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绿色奇迹:青蒿素的多维商业化探索|Green Miracle: Exploring the Multifaceted Commercialization of Artemisinin

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北卡理工大学的 Pamela Whethers 博士在这次疫情期间用体外新冠感染的细胞株试验,证明艾叶热泡后溶液比单纯的青蒿素有更强的抗病毒性,表明植物中其它不明成分的作用。


伍斯特理工学院 Pamela Weathers 教授专栏 https://www.wpi.edu/people/faculty/weathers

青蒿热水提取物在体外对 Covid-19 变体(包括 delta)显示出有效的活性  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114797


实施例3 青蒿素及其假体治疗脱发的作用

一、材料 1.1青蒿素及其假固体分散体


二、方法与结果 一批全头性圆形脱发患者80例,其中男性53例,女性47例,年龄40岁至65岁,







抗病毒药物研发:基于 Pamela Whethers 博士的研究,青蒿素及其提取物在体外对 Covid-19 变体显示出有效的活性。商业化思路可以围绕这一发现展开,推动进一步的临床研究,争取将青蒿素纳入抗病毒药物的研发。



















Dr. Pamela Whethers from North Carolina State University conducted experiments during this pandemic using in vitro COVID-19 infected cell lines, demonstrating that the solution obtained after hot-infusing Artemisia annua leaves exhibits stronger antiviral properties compared to pure artemisinin. This suggests the involvement of other unidentified components in plant action.

African sweet wormwood does not contain artemisinin, yet its anti-COVID effects surpass those of artemisinin by several times.

Professor Pamela Weathers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute provides insights in her column: https://www.wpi.edu/people/faculty/weathers

Hot water extract of Artemisia annua demonstrates effective activity against COVID-19 variants (including delta) in vitro: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114797

Example 3: The effects of artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion in treating hair loss

I. Materials 1.1 Artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion (prepared as in Example 1; when in use, dissolve in anhydrous ethanol to achieve a concentration of approximately 20mg/100ml. Spray the solution on the area of hair loss, allowing it to dry each time. Observe morning, noon, and night daily.

II. Methods and Results A batch of 80 patients with total circular hair loss, including 53 males and 47 females aged 40 to 65, underwent a 90-day trial. Among them, 48 showed hair regrowth with increased firmness, and 32 showed thickening of the regrown hair. In a 180-day trial, 63 patients exhibited firm hair regrowth, and 55 showed thickening of the regrown hair. The overall effective rate was 93%, with a notable effect rate of 78% and an ineffectiveness rate of 7%, indicating the efficacy of artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion in treating hair loss.


Based on the above information, artemisinin and its extracts demonstrate significant potential in combating the novel coronavirus and treating hair loss. The commercialization strategy encompasses various sectors:

Medical Field:

Antiviral Drug Development: Building on Dr. Pamela Whethers' research, artemisinin and its extracts exhibit effective activity against COVID-19 variants in vitro. The commercialization strategy involves further clinical research to integrate artemisinin into antiviral drug development.

Hair Loss Treatment Products: Leveraging the positive outcomes from Example 3, the strategy includes developing related drugs or medical products, such as shampoos and sprays, to meet the needs of individuals experiencing hair loss.

Health Products:

Antioxidant Health Products: Considering the application of artemisinin and its extracts in antioxidant health products due to the beneficial effects of antioxidants on health, promoting immunity, and preventing diseases.

Hair Care Products: Based on successful instances in treating hair loss, the strategy involves developing health products aimed at promoting hair health, meeting consumer demands for beauty and health.

Agricultural Field:

Artemisinin's Agricultural Applications: Considering the application of artemisinin in plant protection to enhance crops' resistance to diseases and pests, thereby increasing agricultural yields.

Organic Farming: Advocating for the cultivation of organic Artemisia annua to produce purer, pesticide-free raw materials, meeting the market demand for organic products.

Research Collaboration and Patent Protection:

Collaboration with Research Institutions: Establishing collaborative relationships to accelerate research and development of artemisinin, expediting product launch.

Patent Protection: Ensuring the protection of relevant technologies through patents to safeguard commercial interests and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

Market Promotion and Education:

Public Awareness Campaigns: Conducting public awareness campaigns to disseminate the research findings on artemisinin, increasing product awareness.

Medical Professional Promotion: Collaborating with medical institutions and professionals to promote the medical applications of artemisinin, enhancing its reputation in the medical field.

International Market Expansion:

Venturing into International Markets: Capitalizing on the potential of artemisinin in antiviral and hair loss treatment, considering expanding into international markets and collaborating with international companies and research institutions.

These commercialization strategies can be adjusted and refined based on the actual situation, but overall, they aim to fully exploit the potential value of artemisinin and its extracts in the fields of medicine, health products, and agriculture.

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