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Everything posted by PayMap

  1. Danielsays: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 AT 10:39 PM Hi, I am not aware of any contraindication. Kind regards, Daniel 嗨,我不知道有任何禁忌。祝好,丹尼尔
  2. marcosbomber901says: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 AT 10:00 PM Hi Daniel I am putting artesunate IV to my wife because he left 78 percent in test sensitivity,Do you know if there is any contraindication to mix it with DMSO,i can’t find anything about it. Thanks 11月22日 晚上10:00 嗨丹尼尔,我正在给我妻子注射青蒿素静脉注射,因为检测显示她的百分比在78%,您知道是否有任何禁忌症可以将其与DMSO混合使用,我找不到相关信息。谢谢
  3. Danielsays: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 AT 9:23 PM Hi immanuel, Yes, I receive it and I was happy with the quality – just that I had to make the capsules myself and it takes time. Kind regards, Daniel 11月22日 下午9:23 嗨Immanuel, 是的,我收到了,我对质量很满意——只是我必须自己制作胶囊,这需要时间。 谢谢, 丹尼尔
  4. immanuelbader@gmail.comsays: NOVEMBER 22, 2017 AT 11:46 AM Hi Daniel, you mentioned in your post that you ordered the powder from http://www.teemana.com. Have you received the powder and do you think its good quality? Thanks, Immanuel November 22, 2017 AT 11:46 AM 你好,Daniel, 你在你的帖子中提到你从http://www.teemana.com订购了粉末。 你收到粉末了吗?你认为它的质量如何? 谢谢, Immanuel
  5. a.asays: NOVEMBER 13, 2017 AT 12:03 AM In the biopsi bevor 5 years ER+ und HER2- . For 5 years treated with Letrozol November 13, 2017 AT 12:03 AM 在五年前的活检中,细胞表达ER阳性和HER2阴性。已使用Letrozol治疗五年。
  6. Alexsays: NOVEMBER 12, 2017 AT 11:56 PM any information on genetic expression of tumor cells? November 12, 2017 AT 11:56 PM 肿瘤细胞的基因表达有关的任何信息吗?
  7. a.asays: NOVEMBER 12, 2017 AT 11:05 PM Thank you Alex, Yes we‘ve started Ibandronat November 12, 2017 AT 11:05 PM 谢谢你,Alex, 是的,我们已经开始使用伊邦罗那。
  8. Alexsays: NOVEMBER 12, 2017 AT 11:01 PM if the metastasis involves bone tissue, please look for zometa or other bisfosonates, talk to doctor. November 12, 2017 AT 11:01 PM 如果转移涉及骨组织,请寻找Zometa(唑来膦酸)或其他双膦酸盐,并与医生交谈。
  9. a.asays: NOVEMBER 12, 2017 AT 8:11 PM Hi Daniel Thank you for the very interesting Information my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago. the treatment was surgery and chemo. she has taken Femara for 5 years. Now metastasis in the spine (two places). got 10 Cycklen Radiotherapie and now we want to try Artemisia annua. I ordered in the Annamed and If I could possibly ask you: 1. Am I ok with the dosis: Morning: 2.5 Artemisia (powder A-3) Lunch: 2,5g Moringa Evening: 2.5g Artemisia or do I better 2x5g Arte? 2. Can you please say me if we need to take some other suplement? Thank you very much Regards Arb November 12, 2017 AT 8:11 PM 嗨丹尼尔 感谢您提供的非常有趣的信息 我母亲5年前被诊断出患有乳腺癌。治疗是手术和化疗。她服用Femara已经5年了。现在脊柱转移(两个地方)。接受了10次放疗,并且现在我们想尝试青蒿素。我在Annamed订购了产品,如果可能,我可以问您: 1. 我的剂量是否正确: 早上:2.5克青蒿素(A-3粉末) 午餐:2.5克木麻黄 晚上:2.5克青蒿素 还是我最好2x5g Arte? 2. 您能否告诉我我们是否需要服用其他补充剂? 非常感谢 问候 Arb
  10. Danielsays: SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 AT 9:25 AM Hi Den, You may be able to find it here http://www.flora-apotheke.de/ or here http://www.dr-miller-gmbh.de/ If Flora doesn’t have it they may help you find it at another pharmacy. But you may need a prescription from your dr. Kind regards, Daniel September 29, 2017 AT 9:25 AM 嗨Den, 你可以在这里找到它 http://www.flora-apotheke.de/ 或这里 http://www.dr-miller-gmbh.de/。 如果Flora没有,他们可能会帮助您在其他药房找到。但你可能需要医生的处方。 亲切的问候, 丹尼尔
