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CN1833644B青蒿素及其衍生物二氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、青蒿琥酯在制药中的应用---预防或治疗细菌和CpG ODN引发的脓毒症药物中的应用|CN1833644B Application of artemisinin and its derivatives dihydroartemisinin, artemether, arteether, and artemotil in pharmaceuticals---The application in drugs for preventing or tr



CN1833644B青蒿素及其衍生物二氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、青蒿琥酯在制药中的应用---预防或治疗细菌和CpG ODN引发的脓毒症药物中的应用

CN1833644B Application of artemisinin and its derivatives dihydroartemisinin, artemether, arteether, and artemotil in pharmaceuticals---The application in drugs for preventing or treating sepsis caused by bacteria and CpG ODN.



本发明涉及青蒿素及其衍生物二氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、青蒿琥酯的新用途。该物质具有显著的体内和体外抗炎作用,可以显著抑制灭活大肠杆菌诱导的人THP-1细胞系及小鼠RAW264.7细胞系释放细胞因子TNF-α与IL-6。该物质原料来源广泛,价格低廉。可用于治疗或预防CpG ODN和细菌引起的脓毒症
青蒿素及其衍生物用来治疗疟疾相关的发热已经有一千多年的历史,现在临床上主要用于耐药恶性疟疾。Efferth TM,Wang X,Huong SM,Hauber I等在其文章《Antiviral activity of artesunate towards wild-type,recombinantandganciclovir-resistant human cytomegalovimses》(J Mol Med.2002;80(4):p223-224)中描述了青蒿类物质还具有其它方面的作用,如平喘、抗癌、抗血吸虫及对免疫系统的调节等。国内外有关青蒿素及其衍生物的研究主要集中在抗疟、抗癌、抗血吸虫的作用及其机制上。
对青蒿素及其衍生物的抗内毒素的作用已有研究,Aldieri E,Bergandi L,RigantiC,Costamagna C,Bosia A,Ghigo D等在其文章《Artemisinin inhibits inducible nitricoxide synthase and nuclear factor NF-kB activation》(FEBS Lett.2003;552(2-3):p141-144)中描述了青蒿素可抑制LPS/TNF-α诱导性NO合酶的合成及NF-κB的激活;梁爱华,薛宝云,李春英等在其文章《青蒿琥酯对内毒素诱导的一氧化氮合成的抑制作用》(中国中药杂志.2001;26(11):p770-773.)中描述了青蒿素衍生物青蒿琥酯对LPS及合并干扰素刺激小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞NO的合成有明显的抑制作用,对LPS刺激的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞RAW264.7也具有相似的保护作用,而且随着青蒿琥酯浓度的增加青蒿琥酯对NO合成的抑制作用也增强,梁爱华、薛宝云、王金华等在其文章《青蒿琥酯对内毒素诱导的炎症因子合成抑制作用的研究》(中国中西医结合急救杂志.2001;8(5):p262.-265)中描述了青蒿琥酯在25~100mg/L对LPS诱导的TNF-α产生具有明显的抑制作用,与LPS单独应用比较抑制率为43%~58%;谭余庆等在其文章《青蒿素提取物抗内毒素作用的实研究》(中国中药杂志.1999;24(3):p166-171)还发现青蒿提取物、青蒿素可降低内毒素休克小鼠LPO、ACP、内毒素、TNF-α、P450浓度,升高SOD活性,降低小鼠死亡率,延长小鼠的平均生存时间,对小鼠肝、肺组织形态也有一定的保护作用。但是青蒿素及其衍生物对细菌DNA以及细菌(革兰阳性菌和革兰阴性菌)导致的脓毒症是否有效,未见报道。
涉及青蒿素及其衍生物二氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、青蒿琥酯作为制备预防或治疗CpG ODN引发的脓毒症药物中的应用。
本发明涉青蒿素及其衍生物二氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、青蒿琥酯作为制备预防或治疗细菌和CpG ODN引发的脓毒症药物中的应用。
所述CpG ODN是指包含有CpG基序的寡核苷酸,是细菌DNA活性的最小单位。
培养小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7,调整细胞悬液浓度为2×106/ml,加入48孔板中,每孔0.4ml。置37℃ CO2孵箱培养4h后使细胞贴壁,加入不同浓度的青蒿素(5、10、20、40、80μg/ml)或双氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚、青蒿琥酯,2小时后再加入10μg/ml的刺激性CpG ODN(5′-TCC ATG ACG TTC CTG ACG TT-3′),置37℃、CO2孵箱培养4h后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子TNF-α,再过4小时后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子IL-6。采用双抗体夹心ELISA法测定细胞培养上清中TNF-α和IL-6的浓度,明确青蒿素或衍生物抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子的作用。
