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  2. 这张图片显示了一位名为鲁珀特的患者的治疗方案,以及治疗后的进展记录。内容如下: 鲁珀特的治疗方案 诊断为第4期结肠癌(肺部和肝脏均有肿瘤) 医生预计生存时间为6个月 治疗方案: Fenbendazole(芬苯达唑):222mg,每天三次 Ivermectin(伊维菌素):5mg,每天一次 CBD胶囊:25mg,配合Hemp提取物胶囊 Quercetin(槲皮素):500mg,每天一次 Tumeric(姜黄):1000mg,每天一次 Chlorella Tablets(小球藻片):2-4片,每天 补血剂或铁片 维生素E:180mg 维生素C:500mg 维生素D 超级B复合维生素配合维生素C Curcumin(姜黄素) SourSop Extractor(刺果番荔枝提取物):每天一勺 Grape Seed Extract(葡萄籽提取物):500mg,每天一次 杏仁:每天约3颗(不要再多) Essiac Tea(艾西亚茶):每天3-4盎司 SourSop Tea(刺果番荔枝茶):每天一杯热茶 SourSop/Graviola Pulp(刺果番荔枝果肉):每天做成冰沙 Propolis(蜂胶):12颗软胶囊,每隔一天服用一次 Beet Root Powder(甜菜根粉):每隔一天用水混合服用 治疗进展记录: 第4天:咳嗽停止 第7天:皮肤颜色恢复正常 第9天:癌症引起的瘙痒消失 第11天:血红蛋白从8上升到9 第13天:肝脏上的斑点消失 第21天:血红蛋白从6上升到9 第26天:开始形成坚硬的固体粪便 第45天:血红蛋白从6上升到10.3 第87天:肿瘤标志物从20.5降到7.2,肺部肿瘤变为良性,结肠壁变得更厚 图片中的内容描述了鲁珀特在接受该治疗方案后的逐步改善过程。 避风港395 病案与分享 二 问:我找不到芬苯达唑,请问阿苯达唑可以代替芬苯达唑做抗癌治疗吗?如果可以,请问应该吃多少毫克? ( #芬苯达唑 #阿苯达唑 ) 答:可以,因为这些达唑都是属于咪唑类,一类的,就是分子结构有点差异。但基本上是差不多的抗寄生虫药。你就按照药品说明书。因为你是用的阿苯达唑,阿苯达唑其实就是墙内的肠虫清,史克肠虫清就是阿苯达唑。你按照那个说明书,其实美国的抗癌患者用了芬苯达唑,也是按照芬苯达唑的抗寄生虫的药品用药建议剂量去服用的,只不过服用时间长一点。通常像这种抗寄生虫药都是一次性服用两三天,而抗癌要服用的时间比较长。通常是那位非小细胞肺癌的患者,他是用了每周三到四天,所以你不妨用相似的用药方法,建议的剂量去服用,通常是一周三到四天,然后你给一个休药期。 https://gettr.com/post/p39ulcrbe49 史克肠虫清 https://gettr.ink/Z3aEHn
  3. 以下的可查的几个公开的专利表明羟氯喹、青蒿素及其衍生物等可以治疗冠状病毒(新冠病毒)时间是2002年、2012年、2020年…… 2002年11月12日抗疟药新用途 申 请人 美:劳伦•夏鲁公开号 CN 1 6 1 2 7 3 5 A 发明名称抗疟治疗药物的新用途 本发明涉及一种用于治疗哺乳动物病毒性呼吸道感染的方法,所述方法包括通过靶向器官递药给予所述哺乳动物抗病毒有效量的抗疟化合物,例如羟气喹(HCQ)。 本发明还涉及应用所述抗疟化合物治疗感冒。 https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/a2/7b/6f/92f47516caa61f/CN1612735A.pdf CN1612735A-抗疟治疗药物的新用途-本发明涉及应用抗疟化合物治疗和预防腺病毒 或鼻病毒感染.pdf 2012年 09月29日中国人民解放军医学科学院军事兽医研究所 发明人 蒋澄宇、金宁一、孙阳、邹镇、李霄云、毅武专利号CN103687599A 本发明涉及氯喹治疗和氯丙嗪预防肺感染和损伤的用途。特别地,本发明涉及氯喹或氯丙嗪或其衍生物或它们的混合物以及含有它们的药物组合物在制备治疗和/或预防流感病毒引起的哺乳动物包括人的肺感染和/或肺感染的药物中的用途。 链接:https://patents.google.com/patent/CN103027915A/en CN103027915A-氟喹洽疔和氟丙嗪颈防肺感染和损伤的用途-本发明涉及氮喹治疗和氮丙嗪预防肺感染和 损伤的用途.pdf 2020年5月28日 中国人民解放军军事科学院军事医学研究院 发明人:未公布;发明名称:4-氨基喹啉类化合物在治疗冠状病毒感染方面的应用 摘要:本申请请涉及及羟基氯喹或氯喹,或其几何异构体或其药物上液的盐和/或其溶剂化物和/或其水合物,及含上述化物的药物组合物,用于治疗SARS-CoV-2引起的疾病或感染的用途。 https://patents.google.com/patent/CN111658648A/zh CN111658648A4-氨基喹啉类化合物在治疗冠状病毒感染 方面的应用.pdf 2020年07月24日:中国人民解放军科学院 军事医学研究院 青蒿素类化合物在治疗冠状病毒感染方面的应用申请公布号 CN 111803491 A 发明人:曹瑞源 王曼丽 李薇 杨晶晶 李月香 樊士勇 周辛波 肖典 胡志红 李松 钟武 摘要:本发明涉及青蒿素类化合物在治疗冠状病毒感染方面的应用,具体提供了化合物、其立体异构体、药学上流体的盐、溶剂化物或其水合物在制备药物中的用途,所述药物用于治疗冠状病毒(优选SARS-CoV-2)引起的疾病或感染,所述化合物选自青蒿素、蒿乙醚、蒿甲醚、青蒿酮、双氢青蒿素、青蒿醌、青蒿乙素、青蒿酸的一种或多种。 https://patents.google.com/patent/CN11180 3491A /zh CN111803491A-青蒿素类化合物在治疗冠状病毒感染方面的应用-Application of artemisinin compound in treatment of coronavirus infection.pdf
  4. 青蒿素 (artemisinin) 双氢青蒿素 (dihydroartemisinin, DHA) 青蒿琥酯 (artesunate) 水溶性: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 吸收速度: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 穿透细胞膜能力: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 三种青蒿素及其衍生物的生物利用率比较 双氢青蒿素 (DHA) 是所有青蒿素及其衍生物的代谢产物。 青蒿素口服的生物利用率约为 12%。即 100mg 青蒿素中只有 10% 转化为 DHA。 如果直接口服 DHA,其生物利用率约为 45%。其他衍生物如蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚等在人体内的生物利用率与口服 DHA 类似。 青蒿琥酯 (ART) 口服在人体内的生物利用率约为 80%。 根据口服生物利用率比较: 青蒿琥酯 = 2 倍双氢青蒿素 = 7 倍青蒿素。 在青蒿素衍生物中,只有青蒿琥酯可以制成注射剂。注射剂的生物利用率高于口服,约为 90%左右。在重大疾病如新冠危重病例、癌症转移病例等急症情况下,青蒿琥酯注射剂是最佳选择。 以下主要讨论青蒿琥酯的治疗效果。如需使用其他衍生物,请根据生物利用率自行计算。例如,100mg 青蒿琥酯大约等于 200mg 双氢青蒿素或 800mg 青蒿素的 DHA 血药累计量 (AUC 面积)。 口服生物利用率比较: 青蒿琥酯 = 2 倍双氢青蒿素 = 7 倍青蒿素。 青蒿素 (artemisinin) 双氢青蒿素 (dihydroartemisinin, DHA) 青蒿琥酯 (artesunate) 水溶性: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 吸收速度: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 穿透细胞膜能力: 青蒿琥酯 > 双氢青蒿素 > 青蒿素 三种青蒿素及其衍生物的生物利用率比较 双氢青蒿素 (DHA) 是所有青蒿素及其衍生物的代谢产物。 青蒿素口服的生物利用率约为 12%。即 100mg 青蒿素中只有 10% 转化为 DHA。 如果直接口服 DHA,其生物利用率约为 45%。其他衍生物如蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚等在人体内的生物利用率与口服 DHA 类似。 青蒿琥酯 (ART) 口服在人体内的生物利用率约为 80%。 根据口服生物利用率比较: 青蒿琥酯 = 2 倍双氢青蒿素 = 7 倍青蒿素。 在青蒿素衍生物中,只有青蒿琥酯可以制成注射剂。注射剂的生物利用率高于口服,约为 90%左右。在重大疾病如新冠危重病例、癌症转移病例等急症情况下,青蒿琥酯注射剂是最佳选择。 以下主要讨论青蒿琥酯的治疗效果。如需使用其他衍生物,请根据生物利用率自行计算。例如,100mg 青蒿琥酯大约等于 200mg 双氢青蒿素或 800mg 青蒿素的 DHA 血药累计量 (AUC 面积)。 口服生物利用率比较: 青蒿琥酯 = 2 倍双氢青蒿素 = 7 倍青蒿素。 Artemisinin (artemisinin) Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) Artesunate (artesunate) Solubility: Artesunate > Dihydroartemisinin > Artemisinin Absorption Rate: Artesunate > Dihydroartemisinin > Artemisinin Cell Membrane Penetration: Artesunate > Dihydroartemisinin > Artemisinin Comparison of Bioavailability of Three Artemisinin Derivatives Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) is the metabolic product of all artemisinin and its derivatives. The oral bioavailability of artemisinin is about 12%, meaning only 10% of 100mg artemisinin is converted to DHA. If DHA is taken orally, the bioavailability is about 45%. Other derivatives, such as artemether and arteether, have a similar bioavailability to oral DHA in the human body. The oral bioavailability of artesunate (ART) in the human body is about 80%. Based on oral bioavailability comparison: Artesunate = 2 times Dihydroartemisinin = 7 times Artemisinin. Among artemisinin derivatives, only artesunate can be formulated as an injection. The bioavailability of the injection is higher than oral administration, approximately 90%. In critical cases of severe diseases such as severe COVID-19 and cancer metastasis, artesunate injection is the best choice. The following mainly discusses the therapeutic effects of artesunate. If other derivatives are to be used, please calculate based on their bioavailability. For example, 100mg artesunate is approximately equivalent to 200mg dihydroartemisinin or 800mg artemisinin in terms of the cumulative blood concentration of DHA (AUC area). Comparison of Oral Bioavailability: Artesunate = 2 times Dihydroartemisinin = 7 times Artemisinin.
