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Posts posted by Roger

  1. 预告与警告:即将来临的全球震荡与唤醒

    该视频中包含了多位牧师和预言家的预言和梦境,都警告即将到来的重大灾难和经济。崩溃作者强调,这些预示表明上帝将在美国和全球范围内进行一次大规模的“震荡和唤醒” ”。这些灾难不是来审判的,而是要唤醒那些灵里和世俗上都“冷淡”的人,让他们在基督的再临之前做好准备。作者呼吁大家要警醒祈祷,并为家人和自己做点什么准备好适当的物质。

    关键点 ✦

    • 多位先知和牧师,如 Kent Christmas、Dana Coverstone 等,都有关于即将到来的重大灾难和经济崩溃的预兆和梦境。
    • 这些预示预示着上帝要在美国和全球范围内进行一次大规模的“震动和唤醒” ”。
    • 这些灾难不是来审判的,而是要唤醒那些灵里和世俗上都“冷淡”的人,让他们在基督的再临之前做好准备。
    • 作者呼吁大家要警醒祈祷,并为家人和自己做点什么准备好适当的物质,如备齐食物、水、燃料等。
    • 作者强调这并非出于恐惧,而是出于对神的话语的遵行,并相信神必定会眷顾和保守自己的子民。


    Prophecies and Warnings: The Impending Global Shaking and Awakening

    This video includes prophecies and visions from multiple pastors and prophets, all warning of imminent major disasters and economic collapse. The author emphasizes that these prophecies indicate that God will conduct a large-scale "shaking and awakening" in the United States and globally. These disasters are not meant as judgment but to awaken those who are spiritually and worldly "lukewarm," so they can prepare before the return of Christ. The author urges everyone to stay vigilant in prayer and make appropriate material preparations for themselves and their families.

    Key Points

    • Multiple prophets and pastors, such as Kent Christmas and Dana Coverstone, have had visions and dreams foretelling major disasters and economic collapse.
    • These prophecies indicate that God will conduct a large-scale "shaking and awakening" in the United States and globally.
    • These disasters are not meant as judgment but to awaken those who are spiritually and worldly "lukewarm," so they can prepare before the return of Christ.
    • The author urges everyone to stay vigilant in prayer and make appropriate material preparations for themselves and their families, such as stocking up on food, water, fuel, etc.
    • The author emphasizes that this is not out of fear but out of adherence to God's word, believing that God will surely care for and protect His people.



  2. "Thoughts and Action Guide on Mr. Guo's Eight Questions"
    ——Comrade: See You Next Year @justaction

    The eight questions raised by Mr. Guo offer a broad overview and foresight into future changes in the global landscape, serving as a guide for us to identify direction and take action. Mr. Guo urges us to reflect, hoping that every comrade can do their best, start from their surroundings, and continuously spread the truth of the Whistleblower Movement, building the New Federal State of China (NFSC).

    1. What will happen if China's real estate financial crisis fully erupts? What should comrades in China do? What can they do?

    China's real estate financial crisis is currently unfolding, with the real estate and financial industries facing severe shocks, impacting many other sectors such as manufacturing and services. This will lead to economic stagnation and increased unemployment in certain industries. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will likely go to great lengths to maintain stability by issuing bonds, printing money to shift the crisis, and using mainstream and social media to continue deceiving the public. They will also use violent tools to suppress the people's protests.

    Comrades in China should try to transfer their assets abroad if possible, and those who can leave should do so to secure their survival. Those who cannot leave must protect themselves and their families, ensuring sufficient finances and maintaining social connections to sustain their lives. Under the condition of ensuring safety, they should spread the truth, including the harmful effects of the vaccine, the economic downturn caused by lockdowns, the dictatorship of Xi Jinping and the return to the Cultural Revolution, and the CCP's virus release.

    2. What impact will a major financial and economic collapse in the United States have on the world? What should we do? What can we do?

    The United States is the engine of the global economy. If it experiences a major financial and economic collapse, the influence of the dollar will be weakened, further affecting the global economy. At the same time, the CCP might unite with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and some Middle Eastern and African countries to form another bloc against the Western world led by the U.S., leading to a divided world with increased political and economic exchanges between nations.