表1青蒿素、双氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚及青蒿琥酯抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7细胞释放细胞因子的量效关系(n=3,x±SD)
Figure G05155368920050324D000041
**p<0.01 vs CpG ODN
此次实验结果表明青蒿素显著抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子,随青蒿素浓度增加,其抑制作用增强(p<0.01,见表1);双氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚及青蒿琥酯也对CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子也有显著抑制作用。
培养小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7,调整细胞悬液浓度为2×106/ml,加入48孔板中,每孔0.4ml。置37℃ CO2孵箱培养4h后使细胞贴壁,加入不同浓度的青蒿素(5、10、20、40、80μg/ml)或40μg/ml的双氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚或青蒿琥酯,2小时后再加入1×106/ml热灭活大肠杆菌,置37℃、CO2孵箱培养4h后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子TNF-α,再过4小时后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子IL-6。采用双抗体夹心ELISA法测定细胞培养上清中TNF-α和IL-6的浓度,明确青蒿素或衍生物抑制热灭活大肠杆菌诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子的作用。
**p<0.01 vs E.coli
实验例3.青蒿素抑制CpG ODN诱导细胞因子释放的时-效关系。
培养小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7,调整细胞悬液浓度为2×106/ml,加入48孔板中,每孔0.4ml。置37℃、CO2孵箱培养4h后使细胞贴壁,以加入CpG ODN时间为0时相点,分别在-4、-2、-1、0、1、2小时加入20μg/ml青蒿素,置37℃、CO2孵箱培养4h后取细胞培养上清待测定TNF-α,再过4小时后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子IL-6。明确青蒿素抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子的能力。
表3青蒿素抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放TNF-的时-效关系(x±SD)
Figure G05155368920050324D000052
Figure G05155368920050324D000061
**p<0.01 vs CpG
此次实验结果表明青蒿素显著抑制CpG ODN诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子,提前加入青蒿素及在加入CpG ODN后加入青蒿素,均能抑制细胞因子释放,但提前加入抑制作用更强(p<0.01,见表3)。
培养小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7,调整细胞悬液浓度为2×106/ml,加入48孔板中,每孔0.4ml。置37℃ CO2孵箱培养4h后使细胞贴壁,以加入热灭活大肠杆菌时间为0时相点,分别在-4、-2、-1、0、1、2小时加入20μg/ml青蒿素,置37℃、CO2孵箱培养4h后取细胞培养上清待测定TNF-α,再过4小时后取细胞培养上清待测细胞因子IL-6。明确青蒿素抑制热灭活大肠杆菌诱导RAW264.7释放细胞因子的能力。
**p<0.01 vs E.coli
清洁级昆明种小白鼠60只(重庆医科大学实验动物中心提供),体重18.6±0.5g/只,雌雄各半,随机分为对照组、青蒿素组(100mg/kg)、CpG ODN组(4mg/kg),青蒿素(50、100、200mg/kg)或青蒿素衍生物+CpG-ODN。每组10只动物。含CpG ODN组动物提前1小时给予D氨基半乳糖。对照不给予任何试剂;青蒿素组给予200mg/kg的青蒿素,给药方式为灌胃给药;CpG ODN组,给予4mg/kg体重的CpG ODN,给药方式为尾静脉注射;青蒿素或其衍生物+CpG ODN组,在灌胃给予不同剂量青蒿素后,立即给予4mg/kg体重的CpG ODN。给药完毕后给予正常饮食和饮水,观察7天内小鼠一般情况及死亡率(表5)。
表5青蒿素、双氢青蒿素、蒿甲醚及青蒿琥酯对CpG ODN攻击小鼠的保护作用
Figure G05155368920050324D000071
*p<0.05,**p<0.01 vs CpG
本实验表明,青蒿素、双氢青蒿素和蒿甲醚均可以可降低CpG ODN攻击小鼠的死亡率,表明对致炎因子攻击的小鼠具有保护作用。
Figure G05155368920050324D000072
Figure G05155368920050324D000081
*p<0.05;**p<0.01 vs E.coli
*p<0.5;**p<0.01 vs E.coli
Figure G05155368920050324D000091
*p<0.5;**p<0.01 vs E.coli
实验例9.青蒿素对CpG ODN、热灭活大肠杆菌攻击小鼠血清细胞因子表达影响
清洁级昆明种小白鼠48只(重庆医科大学实验动物中心提供),体重19.9±0.5g/只,雌雄各半,随机分为对照组、青蒿素组、CpG ODN组,青蒿素+CpG-ODN组、热灭活大肠杆菌组、青蒿素+热灭活大肠杆菌组,每组动物10只。对照不给予任何试剂。青蒿素组给予200mg/kg的青蒿素,给药方式为灌胃给药;CpG ODN组、热灭活大肠杆菌组,分别给予4mg/kg体重的CpG ODN、1.1×1011/kg体重的热灭活大肠杆菌组,给药方式均为尾静脉注射;青蒿素+CpG ODN组,在灌胃给予青蒿素后,立即给予CpG ODN、热灭活大肠杆菌组。给药完毕后摘眼球取血立即离心留置上清保存于-20℃,待测定细胞因子TNF-α(表9)。