  5. Eglise医生问答: 请教:D3是如何制造出来的?从哪里提炼的? 答:维生素 D3是从羊毛脂中提取的粗胆固醇(7-脱氢胆固醇)化合物,在紫外线照射下形成维生素 D3。因其过程模仿了人类皮肤中发生的反应,故生物利用度高于来源于植物的维生素 D2。 后者是通过对“麦角甾醇”(一种从酵母中获得的化合物)施加紫外线辐射而制成。 https://gettr.com/post/p33b4ro09d7 问:请教D3正常值是什么? 七哥昨日注射D, 我验血值是79,过高吗?我每天用5000IU一粒,太阳下骑自行车30分钟。 答:成人维生素D3正常值:50–100 nmol/L(20–40 ng/mL),请明确剂量单位。疫情期间,我们新中国联邦推荐的成人CCP病毒预防方案建议维生素D3每日摄入量5000IU,伴维生素K2 100mcg; 平均每月150,000IU。文贵先生采用的是每月肌肉注射一次100,000IU。所以,只要日常按照病毒预防方案用药者,无需担心体内缺少维生素D。 但请注意,血清维生素D3的补充可增加小肠壁对钙的吸收,易发生高钙血症。如同时补充维生素K2,可避免钙质在血管壁上的沉积,从而避免因血管壁硬化所致的恶性高血压。 最近研究发现,血液中有足够维生素D时,可帮助阻止新冠病毒进入细胞,增强免疫功能,降低炎症反应,同时促进依赖维生素K2的蛋白质合成。这些蛋白质可减少血栓形成,减少炎性细胞因子释放,降低软组织钙化,保护心血管,增加骨密度。https://gettr.com/post/p1w67ap2768
  6. Ryan Cole博士:维生素D是抵御癌症调节新陈代谢的基础    本文视频引用来源:Covid Through a Pathologists Eye: Ryan Cole on DarkHorse【《通过病理学家之眼看Covid: Ryan Cole在DarkHorse节目中的访谈》】,视频发布日期为2024年3月31日,本段为节选六。 Your browser does not support the video tag. 以下为引用视频的中文大意:   Bret Weinstein: 基本免疫学,你知道的,有充分的理由去研究。   Dr Ryan Cole: 那你是怎样增强你的免疫系统的?嗯,显然,你一直在谈论维生素D,就是它。   Bret Weinstein: 维生素D,我是从你那里学到的。   Dr Ryan Cole: 我要给迈克尔·霍利克博士点个赞,我想,因为在流感和感冒季节,我有点借鉴了他的措辞,但我多年来一直在研究他的工作,再说一次,就像在风中吐痰一样,他几年前就试图传达这个观点。他是一个杰出的维生素D研究者,再次强调,我想他也在波士顿,有很多优秀的维生素D研究者,安德森博士在英国。如果我们花200亿美元来补充世界各地缺乏的维生素D水平,我们就能为系统节省大约3000亿美元的费用。   Bret Weinstein: 关于维生素D业务最令人烦恼的是,我不在乎你对它对COVID是否有积极影响感到多么不确定。我的意思是,从早期开始,证据在这方面是绝对清楚的。但即使不是这样,假设你一无所知,那么如果你是一个合乎逻辑的人,答案很可能是它有效,因为它在免疫方面是全面有效的。假设它不是。首先,它并不危险,因为身体能够分解过量的维生素D,副作用是什么?它们全都是积极的。   Dr Ryan Cole: 是的。每当我谈到维生素D时,我总是说:“确保你摄入了一些镁,因为镁有助于将钙推回骨骼,还有维生素K2,因为人们认为,‘哦,如果这么多好,那么更多就更好了。’”生活中有一个金发姑娘效应。再次强调,复杂的生物系统具有反馈环路,过多可能会造成伤害,过少可能不会有益,所以你必须找到那个幸福的区域。   甚至回到COVID,梅奥诊所做了一项研究,如果你的维生素D水平超过30,你就不会进入ICU。就是这么简单。一旦你早早地发表了那篇论文,那么问题就该结束了。我有医院管理人员对当地新闻大声疾呼,“哦,维生素D,无所谓。”它不是一种维生素,它是一种前激素,它是你免疫系统的主要指挥官等等。   而且你也提到了,你知道,你可以激活它,使它失活。事实上,在小鼠模型中,实验室模型,如果我想失活维生素D,我该怎么做?我喂它们高果糖玉米糖浆。它脱羟基并失活维生素D。你的杂货店货架上的80%食品中都含有什么?高果糖玉米糖浆。它是维生素D的失活剂。而且我们已经是一个维生素D不足,甚至是缺乏的社会。   Bret Weinstein: 对。这是一个新颖的问题。所以,事实上,这是一个非常好的基准,因为希瑟和我在我们的书中写了一篇对补充的怀疑。对吧?基本逻辑是正确的,也就是说,如果你的饮食正确,那么你可能不缺乏大多数东西。   然而,首先,我们的饮食并不正确,因为许多这些食物已经被改变,以适应长期的供应链等问题。但更重要的是,维生素D不是你主要从食物中摄入的东西。你主要是在太阳下制造它,而我们却生活在室内。在我们有阳光照射的程度,它通过玻璃来,这减少了大部分的紫外线。   所以关键是当我们写书时我们忽略了的一部分是,如果你生活在温带地区,你几乎肯定缺乏维生素D,而这几乎肯定会对你的病原体易感性产生巨大的负面影响。因此,补充是在纠正一个新颖的情况,对吧?然后一旦你有了它比任何其他方法都更好的证据,以应对COVID,对吧?你的单一最低成本,最高效的干预措施就是维生素D。   那么答案就是,如果你如此迷恋我们的健康,以至于你愿意剥夺我们的公民自由来保护我们免受这种事物的侵害,那么你也不会推荐这种东西,即使它最终证明没有积极影响,也会让你不那么容易受到其他你可能会遇到的十几件事情影响,我的意思是你可能会得的病,包括癌症在内。   Dr Ryan Cole: 包括癌症在内。   Bret Weinstein: 包括癌症,是的。你越往北走,结肠癌、前列腺癌、甲状腺癌、乳腺癌的发病率就越高。再次强调,相关性不等于因果关系,但观察到北半球和南半球冬季疾病的模式以及在冬季季节我们远离太阳的角度是非常引人入胜的。这些紫外射线在大气层中反射,直到我们的位置高于37.5度,才能穿透并开始合成。而且正如你所说的。   这是一个社会性问题。肥胖会使你的维生素D被囤积起来。这就是为什么我也谈论镁,因为它可以从你的脂肪储存中释放出你的D。你的皮肤越黑,你生活的地方越北。   Bret Weinstein: 是的,挑战越大。   Dr Ryan Cole: 黑色素是一种天然的防晒霜。你必须花六到十倍的时间在外面,才能像一个皮肤较白的人一样,因为在赤道,那里黑皮肤是保护性的。   Bret Weinstein: 太阳总是以更陡的角度照射下来。   Dr Ryan Cole: 绝对是,一直都是。   Bret Weinstein: 因此,你的挑战就少一些了。一旦你了解了这些事情,就不难了。   Dr Ryan Cole: 这一切又回到了什么?免疫系统,因为它是免疫系统的指挥官,它做什么?抵御癌症,调节新陈代谢,管理不同免疫细胞的活动来抵御病毒等等。因此,作为免疫学原理之一,这是基本和基础的。   Bret Weinstein: 是的,绝对是。再次强调,所以………   Dr Ryan Cole:而且,像你说的,对于书中的观点,我们在书中说到这一点时,我明白了,我知道他们的出发点是什么,但是我们已经不再过那种理想的适应进化的生活方式了。   Bret Weinstein: 确实。如果我们有机会重新写这一部分,我们会完全不同,因为事实是你正在纠正一种由新奇引起的缺陷。这本书就是关于新奇引起的缺陷,而在我们写书时,我们还没有发现这一点。还有其他一些,哦,我想提一下,关于太阳的角度和季节性以及我们倾斜的情况等等,强烈推荐一个叫做 D-Minder 的应用程序。   Dr Ryan Cole: 是的,我第一次演讲就提到过那个。   Bret Weinstein: 我忘了那个,所以我可能是从那里得到的。但 D-Minder 可以让你知道,根据我所处的位置,在一年中的许多月份你根本无法制造任何维生素D。你可能会出去晒太阳,认为你正在制造维生素D,但事实并非如此,对吧?   那么补充又在哪里呢?嗯,每当你无法在太阳下制造维生素D时,你就应该考虑补充,因为太阳穿透的大气层太厚。同样,了解一天中你可以制造多少维生素D。你取得的维生素D的量取决于你穿了多少衣服,所有这些信息都是非常重要的。能够让一个设备告诉你,这真是太好了。实际上,在这个小时你可以制造一些。   Dr Ryan Cole: 这里是一个提醒。我设置了通知,嘿,这是你的维生素D合成高峰,当你在那些健康的维生素D月份合成维生素D时,出去20、30分钟,直到你开始微红,但不要晒伤。然后就遮盖起来。而且自然的维生素D比服用合成的更持久,因为如果你服用维生素D3,你仍然必须经过肝脏旁路和羟化等等,你必须经历多个步骤才能使其活化。   阳光是你的朋友,而且有趣的是,阳光不仅仅是为了维生素D。因此,即使在冬天,出去晒太阳也至关重要,因为近红外光刺激了我们在癌症途径中谈论过的那些至关重要的线粒体,线粒体有自己的褪黑素产生,它是人体中最强大的抗氧化剂,但这是细胞内褪黑素,所以它清除细胞内的任何损伤和杂质。因此,每天不管是下雨还是晴天,出去并且接受光照对整体健康至关重要。   Bret Weinstein: 是的。而且恰好的是,它也对你的心理产生了极其积极的影响,是的,想象一下,所有这些都指向同一个方向。   以下为内嵌中英文字幕的对应视频,视频连接:撕皮儿剥壳——银河系@Spielberg 4月 10日, 2024      关联阅读:   Ryan Cole博士:以疫苗作为生化武器针对特定人群的问题   Ryan Cole博士:mRNA疫苗造成免疫系统窄化及异常IgG4   Ryan Cole博士:大多数医生的恐惧和怯懦使疫苗灾难泛滥   Ryan Cole博士:mRNA疫苗推出后出现的异乎寻常的血栓   Ryan Cole博士:mRNA疫苗推出后癌症激增并且机理改变   Ryan博士:新冠疫苗后的超水平死亡和意外猝死还在继续   Ryan博士:疫苗污染为苗后癌症等疾病的暴发提供了解释   Ryan博士:新冠疫苗强制接种后的癌症暴增以及疫苗污染   Ryan博士:疫苗群体的全因死亡率上升以及刺突蛋白毒性   Ryan博士:新冠疫苗后人类先天免疫系统被不正常地改变   Ryan博士疫苗灾难亲历:老年人患罕见皮肤病&癌症蔓延   Ryan博士:维生素D在减轻病毒感染和防癌方面的神奇表现   Ryan博士早期用青蒿素及羟氯喹治愈的三四百人无一死亡   Ryan Cole博士所看到的接种者体内的长血栓及清除建议   Ryan Cole博士:纳豆激酶分解清除刺突蛋白导致的血栓   医院拒用伊维菌素而用瑞德西韦致Tamara死亡引发的诉讼   重温21年7月白大褂峰会:政府与疫苗公司合谋毒害人类   参考连接:https://youtu.be/sEEKW05aHFU .responsive-video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; overflow: hidden; /* 防止视频溢出容器 */ } .responsive-video video { width: 100%; height: auto; }
  7. Cov19期间-注射维他命D 针剂的重要性(中文) The importance of vitamin D injections during Cov19(EN) Cov19 sırasında - D vitamini enjeksiyonlarının önemi(Türkçe ) 维持高维他命D血中浓度有益于COV19病毒感染后的复原和缓解疫苗副作用 Turkish, Chinese, English: The importance of vitamin D injections during Cov19 00:00-01:30:展示了给予维生素D注射的过程; 01:31-03:29:青蒿素、伊维菌素和维生素D(注射)是正在开发的疫苗解毒剂的三个主要成分(意大利语配音)。 资料来源 : https://gettr.com/post/p1y036z06b0 À propos de la vitamine D3 en injection 郭先生介绍科学家推荐的维生素D3针剂:可以预防新冠,也是感染新冠病毒和接种了毒疫苗的解药主要成分之一。 .responsive-iframe { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 这里根据实际情况调整 */ } .responsive-iframe iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
  8. 最近了解到在中国大陆比较难买到合适的VD,特分享几个图片给国内的朋友参考。 在中国可以买到的 VD针剂 海外可买到的VD针剂 海外的D3K2 口服套装
  9. 视频中的第3分15出现的内容勘误: 更正后的文件如下: 注:本方案是参考<青蒿素衍生物解疫苗及新冠病毒刺突蛋白毒成人建议方案(中文第2版)> 基础上,为了便于传播,脱敏简化而来。 参考<青蒿素衍生物解疫苗及新冠病毒刺突蛋白毒成人建议方案(中文第2版)> ,建议仅为参考而非医嘱。https://gettr.com/post/p1yj6vv41b1 假设以上述方案中的青蒿琥脂为例用于新冠疫苗解毒的补充信息: 青蒿琥酯(Artesunate ):每天100-200mg(与其他药物间隔5小时。服用7天,休药7天,为一个疗程。休药7天的原因是:一直连着服用可能会因起肝脏损伤!) 参考<新冠病毒预防及治疗建议方案11-2022(中文第3版)>:https://gettr.com/comment/c22c5tv8f1b 针对三针后有副反应的建议增加如下药物: 锌(Zinc):25-40mg/天 维生素C(Vitamin C):1000mg/天 维生素D3(Vitamin D3)5000IU/天 维生素 K2(Vitamin K2)100mcg/天 槲皮素(Quercetin)1000-2000mg/日 虾青素 (Astaxanthin)4-12mg/天 黑孜然籽油(Black cumin seed oil)40-80mg/公斤体重/天 褪黑激素(Melatonin) 5-10 毫克(每晚睡前服) 伊维菌素(Ivermectin )0.2-0.6毫克/公斤体重/天 提示1:国内维生素的单片剂量不够,有时候可能会考虑海淘进口品牌维生素。 以维生素D为例,国内通常每粒仅为400IU/粒,国内医生建议每天服用2粒,即 800IU/粒。而海外通常维生素D片,每粒为5000IU/粒。 在新冠感染期间建议每天服用剂量为10000IU/2粒。如果换算国内的800IU/粒,则需要服用 10000/800=12.5粒/天 提示2: 国内家人们很可能看不懂英文药物名称,所以增加对药物的中英文翻译也尤为重要。 参考我妈妈的三餐用药搭配方法(维生素和青蒿素间隔5小时服用,褪黑素晚上服用): 方案一: 早上:维生素C(Vitamin C)、维生素D3(Vitamin D3)、维生素 K2(Vitamin K2) 、槲皮素 (Quercetin), N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)、锌(Zinc) 中午:青蒿琥脂(Artesunate) 晚上:褪黑素(Melatonin)、伊维菌素(Ivermectin )、 虾青素 (Astaxanthin)、黑孜然籽油(Black cumin seed oil) 时间 药物名称 剂量 早上 维生素C(Vitamin C) 1000mg 维生素D3(Vitamin D3) 5000IU 维生素K2(Vitamin K2) 100mcg 槲皮素 (Quercetin) 1000-2000mg N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC) 1000-2400mg 锌(Zinc) 25-40mg 中午 青蒿琥酯(Artesunate) 100-200mg 晚上 褪黑激素(Melatonin) 5-10毫克 伊维菌素(Ivermectin ) 0.2-0.6毫克/公斤体重 虾青素(Astaxanthin) 4-12mg 黑孜然籽油(Black cumin seed oil) 40-80mg/公斤体重 方案二 早上:槲皮素 (Quercetin), N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)、虾青素 (Astaxanthin)、黑孜然籽油(Black cumin seed oil) 中午:青蒿琥脂(Artesunate) 晚上:褪黑素(Melatonin)、伊维菌素(Ivermectin )、维生素C(Vitamin C)、维生素D3(Vitamin D3)、维生素 K2(Vitamin K2) 、锌(Zinc) 时间 药物名 剂量 早上 槲皮素 (Quercetin) 1000-2000mg/日 N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC) 1000-2400mg/日 黑孜然籽油(Black cumin seed oil) 40-80mg/公斤体重/日 虾青素(Astaxanthin) 4-12mg/天 中午 青蒿琥酯(Artesunate) 每天100-200mg 晚上 褪黑素(Melatonin) 5-10毫克(每晚睡前服) 伊维菌素(Ivermectin ) 0.2-0.6毫克/公斤体重/日 维生素C(Vitamin C) 1000mg/天 维生素D3(Vitamin D3) 5000IU/天 维生素K2(Vitamin K2) 100mcg/天 锌(Zinc) 25-40mg/天 注意: 1.青蒿素应与维生素类药物间隔5小时服用(青蒿素与维生素类同时服用会抵消一部分青蒿素药效,青蒿素代谢半衰期在1.5小时左右,与维生素类间隔5小时可以增加疗效)。 2.如果您打了3针需要多次间歇7天的解毒疗程。 以上内容,期待着您提意见或建议。
  10. 本文短链接:gettr.ink/kWytkN ,也欢迎您体验 https://gettr.ink 长链接转换为短链接功能。 源视频链接:https://rumble.com/v4ox9qb-283727747.html 新上传youtube https://youtu.be/vj3HRAdmX6k 最早上传youtube后曾被内容审查,20分钟的原视频被平台删减为9分钟版本:https://youtu.be/nET0NqgtE5o 注:youtube链接打不开了,因为在15前小时前上传此视频,YouTube平台已被终止上传此视频的YouTube频道。 关于Cov19病毒和Cov19疫苗的风险和解决方案 https://www.paymap.org/6 向我们讲英语的朋友介绍 Cov19 https://www.paymap.org/3 更多信息:https://www.paymap.org/blogs/blog/5-helpful-info/ .video-container { position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 aspect ratio */ } .video-container iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