    In this situation, blockchain and digital currencies may see more opportunities. The NFSC should continue to support Himalaya Exchange, promote H-Coin and HPay, and ensure that platforms like Gettr and GNews grow stronger in terms of user base and content influence.

    3. What should we do if Xi Jinping dies suddenly or is ousted by internal rivals, leading to a "Ceausescu-like" incident? What can we do?

    If Xi Jinping dies suddenly, figures like Zeng, Han, and Wang might seize the opportunity to take power, intensifying the internal struggle with Xi's faction. This would lead to a period of tension and instability in the domestic political scene, and many citizens might celebrate with fireworks.

    We should unite with comrades within the system, encouraging the more enlightened factions within the Party to abandon the evil CCP regime and push for greater political reforms, including lifting media and political restrictions, and allowing the people to vote. The NFSC should have enough strength to influence the domestic political situation during such instability, using its financial, social media, and international relations capabilities to promote good and suppress evil.

    4. What should we do if Xi Jinping suddenly attacks Taiwan, causing a collapse in the U.S. and global financial markets? What can we do?

    If Xi Jinping suddenly attacks Taiwan, global supply chains will be disrupted, and the decoupling of the West from China will accelerate. Domestically, China could nearly close its borders, with the CCP imposing stricter controls over society and the population, such as centralized supply of goods, border controls, and possibly martial law in some regions, which would be worse than the lockdowns during the pandemic.

    At the same time, the CCP might once again spread viruses globally, leading to another pandemic. Comrades inside the Great Firewall should protect themselves and their families, while overseas Chinese should actively promote the message that "the CCP is not equal to the Chinese people," denounce Xi Jinping and the CCP, and emphasize that the Chinese people love peace and strongly oppose war and aggression. They should loudly declare that "world peace requires the elimination of the CCP." The NFSC should invest more resources in anti-CCP campaigns in the West to influence Western governments and public opinion, and to protect Chinese and Asian people.

    5. If any of the above events occur, leading to a global economic collapse, wars in Ukraine and Africa, accompanying diseases and disasters, viral outbreaks, and a breakdown of the global food supply chain, with society erupting into wars between the rich and poor, with no distinction of race, region, or nationality, what should we do? What can we do?

    A global economic collapse would signal the fall of the old world order and the rise of a new one. This transition will impact global politics, national systems, and economic and social structures, directly or indirectly affecting everyone's lives. As individuals, our strength is limited; only by forming organizations and groups can we become stronger.

    Comrades in the NFSC should become more united, spreading the truth and making friends through social media, HPay life circles, organizing public activities, online social networks, and daily neighborhood interactions, whether online or offline. Under the unified planning and deployment of the farm alliance, we should gradually build a global social platform (Gettr), interpersonal networks and services (GClub), and farm bases with corresponding physical organizations, recruiting more comrades to join, expanding our strength, and becoming capable of defending against various disasters.

    6. Whether Xi is ousted by internal rivals or is decapitated after attacking Taiwan, the CCP and Xi's faction will be eliminated. The ensuing power struggle will see figures like Zeng, Wang, and Han rise as a new "Yuan Shikai party," possibly seizing power and colluding with evil forces to control China's 1.4 billion people. What should we do? What can we do?

    If Xi is ousted, the new "Yuan Shikai party" of Zeng, Wang, and Han might use political reform slogans to win people's hearts while colluding with evil forces to continue exploiting the Chinese people under a rebranded dictatorship. In this scenario, we need to awaken more citizens to the ideas of the rule of law, democracy, equal rights, and a multi-party system where one person has one vote to elect the president.

    The NFSC, with its growing power and influence, should strengthen cooperation with the U.S. and Western governments, supporting enlightened forces within China to help establish a democratic representative and electoral system. A critical step in this process is to break through China's firewall, lift media restrictions, and achieve press freedom.

    7. Regardless of how the above events unfold, the result will be that the world's just forces and people will choose the NFSC to represent the future of the Chinese people, advancing China's governance modernization, rule of law, and democratization. Mr. Guo will never participate in politics, but comrades should actively work towards achieving religious freedom, the righteous path, and a one-person-one-vote system. Comrades should ask themselves, what should we do? What can we do?