表9青蒿素降低CpG ODN、热灭活大肠杆菌攻击小鼠血清细胞因子TNF-α(pg/ml)表达
Figure G05155368920050324D000101
*p<0.5 vs NO ART
本实验结果显示:青蒿素可以可显著降低CpG ODN、热灭活大肠杆菌攻击小鼠血清细胞因子表达。
  组别   n   有效   无效   有效率
  青蒿素治疗组   30   28   2   93
  常规治疗组   20   15   5   75
  合计   50   43   7   86
  组别   n   显著降低   无显著降低   有效率
  青蒿素治疗组   30   29   1   97
  常规治疗组   20   13   7   65
  合计   50   42   8   84
同理,口服200mg的青蒿素片剂口服,12小时1次,疗程5-7d可以预防或治疗因CpG ODN导致的脓毒症。

Abrotine, its derivative dihydro-abrotine, artemether, arteether and arte sunate in use of pharmacy

An application of arteannuin and its derivatives (dihydroarteannuin, artemether, arteether and artesunate) in preparing the medicines for preventing and treating the sepsis caused by CpG-ODN and bacteria is disclosed.
The application in pharmacy of arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate
Technical field
The present invention relates to the purposes of arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate, relate in particular to the purposes in pharmaceutical field.
Background technology
Bacterial infection is present clinical patient main causes of death.During organism infection, antibacterial thalline composition such as genomic DNA and bacterial endotoxin (LPS) are by activating panimmunity cells such as mammal Monocytes, dendritic cell, induce the release of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, NO, cause the damage of histoorgan, cause pyemic generation.
Herba Artemisiae Annuae belongs to feverfew, and China scientific research personnel in 1972 separates from the Chinese medicine Herba Artemisiae Annuae the earliest and obtains malaria effective monomer, called after arteannuin.The arteannuin molecular formula is C15H22O5, and according to chemical reaction, spectroscopic data and x-ray list product diffraction method prove that arteannuin is a kind of sesquiterpene lactone with peroxy.The chemical structural formula that its derivant mainly contains dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether and artesunate is:
Arteannuin and derivant thereof are used for treating the relevant heating of malaria the history in more than 1,000 year, is mainly used in the drug resistance pernicious malaria now clinically.Efferth TM, Wang X, Huong SM, Hauber I etc. are at its article " Antiviral activity of artesunate towards wild-type, recombinantandganciclovir-resistant human cytomegalovimses " (J Mol Med.2002; 80 (4): described Herba Artemisiae Annuae class material p223-224) and also had the effect of others, as relieving asthma, anticancer, schistosomicide and to immune adjusting etc.The research of relevant arteannuin and derivant thereof both at home and abroad mainly concentrates on malaria, anticancer, antischistosomal effect and the mechanism thereof.