  11. 摘要: 近代研究发现青蒿不仅是高效、速效、低毒的抗疟药物,还具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗炎等多种生物活性。如对人巨细胞病毒、HBV、HPV、HIV、HCV、肠道病毒、新冠状病毒和狂犬病病毒等在内的多种病毒具有抗活性作用。 对于在新冠病毒肆虐中求生存的人们而言,青蒿素这个名字不该陌生了吧?青蒿,是常用中药,性味苦寒,归肝、胆、肾经,具有清热、祛暑、截疟等功效,为传统清热解暑药,临床用于治疗阴虚发热、暑热外感、疟疾、湿热黄疸等诸症。青蒿的前生,已有二千多年的药用历史,一千多年前东晋葛洪首次记载了青蒿绞汁服用治疗疟疾。 青蒿的今世,升级到了“青蒿素”。怎么升的级?越战时,北越士兵因疟疾丧命的数量超过战斗死亡。胡志明无奈之下向中共求救,毛泽东遂下令调集了500多名研究人员开发新的抗疟药物。中国人做西药,连个小学生都不如,可中药是老祖宗的看家本领,于是,只能将目光锁定在中草药上,最终锁定了青蒿为抗疟疾药物。这个秘密军事项目启动于1967年,北京中医研究院于1969年加入该研究,屠呦呦担任研究组长,提取出了抗疟神药“青蒿素”,研究该项目终止于1981年。 近代研究发现青蒿不仅是高效、速效、低毒的抗疟药物,还具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗炎等多种生物活性。如对人巨细胞病毒、HBV、HPV、HIV、HCV、肠道病毒、新冠状病毒和狂犬病病毒等在内的多种病毒具有抗活性作用。 青蒿素治疗疟疾的贡献使得屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔科学奖,青蒿素抗疟疾的机理,以及抗氧化、抗病毒的诸多功能使得人们在抗新冠病毒的时候,挑选了青蒿素,发现效果非常好。但是,青蒿素和伊维菌素一样属于救助天下苍生的普通药物,妨碍了达沃斯党人垄断的大药厂掠夺世界财富的计划,因此,被达沃斯党人、统治者、以及它们的爪牙——各国政府、科学机构雪藏起来——白不提黑不提。 因为对普罗大众有益的科技信息被屏蔽,当询问阳性了的人在吃什么药自救?所有人,包括精英人士在内的回答,绝对让你无语——“凡是对新冠病毒有绝对优势的自救药物——伊维菌素+阿奇霉素和地塞米松、青蒿素衍生物(水溶性的青蒿琥酯、脂溶性的蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、双氢青蒿素)、硫酸羟氯喹等等信息,几乎什么都不知道!” 本文本着实用的态度,将青蒿素用于对抗新冠病毒的实用信息以问答的方式归纳如下,此非正式药方,仅是一般公开信息的归纳整理而已,仅作参考,凭个人智慧判断或向有资格人士具体咨询,笔者不能负任何责任。 问:青蒿素和“青蒿素衍生物”有什么不同? 答:青蒿素为原始提取物,生物利用度不高,低于20%,治疗效果有限,用于保健可以。青蒿素提取物在阿里巴巴或1688上都可以购买到,但要注意确认真伪。“青蒿素衍生物”,所谓“衍生物”就是从一种物质到另一种划分更细的物质,一般来说是一种简单化合物中的氢原子或原子团被其他原子或原子团取代而衍生的较复杂的产物,疗效显著提高。例如“双氢青蒿素”就是青蒿素衍生物的一种,对很多慢性病癌症都有治疗效果。 问:青蒿素衍生物有哪几种? 答:目前临床应用的青蒿素衍生物主要有:水溶性的青蒿琥酯(artesunate)、脂溶性的蒿甲醚(artemether)、蒿乙醚(arteether)双氢青蒿素(dihydroartimisinin,dihydroqinghaosu)。 问:新冠病毒治疗和新冠病毒疫苗解毒用哪种青蒿素衍生物? 答:青蒿琥酯、双氢青蒿素、篙甲醚。解疫苗病毒最好是青蒿琥酯,参考用量为每公斤体重2.4 mg,抑制率为80%。 问:这几种青蒿素衍生物的效果有什么差别? 答:效果最好的是琥酯和甲醚,各有千秋,不可一概而论。质量好坏看纯度,自用的话,纯度98%够了,纯度99%以上为药用,主要为了保质期和避免杂质影响效果。 问:青蒿素纯度多少的好? 答:有纯度98%的,也有99%的,其实差别不大。 问:疫苗解毒和新冠病毒感染预防以及治疗使用青蒿素的区别? 答:青蒿素半衰期短,预防不必用,预防用伊维菌素、羟氯喹、锌、槲皮素就可以。青蒿素可以作为“暴露”后用药,如你去了某个危险场所,之前没有吃预防药物,回来就可以服用青蒿素。治疗的话最好用青蒿琥酯,其次双氢青蒿素,疫苗解毒也一样。治疗其他疾病也是青蒿琥酯优先选择,因为生物利用度比较高。 问:预防新冠病毒青蒿素的服用剂量在什么范围? 答:预防新冠病毒,用羟氯喹+锌+槲皮素就够了。因为青蒿素衍生物的半衰期较短,青蒿琥脂用于治疗要比用于预防好。 问:疫苗解毒也按照新冠病毒治疗剂量服用青蒿琥酯吗? 答:要更正一个认识误区,打疫苗就是中毒,一针疫苗里就有40万亿个刺突蛋白(Spike protein,也叫S蛋白),可比你感染心冠病毒的中毒严重多了!你想想,感染病毒是急性机体损伤,免疫系统功能还是完好的,无苗族即便是感染了治疗快康复速度很快。而你被打了新冠病毒疫苗的话,疫苗造成的感染会持续伤害身体各个器官以及血管上皮细胞,更可恶的是刺突蛋白关闭了你的免疫功能,抑制了你的抗癌基因发挥作用,从而诱发癌症以及各种想不到的其他疾病,所以治疗新冠病毒疫苗的中毒,要比治疗新冠病毒感染服用剂量大而不是小,治疗时间只能长而不能短。 问:哪种青蒿素衍生物对新冠病毒治疗有效? 答:青蒿素、伊维菌素、羟氯喹、锌在体外实验或临床实验中,都证明对新冠病毒有效。尤其是青蒿素和伊维菌素,在体外抑制实验、临床实验均能明显抑制病毒复制,对治疗新冠有显著作用。羟氯喹、锌、维生素D3、维生素C作为辅助治疗和预防药物,对新冠预防感染和加快恢复也有明显作用。 问:服用青蒿素保健品的同时可以吃羟氯喹吗? 答:可以,但没必要两者同时吃。 问:蒿子类是寒性,青蒿素衍生物是不是也是寒性的? 答:对,青蒿素药性苦寒,解毒同时肯定消耗身体热能和阳气。建议服用时为了保持平衡尽可能与温热性药物或温热性食物(生姜、胡椒、花椒、肉桂)同时摄取。停止服用期尽量补充些升阳气之物,例如人参、黄芪、山药等。 问:感染了新冠病毒的患者需要服用多长时间?如何判断体内病毒已经被完全排除了? 答:冠状病毒里被插入了HIV(艾滋病毒)片段,可能很难完全清除,估计需要很长时间。至于如何判断体内病毒已经被完全排除了,只能以检查结果为判断依据。建议服用剂量参考每公斤体重2.4mg计算。疗程参考服用7天,间隔7天,给肝脏留出休息的时间。 问:青蒿素服用方法为什么一天服用两次? 答:以青蒿琥酯为例,服用剂量参考每公斤体重2.4mg计算的话,因为半衰期短,3个小时左右就全部代谢完了。所以建议一天分开2次服用。 问:青蒿素服用剂量范围是多少? 答:以青蒿琥酯为例,新冠病毒治疗服用剂量参考每公斤体重2.4mg计算,其他疾病每公斤体重2mg。 问:疫苗有哪几种?不同种类疫苗的特点是什么? 答:有灭活疫苗、mRNA疫苗、腺病毒疫苗3种。3种的共同的目的都是把刺突蛋白注射进人体,但各自运载刺突蛋白的载体不同。(1)灭活疫苗,是用氧化石墨烯纳米颗粒做载体把刺突蛋白的RBD区域直接送进细胞里。(2)mRNA疫苗,是用氧化石墨烯纳米颗粒做载体把转录刺突蛋白RBD区域的mRNA送进细胞里。(3)腺病毒,是用把逆转录刺突蛋白的腺病毒RNA送进细胞里。 问:这3种疫苗的消毒难度有什么差别? 答:不考虑氧化石墨烯的因素的话,mRNA疫苗危害最大。而科兴灭活疫苗注入的刺突蛋白量远比辉瑞疫苗多。就消毒难度而言,灭活疫苗难度较低,因为一剂疫苗里的40万亿个新冠病毒疫苗是被“灭活”的,也就是被杀死了的,清除起来相对容易。而mRNA和腺病毒都是要人体自己不断复制出刺突蛋白的,就像艾滋病毒自我复制那样,因此治疗难度就更大,很难清除干净。 问:家庭成员中有的接种疫苗了有的没有,该怎么办好? 答:有苗族,接种针数越多,体内病毒含量越高,事实上是传染源,因为刺突蛋白可以从携带者身上脱落,例如可以通过呼吸(气溶胶)、体液、皮肤接触等方式传播给无苗族。因此,被动的保护方式是无苗族远离有苗族。主动的保护方式是有苗族为了不给他人造成伤害主动解毒。 更多的专业信息请参考《Eglisebell医生对青蒿素解疫苗和病毒刺突蛋白的成人建议方案》,链接地址在此,相信会找到你所有需要的答案。
  12. 本文短链接:gettr.ink/eCsccZ 1.什么是青蒿素及其衍生物 Artemisinin and its derivatives 青蒿素是一种来源于植物黄花蒿的倍半萜类化合物,具有抗感染、免疫调节、抑制肿瘤细胞等多种生物活性。Artemisinin is a sesquiterpene compound derived from the plant Artemisia annua, which has various biological activities such as anti-infection, immune regulation, and tumor cell inhibition. 1.1 青蒿素中医药背景及历史沿革 Background of artemisinin in traditional Chinese medicine and its development 20世纪60年代,随着传统抗疟药物耐药性的出现,全球迫切需要新型抗疟药物。1971年下半年,中国中医研究院的屠呦呦领导的科研小组从中国传统医学典籍受到了启发,以乙醚提取其中的有效成分。1971年10月4日研究组取得青蒿中性提取物对鼠疟、猴疟100%疟原虫抑制率的突破。In the second half of 1971, the scientific research team led by Tu Youyou of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine was inspired by the classics of traditional Chinese medicine and extracted the active ingredients with ether. On October 4, 1971, the research team achieved a breakthrough in the 100% inhibition rate of malaria parasites by the neutral extract of Artemisia Annua on rat malaria and monkey malaria. 1977年《科学通报》第22卷第3期以“青蒿素结构研究协作组”的名义,首次发表了青蒿素化学结构及相对构型的论文,题目是《一种新型的倍半萜内酯——青蒿素》。青蒿素的结构完全公诸于世 [1]。The “Science Bulletin”, Volume 22, No. 3, of 1977 saw a publication with the authorship of “Artemisinin Structure Research Collaborative Group”. This publication reported the chemical structure and relative configuration of artemisinin for the first time, titled “A New Type of Sesquiterpene Lactone-artemisinin”. The structure of artemisinin is fully known to the world [1]. 1.2 青蒿素及其衍生物代谢特性 Metabolic properties of artemisinin and its derivatives 青蒿素为脂溶性化合物,口服生物利用度较低。因此在其原有结构的基础上,研究人员开发了诸多结构优良的衍生物。其中有代表性的是蒿甲醚、青蒿琥酯。Artemisinin is a fat-soluble compound with low oral bioavailability. Based on its unique structure, researchers have developed many derivatives with excellent structures. Among them, artemether and artesunate are representative. 青蒿素和青蒿素衍生物有着不同的代谢途径。群体药动学研究显示,青蒿素具有肝药酶诱导效应,这显示在口服青蒿素后,自第二日起青蒿素在体内的药物暴露逐渐降低,这一过程往往在停药后两到三周内恢复正常[2]。药物相互作用研究显示,口服青蒿素会降低青蒿素衍生物在体内的药物暴露,但口服青蒿琥酯后并不会降低青蒿素在体内的药物暴露[3]。Artemisinin and artemisinin derivatives have different metabolic pathways. Population pharmacokinetic studies have shown that artemisinin has a Cytochrome-inducing effect, which results in a low artemisinin exposure one day after oral dose of artemisinin. The drug exposure gradually decreases from the second day onwards. This process tends to resume within two to three weeks [2]. Drug interaction studies have shown that oral administration of artemisinin can reduce the drug exposure of artemisinin derivatives, but oral administration of artesunate does not reduce the drug exposure of artemisinin [3]. 青蒿琥酯口服后,部分在肠道依赖酸的化学水解作用形成双氢青蒿素后再吸收入血液中;未转化的部分则直接通过门静脉进入肝脏,此部分有些再通过肝脏代谢青蒿素的过程被转化为双氢青蒿素。青蒿琥酯具有水溶性,有利于吸收,具有其他青蒿素衍生物没有的药物动力学优势 。鉴于其优秀的理化性质,青蒿琥酯可以制成各类制剂,如注射液、片剂、栓剂、脂质体微囊等,用于注射、口服或直肠给药,甚至可以经静脉滴注进行全身给药。青蒿琥酯是一种速效、低毒的抗疟药物,用于成人、儿童以及孕妇的疟原虫感染治疗,已挽救了数百万人的生活 [4]。After oral administration of artesunate, part of it will be absorbed into the blood after being formed into dihydroartemisinin by the chemical hydrolysis of acid in the intestinal tract, and the untransformed part will directly enter the liver through the portal vein, and part of it will be converted into dihydroartemisinin through liver metabolism Artemisinin. Artesunate is water-soluble, which is beneficial to absorption, and has pharmacokinetic advantages that other artemisinin derivatives do not have. In view of its excellent physical and chemical properties, artesunate can be made into various preparations, such as injections, tablets, suppositories, liposome microcapsules, etc., for injection, oral or rectal administration, and even intravenous infusion For systemic administration. Artesunate is a fast-acting, low-toxicity antimalarial drug used in the treatment of Plasmodium infection in adults, children and pregnant women, and has saved millions of lives [4]. 2. 青蒿素及其衍生物的药理机制 Pharmacological mechanism of artemisinin and its derivatives 2.1 青蒿素及其衍生物的抗疟机理 Antimalaria activity of Artemisinins 作为一线抗疟药,青蒿素安全、低毒、耐受性好。 最常见的青蒿素衍生物包括蒿甲醚、蒿乙醚、双氢青蒿素、及青蒿琥酯。 它们被作为疟疾联合疗法的一部分在全世界销售。其相关药理机制在1972 年由中国科学家屠呦呦领衔的科研团队发现,并以此获得 2015 年诺贝尔生理医学奖 [5]。As first-line antimalarial medicines, Artemisinins are safe, low-toxic, and tolerable. The most common Artemisinin derivatives include artemether, arteether, dihydroartemisinin, and artesunate. They are marketed as part of combination therapy throughout the world. Its pharmacological mechanism was discovered in 1972 by a research team led by Chinese scientist Tu Youyou and thus shared the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine [5]. 青蒿素及其衍生物都是含有特殊的过氧化物桥的倍半萜内酯。这种内过氧化物环是其抗疟疾特性的关键。青蒿素及其衍生物已用于治疗疟疾和寄生虫(蠕虫)感染。其机理是青蒿素及其衍生物结合寄生虫细胞内的铁,催化过氧化物桥的崩解,然后产生大量自由基,最后导致寄生虫蛋白质破坏而起作用 [6]。青蒿素及其衍生物药效快,可杀死所有疟原虫物种的血液阶段并减少寄生虫生物量 [7,8]。Artemisinins appear to act by binding iron, breaking down peroxide bridges and generating free radicals that damage parasite proteins. They work rapidly, killing the blood stages of all Plasmodium species and reducing the parasite biomass [6]. Artemisinins have the fastest parasite clearance times of any antimalarial [7,8]. 虽然口服蒿甲醚和双氢青蒿素(DHA)比青蒿琥酯更常被使用在固定剂量的处方中[9]。 但是在药物稳地性以及易于联合用药的表现上,青蒿琥酯优于双氢青蒿素(DHA);且在动物实验的不良反应结果上,青蒿琥酯优于蒿甲醚。因此,静脉注射青蒿琥酯是治疗重症疟疾的一线疗法 [10]。 青蒿琥酯在治疗严重疟疾方面也优于奎宁,其清除寄生虫血症和降低儿童和成人死亡率的效果更优 [11]。 青蒿琥酯直肠给药也广泛用于疟疾流行的偏远地区,可以有效稳定重症患者病情,直到将患者转运到专业医疗机构进行治疗 [12]。Oral artemether and dihydroartemisinin (DHA) are more commonly used in fixed-dose formulations than artesunate [9]. Artesunate might have more favorable properties, both in terms of stability and ease of co-formulation, when compared with DHA, and adverse effects in animal models, when compared with artemether. Intravenous artesunate is the first-line therapy for the treatment of severe malaria [10]. It is superior to quinine for treating severe malaria-clearing parasitemia and reducing mortality in children and adults [11]. Rectal artesunate is used in remote areas of malaria-endemic countries for stabilizing severely ill patients before health facility transport for further management [12]. 