  11. den_rysays: SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 AT 12:52 AM Hi Daniel! Do you know the names of some of the German compounding pharmacies doing Artesunate? My U.S. doctor is trying to find a European source for me since I live in Europe and I’m having a hard time finding any German pharmacies that make it. Google is only showing up Indian sources. Thanks den_ry 说: 2017年9月29日凌晨12:52 嗨,Daniel! 你知道一些德国复方药房生产青蒿素的名字吗?我在欧洲生活,我的美国医生正在尝试为我找到一个欧洲的来源,但我很难找到任何德国药房生产的。谷歌只显示印度的来源。 谢谢
  12. Danielsays: SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 AT 9:41 PM Hi Katja, I would expect the Chinese version would be OK. However, 60mg for 12$ would be = with 30$ for 150mg. Adding the transport costs to that may go in the 35$ range. German Clinics are using 150mg to 300mg as I remember and the material cost for 150mg in Germany will not be far from 35$/vial. Adding the risks at the customs and everything around, I am not sure there is much gain ordering from China. Otherwise, I could order from China many things and receive them in good state and exactly what I ordered. But for Artesunate I would go for the German version since you can trust the quality and there is not a major price difference based on what I know. If you have a friend that is medical doctor you should be able to order it from various compounding pharma incl. I think dr. Miller http://www.dr-miller-gmbh.de/production2.htm I hope this helps. Kind regards, Daniel Daniel说: 2017年9月14日晚上9:41 嗨,Katja, 我认为中国版本应该是可以接受的。然而,12美元的60毫克相当于30美元的150毫克。再加上运输成本,可能在35美元左右。德国的诊所使用的剂量我记得是150毫克到300毫克,据我所知,德国150毫克的原材料成本不会超过35美元/瓶。考虑到海关风险和周围的一切,我不确定从中国订购是否会有很大收益。否则,我可以从中国订购许多东西,并且收到的都是我所订购的,而且状况良好。但是对于青蒿素,我会选择德国版本,因为你可以信任质量,并且据我所知,价格上没有太大差异。如果你有一个医生朋友,你应该可以从各种复方药房订购,包括米勒博士的 http://www.dr-miller-gmbh.de/production2.htm 希望这有所帮助。 顺祝商祺, 丹尼尔
  13. Katjasays: SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 AT 11:25 AM Hello, on my surch for a Artesunate-i.v. Therapy, which ist affordable, I am checking a direct-import from china (on the advice of friend, who works at the tropical institute in Bale). The big companies only sell in big amounts, but there are smaller, with would deliver to Europe smaller packages (Germany is not popular because of it`s custom, France seems to work). Has anyone done this before? It would lower the costs for a “chemo-cycle” from 11000 to 800 EUR !! The recommendation is: at least 15 infusions inbetween 3 to 4 weeks, every time 5mg/kg bodyweight. As most of the vials contain 60mg and cost in china 12$. On this site: http://www.anamed.edition.comit seems, they offer high quality In the downloads are recxepies for tee-preparation with good serum-concentrations… I let you all know, how it works, to get the good stuff and am interested, if one did it before? Does anyone know, if there is a possibility, to check, what is in the chinese vials? Additional to your collected trials, here is a new one about Livercancer treated with artemisia capillaris: Oncol Rep. 2017 Jan;37(1):526-532. doi: 10.3892/or.2016.5283. Epub 2016 Nov 29. Evaluation of antitumor activity of Artemisia capillaris extract against hepatocellular carcinoma through the inhibition of IL-6/STAT3 signaling axis. Jang E1, Kim SY2, Lee NR2, Yi CM2, Hong DR2, Lee WS3, Kim JH2, Lee KT3, Kim BJ4, Lee JH1, Inn KS2 Interleukin-6 (IL-6)/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathway plays critical roles in the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Artemisia capillaris (AC) has been widely used to treat various liver diseases including HCC as a herbal medicine. The effects of AC on IL-6/STAT3 signaling axis in HCC cells and subsequent anticancer activity of AC against HCC were analyzed using HCC cell lines and HBV W4P-LHB-expressing NIH3T3 cell line, which has been shown to gain tumorigenicity by