To the existing research of the antiendotoxic effect of arteannuin and derivant thereof, Aldieri E, Bergandi L, RigantiC, Costamagna C, Bosia A, Ghigo D etc. are at its article " Artemisinin inhibits inducible nitricoxide synthase and nuclear factor NF-kB activation " (FEBS Lett.2003; 552 (2-3): described the activation that arteannuin can suppress the synthetic and NF-κ B of LPS/TNF-α inductivity NO synthase p141-144); The beam Aiwa, Xue Baoyun, Li Chunying etc. are at its article " artesunate is to the synthetic inhibitory action of the nitric oxide of endotaxin induction " (CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA .2001; 26 (11): described p770-773.) the artemisinin derivative artesunate to LPS and merge that interferon stimulates Turnover of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages NO synthetic the obvious suppression effect arranged, the Turnover of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages RAW264.7 that LPS is stimulated also has similar protective effect, and along with the increase artesunate of artesunate concentration also strengthens the synthetic inhibitory action of NO, beam Aiwa, Xue Baoyun, Wang Jinhua etc. are at its article " artesunate is to the synthetic inhibiting research of the inflammatory factor of endotaxin induction " (Chinese combination of Chinese and Western medicine first aid magazine .2001; 8 (5): inductive TNF-α generation has the obvious suppression effect to LPS at 25~100mg/L to have described artesunate p262.-265), and using the comparison suppression ratio separately with LPS is 43%~58%; Tan Yuqing etc. are at its article " the real research of arteannuin extract anti-endotoxin effect " (CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA .1999; 24 (3): p166-171) find that also Herba Artemisiae Annuae extract, arteannuin can reduce endotoxin shock mice LPO, ACP, endotoxin, TNF-α, P450 concentration; the increased SOD activity; reduce mouse death rate; prolong the mean survival time of mice, Mouse Liver, lung tissue form are also had the certain protection effect.But whether arteannuin and derivant thereof be effective to the sepsis that DNA of bacteria and antibacterial (gram positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria) cause, and do not appear in the newspapers.
Summary of the invention
The new purposes that the purpose of this invention is to provide a kind of arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate, i.e. new application in pharmacy.
In fact, the present invention relates to the application in the medication for treating pyemia that arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate cause as preparation prevention or treatment antibacterial.
Relate to arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate as the application in the medication for treating pyemia of preparation prevention or treatment CpG ODN initiation.
The present invention relates to the application in the medication for treating pyemia that arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate cause as preparation prevention or treatment antibacterial and CpG ODN.
Described CpG ODN is meant the oligonucleotide that includes the CpG motif, is the active least unit of DNA of bacteria.
The applicant has carried out pharmacology's analysis to the extracorporeal anti-inflammatory effect of arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate, finds that arteannuin, dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all have the remarkable vitro antiinflammatory action.Arteannuin, dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, any in the artesunate can significantly suppress colibacillus deactivating inductive people THP-1 cell line and mice RAW264.7 cell line discharges cytokine TNF-α and IL-6, and in therapeutic dose, along with arteannuin, dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, the increase of any material concentration in the artesunate, inhibitory action also strengthens thereupon, gives arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof in advance, Artemether, arteether, any in the artesunate can have preventive effect.
The applicant is to arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, antiinflammatory action has carried out pharmacology's analysis in the artesunate body, find arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, any in the artesunate can both reduce colibacillus deactivating, antibacterial (comprises Grain-negative, positive bacteria) attacks mortality of mice, can significantly suppress mice serum cytokine TNF-α and IL-6 and discharge, and to colibacillus deactivating, main organs (the heart of germ attack mice, liver, intestinal, lung, kidney) has remarkable protective effect; Arteannuin combined with antibiotic treatment bacterial infection effect is better.
Arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate use the method for conventional formulation to add the various dosage forms that can be prepared into behind the acceptable carrier medically on the pharmaceutics.
The invention has the advantages that:
(1) the present invention has excavated new medical application to known arteannuin and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate, has opened up a new application.
(2) arteannuin of the present invention and derivative dihydro-abrotine thereof, Artemether, arteether, artesunate safety non-toxic, pharmacological action is strong, and good prospect in medicine is arranged.
(3) big producing country of China's arteannuin and derivant thereof, the present invention has widened the subject range of arteannuin and derivant thereof, has good society and economy benefit.
(4) because present pyemic treatment lacks effective medicine, so the application of arteannuin and derivant thereof is significant to improving pyemic treatment rate.
(5) medicine of material preparation of the present invention has in the significant body and the extracorporeal anti-inflammatory effect, can effectively prevent or treat sepsis.
The specific embodiment
Following example is for further describing the present invention rather than restriction the present invention.
Experimental example 1. arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate suppress the amount-result relation that the CpG-ODN inducing cell factor discharges.