2.2 青蒿素及其衍生物的抗病毒机理 Antiviral Mechanism of Artemisinin and Its Derivatives 青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)是目前最瞩目的抗病毒候选药物,其在低微摩尔范围内就具有抗乙型和丙型肝炎病毒、人类疱疹病毒一型和二型、人免疫缺陷病毒、EB病毒、以及甲型流感病毒的活性,并在联合使用时与其他抗病毒药物具有协同作用 [13-20]。通常,ARTs 会抑制病毒感染细胞的关键代谢调节通路(NF-κB 或 Sp1 依赖性通路),从而阻断病毒感染特异性宿主细胞以及在细胞内复制扩增 [21]。ARTs have turned out to be the most promising antiviral drug candidates with activities against hepatitis B and C viruses, human herpes viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2, HIV-1, Epstein-Barr, and influenza virus A in the low micromolar range and is synergistic with other antiviral drugs when used in combination \[13-20\]. In most cases, ARTs inhibited the central regulatory processes of viral-infected cells (NF-κB or Sp1-dependent pathways), thus blocking the host-cell–type and metabolic requirements for viral replication [21]. 来自不同种类的蒿属植物的提取物对 SARS-CoV-2 都具有活性。体外试验证明青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)可有效抑制 SARS-CoV-2 在细胞内扩增 [22];青蒿琥酯可有效结合 SARS-CoV-2 的刺突蛋白的 Lys353 和 Lys31 位点,其效果优于羟氯喹[23]。计算机模拟和蛋白分子实验研究也显示,与羟氯喹相比,ARTs可以更有效地结合多个COVID-19 靶蛋白,包括刺突糖蛋白、刺突胞外域结构蛋白、主要蛋白酶 (MPro),以及刺突蛋白受体结合域,从而阻止 SARS-CoV-2 与宿主受体 ACE2 结合 [24-31]。 因此提示,ARTs 可以作为防治 SARS-CoV-2 感染优先选择药物 [32,33]。Recently, several investigators have now shown that extracts from different species of Artemisia are active against SARS-CoV-2. In vitro experiments have shown that artemisinin and its derivatives can effectively inhibit the intracellular amplification of SARS-CoV-2 [22]; artesunate can effectively bind to Lys353 and Lys31 sites of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, and its effect is stronger than that of hydroxy-chloroquine [23]. Researchers used in silico approaches to investigate if artemisinin or its derivatives could physically bind any of the COVID-19 target proteins including SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein, spike ectodomain structural protein, the main protease of the virus (MPro) or spike receptor-binding domain, thereby preventing SARS-CoV-2 from binding to the host receptor ACE2. Furthermore, molecular docking studies revealed that artemisinin bound to all four proteins and in some cases displayed better binding modes than hydroxychloroquine [24-31]. Thus, ARTs could serve as best leads for further drug development process for SARS-CoV-2 infection [32,33]. 青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)也可通过调节宿主细胞TGF-β代谢途径,进而降低 SARS-CoV-2 病毒在细胞内的扩增。其抗病毒活性的机制可能是通过诱导细胞 ROS、钝化 PI3K/Akt/p70S6K 信号通路、结合 NF-κB/Sp1 或诱导内吞抑制机制,从而抑制病毒的复制和生长 [34]。Results from recent studies indicate that ARTs impair SARS-CoV-2 viral infection by modulating several host cell TGF-β metabolic pathways, thus making them attractive candidates for COVID-19. The mechanism of antiviral activity may be through the induction of cellular ROS, blunting the PI3K/Akt/p70S6K signaling pathway, binding to NF-κB/Sp1 or inducing an endocytosis inhibition mechanism, all of which lead to inhibition of viral replication and growth [34]. 2.3 青蒿素及其衍生物的免疫调节效应 Immunomodulatory effects of ARTs 青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)具有明确的抗炎和免疫调节作用,能降低多种炎症因子的水平,抑制自身免疫性炎症,细菌感染性炎症,以及COVID-19引发的炎症和细胞因子风暴的发生发展 [35]。ARTs were proven for their potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, which can reduce various inflammatory factors levels, and inhibit autoimmune inflammation, bacterial infectious inflammation, and the occurrence of inflammation and cytokine storm caused by COVID-19 development [35]. 动物研究发现可有效治疗多种自身免疫性炎症,包括类风湿性关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症、炎性肠病、以及过敏性疾病 [36]。 其抗炎机制包括: (1)抑制 iNOS 和 COX-2 通路; (2) 抑制 ERK 和 NF-κB 信号; (3)抑制病原性T细胞活化; (4)抑制B细胞活化和抗体产生; (5) 通过 TNF-α 下游的 PI3K/Akt 信号通路抑制 Akt 磷酸化和 IκB 降解。 因此,青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)可作为炎症性疾病和自身免疫性疾病的候选治疗方案 [37]。 ARTs exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects. Using animal models, Artemisinins effectively treated autoinflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, and allergic disorders [36]. Some of the anti-inflammatory mechanisms include (1) inhibition of the iNOS and COX-2 pathways; (2) suppression of ERK and NF-κB signaling; (3) inhibition of pathogenic T cell activation; (4) suppressing B cells activation and antibody production; and (5) inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and IκB degradation through the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway downstream of TNF-α. Thus, the varied mechanisms of ARTs exhibit their anti-inflammatory effects warrant investigation into their role as therapeutic candidates for inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders [37]. SARS-CoV-2 感染伴随着细胞因子风暴以及感染末期的水肿和肺纤维化。 SARS-CoV-2 诱导 TGF-β 的表达上调,可能是肺纤维化的诱因 [38]。 人们急切希望找到即可有效阻断 TGF-β 又低毒性的小分子。 令人鼓舞的是,在几种炎症性疾病模型中,青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)都被证明可以有效抑制 TGF-β [34]。Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β) plays an important role in modulating the immune system and displays different activities on different types of immune cells. SARS-CoV-2 infection is accompanied by a cytokine storm together with edema and pulmonary fibrosis at the end stage of the infection. SARS-CoV-2 also up-regulates TGF-β expression which may partly explain the cytokine storm and fibrosis in the lung [38]. Efforts are underway to discover novel and specific small molecules that can potently block TGF-β expression with negligible side-effects. Artemisinin and its derivatives have been shown to be suppressors of TGF-β in several models of inflammatory diseases [34]. 2.4 青蒿素衍生物抗癌前景 Anti-tumor activity of Artemisinins 青蒿素及其衍生物(ARTs)的抗肿瘤作用机制主要涉及诱导细胞凋亡。ARTs 的过氧化物桥药效团可被血红素或游离亚铁还原,从而产生碳自由基和活性氧 (ROS)。过量的 ROS 会导致细胞凋亡[39,40]。除此以外,ARTs 也可以通过诱导非凋亡途径,导致细胞死亡(包括自噬和铁死亡),进而发挥抗肿瘤活性 [41-43]。此外,ARTs 也可阻滞癌症发生发展的多个关键进程,包括抑制癌细胞增殖、抗血管生成、抗癌转移和侵袭、诱导细胞周期停滞、破坏癌症信号通路和打乱肿瘤微环境 [44,45]。The mechanism of anti-tumor action of Artemisinins is mainly involved in apoptotic cell death which has been confirmed by most literature. Recognized endoperoxide bridge pharmacophores could be reduced by heme or free ferrous iron to generate carbon-free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excess production of ROS is known to cause apoptotic cell death [39,40]. However, new mechanisms of action in the anti-tumor activity of ARTs by affecting non-apoptotic cell death, including autophagy, and ferroptosis, were also found [41-43]. ARTs, including the suppression of cancer cell proliferation, anti-angiogenesis, anti-cancer metastasis and invasion, induction of cell cycle arrest, disruption of the cancer signaling pathway, and regulation of tumor microenvironment, also influenced other hallmark events of cancer development and progression [44,45]. 迄今为止,已有大量体外和体内研究描述了 ARTs 的抗癌作用,并取得了令人鼓舞的结果 [46]。 研究人员通过开发新型青蒿素衍生物、包装青蒿素纳米制剂、以及联合疗法等手段推进青蒿素的癌症治疗 [47]。已有多份病例报道,描述 ARTs 抑制肿瘤生长的效益。相关研究主要为实体肿瘤,包括结直肠癌、乳腺癌、肝细胞癌、前列腺癌和肺癌 [48-52]。 多项针对不同肿瘤的 1期(安全性)和 2期(小样本有效性)临床试验正在多家临床机构中开展。Recent ARTs anticancer therapies include developing novel ARTs derivatives, novel nano-formulations, and combination therapy [46]. There are many encouraging in vitro and in vivo studies describing the ARTs anticancer effects [47]. Many case reports documented ARTs on reducing tumor size and retarding growth. The most well-studied are solid tumors: colorectal carcinoma, breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and lung cancer [48-52]. Several phase 1 (safety) and phase 2 (small sample efficacy) clinical trials targeting different tumors are being conducted in multiple clinical institutions. 3. 青蒿素衍生物对Covid-19的防治建议 Suggestions on the Prevention and Treatment of Artemisinin Derivatives against Covid-19 3.1 已有临床研究结果 Documented clinical research results 2020年,一项收治43例新冠肺炎确诊患者,18例纳入青蒿琥酯联合治疗组,25例为常规治疗组。结果显示, 青蒿琥酯联合治疗组的病灶吸收时间增快(青蒿琥酯14.11±4.16天,对照17.04±4.42天)住院时间缩短(青蒿琥酯16.56±3.71天,对照18.04±3.97天)。该结果表明青蒿琥酯能缩短新冠肺炎患者的治疗时间,改善预后和清除病原体,不良反应少,有很好的应用前景 [52]。由于青蒿琥酯具有双向免疫调节作用,因此有利于减轻SARS-CoV-2引发的脓毒症,从而降低 Covid-19 重症、危重症患者的病死率 [54]。In 2020, a chinese clinic trial recruded 43 Covid-19 patients,of which 18 were treated with artesunate combination treatment and 25 with conventional. According to the results, the artesunate combination treatment group showed faster lesion absorption (day: 14.11±4.16 vs 17.04±4.42) and shorter hospital stay (day: 16.56±3.71 vs 18.04±3.97). It indicated that artesunate can shorten the Covid-19 treatment time, clear pathogens, and improve prognosis with minimized adverse effects [52]. Artesunate is beneficial to reduce the sepsis caused by SARS-CoV-2,by its duo-immunomodulatory effects, thereby, reduce the mortality rate of severe and critically ill patients with Covid-19 [54]. 