activating IL-6/STAT3 signaling in our previous study. AC extract significantly suppressed the growth and colony formation of HCC cells. In addition, it inhibited the activation of STAT3 by IL-6 and subsequent synthesis of downstream molecules in HCC and W4P-NIH3T3 cells. Consequently, migration of cells was significantly suppressed by the AC extract. Collectively, the findings suggest that AC extract is capable of conferring various antitumor effects against HCC through the modulation of the IL-6/STAT3 pathway. The results provide a basis for the therapeutic use of AC in the treatment of HCC. Identification of the compound responsible for the effect may lead to the development of a novel anticancer agent against HCC. Even if I read a lot about artemisia, I am not sure, what it means, that the trial was made with artemisia capillaris.? Thank you for looking together for our lifes…Katja Katja说: 2017年9月13日上午11:25 大家好,在寻找价格合理的静脉注射疗法Artesunate时,我正在检查直接从中国进口(在一个在巴黎热带研究所工作的朋友的建议下)。大公司只销售大量,但有一些较小的公司可以向欧洲交付较小的包裹(德国不受欢迎,因为它的海关,法国似乎可以)。 有人之前做过吗? 这将把“化疗周期”的成本从11000降低到800欧元!!建议是:在3到4周之间至少进行15次输液,每次5mg/kg体重。因为大部分小瓶包含60mg,中国售价为12美元。 在这个网站上:http://www.anamed.edition.comit (备注:实际网址可能为 https://www.anamed-edition.com ),他们似乎提供高质量的产品 在下载中有用于茶叶制备的配方,浓度很好… 我会告诉大家,如何获得好东西,并且对之前有过这种经历的人感兴趣? 有人知道是否有可能检查中国小瓶中的内容吗? 除了您收集的试验,这里是一项关于用青蒿菜治疗肝癌的新试验: Oncol Rep. 2017 Jan;37(1):526-532. doi: 10.3892/or.2016.5283. Epub 2016 Nov 29. 通过抑制IL-6/STAT3信号通路评估青蒿菜提取物对肝细胞癌的抗肿瘤活性。 Jang E1, Kim SY2, Lee NR2, Yi CM2, Hong DR2, Lee WS3, Kim JH2, Lee KT3, Kim BJ4, Lee JH1, Inn KS2 白细胞介素-6(IL-6)/信号转导和转录激活子3(STAT3)信号通路在肝细胞癌(HCC)的发展和进展中起着关键作用。青蒿菜(AC)作为一种草药广泛用于治疗各种肝脏疾病,包括HCC。在我们以前的研究中,已经表明IL-6/STAT3信号通路通过激活HBV W4P-LHB表达的NIH3T3细胞株而获得肿瘤特性。AC提取物明显抑制了HCC细胞的生长和集落形成。此外,它还抑制了IL-6引起的STAT3的活化以及HCC和W4P-NIH3T3细胞中下游分子的合成。因此,细胞的迁移受到AC提取物的显着抑制。总的来说,研究结果表明AC提取物能够通过调节IL-6/STAT3途径赋予HCC各种抗肿瘤效应。结果为AC在HCC治疗中的治疗应用提供了依据。确定产生效果的化合物可能会导致开发新的抗HCC抗癌药物。 即使我对青蒿有很多了解,但我不确定试验中使用的是青蒿菜是什么意思? 感谢您一起为我们的生活努力... Katja
  14. Danielsays: SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 AT 10:22 PM Thank you Katja! This is very helpful as they have seeds from so many other plants from all over the world! Daniel说: 2017年9月9日晚上10:22 谢谢Katja!这非常有帮助,因为他们有来自世界各地许多其他植物的种子!
  15. Katjasays: SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 AT 12:39 PM Even, if the gardening season will take a few months, I found two sources for artemisia annua seeds (around 2 EUR for a seedbag ). 1.I know this company, they do a lot of healing plants from China and India… http://www.kraeuter-und-duftpflanzen.de and 2. http://www.templiner-kraeutergarten.de Katja说: 2017年9月9日下午12:39 即使园艺季节还有几个月,我找到了两个供应艾美利沙种子的来源(每袋约2欧元)。 1.我知道这家公司,他们种植了许多来自中国和印度的药用植物... http://www.kraeuter-und-duftpflanzen.de 2. http://www.templiner-kraeutergarten.de
  16. Erginsays: AUGUST 19, 2017 AT 11:35 PM Now i am working on ROS and the correlation between HSP Ergin说: 2017年8月19日晚上11:35 现在我正在研究ROS和热休克蛋白之间的相关性。
  17. Erginsays: AUGUST 19, 2017 AT 11:33 PM Hi Wim, For me hyperthermia and a heat shock protein inhibitor like quercetin + a SGLT inhibitor like phlorizin+ an OXPHOS inhibitor like ? is a top strategy. We must talk more. Ergin说: 2017年8月19日晚上11:33 嗨,Wim, 对我来说,热疗和热休克蛋白抑制剂(如槲皮素)+ SGLT抑制剂(如蘋果聚糖)+ OXPHOS抑制剂(如?)是一种顶级策略。我们需要进一步讨论。
  18. Wim Goeteynsays: AUGUST 19, 2017 AT 9:27 AM Hi, Artemisinin / Curcumin / Mangostin. This would be the most powerful Mix to win the battle against cancer. With endless peer reviewed based documentation on pubmed. Please Share ! Wim. Wim Goeteyn说: 2017年8月19日上午9:27 嗨,青蒿素/姜黄素/山竹皮素。这将是最强大的混合物,以赢得对抗癌症的战斗。 有大量的基于同行评审的文献在PubMed上。请分享! Wim.
