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商业推广计划书主题:盖特直播——自由线上聚会的乐趣|Business Promotion Plan Theme: Gate Live - The Joy of Free Online Gatherings

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2023年7月9日,参加了 加拿大一个华人教会的线上聚会。教会使用的Zoom 会议 软件。

听过文贵先生爆料的朋友们应该都知道:Zoom的背后完全是中国共产党控制的监控、监视全世界计划的一部分。 让我联想到未来Gettr 线上私密直播的重要意义。

On July 9, 2023, I attended an online gathering of a Chinese church in Canada. The church utilized the Zoom meeting software.

Friends who have listened to Mr. Miles Guo's revelations should know that Zoom is entirely controlled by the Chinese Communist Party as part of their global surveillance and monitoring plans. This makes me think about the significance of future Gettr online private live streaming.








1. 吸引更多的基督徒群体:通过盖特直播,我们希望能够吸引更多的基督徒,提供一个便捷、安全、互动性强的线上礼拜平台,让他们能够方便地参与和分享他们的信仰。

2. 吸引喜欢自由的人们:除了基督徒群体,我们也希望吸引那些喜欢自由、注重隐私安全的人们。我们的独立会议房间和无隐私监控的特性将吸引他们加入盖特直播,享受线上聚会的乐趣。

1. 社交媒体宣传:通过社交媒体平台(如Facebook、Twitter、Instagram等)进行广告宣传,定期发布关于盖特直播的内容、功能和用户体验分享。同时,与相关的基督徒和自由主义社群建立合作关系,通过他们的渠道扩大宣传影响力。

2. 活动合作:与教会、基督徒组织和自由主义社群合作举办线上活动,如讲座、讨论会、音乐会等,结合盖特直播平台进行线上直播,吸引目标受众的关注和参与。

3. 用户推荐计划:设立用户推荐奖励计划,鼓励现有用户邀请朋友、家人加入盖特直播。提供一定的奖励或优惠,以增加用户参与度和用户口碑传播。

4. 媒体报道和采访:积极与媒体联系,提供关于盖特直播的新闻稿和采访机会,增加品牌曝光度和知名度。

5. 用户体验优化:持续关注用户反馈和需求,改进盖特直播的功能和用户体验,确保用户在平台上能够获得流畅、愉悦的线上聚会体验。

6.接受Gettr币奉献: 盖特社区软件的Gettr Coin 区块链数字货币功能 ,“使用即金钱”的理念,让在Gettr平台上创造价值的人们获得更多创造社区价值的回馈。 





Business Promotion Plan Theme: Gate Live - The Joy of Free Online Gatherings

Target Audience: Christian community and freedom enthusiasts

Background Introduction:
Gate Live is an innovative online gathering platform committed to providing a private, secure, and interactive online worship experience for Christians and freedom enthusiasts. Our platform offers independent meeting rooms to avoid privacy surveillance risks, allowing users to gather freely and enjoy the fun of online gatherings.

Promotion Objectives:
1. Attracting a larger Christian community: Through Gate Live, we aim to attract more Christians by providing a convenient, secure, and interactive online worship platform that enables them to participate in and share their faith easily.

2. Attracting freedom enthusiasts: In addition to the Christian community, we also aim to attract individuals who value freedom and prioritize privacy. Our independent meeting rooms and non-surveillance features will entice them to join Gate Live and enjoy the joy of online gatherings.

Promotion Strategies:
1. Social media promotion: Advertise on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., regularly share content, features, and user experiences related to Gate Live. Establish collaborations with relevant Christian and liberal communities to expand the promotional reach through their channels.

2. Event collaborations: Collaborate with churches, Christian organizations, and liberal communities to host online events such as lectures, discussions, concerts, etc. Utilize the Gate Live platform for online streaming to attract the attention and participation of the target audience.

3. User referral program: Implement a user referral rewards program to encourage existing users to invite friends and family to join Gate Live. Offer incentives or discounts to increase user engagement and word-of-mouth promotion.

4. Media coverage and interviews: Actively engage with the media by providing press releases and interview opportunities about Gate Live, increasing brand exposure and awareness.

5. User experience optimization: Continuously monitor user feedback and needs, improve Gate Live's features and user experience, ensuring users have a smooth and enjoyable online gathering experience on the platform.

6. Acceptance of Gettr Coin contributions: Incorporate the Gettr Coin blockchain cryptocurrency feature of the Gate Live software, adopting the "use as money" concept, allowing individuals who create value on the Gettr platform to receive greater returns for creating community value.

Budget and Timeline:
Develop a detailed budget and timeline based on the specific execution methods and market demands of the promotion strategies. Allocate resources effectively to ensure the smooth implementation of the promotion plan, and regularly evaluate and adjust its effectiveness.

We believe that through the aforementioned promotion strategies and measures, Gate Live will be able to attract more Christians and freedom enthusiasts, enabling them to enjoy the fun of online gatherings while bringing in more users and brand influence to our platform.


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