另一项2020年,收治41例Covid-19确诊病例的临床对照试验中,23名受试者接受青蒿素\-哌喹的治疗组合,另18名受试者为对照组。青蒿素\-哌喹组的第一天口服负荷剂量为两片(青蒿素 125 毫克和哌喹 750 毫克),然后每天服用一片低剂量(青蒿素 62.5 毫克和哌喹 375 毫克),持续六天。结果表明:青蒿素\-哌喹组的SARS-CoV-2病毒检测、清除速率明显快于对照组,且住院时间明显缩短。该研究证明青蒿素\-哌喹的低毒性和免疫调节性可使其治疗Covid-19的优选药物 [55]。In 2020,another controlled clinical trial published its results. It included 41 confirmed Covid-19 patients. While 18 subjects served as the control group, the experimental group (n = 23) received a combination of artemisinin-piperaquine (AP). AP was orally administrated with a loading dose of two tablets (artemisinin 125 mg and piperaquine 750 mg) on the first day, followed by a low dose of one tablet/day (artemisinin 62.5 mg and piperaquine 375 mg) for six days. The results indicated the AP group’s significantly faster SARS-CoV-2 RNA undetectable time and higher elimination rate, as well as, much shorter length of hospital stay. The safe toxicity profile and immunoregulatory activities makes AP an excellent drug candidate against SARS-CoV-2 infection [55]. 3.2 进展中的临床试验 Clinical Trials in Progress 美国临床试验网站上注册编号为 NCT04387240 的一项临床试验项目“评估青蒿琥酯对 轻度COVID-19 成人的疗效”[56] 。在此临床试验中,COVID-19 检测阳性的患者或将接受100毫克/日计量的青蒿琥酯,研究人员将采用随机双盲的方法评估青蒿琥酯改善 COVID-19 症状以及清除病毒载量的效力。In an ongoing clinical trial entitled: Evaluating the Efficacy of Artesunate in Adults with Mild Symptoms of COVID-19 (#NCT04387240), patients with mild Covid-19 symptoms will randomly receive 100 mg/day of artesunate or placebo.Investigators will evaluate artesunate efficiency by measuring the improvement of Covid-19 condition and clearing the virus load in a randomized double-blind method [56]. 参考文献 References [1] Coordinating Research Group for the structure of artemisinin (1977) A new type of sesquiterpene lactone-artemisinin. Chin Sci Bull 22:142 (in Chinese). 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  13. 本文短链接:gettr.ink/4HyZ5B Dr. James Thorp: "脱落"是真实的,根据研究;对未出生婴儿的DNA损伤是真实的 我在这里采访了James Thorp博士。他是杰出的产科医学专家,是美国妇产科/助产士社区中极少数为他的患者,或者一般而言为妊娠妇女和出生和未出生的婴儿发声的人员之一,关于mRNA注射对妇女和婴儿,无论是出生还是未出生,的损害。 Thor博士与其他两名独立助产士之一,是少数几位与妊娠妇女和新妈妈合作的健康专业人士之一,他们警告说,mRNA注射中的脂质纳米粒子对妊娠妇女的胎盘造成了损害。 Thor博士早些时候向我展示了彩超图像,显示了接种mRNA疫苗的母亲的胎盘中的钙化。这些钙化物限制了营养和氧气到达子宫内的胎儿。Thor博士早在2022年就警告过我,随着他们的胎盘无法正常生长,接种疫苗的女性的早产情况正在上升。 这两种情况都由加利福尼亚州中部和北部的两名无关的助产士独立向我确认;其中一位匿名,另一位是西雅图自然分娩中心的Ellen Jasmer。Ellen Jasmer向我展示了她和她的同事在实践中现在看到的褪色、收缩、扁平的胎盘的照片。 Thor博士和这些助产士向我提供的证据独立证实了辉瑞文件中的证据,该文件显示,辉瑞知道他们的注射正在以不可思议的伤害规模造成月经损伤 — 辉瑞确实准备了图表,显示成千上万接种疫苗的女性遭受各种类别的月经损伤,从每天流血到终生失去月经周期,因此不孕,到每月月经两次,到遭受严重痛经,包括组织的排出,和出血。 在辉瑞的月经损伤图表中,每个月经损伤类别中都有两位数的女性。辉瑞还记录了他们自己记录的不良事件中有62%是女性,其中有16% — 辉瑞自己的话 — 是“生殖系统疾病”。 辉瑞提交给FDA(因此是CDC)的关于妊娠和哺乳的报告,显示两名胎儿在子宫内死亡,原因是由于“母体暴露”于疫苗。这是Rochelle Walensky博士在2021年4月23日举行新闻发布会宣布mRNA疫苗对妊娠妇女安全时手头所持有的报告 — “CDC建议妊娠人群接种COVID-19疫苗”,她说 — 并且没有接种疫苗的坏时机;在怀孕前、怀孕期间或怀孕后都可以接种疫苗。在我们发表了显示她知道mRNA疫苗对未出生婴儿的杀伤效应的报告后,她告诉美国的妊娠妇女接种mRNA疫苗。 (由NIH数据库研究,发表在学术期刊Cureus,2023年6月,“COVID-19疫苗对妇女生殖健康的影响:横断面研究”,监测编辑:Alexander Muacevic和John R Adler,显示44%的女性受访者月经周期发生变化。一个完全没有报告的副作用是11%的人报告性欲减退。因此,尽管我在2021年因为报道接种mRNA疫苗后女性出现月经问题而受到白宫对Twitter和Facebook施压,并且全球受到抹黑,但这个风险因素现在得到了充分证实)。 由于Thor博士和这两位勇敢的助产士独立证实了对妊娠的损害,以及辉瑞文件中广泛的证据显示,辉瑞知道他们正在杀死和伤害子宫内的婴儿,我们在DailyClout能够为妊娠妇女发出警告,关于这些注射,并通过共同行动,我们所有人都拯救了成千上万的婴儿和新妈妈。 如果没有Thor博士和这两位助产士的勇气,将他们自己的证据拿出来证明对妇女和婴儿的损害,这一切都是不可能的。 现在,Thor博士再次提供了一份新证据的震撼报告:他准备了一项研究,即将发表,表明了mRNA疫苗材料从接种者到未接种者之间的“脱落”是一种真实现象。Thor博士提出的证据表明,这是由于皮肤接触或呼吸,这再次独立证实了辉瑞文件所显示的:辉瑞将“暴露”于疫苗材料的情况描述为包括皮肤接触和呼吸(辉瑞似乎还将接种疫苗的男性的精液视为“暴露”给未接种的女性性伴侣的疫苗材料的一种方式)。以下是我们在2022年5月对“脱落”进行的报告,提出了一些这些问题。这是路透社在2021年,“预先反驳”了关于可能“脱落”的讨论,并对可能的月经和生殖损伤提前发出警告的情况进行了驳斥。我们现在知道,白宫是这场早期运动的幕后推手,试图压制这些问题的讨论。路透社通过这种毫无根据的、记者责任心不强的错误信息,让许多妇女和婴儿付出了生命和受伤的代价,就像拜登白宫一样,他领导了这场压制这些问题的运动,并破坏了那些公开提出这些问题并损害了他们声誉的人。 Thor博士还确认,月经症状可能会通过接种者传给未接种者,这是许多女性从经验上报告的现象。 同样令人震惊的是,Thor博士指出,现在已经确认人类基因组的DNA损伤是永久性的。他解释说,人类的DNA已经受到了mRNA疫苗中的材料的损害,以一种我们无法预测的方式,未来的后代很可能会受到影响或被改变。Thor博士描述了mRNA疫苗的实验性质,称其在医学上对人类的灾难性程度,比上世纪30年代DES丑闻(由于他们的祖母接触了DES,现在DES的孙辈正在患上癌症和其他症状,他说)以及著名的沙利度胺灾难更为严重。 Thor博士已经公开地被他以前的雇主SSM Health-St Mary’s Hospital解雇,以损害他的声誉的方式。他的离职条件试图包括一项不披露协议。他在告诉有关mRNA疫苗对妊娠妇女和婴儿的影响的真相后被解雇: “全球推行这些实验性COVID-19'疫苗'是医学史上,也许是人类史上最大的医学道德违反。尤其是当涉及将这些疫苗给予孕妇时...告诉真相是我作为医生的义务。我永远不会为了保护任何公司的财务利益而妥协我的职业道德,”他说。 尽管遭受了公开的惩罚性对待,Thor博士拒绝了沉默,因此拯救了无数的母亲和婴儿。他和他的妻子,律师Maggie Thorp,她曾经揭露过一个“Payola”类型的丑闻,其中数百万美元的政府资金流向了产科组织,以换取黑手党式的使产科医生对mRNA疫苗的损害保持沉默,他们两个都是我们这个时代真正的英雄。 这是与Thor博士的一次不可错过的采访。我一发布,它就在Youtube和Facebook上被审查。 请观看并分享。 Dr James Thorp: "Shedding" is Real, Per Study; DNA Damage to Unborn is Real by Dr Naomi Wolf The Last US Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist with Integrity, Presents a Terrifying New Study Read on Substack Dr James Thorp: "Shedding" is Real, Per Study; DNA Damage to Unborn is Real I interview here Dr James Thorp. He is the distinguished maternal-fetal medicine specialist, who is one of the only members of the entire US OB/GYN or midwife community in the US, to speak up on behalf of his patients, or on behalf of pregnant women and babies, born and unborn, in general, regarding the damage to women and babies from the mRNA injection. Dr Thorp, along with two other independent midwives, was among the only health professionals working with pregnant women and new moms, to warn about the damage that the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA injections, were causing to the placentas of pregnant women. Dr Thorp had earlier shown me images of sonograms revealing calcifications throughout mRNA-vaccinated mothers’ placentas. These calcifications restricted nutrients and oxygen from reaching the baby in utero. Dr Thorp also warned me early on - in 2022 — that premature deliveries were on the rise among vaccinated women, as their placentas could not grow normally. Both of these conditions were confirmed independently to me by two unrelated midwives, in Central and Northern California; one was anonymous, and one is named Ellen Jasmer, of the Sierra Natural Birth Center. Ellen Jasmer showed me photographic images of discolored, shrunken, flattened placentas that she and her colleagues are now seeing in their practice. This evidence, presented to me by Dr Thorp and by these midwives, independently confirmed evidence from the Pfizer documents, that revealed that Pfizer knew that their injection was causing menstrual damage at an inconceivable scale of injury — Pfizer, indeed, had prepared charts showing thousands of vaccinated women suffering from various categories of menstrual injuries, ranging from bleeding every day of their lives, to losing their menstrual cycles altogether and thus being infertile, to suffering two periods a month, to sustaining horrifically painful menses, including the passing of tissue, and hemorrhaging. In the Pfizer menstrual-damage chart, there are double digit thousands of women in each category of menstrual injury. Pfizer also documented that 62 per cent of the adverse events in their own records were in women, and that of these, 16% — in Pfizer’s own words — were “reproductive disorders.” The Pfizer report on pregnancy and lactation, that went to the FDA (and thus the CDC) in April of 2021, showed that two babies had died in utero due to “maternal exposure” to the vaccine. This was the report that Dr Rochelle Walensky had in hand when she gave a press conference on April 23, 2021, to declare that the mRNA vaccines were safe for pregnant women — “CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the COVID-19 vaccine” she said — and that there was no bad time to get vaccinated; before, during or after your pregnancy. She resigned days after we published our report showing that she had this information of the murderous effect of the mRNA vaccine on unborn babies, when she told America’s pregnant women to get mRNA vaccinated. (An NIH database study, published in the academic journal Cureus, June 2023, “The Effect of COVID-19 Vaccine on Women's Reproductive Health: A Cross-Sectional Study”, Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler, shows that 44% of women respondents suffered changes in their menstrual cycle. A totally unreported side effect is that 11 per cent also reported decreased libido. So, though I was deplatformed by the WHite House pressuring Twitter and Facebook, and globally smeared, in 2021 for reporting that women were having menstrual problems post-mRNA vaccination, this risk factor is now abundantly confirmed). As a result of this multiple, independent confirmation of damage to pregnancies by Dr Thorp and these two brave midwives, along with the extensive evidence in the Pfizer documents showing that Pfizer knew that they were killing