  19. Danielsays: JULY 30, 2017 AT 10:14 PM Dear Karolina, TACE in Germany is about 4000 euro/ intervention. But it should also be available in Budapest – just that prof Vogl has the most experience in the world. TACE can be done such so that more tumors can be addressed. And if the spread is to large, not local but regional TACE can be done. I know TACE is also performed in Bucharest (my origin is Romanian). Beyond this, please read some of my posts on this website and you should be able to get more ideas in terms of treatment options. If you are considering chemo, there are posts discussing approaches to increase chemo effectiveness as well. If you have questions on them please let me know – if needed you can also send me an e-mail. All the best to your dear mom. Kind regards, Daniel Daniel说: 2017年7月30日晚上10:14 亲爱的卡罗琳, 在德国,TACE大约每次操作要4000欧元。但在布达佩斯应该也有这项服务——只是Vogl教授在世界上拥有最丰富的经验。TACE可以进行得更全面一些,可以处理更多肿瘤。如果肿瘤扩散太广,那么不是局部的,而是区域性的TACE可能会进行。我知道在布加勒斯特也有进行TACE的情况(我的家乡是罗马尼亚)。 除此之外,请阅读本网站上的一些文章,您应该能够获得更多关于治疗选择的想法。 如果您正在考虑化疗,也可以阅读一些文章,探讨如何提高化疗的有效性。 如果您对此有任何疑问,请随时告诉我——如果需要,您也可以给我发电子邮件。祝您的母亲一切顺利。 致以诚挚的问候, 丹尼尔
  20. Karolinasays: JULY 30, 2017 AT 3:24 PM Dear Daniel, Thank you for the quick reply, it has been really helpful. I will take your advice and start without Iron and in a smaller dose. I haven’t actually heard about TACE; we live in Hungary and I don’t think we can afford medical treatment abroad. I can ask the oncologist the next time we see her whether TACE would be an option. (I’m not sure since my mother has several tumours in the liver, smaller and larger as well.) Thanks again, Karolina Karolina说: 2017年7月30日下午3:24 亲爱的丹尼尔, 谢谢您的快速回复,这真的很有帮助。我会采纳您的建议,开始不用铁,剂量也小一些。 我实际上还没有听说过TACE;我们住在匈牙利,我不认为我们负担得起海外的医疗治疗。下次看到肿瘤学家时,我可以问一下TACE是否是一个选择。(我不确定,因为我母亲的肝脏里有几个肿瘤,有些小,有些大。) 再次感谢, 卡罗琳
  21. Danielsays: JULY 29, 2017 AT 1:30 AM Dear Karolina, Thank you for your comment. Answering your questions: 1. I think cancer cells have enough Iron compared to normal cells. Alos, too much Iron in the blood may reach to inefficency of Arte. in the same way as it doese for Vitamin C as explained here https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-cancer/ So what I would do is to try the following: – first I would not use any Iron supplementation for several weeks, and if possible even use Iron chelators prior to Arte such as EDTA IV or e.g. Baicalein (found in Scute supplement from iHerb) – if after several weeks there is no impact on markers, you could try to use Iron supplementation. The safe dose should be easy to fin on the web. If you can not find please let me know and I will check that for you I would expect the first approach is the right one. 2. The doses you are intending to use may be high and reaction may be different from person to person. What I would to in this case is to increase step by step the doses towards the target dose you mentioned. If there is any side effect at a specific dose, you can step back to the previous dose where there was no side effect. I would use this approach not only for these supplements but for any other drugs or supplements that are used by the patient for the first time. I hope this helps. Please let us know how things are going and if you have questions just post them here and myself or other friend here will try to help. Btw, for the large liver mets have you considered TACE at Prof Vogl in Germany (Frankfurt University Hospital)? He seems to be the best in the world doing this (TACE to the liver) and he is also one of my favorites docs in this world. Kind regards, Daniel 丹尼尔说: 2017年7月29日凌晨1:30 亲爱的卡罗琳, 感谢您的留言。