Cultivate mouse macrophage RAW264.7, adjusting concentration of cell suspension is 2 * 10 6/ ml adds in 48 orifice plates, every hole 0.4ml.Put 37 ℃ of CO 2Incubator makes cell attachment after cultivating 4h, the arteannuin (5,10,20,40,80 μ g/ml) of adding variable concentrations or dihydroarteannuin, Artemether, artesunate, the zest CpG ODN (5 '-TCC ATG ACG TTC CTG ACG TT-3 ') that adds 10 μ g/ml after 2 hours again, put and get cells and supernatant cytokine TNF-α to be measured after 37 ℃, CO2 incubator are cultivated 4h, after 4 hours, get cells and supernatant cytokine IL-6 to be measured.The concentration of TNF-α and IL-6 in the employing double-antibody sandwich elisa method mensuration cells and supernatant, clear and definite arteannuin or derivant suppress CpG ODN and induce RAW264.7 to discharge effect of cytokines.
Table 1 arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate suppress CpG ODN and induce the RAW264.7 cell to discharge dose-effect relationship (n=3, the x ± SD) of cytokine
Figure G05155368920050324D000041
**p<0.01 vs CpG ODN
This time experimental result shows that arteannuin significantly suppresses CpG ODN and induces RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine, increases with arteannuin concentration, and its inhibitory action strengthens (p<0.01 sees Table 1); Dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate also induce RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine to CpG ODN also remarkable inhibitory action.
Experimental example 2. arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate suppress the amount-result relation that the hot colibacillus deactivating inducing cell factor discharges.
Cultivate mouse macrophage RAW264.7, adjusting concentration of cell suspension is 2 * 10 6/ ml adds in 48 orifice plates, every hole 0.4ml.Put 37 ℃ of CO 2Incubator makes cell attachment after cultivating 4h, adds the arteannuin (5,10,20,40,80 μ g/ml) of variable concentrations or dihydroarteannuin, Artemether or the artesunate of 40 μ g/ml, adds 1 * 10 again after 2 hours 6The hot colibacillus deactivating of/ml is put and is got cells and supernatant cytokine TNF-α to be measured after 37 ℃, CO2 incubator are cultivated 4h, gets cells and supernatant cytokine IL-6 to be measured after 4 hours.The concentration of TNF-α and IL-6 in the employing double-antibody sandwich elisa method mensuration cells and supernatant, clear and definite arteannuin or derivant suppress hot colibacillus deactivating and induce RAW264.7 to discharge effect of cytokines.
Table 2 arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate suppress hot colibacillus deactivating and induce the RAW264.7 cell to discharge dose-effect relationship (n=3, the x ± SD) of TNF-α
**p<0.01 vs E.coli
This time experimental result shows that arteannuin significantly suppresses hot colibacillus deactivating and induces RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine, increases with arteannuin concentration, and its inhibitory action strengthens (p<0.01 sees Table 2); Dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate also induce RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine to hot colibacillus deactivating inhibitory action.。
Experimental example 3. arteannuin suppress the time-effect relationship that the CpG ODN inducing cell factor discharges.
Cultivate mouse macrophage RAW264.7, adjusting concentration of cell suspension is 2 * 10 6/ ml adds in 48 orifice plates, every hole 0.4ml.Put 37 ℃, CO 2Incubator makes cell attachment after cultivating 4h, to add the CpG ODN time is 0 o'clock point mutually, added 20 μ g/ml arteannuin respectively at-4 ,-2 ,-1,0,1,2 hours, put and get cells and supernatant TNF-α to be determined after 37 ℃, CO2 incubator are cultivated 4h, after 4 hours, get cells and supernatant cytokine IL-6 to be measured.Clear and definite arteannuin suppresses CpG ODN and induces RAW264.7 to discharge the ability of cytokine.
Table 3 arteannuin suppresses CpG ODN and induces RAW264.7 to discharge the time-effect relationship (x ± SD) of TNF-
Figure G05155368920050324D000052
Figure G05155368920050324D000061
**p<0.01 vs CpG
This time experimental result shows that arteannuin significantly suppresses CpG ODN and induces RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine, add arteannuin in advance and after adding CpG ODN, add arteannuin, all can suppress release of cytokines, but add inhibitory action stronger (p<0.01 sees Table 3) in advance.
Experimental example 4. arteannuin suppress the time-effect relationship that the hot colibacillus deactivating inducing cell factor discharges.
