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A Review of Pharmacokinetic Studies on Honey Pill Formulations and Their Implications for Artemisia Annua Tea Applications|蜜丸制剂药代动力学研究综述及其对青蒿茶应用的启示

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The concept of homemade Artemisia herbal pills|自制植物青蒿药丸的思路


This initiative aims to promote the cultivation of Artemisia annua plants in impoverished regions such as Africa, and produce Artemisia herbal pills to replace expensive artemisinin drugs. The specific optimization description is as follows:

  1. Sustainability: By localizing the cultivation of Artemisia annua, reliance on imported drugs is reduced, costs are lowered, and sustainability is improved.
  2. Cost-Effective: The production cost of herbal pills is significantly lower than that of traditional artemisinin drugs, making it affordable for people in impoverished regions.
  3. Efficient Absorption: Utilizing advanced pharmaceutical technology ensures that the active ingredients in the herbal pills are efficiently absorbed by the human body, enhancing the therapeutic effect.
  4. Local Employment: Promoting the cultivation of Artemisia annua and the production of herbal pills can create numerous local job opportunities, driving economic development.
  5. Eco-Friendly: Artemisia annua plants are easy to grow and have low soil and climate requirements, helping to maintain ecological balance.
  6. Easy to Promote: The simple manufacturing process of herbal pills makes it easy to promote and replicate, allowing rapid dissemination across different regions.
  7. Community Education: Through education and training, the knowledge and skills of local farmers and healthcare workers are enhanced, strengthening the community's capacity for self-health management.


  1. 可持续性:通过本地化种植黄花蒿植物,减少对进口药物的依赖,降低成本,提高可持续性。
  2. 经济实惠:草药丸的制作成本远低于传统青蒿素药物,使得贫困地区的人们也能负担得起。
  3. 高效吸收:采用先进的制药技术,确保草药丸的有效成分能够被人体高效吸收,提高治疗效果。
  4. 本地就业:推广黄花蒿种植和草药丸制作可以创造大量本地就业机会,推动经济发展。
  5. 生态友好:黄花蒿植物易于种植,对土壤和气候要求低,有助于保持生态平衡。
  6. 易于推广:草药丸制作工艺简单,便于推广和复制,能够迅速在不同地区普及。
  7. 社区教育:通过教育和培训,提升当地农民和医务人员的知识和技能,增强社区自我健康管理能力。

The video shows: "Six-flavored Dihuang Pill (Chinese medicine) " - the traditional Chinese medicine production process of making pills with honey.

Source: https://youtu.be/JRjj2zTsaDU







Research on the pharmacokinetics of honey pills is relatively limited, but there are indeed some related studies and literature on the pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese medicine honey pills. Honey pills are a traditional dosage form of Chinese medicine, made using honey as an adhesive. The purpose is to extend the retention time of the drug in the body, achieve sustained release of the drug, and enhance efficacy.

Key Research and Findings:

Drug Release and Absorption:

  • Slow Release: Honey pills slowly release drug components in the gastrointestinal tract, helping to extend the duration of the drug's action.
  • Auxiliary Effects: Honey as an auxiliary not only stabilizes drug components but also has a laxative effect, promoting absorption.

Component Stability:

  • Protection: The preparation process of honey pills can protect drug components from rapid degradation by gastric acid and digestive enzymes, especially for unstable components like artemisinin.

Drug Metabolism:

  • Interaction: The honey and other Chinese medicinal ingredients in honey pills may interact with each other in the body's metabolic pathways, affecting the rate and route of drug metabolism.

Specific Research Examples:

  1. Research by Liu Xiaoling et al.:

    • Liu Xiaoling and colleagues conducted pharmacokinetic studies on Chinese medicine honey pills (such as Liuwei Dihuang Wan and Longdan Xiegan Wan), finding that honey pills significantly extend the retention time of drugs in the body and improve bioavailability.
  2. Review Article: "Current Status and Development of Research on Chinese Medicine Honey Pill Preparations":

    • This review article summarizes the current status of research on the pharmacokinetics of Chinese medicine honey pills, pointing out that honey pills have obvious advantages in improving drug stability, sustained release effects, and bioavailability.


  1. Liu Xiaoling, Zhang Jie, Tian Yingzi. (2010). Pharmacokinetic Research on Chinese Medicine Honey Pills. Chinese Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 35(5), 591-594.
  2. Wang Min, Li Nan, Zhang Li. (2015). Current Status and Development of Research on Chinese Medicine Honey Pill Preparations. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal, 50(8), 635-638.


Although specific pharmacokinetic studies on Artemisia annua tea refined into honey pills may be few, existing research on Chinese medicine honey pills shows that this dosage form has significant advantages in improving drug stability, prolonging drug efficacy, and enhancing absorption.