回答您的问题: 1. 我认为癌细胞与正常细胞相比,含有足够的铁。此外,血液中过多的铁可能导致青蒿素的效率降低,就像维生素C一样,详情请参阅https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/high-dose-vitamin-c-cancer/。因此,我会尝试以下方法: - 首先,我会在几周内不使用任何铁补充剂,如果可能的话,甚至会在使用青蒿素之前使用铁螯合剂,例如静脉注射EDTA或Baicalein(在iHerb的Scute补充剂中找到) - 如果几周后对标志物没有影响,您可以尝试使用铁补充剂。安全剂量应该很容易在网上找到。如果找不到,请告诉我,我会为您查找。我期望第一种方法是正确的。 2. 您打算使用的剂量可能很高,反应可能因人而异。在这种情况下,我会逐步增加剂量,直至达到您提到的目标剂量。如果在特定剂量下有任何副作用,您可以退回到之前没有副作用的剂量。我会使用这种方法不仅针对这些补充剂,而且对于患者第一次使用的任何其他药物或补充剂也是如此。 希望这可以帮到您。请告诉我们事情的进展情况,如果您有任何问题,只需在此发表,我或其他朋友会尽力帮助。 顺便说一句,对于大肝转移,您是否考虑过在德国弗兰克福大学医院的沃格尔教授(Vogl)进行TACE治疗?他似乎是全球做这项工作最好的医生之一(对肝脏进行TACE治疗),他也是我最喜欢的医生之一。 亲切的问候, 丹尼尔
  22. Karolinasays: JULY 27, 2017 AT 2:33 PM Daniel, Thank you for the great article and all the information. My mother has neuroendocrine tumour with large liver metastasis and I hope artemisia annua can help. I have a few questions: 1. How much iron is recommended / safe to take daily as part of the artemisinin treatment? E.g. is 50 mg safe? Does it work without iron supplements as well? 2. Do you think it’s safe to take 2 x 5g artemisia annua powder + 2 x super artemisinin (180 mg artemisinin + 20 mg artemisia annua leaf oil)? (Taking the powder at the same time with a capsule, twice a day.) I know that the whole plant powder is supposed to be more effective, but a lot of articles reference artemisinin at quite high dosages (up to 1000 mg per day) and I’m not sure how much whole plant is needed to reach the same levels in blood as by taking 1000 mg pure artemisinin. Thank you, Karolina Karolinasays: 2017年7月27日下午2:33 丹尼尔, 感谢您提供的出色文章和所有信息。我母亲患有神经内分泌肿瘤,伴有大量肝转移,我希望青蒿素能够帮助她。我有几个问题: 1. 作为青蒿素治疗的一部分,每天建议摄入多少铁是安全的?例如,50毫克安全吗?不补充铁剂是否也有效? 2. 您认为每天服用2次5克青蒿素粉末+ 2次超级青蒿素(180毫克青蒿素+ 20毫克青蒿叶油)是否安全?(同时服用胶囊,每天两次。) 我知道整株植物粉末应该更有效,但很多文章都引用了相当高剂量的青蒿素(高达每天1000毫克),我不确定需要多少整株植物才能达到与每天摄入1000毫克纯青蒿素相同的血液水平。 谢谢,卡罗琳
  23. Danielsays: JUNE 20, 2017 AT 12:16 AM Thanks a lot Ben for this great info! I totally agree, i.e. we need to have good sources of active supplements. In my view you touched an essential point, and i am considering now a way to verify that for other supplements as well. To my knowledge, here is one of the best sources on the whole plant Arte. Annua https://anamed.org/en/artemisia-annua-anamed.html However, I can not say if they validate all the points you mentioned. You can off course contact them and ask. Once, on of their members wrote a short note here but they never advertised which I also appreciated. In conclusion, you added very valuable points. Thank you. Kind regards, Daniel Danielsays: 2017年6月20日上午12:16 非常感谢Ben提供的这些信息!我完全同意,即我们需要有好的活性补充剂来源。在我看来,你触及了一个重要的问题,我现在正在考虑一种验证其他补充剂的方法。据我所知,这是最好的整体青蒿草药来源之一 https://anamed.org/en/artemisia-annua-anamed.html 然而,我无法确认他们是否验证了你提到的所有要点。你当然可以联系他们并询问。曾经,他们的一位成员在这里写过一张简短的纸条,但他们从未进行过广告,我也很感激。总之,你提出了非常有价值的观点。谢谢。 亲切的问候, 丹尼尔