Cultivate mouse macrophage RAW264.7, adjusting concentration of cell suspension is 2 * 10 6/ ml adds in 48 orifice plates, every hole 0.4ml.Put 37 ℃ of CO 2Incubator makes cell attachment after cultivating 4h, to add the hot colibacillus deactivating time is 0 o'clock point mutually, added 20 μ g/ml arteannuin respectively at-4 ,-2 ,-1,0,1,2 hours, put and get cells and supernatant TNF-α to be determined after 37 ℃, CO2 incubator are cultivated 4h, after 4 hours, get cells and supernatant cytokine IL-6 to be measured.Clear and definite arteannuin suppresses hot colibacillus deactivating and induces RAW264.7 to discharge the ability of cytokine.
Table 4 arteannuin suppresses hot colibacillus deactivating and induces RAW264.7 to discharge time-effect relationship (n=3, the x ± SD) of TNF-α
**p<0.01 vs E.coli
This time experimental result shows that arteannuin significantly suppresses hot colibacillus deactivating and induces RAW264.7 to discharge cytokine, give arteannuin after adding arteannuin in advance or adding hot colibacillus deactivating, all can suppress release of cytokines, but add arteannuin inhibitory action stronger (p<0.01 sees Table 4) in advance.
Experimental example 5. arteannuin and derivant thereof are attacked the protective effect of mice to CpG-ODN.
Cleaning level 60 of the kind white mice in Kunming (Medical University Of Chongqing's Experimental Animal Center provides), body weight 18.6 ± 0.5g/ only, male and female half and half, be divided into matched group, arteannuin group (100mg/kg), CpG ODN at random and organize (4mg/kg), arteannuin (50,100,200mg/kg) or artemisinin derivative+CpG-ODN.Every group of 10 animals.Contain CpG ODN treated animal and gave D aminogalactose in 1 hour in advance.Contrast does not give any reagent; The arteannuin group gives the arteannuin of 200mg/kg, and administering mode is a gastric infusion; CpG ODN organizes, and gives the CpG ODN of 4mg/kg body weight, and administering mode is a tail vein injection; Arteannuin or derivatives thereof+CpG ODN group after the filling stomach gives the various dose arteannuin, gives the CpG ODN of 4mg/kg body weight immediately.Give normal diet and drinking-water after administration finishes, observe mice ordinary circumstance and mortality rate (table 5) in 7 days.
Table 5 arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin, Artemether and artesunate are attacked the protective effect of mice to CpG ODN
Figure G05155368920050324D000071
*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs CpG
This experiment shows that arteannuin, dihydroarteannuin and Artemether all can reduce CpG ODN and attack mortality of mice, shows that the mice that pro-inflammatory cytokine is attacked has protective effect.
Experimental example 6. arteannuin and derivant thereof are attacked the protective effect of mice to hot colibacillus deactivating.
Cleaning level 60 of the kind white mice in Kunming (Medical University Of Chongqing's Experimental Animal Center provides), body weight 19.9 ± 0.4g/ only, male and female half and half, be divided into matched group, arteannuin group, hot colibacillus deactivating group at random, arteannuin (50,100,200mg/kg) or derivant (40mg/kg)+hot colibacillus deactivating group.Every group of 10 animals.Contrast does not give any reagent; Arteannuin or derivant group are irritated stomach and are given arteannuin or derivant; Hot colibacillus deactivating group gives 1.1 * 10 11The hot colibacillus deactivating 35218 of/kg; Arteannuin or derivant+hot colibacillus deactivating group after the filling stomach gives arteannuin, gives hot colibacillus deactivating immediately.Give normal diet and drinking-water after administration finishes, observe mice ordinary circumstance and mortality rate (table 6) in 7 days.
Table 6 arteannuin is attacked the protective effect of mice to hot colibacillus deactivating
Figure G05155368920050324D000072
Figure G05155368920050324D000081
*p<0.05; **p<0.01 vs E.coli
This experimental result shows: arteannuin and derivant all can reduce mortality of mice, and the mice that pro-inflammatory cytokine is attacked has protective effect.
The protective effect that experimental example 7. arteannuin and derivant thereof are attacked mice to escherichia coli 35218.
Cleaning level Kunming kind white mice (Medical University Of Chongqing's Experimental Animal Center provides), body weight 19.9 ± 0.5g/ only, male and female half and half are divided into matched group, arteannuin group, escherichia coli group at random, arteannuin (50,100,200mg/ml) or derivant+escherichia coli group.Contrast does not give any reagent; Arteannuin or derivant group are irritated arteannuin or the derivant that stomach gives 200mg/kg; The escherichia coli group gives 1.1 * 10 5The escherichia coli that/kg lives; Arteannuin or derivant+escherichia coli group after the filling stomach gives arteannuin or derivant, gives escherichia coli immediately.Give normal diet and drinking-water after administration finishes, observe mice ordinary circumstance and mortality rate (table 7) in 7 days.