and injuring babies in utero, we at DailyClout were able to sound the alarm for pregnant women regarding these injections, and by acting together we all have saved thousands or hundreds of thousands of babies and new moms. None of that would have been possible without the courage of Dr Thorp and these two midwives, in having come forward with their own evidence of the damage to women and to their babies. person holding babys hand Photo by Jill Sauve on Unsplash Now, Dr Thorp comes forward again with a shocking presentation of new evidence: a study he has prepared, soon to be published, reveals that “shedding” of the mRNA vaccine materials, from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, is a real phenomenon. Dr Thorp presents evidence that it is due to skin contact or respiration, which again independently confirms what the Pfizer documents reveal: Pfizer describes “exposure” to the vaccine materials as including skin contact and respiration (Pfizer also seems to include the semen of vaccinated men as carrying “exposure” of some kind to vaccine materials, to the unvaccinated women who are their female sex partners). Here is our May 2022 report on “Shedding”, that raised some of these questions. And here is Reuters in 2021, “pre-bunking” any discussion of possible “shedding”, and dismissing early warnings to women about possible menstrual and reproductive damage. We now know that the White House was behind this early campaign to silence questions about these possible issues. Reuters, via this sort of baseless, journalistically irresponsible misinformation, has many deaths and injuries of women and babies on its hands, as does the Biden White House, which led the campaign to censor these questions and damage the reputations of those who raised them publicly. Dr Thorp confirms too that menstrual symptoms can arise in the unvaccinated via the vaccinated, an effect that many women have reported anecdotally. As stunningly, Dr Thorp points out that it is now confirmed that DNA damage is permanent in regards to the human genome. He explains that human DNA has been damaged by the materials in the mRNA vaccine, in such a way that future generations may well suffer, or be altered in ways that we cannot predict. Dr Thorp describes the experimental nature of the mRNA vaccines as being a more serious catastrophe medically to the human race, than were the famous cases of damage to women and to their unborn progeny, represented in the DES scandal of the 1930s (DES grandchildren are now suffering from cancers and other symptoms due to their grandmothers’ exposure to DES, he says) — as well as the famous Thalidomide disaster. Dr Thorp has been publicly fired, in a reputationally damaging way, by his former employer, SSM Health-St Mary’s Hospital, a hospital where he had been one of the most distinguished and sought-after clinicians. The terms of his departure sought to include a non-discloure agreement. He was fired after telling the truth about the effect of mRNA vaccines on pregnant women and their babies: “Pushing of these experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity. Particularly when it comes to administering these vaccines to pregnant women….Telling the truth is my obligation as a physician. I will never compromise my ethics in order to protect the financial interests of any corporation,” he states. in spite of this punitive public treatment, Dr Thorp has refused to be silenced, and as a result has saved countless mothers and babies. He and his wife, attorney Maggie Thorp, who for her part revealed a “Payola” type scandal in which millions of dollars of government funds flowed to obstetrical organizations in exchange for the Mafia-type silencing of OB/Gyns about mRNA vaccine damage, are two genuine heroes for our time. This is an unmissable interview with Dr Thorp. It is already being censored as soon as I posted it, on Youtube and Facebook. Please watch it and share it.
  14. 本文短链接:gettr.ink/a8aMe3 欢迎您使用gettr.ink 来转换短链接。 IVERMECTIN and CANCER Part 2 - Treating Turbo Cancer - 7 new studies released in 2024 show Ivermectin works against CANCER - suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers IVERMECTIN和癌症 第二部分 - 治疗Turbo癌症 - 2024年发布的7项新研究显示Ivermectin对癌症有效 - COVID-19 mRNA疫苗诱导的Turbo癌症的建议方案 Last year I published one of the most popular articles on Ivermectin and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral internationally: 去年,我发表了有史以来最受欢迎的关于Ivermectin和癌症治疗的文章之一,该文章在国际上引起了轰动: (Oct.2, 2023) - IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? - 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed (2023年10月2日)- IVERMECTIN和癌症,它至少具有15种抗癌作用机制。Ivermectin能治疗COVID-19 mRNA疫苗诱导的Turbo癌症吗?- 综述了9篇Ivermectin论文 2024 - NEW STUDIES! 2024年 - 新研究! (2024 Fan et al) - Ivermectin Inhibits Bladder Cancer Cell Growth and Induces Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage (2024年范等人)- Ivermectin抑制膀胱癌细胞生长并诱导氧化应激和DNA损伤 (2024 Man-Yuan Li et al) - Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells (2024年李曼源等人)- Ivermectin通过下调PAK1和在肺腺癌细胞中诱导非保护性自噬和凋亡 (2024 Kaur et al) - Ivermectin: A Multifaceted drug with a potential beyond anti-parasitic therapy (2024年考尔等人)- Ivermectin:一种具有潜力的多功能药物,超越抗寄生虫治疗 (2024 Xing Hu et al) - Ivermectin as a potential therapeutic strategy for glioma (2024年胡兴等人)- Ivermectin作为一种潜在的脑胶质瘤治疗策略 (2024 Yang Song et al) - Gene signatures to therapeutics: Assessing the potential of ivermectin against t(4;14) multiple myeloma (2024年宋扬等人)- 基因特征签名到治疗药物:评估Ivermectin对t(4;14)多发性骨髓瘤的潜力 (2024 Goldfarb et al) - Lipid-Restricted Culture Media Reveal Unexpected Cancer Cell Sensitivities (2024年戈德法布等人)- 限制脂质的培养基揭示了意想不到的癌细胞敏感性 (2024 Newell et al) - Therapeutic targeting of nuclear export and import receptors in cancer and their potential in combination chemotherapy (2024年纽维尔等人)- 癌症中的核出口和核进口受体的治疗靶点及其在联合化疗中的潜力 PRACTICAL APPROACH TO USING IVERMECTIN IN CANCER TREATMENT (Disclaimer: the following is not medical advice) 使用Ivermectin进行癌症治疗的实际方法(免责声明:以下内容不构成医疗建议) In “Ivermectin and Cancer Part 1”, I covered all the mechanisms of action that Ivermectin has shown against cancer in many in vitro and in vivo studies. 在“Ivermectin和癌症第1部分”中,我涵盖了Ivermectin在许多体外和体内研究中对癌症显示的所有作用机制。 The 7 new studies published in 2024 only confirm what we already know from previous studies. Ivermectin is highly effective against many cancers. 2024年发表的7项新研究只是确认了我们从以前的研究中已经知道的内容。Ivermectin对许多癌症非常有效。 Since my previous Ivermectin article, I‘ve had 1000s of questions sent to me. Not about mechanisms of action against Cancer. But about practical use - how to use Ivermectin to treat Stage 4 Cancers, what formulations, what doses? 自我的上一篇Ivermectin文章以来,我已经收到了成千上万的问题。不是关于对癌症的作用机制,而是关于实际应用 - 如何使用Ivermectin治疗四期癌症,什么制剂,什么剂量? The goal of this article (Part 2) is to answer all of those questions to the best of my ability. 本文(第2部分)的目标是尽我所能回答所有这些问题。 First, dose safety. Can you overdose on Ivermectin? Not really. 首先,剂量安全性。您可以过量使用Ivermectin吗?实际上不能。 Safety of 18mg and 36mg single dose regimens: (2018, Munoz et al) 18毫克和36毫克单剂方案的安全性:(2018年,Munoz等人) Safety data showed no significant differences between groups and no serious adverse events: headache was the most frequent adverse event in all treatment groups, none of them severe. 安全数据显示,各组之间没有显著差异,也没有严重不良事件:头痛是所有治疗组中最常见的不良事件,但没有一例是严重的。 “highlighting its safety across different dosing regimens.” “强调了它在不同剂量方案下的安全性。” Safety of 30 or 60mg (3 times a week) or 90 or 120mg (single dose) (2002, Guzzo et al) 30或60毫克(每周3次)或90或120毫克(单剂量)的安全性(2002年,Guzzo等人) Ivermectin was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose of 200 microg/kg. Ivermectin通常耐受良好,没有显示与剂量高达美国食品药品监督管理局批准的最高剂量200微克/千克相关的中枢神经系统毒性的迹象。 Following single doses of 30 to 120 mg, AUC and Cmax were generally dose proportional, with t(max) approximately 4 hours and t1/2 approximately 18 hours 在30至120毫克的单剂量后,AUC和Cmax通常与剂量成比例,t(max)约为4小时,t1/2约为18小时。 This study demonstrated that ivermectin is generally well tolerated at these higher doses and more frequent regimens. 该研究表明,ivermectin通常在这些较高剂量和更频繁的方案下耐受良好。 Safety of 1mg/kg dose for 180 days (2020 de Castro et al) 1mg/kg剂量180天的安全性(2020年de Castro等人) “Cancer patients who took ivermectin at five times that standard dose daily for up to 180 consecutive days had no serious adverse effects from it, in experimental protocols with harsh additional drugs” “癌症患者每天服用ivermectin的标准剂量的五倍,连续180天,没有严重不良影响,即使在使用严酷的附加药物的实验方案中也是如此。” Safety of 800ug/kg (2020, Navarro et al) 800ug/kg的安全性(2020年,Navarro等人) “add evidence to the safety of ivermectin at doses up to 800 μg/kg, which demonstrated an overall comparable safety to standard doses, which in this meta-analysis was tested in separate analyses using the 200 and 400 μg/kg doses” “增加了有关ivermectin在剂量高达800μg/kg时的安全性的证据,这表明与标准剂量的总体安全性相当,在这个荟萃分析中,标准剂量通过使用200和400μg/kg剂量进行了单独分析” Safety of 2mg/kg dose (Jonathan Lee, critical care paramedic in Toronto Canada) 2mg/kg剂量的安全性(Jonathan Lee,多伦多加拿大的重症监护医护人员) “The human data surrounding ivermectin overdose is limited. Animal models generally report doses between 5-15 mg/kg as toxic. Poison control suggests individuals who have received more than 2 mg/kg be seen in a hospital. It is with larger doses that Ivermectin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier in humans and begin to cause neurological symptoms.” “有关ivermectin过量的人体数据有限。