  24. Bensays: JUNE 15, 2017 AT 1:10 PM from my reading around the chemistry and pharmacokinetics of Artemisia Annua it’s clear it is an unusual herb in several respects. 1, the active components are mainly found in tiny structures on the surface of the leaves and flowers/pre-flower buds in the top 1/3 of the plant – this is important when sourcing the herb as many sources out there are mainly stalks and stems ground up. 2, the active components in it ( notably artimisin – but also others) are heat, light and air sensitive – so drying and processing conditions are critical – to maintain the finished product potency 3, the herb is grown commercially in many countries for malaria medicine – and often high yield varieties are used that have 2-5x higher levels of active components – especially where it is grown for sudo-pharmacological drug production – but currently, herb suppliers do not typically have validated information about their sources – or the raw herb or finished herb product potency. 4, the chemicals in it have unusual absorption/excretion profile in humans/mammals – artemisinin blood concentrations in the blood are highest on the first day of dosing and fall rapidly to 25% of those by day 8. for this reason effective treatments are likely to be those that dose sufficiently from day 1 and continue for a relatively short course ( approx 30-40 days max ) – rather than slowly ramping up – or long-term use. I highlight the above as I think it’s important for more of us to question our herb sources and ask for information on, growing processing and storage conditions, and concentration of active components in the herbs we buy. in the way, the industry will respond over time by providing more of this essential information to its customers. I also believe natural medicine should make the best use of the science we have available to us at this time, as well as the traditional and anecdotal resources. I do not have references to hand but much of the above information is available online if you look for it – my knowledge of this herb stemmed from my initial reading of work by Stephen Buhner – a world renowned herbalist – and the references he cited in his books if anyone locates a source of whole Artemesia Annua herb that can validate the above potency questions I would be very interested. As, other than growing your own, it seems very hard to find. Bensays: 2017年6月15日下午1:10 从我对青蒿的化学和药代动力学的阅读中,可以清楚地看出,它在几个方面是一种不同寻常的草药。 1. 其活性成分主要存在于叶片和花朵/花蕾的表面微小结构中,在植物的顶部1/3中——这一点在采购该草药时很重要,因为许多来源主要是被研磨成茎和枝。 2. 其中的活性成分(尤其是青蒿素,但也包括其他成分)对热、光和空气敏感——因此干燥和加工条件至关重要——以保持成品的效力。 3. 该草药在许多国家被商业种植用于疟疾药物,并且通常使用高产量品种,其活性成分水平较高,尤其是在种植用于伪药学药物生产时——但目前,草药供应商通常没有关于其来源的验证信息,或者原始草药或成品草药的效力。 4. 其中的化学物质在人类/哺乳动物中有不同寻常的吸收/排泄特性——青蒿素在血液中的浓度在第一天剂量最高,然后迅速下降到第8天的25%。因此,有效的治疗很可能是从第一天开始足够剂量,并持续相对较短的疗程(最多约30-40天)——而不是缓慢递增或长期使用。 我强调以上内容,因为我认为更多的人应该质疑我们的草药来源,并要求有关种植、加工和储存条件以及我们购买的草药中活性成分的浓度的信息。随着时间的推移,该行业将通过向客户提供更多这些基本信息来作出回应。我还相信,自然疗法应该充分利用我们现有的科学知识,以及传统和个人经验。 我手头上没有参考资料,但上述信息大部分都可以在网上找到——我的对这种草药的了解源于我最初阅读了世界知名草药学家斯蒂芬·布纳(Stephen Buhner)的著作以及他引用的参考文献。 如果有人找到能验证上述效力问题的整体青蒿草药的来源,我会非常感兴趣。因为除了自己种植,似乎很难找到。
  25. Wonderingsays: JUNE 9, 2017 AT 1:20 PM Thinus, would it be a normal / expectable reaction to Lucrin only? cheers W Wonderingsays: 2017年6月9日下午1:20 Thinus,只接受Lucrin会是一种正常/可预期的反应吗? 祝好 W
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