The protective effect that table 7 arteannuin is attacked mice to escherichia coli 35218
*p<0.5; **p<0.01 vs E.coli
This experimental result shows: arteannuin and derivant thereof all can reduce mortality of mice, and the mice that pro-inflammatory cytokine is attacked has protective effect.
Experimental example 8. arteannuin and derivant thereof are attacked the protective effect of mice to hot deactivation staphylococcus aureus.
Cleaning level Kunming kind white mice (Medical University Of Chongqing's Experimental Animal Center provides), body weight 20.1 ± 0.4g/ only, male and female half and half, be divided into matched group, arteannuin group, escherichia coli group at random, arteannuin (50,100,200mg/kg) or derivant (40mg/kg)+hot deactivation staphylococcus aureus group.Contrast does not give any reagent; Arteannuin or derivant group are irritated the arteannuin that stomach gives 200mg/kg; Hot colibacillus deactivating group gives 1.1 * 10 4The hot deactivation staphylococcus aureus of/kg; Arteannuin or derivant+hot deactivation staphylococcus aureus group after the filling stomach gives arteannuin or derivant, gives hot deactivation staphylococcus aureus immediately.Give normal diet and drinking-water after administration finishes, observe mice ordinary circumstance and mortality rate (table 😎 in 7 days.
Table 8 arteannuin and derivant thereof are attacked the protective effect of mice to staphylococcus aureus
Figure G05155368920050324D000091
*p<0.5; **p<0.01 vs E.coli
This experimental result shows: arteannuin and derivant thereof all can reduce mortality of mice, and the mice that pro-inflammatory cytokine is attacked has protective effect.
Experimental example 9. arteannuin are attacked the influence of mice serum cytokine-expressing to CpG ODN, hot colibacillus deactivating
Cleaning level 48 of the kind white mice in Kunming (Medical University Of Chongqing's Experimental Animal Center provides), body weight 19.9 ± 0.5g/ only, male and female half and half, be divided into matched group, arteannuin group, CpG ODN group at random, arteannuin+CpG-ODN group, hot colibacillus deactivating group, arteannuin+hot colibacillus deactivating group, 10 of every treated animals.Contrast does not give any reagent.The arteannuin group gives the arteannuin of 200mg/kg, and administering mode is a gastric infusion; CpG ODN organizes, hot colibacillus deactivating group, gives the CpG ODN, 1.1 * 10 of 4mg/kg body weight respectively 11The hot colibacillus deactivating group of/kg body weight, administering mode is tail vein injection; Arteannuin+CpG ODN group after the filling stomach gives arteannuin, gives CpG ODN, hot colibacillus deactivating group immediately.Plucking eyeball after administration finishes gets the centrifugal immediately indwelling supernatant of blood and is stored in-20 ℃, cytokine TNF-α to be determined (table 9).
Table 9 arteannuin reduces CpG ODN, hot colibacillus deactivating is attacked mice serum cytokine TNF-α (pg/ml) and expressed
Figure G05155368920050324D000101
*p<0.5 vs NO ART
This experimental result shows: arteannuin can significantly reduce CpG ODN, hot colibacillus deactivating is attacked the mice serum cytokine-expressing.
The pyemic clinical research that experimental example 10. arteannuin cause because of antibacterial in treatment
Selecting bacteria sepsis patient 50 examples, wherein 30 people organize as treatment, wherein male 19 examples, woman's 11 examples, age, average 38.6 ± 13.1 years old, treatment group all oral arteannuin on the basis of conventional therapy was treated in 19-70 year, the bacteria clearance of observing treatment group patient obviously improves, and sepsis obtains obvious control.Other 20 people only give conventional therapy, do not adopt arteannuin to treat.Effect criterion is according to effective, invalid 2 grades of evaluations, effectively: (1) sepsis symptom is controlled, and the state of an illness is clearly better; (2) serum TNF-α concentration significantly reduces.Invalid: (1) medication after 3 days the sepsis state of an illness do not have and take a turn for the better or increase the weight of; (2) serum TNF-α concentration concentration does not have remarkable reduction.Untoward reaction evaluation with patient in the medication process and the untoward reaction that occurs in the 5d after the medication and unusual result of laboratory test according to relevant with medicine, may be relevant, irrelevant, may have nothing to do, can't determine 5 grades and evaluate, relevant and may relevantly be listed as people's untoward reaction.