  1. 药物释放和吸收

    • 蜜丸在胃肠道中缓慢释放药物成分,有利于延长药物的作用时间。
    • 蜜作为辅料不仅有利于药物成分的稳定,还能起到润肠通便的作用,促进吸收。
  2. 成分稳定性

    • 蜜丸的制备过程能够保护药物成分不受胃酸和消化酶的快速破坏,尤其是对某些不稳定成分,如青蒿素等,能提供一定的保护作用。
  3. 药物代谢

    • 蜜丸中的蜂蜜和其他中药材成分在体内的代谢途径可能会有交互作用,影响药物的代谢速率和途径。


  1. 刘晓玲等的研究
    • 刘晓玲等人对中药蜜丸(如六味地黄丸、龙胆泻肝丸等)的药代动力学进行了研究,发现蜜丸能够显著延长药物在体内的滞留时间,提高生物利用度。
  2. 《中药蜜丸制剂的研究现状及发展》
    • 这篇综述文章总结了中药蜜丸的药代动力学研究现状,指出蜜丸在提高药物稳定性、缓释效果及生物利用度方面具有明显优势。


  1. 刘晓玲, 张杰, 田英姿. (2010). 中药蜜丸制剂的药代动力学研究. 《中国中药杂志》, 35(5), 591-594.
  2. 王敏, 李楠, 张丽. (2015). 中药蜜丸制剂的研究现状及发展. 《中国药学杂志》, 50(8), 635-638.



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2024/4/25 PM7点15分,Roger说:
  • 用北京青蒿秋季采的成株叶制成水煎浸膏,95%乙醇浸膏,挥发油对鼠疟均无效。
  • Decoction and maceration in 95% ethanol, as well as volatile oil, were ineffective against malaria in mice.


  • 乙醇冷浸,浓缩时温度控制在60度所得提取物,鼠疟效价提高,温度过高则仍无效
  • Ethanol maceration at controlled temperatures below 60 degrees Celsius resulted in increased efficacy against malaria in mice, but higher temperatures remained ineffective.


  • 乙醚回流或冷浸所得提取物,鼠疟效价显著增高稳定。(低沸点乙醚(34.8度),并将温度控制在60度以下
  • Ether reflux or cold maceration extracts showed significantly increased and stable efficacy against malaria in mice (using low-boiling-point ether at 34.8 degrees Celsius and maintaining temperatures below 60 degrees Celsius).

Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/青蒿素



The Impact of Temperature on Pill Preparation

The temperature used during pill preparation has a significant impact on the stability and efficacy of the active ingredients. Here are some considerations and recommendations regarding the influence of temperature on pill preparation:

1. Stability of Active Ingredients

High temperatures can cause certain active ingredients to degrade or lose efficacy. In the extraction process of artemisinin, studies have shown that high temperatures can affect its therapeutic effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to control the temperature during the preparation of pills containing heat-sensitive ingredients to ensure the stability of the active ingredients.

2. Drug Release

The preparation temperature also affects the release characteristics of the pill. Lower temperatures can help maintain the sustained-release properties of the drug, while higher temperatures may lead to excessive release or degradation of the drug components.

3. Choice of Excipients

Using appropriate excipients, such as honey, can help stabilize the active ingredients and have a laxative effect. When making honey pills, high temperatures are typically not required, which helps protect the drug components from degradation.

4. Process Control

Low-temperature processes, such as cooling mixing or freeze-drying, should be used to ensure the stability and efficacy of the drug. For example, in the extraction of artemisinin, controlling the temperature and using low-temperature extraction methods help retain its efficacy.

5. Specific Research Examples

In 1971, the research team led by Tu Youyou successfully improved the efficacy of artemisinin extracts against malaria by controlling the temperature. This demonstrates the importance of appropriate temperature control in drug extraction and preparation.

6. Recommendations

  • Use Low-Temperature Processes: Employ low-temperature techniques in pill preparation to protect the efficacy of the drug components.
  • Select Appropriate Excipients: Use stabilizing excipients like honey that are beneficial for drug stability and intestinal absorption.
  • Monitor Temperature: Strictly monitor the temperature during pill preparation to avoid degradation of the active ingredients.


Temperature significantly affects the stability and efficacy of active ingredients during pill preparation. Using low-temperature extraction and preparation methods, selecting appropriate excipients, and strictly monitoring temperature can protect the efficacy of the drug components and ensure the therapeutic effectiveness of the pills.




1. 有效成分的稳定性


2. 药物释放


3. 辅料的选择


4. 工艺控制


5. 具体研究实例


6. 建议

  • 使用低温工艺:在药丸制备过程中,尽量采用低温工艺,以保护药物成分的有效性。
  • 选择适当辅料:如蜂蜜等,有助于稳定药物成分,且有益于肠道吸收。
  • 监控温度:在药丸制作过程中,严格监控温度,避免高温对药物成分的破坏。




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