动物模型通常报告5-15毫克/千克剂量为有毒。毒物控制建议接受超过2毫克/千克的个体去医院就诊。仅在较大剂量下,ivermectin才能穿过人类的血脑屏障,并开始引起神经系统症状。” FORMULATIONS: 配方: I don’t recommend brands or sell Ivermectin or recommend particular suppliers! Get the formulation or brand that is right for you. 我不建议特定品牌或销售Ivermectin,也不推荐特定供应商!选择适合您的配方或品牌。 Some common formulations that are available on the market: 市场上常见的一些配方包括: pills or tablets typically come in 3mg, 6mg or 12mg 药丸或片剂通常是3毫克、6毫克或12毫克。 liquid form is usually 1mL per 10mg of IVM (always double check) 液体形式通常是每1毫升10毫克的Ivermectin(请务必双重检查)。 paste form is usually 6.4g per 120mg of IVM (always double check) 膏剂形式通常是每120毫克Ivermectin的6.4克(请务必双重检查)。 EXPERIMENTAL CANCER PROTOCOLS: 实验性癌症方案: I propose the following thought experiment & hypothetical “Experimental Protocols” for Turbo Cancer Treatment: 我提出以下的思想实验和假设性的“实验方案”用于涡轮癌症治疗: Dr.Makis’ Ivermectin Cancer Protocols: 马基斯博士的Ivermectin癌症方案: 中文翻译: How this works with the various formulations of Ivermectin: 如何与各种Ivermectin配方配合使用: Assume a 60kg person is diagnosed with Stage 4 Turbo Colon Cancer. 假设一个60公斤的人被诊断出患有四期涡轮结肠癌。 And this person wants to take a 1mg/kg/day regimen. That’s 60mg of IVM per day. 而这个人想要采取每日1mg/kg的方案。这就是每天60mg的Ivermectin。 That would be five 12mg pills a day. Or 150 12mg pills a month. This can get very expensive, especially if the cost of pills is anywhere from $2 to $5 per pill. 这将是每天五片12mg的药丸。或每月150片12mg的药丸。这可能非常昂贵,特别是如果药丸的价格在每片2美元至5美元之间。 Alternatively, it would be 6mL of IVM liquid (10mg/1mL) per day. 另一种选择是每天6毫升的Ivermectin液体(10毫克/1毫升)。 Alternatively, it would be 3g or half a tube of paste per day. 另一种选择是每天3克或半管Ivermectin膏。 If cost is an issue, the cheapest would be the liquid, which is typically $100 per 500mL or $1 per 5mL, or about $1 per day. 如果费用是一个问题,最便宜的选择是液体,通常是每瓶500毫升100美元,或每5毫升1美元,大约每天1美元。 A tube of paste would be $10 per 6g, and half would be $5 per day. 一管膏是每支10美元,半支是每天5美元。 Five 12mg pills a day would be anywhere from $10 to $25 per day. 每天五片12mg的药丸的费用可能在10美元至25美元之间。 The cost of pills varies widely, depending on where you obtain them. Most people import them from India but they can still be pricy. I was in Mexico recently and over the counter 6mg pills were $5 USD each (a ridiculous price so I didn’t buy, but it was a small pharmacy in a very Tourist area). 药丸的价格因来源不同而有很大差异。大多数人从印度进口,但它们仍然可能很贵。我最近在墨西哥,非处方的6毫克药丸每片售价5美元(价格太离谱了,所以我没有买,但那是一个非常旅游的地区的一个小药房)。 LOW DOSE: 低剂量: Some people want to take Ivermectin prophylactically to protect themselves in these types of situations: 有些人想要预防性地服用Ivermectin来保护自己免受这些情况的影响: Cancer in remission 癌症缓解期 Strong family history of Cancer 家族中有癌症强烈的历史 Genetic predisposition to cancer 对癌症的遗传易感性 In these cases a low dose would be 12mg or 24mg a day and would be considered prophylaxis. There are currently no studies looking at Ivermectin taken as prophylaxis to protect against cancer. 在这些情况下,低剂量将是每天12mg或24mg,并被视为预防性。目前没有研究证明Ivermectin作为预防措施来保护免受癌症的影响。 Would you get protection against cancer? I believe you would. 你会获得对癌症的保护吗?我相信会。 MEDIUM DOSE: 中剂量: 1mg/kg/day seems to be a reasonable starting dose for most cancer cases. 每天1mg/kg似乎是大多数癌症病例的合理起始剂量。 You would not expect any side effects at this dose and finacially, it can be accomplished very affordably. 在这个剂量下,你不会期望出现任何副作用,而且从财务上讲,这个剂量非常经济。 When you can monitor tumor burden with a blood test for cancers like prostate cancer (PSA), colon cancer (CEA) or ovarian cancer (CA125), it’s very important to measure these on a regular basis and watch the numbers drop over time. 当您可以通过血液测试来监测肿瘤负担,如前列腺癌(PSA)、结肠癌(CEA)或卵巢癌(CA125)时,定期测量这些数据并随着时间的推移观察数字下降是非常重要的。 Another method of monitoring response to Ivermectin 1mg/kg/day treatment is to follow up with regular ultrasounds or CTs (or other types of diagnostic imaging) 另一种监测对Ivermectin每日1mg/kg治疗的反应的方法是定期进行超声检查或CT(或其他类型的诊断成像)。 This regimen would be taken daily until tumors disappear or cancer blood markers drop to normal range. 此方案将每天服用,直到肿瘤消失或癌症血液标记物下降到正常范围。 Typical Turbo Cancers: lymphomas, breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, testicular cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, kidney cancer. 典型的Turbo癌症:淋巴瘤、乳腺癌、结肠癌、肺癌、黑色素瘤、睾丸癌、宫颈癌、卵巢癌、肾癌。 HIGH DOSE: 高剂量: 2mg/kg/day is a high dose. 每天2mg/kg是一个高剂量。 I would start with this dose in aggressive Turbo Cancer cases where time is of the essence: Leukemia, Pancreatic Cancer, Brain cancers (glioblastoma, astrocytoma). 我会从这个剂量开始,适用于时间非常关键的激进的Turbo癌症病例:白血病、胰腺癌、脑癌(胶质母细胞瘤、星形细胞瘤)。 For brain cancers in particular the issue is getting sufficient IVM across the blood brain barrier to have an impact on brain tumors. So a higher dose is necessary. 对于脑癌特别是穿越血脑屏障以对脑肿瘤产生影响是一个问题。因此,需要更高的剂量。 Could be used for some rarer but aggressive Turbo Cancers such as: appendix, gallbladder, cholangiocarcinoma, angiosarcoma and other types of sarcoma. 可以用于一些较少见但激进的Turbo癌症,如:阑尾癌、胆囊癌、胆管癌、血管肉瘤和其他类型的肉瘤。 VERY HIGH DOSE: 非常高剂量: 2.5mg/kg/day is a very high dose with possibility of transient visual side effects. 每天2.5mg/kg是一个非常高的剂量,可能会出现短暂的视觉副作用。 The effect on cancer is likely similar to 2mg/kg/day, but if anyone is in a very desperate situation: 对癌症的影响可能与每天2mg/kg相似,但如果有人处于非常绝望的情况下: extensive burden of metastatic disease 广泛的转移性疾病负担 extremely aggressive or large brain tumors 非常激进或大的脑肿瘤 only days to live 只剩下几天可以活 extremely poor prognosis 预后非常不好 it may be worth pushing the dose to this level. 将剂量提高到这个水平可能是值得的。 ====== Stage 4 Colon Cancer Case - Rick Alderson took Ivermectin with his Cancer Treatment (Epoch Times) 第四期结肠癌案例 - Rick Alderson在接受癌症治疗时服用Ivermectin(大纪元) CONCLUSION: 结论: In this article, I am not giving medical advice. I am not recommending a protocol or Ivermectin formulation, brand, source or dose. 在本文中,我没有提供医疗建议。我没有推荐特定的方案或Ivermectin配方、品牌、来源或剂量。 This is information based on peer reviewed research and some hypotheses and thought experiments in the interest of advancing science and medical knowledge. 这是基于同行评议的研究和一些假设和思想实验的信息,旨在推动科学和医学知识的发展。 注:Turbo cancer(涡轮癌) 是一个反疫苗接种说法,其核心理念是,接种了 COVID-19 疫苗(尤其是 mRNA 疫苗)的人患有快速发展的癌症的高发病率。 原文链接:https://makismd.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-cancer-part-2-treating
  15. Looking_For_Answerssays: MARCH 26, 2023 AT 3:17 AM Do you think Artemisia Annua could work for a vestibular schwannoma (benign brain tumor)? It appears to have activity specifically against schwann cells, inducing necroptosis by inhibiting apoptosis. It makes me concerned about also using supplements like curcumin and sulforaphane which work via apoptosis. Also, where the heck are people sourcing powdered Artemisia in the USA? https://www.nature.com/articles/cddis2014434 Established as a potent anti-malaria medicine, artemisinin-based drugs have been suggested to have anti-tumour activity in some cancers. Although the mechanism is poorly understood, it has been suggested that artemisinin induces apoptotic cell death. Here, we show that the artemisinin analogue artesunate (ART) effectively induces cell death in RT4 schwannoma cells and human primary schwannoma cells. Interestingly, our data indicate for first time that the cell death induced by ART is largely dependent on necroptosis. ART appears to inhibit autophagy, which may also contribute to the cell death. Our data in human schwannoma cells show that ART can be combined with the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ) to potentiate the cell death. Thus, this study suggests that artemisinin-based drugs may be used in certain tumours where cells are necroptosis competent, and the drugs may act in synergy with apoptosis inducers or autophagy inhibitors to enhance their anti-tumour activity. 你认为青蒿素可以用于前庭神经鞘瘤(良性脑肿瘤)吗?它似乎对施万细胞具有活性,通过抑制凋亡诱导坏死。这让我担心是否也可以使用像姜黄素和硫代硫氰酸酯这样通过凋亡起作用的补充剂。此外,人们在美国从哪里获得粉末状的青蒿? https://www.nature.com/articles/cddis2014434 作为一种有效的抗疟疾药物,青蒿素类药物被认为在某些癌症中具有抗肿瘤活性。虽然其作用机制尚不明确,但有人认为青蒿素诱导凋亡性细胞死亡。在这里,我们展示了青蒿素类似物阿蒂索特(ART)有效诱导RT4施万瘤细胞和人类原发性施万瘤细胞的细胞死亡。有趣的是,我们的数据首次表明,ART诱导的细胞死亡在很大程度上依赖于坏死。ART似乎抑制自噬,这也可能有助于细胞死亡。我们在人施万瘤细胞中的数据表明,ART可以与自噬抑制剂氯喹(CQ)结合,增强细胞死亡。因此,这项研究表明,青蒿素类药物可能在某些细胞具有坏死能力的肿瘤中使用,并且这些药物可能与凋亡诱导剂或自噬抑制剂协同作用,增强其抗肿瘤活性。