The arteannuin tablet of administrated method: 200mg is oral, 12 hours 1 time, the course of treatment 5-7d.
The pyemic effect of treatment after the medication is as shown in the table:
Table 1. prevention and treatment sepsis clinical observation situation
Group n Effectively Invalid Effective percentage
Arteannuin treatment group 30 28 2 93
The conventional therapy group 20 15 5 75
Add up to 50 43 7 86
Table 2. treatment group and matched group serum TNF-α concentration
Group n Significantly reduce Do not have significantly and reduce Effective percentage
Arteannuin treatment group 30 29 1 97
The conventional therapy group 20 13 7 65
Add up to 50 42 8 84
Untoward reaction: there are 2 routine patients mild nausea, dizziness etc. to occur, feed back transference cure, all the other do not have, and other is bad.
Can obtain conclusion from above experiment: arteannuin has reasonable curative effect in treatment aspect bacterial sepsis.
In like manner, the arteannuin tablet of oral 200mg is oral, and 12 hours 1 time, 5-7d can prevent or treat the sepsis that causes because of CpG ODN the course of treatment.
Same, dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can reach same pharmacological effect.
Embodiment 1
Get arteannuin 200 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, lactose 50 grams, gelatinized corn starch is an amount of, magnesium stearate is an amount of, behind the mix homogeneously, is prepared into 1000 with direct compression process, packing can obtain the tablet that specification is 200mg then, and device therefor is the conventional equipment of this area.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the tablet of 200mg specification with reference to embodiment 1.
Embodiment 2
Get arteannuin 100 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, lactose 50 grams, gelatinized corn starch is an amount of, magnesium stearate is an amount of, behind the mix homogeneously, is prepared into 1000 with direct compression process, packing can obtain the tablet that specification is 100mg then, and device therefor is the conventional equipment of present production.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the tablet of 100mg specification with reference to embodiment 2.
Embodiment 3
Get arteannuin 50 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, lactose 50 grams, gelatinized corn starch is an amount of, magnesium stearate is an amount of, behind the mix homogeneously, is prepared into 1000 with direct compression process, packing can obtain the tablet that specification is 50mg then, and device therefor is the conventional equipment of present production.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the tablet of 50mg specification with reference to embodiment 3.
Embodiment 4
Get arteannuin 200 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, starch 30 grams, dextrin 5 grams, an amount of mix homogeneously of magnesium stearate, 1000 No. 1 capsules of packing into divide then and pack bottle into or be processed into box promptly.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the capsule of 200mg with reference to embodiment 4.
Embodiment 5
Get arteannuin 200 grams 100 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, starch 30 grams, dextrin 5 grams, an amount of mix homogeneously of magnesium stearate, 1000 No. 1 capsules of packing into divide then and pack bottle into or be processed into box promptly.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the capsule of 100mg specification with reference to embodiment 5.
Embodiment 6
Get arteannuin 50 grams (purity 98%) of natural extract, starch 30 grams, dextrin 5 grams, an amount of mix homogeneously of magnesium stearate, 1000 No. 1 capsules of packing into divide then and pack bottle into or be processed into box promptly.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the capsule of 50mg specification with reference to embodiment 6.
Embodiment 7
Get arteannuin 200 grams of natural extract, add water for injection and this area wetting agent commonly used such as tween 80, this area suspending agent such as methylcellulose commonly used, the content that makes wetting agent is every liter of 0.1-0.2% gram, the content that makes suspending agent is every liter of 0.5-1% gram, make with ultrasonic Treatment then and be uniformly dispersed, filter, transfer pH value, embedding, sterilization to obtain 1000 muddy outstanding agent.Device therefor is this area common apparatus.
In like manner, according to embodiment 7, can obtain the muddy outstanding agent of arteannuin of 100mg and 50mg specification.
Dihydroartemisinine, Artemether, arteether, artesunate all can be prepared into the muddy outstanding agent of 50mg, 100mg, 200mg specification with reference to embodiment 7.

1. dihydroartemisinine, the application of Artemether in the pyemic medicine of preparation prevention or treatment CpG ODN initiation.

2. dihydroartemisinine, the application of Artemether in the medication for treating pyemia of preparation prevention or treatment antibacterial and CpG ODN initiation.

3. according to claim 1 or 2 each described purposes, it is characterized in that dihydroartemisinine, Artemether are prepared into any preparation on the pharmaceutics in pharmacy procedure.


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