    We believe that the NFSC's strength and capability will be crucial in establishing a new China based on the rule of law, democracy, and international cooperation. Comrades should contribute their talents in politics, business, education, agriculture, and other fields. Everyone should think, plan, and act accordingly.

    We should start with ourselves and our surroundings, taking action in every aspect of life, every day, to contribute to religious freedom, the righteous path, and democratic elections. On a personal level, I hope to use my abilities to help those persecuted for their religious beliefs under the CCP, strengthen domestic civil society groups, and support the spread of freedom of belief and love.

    8. If the "Chinese Dream" collapses, and the NFSC helps the world wake up from the Chinese nightmare, helping the Chinese people and the world achieve their dreams, what should we do? What can we do?

    We should:

    1. Continue to spread the truth about COVID-19 and the vaccines: Make the world aware of the CCP's collusion with evil forces to control the world. Promote the use of Artemisinin and Ivermectin to help those harmed by vaccines recover their health and reduce casualties.

    2. Continue to expose the evil nature of communism: Through the establishment of museums, exhibitions, websites, social media, and independent media, we should vigorously expose the CCP's past crimes, including the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the genocide in Xinjiang and Tibet, religious persecution, and the suppression of the Hong Kong democracy movement. This will help both Chinese and global citizens understand the evil nature of the communist system and rid the world of its "red poison."

    3. Accelerate the growth of the NFSC's strength and global influence: Establish unique and cutting-edge influence in innovative fields such as social media, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, AI, quantum computing, and biomedical science. Recruit more comrades, cultivate the "second generation of the Whistleblower Movement," and encourage the unvaccinated population to have more children, creating a lasting legacy for the NFSC that could last a century or even a millennium.

    We should continue to promote the righteous path of the NFSC, helping China emerge from the shadows of the communist system, contributing to the transformation of its institutions, the recovery of its society and economy, the revival of morality, and the inheritance of its fine culture. At the same time, we should consistently highlight the hardworking, kind, and peace-loving nature of the Chinese people, striving to achieve a thousand years of peace between China and the world, earning respect and affection for Chinese people worldwide. 

  3. 《对文贵先生八大问题的深思与行动指南》 ——战友:来年再见@justaction



    1. 中国房地产金融危机全面爆发,中国会发生什么?国内的战友该做什么?能做什么?




    2. 美国金融经济大崩溃,会给世界带来什么?我们该做什么?能做什么?




    3. 习近平暴病而毙或被党内政敌除掉变成“齐奥塞斯习”事件,我们该做什么?能做什么?




    4. 习死皇突然攻击台湾,美国及世界金融市场大崩溃,我们该做什么?能做什么?




    5. 任何一个以上事件发生,世界经济必然大崩溃,俄乌战争、非洲动乱战争、疾病灾难、病毒扩散、粮食供应链断裂,全社会爆发贫富战争。我们该做什么?能做什么?




    6. 无论是习被政敌除掉,还是入侵台湾被斩首,共产党和习家党都将被消灭,随之而来的是曾、王、韩的新袁世凯党必然在中国谋取政权,与邪恶势力勾兑。我们该做什么?能做什么?




    7. 不管以上这些事情怎样发生,结果全世界的正义力量和人民都会选择NFSC代表未来的新中国人民推进中国国家治理现代化、法制化、民主化。七哥永远都不会参政,但战友们应该积极实现信仰自由、正道主义、一人一票的国家,战友们都应该问自己,该做什么?能做什么?




    8. 全人类面临的“中国梦”破灭,新中国联邦帮助世界人民从中国噩梦中惊醒,帮助中国人民和世界实现梦想成真,我们该做什么?能做什么?