  16. BudaiEsays: AUGUST 25, 2022 AT 9:04 AM One more question Daniel… I contacted this German Pharmacy and they send me the pricelist with the available quantities… as you said I can order just by sending an email order. The biggest quantity is 500 mg of Artemisinin… my concern is that isn’t that too little amount in the bloodstream.. ( I mean capsules contain bigger doses…)? More importantly, do you have any knowledge for how long the Artemisinin circulates in the body after being injected intravenously (would be good to know the timelapse between multiple rounds..) ? Thanks for your reply. Have a nice day. Erzsébet 还有一个问题,Daniel...我联系了这家德国药房,他们给我发了有可用数量的价格单...就像你说的那样,我可以通过发送电子邮件订单来订购。最大的数量是500毫克的青蒿素...我的担心是这不是血液中的量太少了吗?(我的意思是胶囊含有更大的剂量...)?更重要的是,你有关于青蒿素在静脉内注射后在体内循环多长时间的任何了解吗(知道在多次注射之间的时间间隔很重要...)?谢谢你的回复。祝你有个愉快的一天。 Erzsébet
  17. BudaiEsays: AUGUST 17, 2022 AT 7:05 AM Thank you very much Daniel! My worry is that in Hungary it is not allowed to provide with this method – as this is not a standard procedure here yet. Not fitting the protocol. Erzsébet 非常感谢Daniel!我的担忧是在匈牙利,目前还不允许使用这种方法提供治疗——因为这在这里还不是标准程序。不符合协议。 Erzsébet
  18. Danielsays: AUGUST 16, 2022 AT 10:23 PM Dear Budai, Thank you for sharing your experience with Arteisinin. Here is a compounding pharmacy in Germany (probably the largest) from where most of the cancer clinics are sourcing their intravenous substances, including Artemisinin: Burg-Apotheke e.Kfm. Apotheker Uwe-Bernd Rose Frankfurter Straße 7 61462 Königstein im Taunus Tel.: +49 (0 )6174-95565-0 Fax: +49 (0) 6174-95565-65 info@apotheke-koenigstein.de They sell Artesunat 100mg, 250mg, and 500mg vials. It is not sold on prescription, I think. You can ask a clinic in Hungary to buy it and administer it to you, but it woudl be best to go to a clinic that already has experience with it. One such a clinic you can find in Romania https://www.imuno-medica.ro/ They have many treatment options and are probably the largest integrative clinic that I know in Europe. Probably the cheapest since they are running based on donations from a billionaire that wants to help people. The other option is to search for German clinics such as those listed here https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/clinics/ I hope this helps. Kind regards, Daniel 亲爱的Budai, 谢谢你分享你与青蒿素的经历。 这是德国的一个调配药房(可能是最大的),大多数癌症诊所都从这里采购它们的静脉给药物质,包括青蒿素: Burg-Apotheke e.Kfm. 药剂师 Uwe-Bernd Rose Frankfurter Straße 7 61462 Königstein im Taunus 电话:+49 (0 )6174-95565-0 传真:+49 (0) 6174-95565-65 info@apotheke-koenigstein.de 他们销售Artesunat 100mg、250mg和500mg的小瓶。我认为它不需要处方就能购买。 你可以要求匈牙利的诊所购买并为你进行治疗,但最好去一个已经有经验的诊所。罗马尼亚有这样一个诊所 https://www.imuno-medica.ro/ 他们有许多治疗选择,可能是我在欧洲知道的最大的综合诊所。可能是最便宜的,因为他们是由一位愿意帮助人们的亿万富翁捐款运行的。 另一个选择是寻找德国的诊所,比如这里列出的 https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/clinics/ 希望这能帮到你。 祝好, Daniel
  19. BudaiEsays: AUGUST 16, 2022 AT 9:58 PM Hello, I have been searching for intravenous Artemisinin therapy for breast cancer, now found this site finally. I discovered the cancer back in 2019, full remission due to chemotherapy, then radiotherapy, operation, now hormone therapy (ER+, PR+, HER2-), currently symptom free but the residual tumor cells are still in my body..! When I found out that I had breast cancer I started to take Artemisinin orally and I literally felt better, it even stopped the cancer to spread to nearby organs…! So my cancer cells are basically sensitive to Artemisinin (=they are being destroyed by intake artemisinin annua) and it would be really important to kill the remaining cancer cells in my body with it. I am taking the supplement (orally) but not effective enough – would be better to have it intravenously. I don’t know where this treatment can be obtained for a Hungarian – I would be willing to travel abroad, even pay for it as it is not available in Hungary. Can you advise please? Thank you very much. 你好, 我一直在寻找乳腺癌的静脉给药青蒿素疗法,现在终于找到了这个网站。我在2019年发现了癌症,经过化疗,然后是放疗、手术,现在是激素治疗(ER+,PR+,HER2-),目前没有症状,但残留的肿瘤细胞仍然在我的体内!当我发现我患有乳腺癌时,我开始口服青蒿素,我真的感觉好多了,甚至它停止了癌症向附近器官蔓延!所以我的癌细胞基本上对青蒿素敏感(= 它们被口服青蒿素摧毁),用它在我的身体中杀死剩余的癌细胞将非常重要。我正在服用这种补充剂(口服),但效果不够好 - 最好是静脉给药。我不知道这种治疗在匈牙利人可以在哪里获得 - 我愿意出国旅行,甚至付费,因为匈牙利没有提供。你能给予建议吗? 非常感谢。
  20. Danielsays: MAY 20, 2022 AT 5:36 PM Dear M, The delivery of drugs and supplements via suppository is a good idea indeed. Making a suppository is very easy: – buy suppository molds – available online – buy organic coconut oil – warm up a little the coconut oil so that it becomes fluid, and after that mix the active ingredient at the concentration you like. Here you will need to check how much oil goes into one mold. If it goes 1ml oil, and you want to have a dose of 1000mg Curcumin in one suppository, you will need to make sure you mix this concentration in the oil. So if you want to prepare 100 suppositories at 1000mg each, you will need to mix 100g Curcumin in 100 ml coconut Oil (in this example) – the mixture is injected into the suppository mold using a syringe – the suppository molds containing the oil, need to be stored in the refrigerator overnight, before starting to use them – the coconut oil will become solid overnight and the next day, the suppository will be ready to be used. Kind regards, Daniel 亲爱的M, 通过栓剂递送药物和补充剂确实是一个不错的主意。制备栓剂非常简单: 购买栓剂模具 - 在线上有售 购买有机椰子油 将椰子油稍微加热,使其变成液体,然后与你喜欢的浓度的活性成分混合。在这里,你需要检查多少油放入一个模具中。如果1毫升油,你想在一个栓剂中有1000毫克的姜黄素,你需要确保在油中混合这个浓度。所以如果你想要准备每个1000毫克的100个栓剂,你需要在100毫升椰子油中混合100克姜黄素(在这个例子中) 使用注射器将混合物注入栓剂模具 含有油的栓剂模具需要在冰箱中存放一夜,开始使用之前 - 椰子油会在一夜之间凝固,第二天,栓剂将准备好供使用。 祝好, 丹尼尔
  21. Michellesays: MAY 20, 2022 AT 4:50 PM Hello, What about suppositories like these (https://detoxrejuvenation.com/products/nexus-suppositories) to treat rectal cancer? These have garlic powder and are used for parasites. I have been looking for information for the preparation of suppositories but have yet to find specifics. Can anyone help? Many thanks. M 你好, 对于治疗直肠癌,类似这种(https://detoxrejuvenation.com/products/nexus-suppositories)的栓剂如何呢?这些产品含有大蒜粉,并用于寄生虫。我一直在寻找有关制备栓剂的信息,但尚未找到具体细节。有人可以帮忙吗?非常感谢。 M
  22. Claudia Arrigonisays: JUNE 29, 2020 AT 2:07 PM Hello, I’ve been administering Artemisia annua (Luparte) to my dog who has disseminated histiocytic sarcoma and I was hoping to ask you for some clarification on your statement that “Artemisinin compounds inhibit their own absorption”. I’ve been researching this but I haven’t found anything useful and since the supplement manufacturers doesn’t recommend suspending the treatment to increase absorption, I was wondering if you have any references for this? The treatment doesn’t seem to be very effective until now, so I’m trying to figure out if we’re doing everything correctly… Thank you! Claudia 您好, 我一直在给患有弥漫性组织细胞肉瘤的狗(名为Luparte)使用青蒿素(Artemisia annua),我希望就您提到的“青蒿素化合物抑制其自身吸收”的说法向您请教一些澄清问题。我一直在进行研究,但没有找到任何有用的信息,由于补充剂制造商不建议中断治疗以增加吸收,我想知道您是否有任何参考资料?到目前为止,这种治疗似乎并不是很有效,所以我想弄清楚我们是否做得正确... 谢谢! Claudia
  23. Danielsays: MAY 28, 2020 AT 9:42 PM HI Mihaela, Thank you. I did found people willing to help even if the goal is to have most profits allocated to research projects and accelerate their translation to clinical space. More than the capital, is so much time that it takes to find good suppliers that are willing to make the products as I think its best. Regarding liposomal formulations, they can be good solution to increase bio-availability of supplements – and I would add some of those as discussed above as long as they are taken from a good supplier – but I would clearly not replace intravenous treatment with those. Kind regards, Daniel 嗨,Mihaela, 谢谢你。我找到了愿意帮助的人,即使目标是将大部分利润用于研究项目,并加速它们向临床领域的转化。 除了资本之外,还需要花费大量时间来寻找愿意按照我认为最好的方式制造产品的良好供应商。 关于脂质体配方,它们可以是增加补充剂生物利用度的好方法 - 我会像上面讨论的那样添加一些来自好供应商的产品 - 但我肯定不会用它们来替代静脉治疗。 亲切的问候, Daniel
  24. tali5344says: MAY 28, 2020 AT 9:28 PM Hi Daniel, Well I hope your supplement company is off to a good start. I can’t imagine the amount of capital it would take to start something like that, hopefully you have some good investors. That’s a shame, I really wished liposomal drugs had better bioavailability than what they claim. Marketing <– for your supplement company. We will hold off on Vit C for now. Thank you responding and all that you do! Mihaela 嗨,Daniel, 希望你的补充剂公司有个良好的开端。我无法想象启动这样一个项目需要多少资金,希望你有一些好的投资者。 真是可惜,我真的希望脂质体药物的生物利用度比它们声称的更好。这也是你的补充剂公司的市场宣传内容。我们暂时不会使用维生素C。 感谢您的回复和您所做的一切! Mihaela
  25. johansays: MAY 30, 2020 AT 2:42 AM Synergic Effects of Artemisinin and Resveratrol in Cancer Cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25048878/?dopt=Abstract “The combination of the two drugs also markedly reduced the ability of cell migration. Apoptosis analysis showed that combination of ART and Res significantly increased the apoptosis and necrosis rather than use singly. Additionally, ROS levels were elevated by combining ART with Res.” 合作作用的青蒿素和白藜芦醇在癌细胞中的效果: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25048878/?dopt=Abstract “这两种药物的结合也显着降低了细胞迁移的能力。凋亡分析表明,与单独使用相比,青蒿素和白藜芦醇的组合显着增加了凋亡和坏死。 此外,将青蒿素与白藜芦醇结合会增加ROS水平。”

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