the present invention.
Lifting several Formulation Examples below is described in further detail the present invention.
Formulation Example one:
The arteannuin with 20% or the pharmaceutical composition of artemisinin derivative, 80% Chinese medicine extract compositing formula.
Formulation Example two:
The arteannuin with 60% or the pharmaceutical composition of artemisinin derivative, 40% Chinese medicine or crude drug extract compositing formula.
Formulation Example three:
The arteannuin with 90% or the pharmaceutical composition of artemisinin derivative, 10% other synthesising preparation compositing formulas.
The raw material that need to prove Chinese medicine extract is those skilled in the art or operable clinically Chinese medicine or crude drug.The extract of this Chinese medicine or crude drug can be a single variety, also can be many kinds.Other synthesising preparations can be chemical synthetic drugs, also can be the carriers of medicine.
Preparation of the present invention is that said medicine is combined with multiple pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, adopts and mixes, dissolving, granulation; in flakes, known methods such as sweet tablet or film coating are prepared into the preparation of solid-state or liquid form, as tablet; capsule, suppository, granule and injection etc.
1, a kind of pharmaceutical composition that contains Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and immune disease is characterized in that: be the Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract that contains effective dose such as the pharmaceutical composition of arteannuin or artemisinin derivative.
2, the pharmaceutical composition that contains Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract of treatment rheumatoid arthritis as claimed in claim 1 and immune disease is characterized in that: described artemisin derivant comprises dihydroarteannuin, artesunate, Artemether and Artemether.
3, the pharmaceutical composition that contains Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract of treatment rheumatoid arthritis as claimed in claim 1 and immune disease is characterized in that: the content of arteannuin or artemisinin derivative is 1 ~ 99% in the said composition.
4, the pharmaceutical composition that contains Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract of treatment rheumatoid arthritis as claimed in claim 1 and immune disease is characterized in that: the effective dose that described pharmaceutical composition contains arteannuin or artemisinin derivative is 20 ~ 200mg/ day.
5, the pharmaceutical composition that contains Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract of treatment rheumatoid arthritis as claimed in claim 1 and immune disease, it is characterized in that: this pharmaceutical composition can use separately, also can unite use with the other drug of existing treatment RA and autoimmune disease.


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