    1. 继续传播新冠病毒及疫苗真相:让世界人民认清共产党与邪恶势力勾结统治世界的阴谋,传播青蒿素、伊维菌素等有效药物,帮助受疫苗伤害的人恢复健康,减少伤亡。

    2. 持续揭露共产主义的邪恶本质:通过建立博物馆、展览、网站及社交媒体等,大力揭露共产党过去的罪行,包括文革、六四屠杀、新疆西藏种族灭绝、宗教迫害、香港民主运动镇压等,让中国和世界人民深刻理解共产体制的邪恶,清除“红色余毒”。

    3. 加速壮大新中国联邦的实力与影响力:在创新社交媒体、加密货币、区块链技术、AI、量子计算、生物医疗等领域形成独特影响力;招募更多战友,培养“爆二代”和“爆三代”,逐步构建新中国联邦的传承,构建百年甚至千年的基业。






    A-Open Letter from the PAYMAP Community to American Politicians.jpg

    Open Letter from the PAYMAP Community to American Politicians

    Dear American Politicians,

    We are members of the PAYMAP community, and we write this open letter to express our deep concern about the case against Mr. Guo Wengui(Miles Guo)and our expectations for your fair judgment. As ordinary citizens, we believe that justice and transparency are the cornerstones of a democratic society. However, in the case of Mr. Guo(Miles Guo), we have serious doubts about some of the actions taken by the Department of Justice.

    Mr. Guo Wengui(Miles Guo)has long been dedicated to exposing the corruption and human rights abuses of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has made him a thorn in their eyes. We cannot ignore the fact that several key officials involved in Mr. Guo's case within the U.S. Department of Justice were appointed in 2021. This raises concerns about whether the prosecution of Mr. Guo has been influenced by political motives.

    As some members of our community believe, with the upcoming U.S. election, if certain key figures lose the election, the actions against Mr. Guo Wengui(Miles Guo)may lose their backing. After all, these so-called enforcers of "judicial justice" might simply be individuals fulfilling their duties under specific circumstances without truly holding a comprehensive understanding of the bigger picture.

    We firmly believe that the American legal system is founded on principles of justice, transparency, and fairness. However, as Mr. Guo himself has said, true victory comes from procedural justice. If there are any irregularities in the evidence collection and prosecution process, this alone could undermine the fairness of the entire case.

    Our sole goal is to dismantle the CCP, not to create enemies everywhere. For those who may have found themselves in difficult situations due to external pressure or questionable benefits, we hope they will recognize the broader context and choose the right path. We do not wish to target these individuals; our singular focus remains on addressing the larger threat.

    We are not blindly supporting Mr. Guo Wengui(Miles Guo)but rather advocating for procedural justice and a fair trial. We earnestly urge you, as American politicians, to pay attention to this case and ensure that all judicial procedures are conducted with transparency and fairness.

    Finally, we hope that you will reassess this case, release Mr. Guo Wengui(Miles Guo), and grant him a fair trial. This is not only for Mr. Guo's personal freedom but also to uphold the credibility and justice of the American legal system.

    We ask for your attention and action.


    Roger, Founder of PayMap

    August 20, 2024



    B-Open Letter from the PAYMAP Community to American Politicians.jpg












    PayMap 创始人 罗杰


    Open Letter from the PAYMAP Community to American Politicians.pdf

  5. This  describes the strategies used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to control and guide information dissemination and public opinion through various layers of media:

    First Layer (Domestic Media): Surface information disseminated to the general public through national media such as "People's Daily," "Xinhua News Agency," and "CCTV News," promoting basic slogans, directions, and policy stances.

    Second Layer (Domestic Media): Surface information aimed at specific interest groups and individuals of particular status, conveying political attitudes and signals.

    Third Layer (Domestic Media): Official interpretation of information, using outlets like "Global Times," Phoenix Television, Sohu, NetEase, and Baidu Headlines to guide further thoughts and behaviors of the public interested in first-layer information.

    Fourth Layer (Domestic Media): Secondary processing of information, disseminating content to different age groups who may not be interested in or sensitive to surface information, using platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, TikTok, Kuaishou, and Bilibili. This includes entertainment information, subtly influencing subconscious thoughts.

    Fifth Layer (Domestic Media): Tertiary processing of information, using platforms like Weibo, Bilibili, and Douban to create topics, both positive and negative, and influence daily thinking and judgment through coordinated messaging, comments, and narrative shaping.

    Sixth Layer (Domestic Media): Reverse guidance of information in times of information crisis or credibility issues, diverting attention from the crisis by creating fake leaks or distractions, using tactics such as scapegoating, sacrificing minor issues to protect major ones, and even self-criticism to construct a heroic narrative.

    Seventh Layer (Foreign Media): Positive guidance of information, creating internationalized messages through overseas media outlets or experts to further influence the ideology of the overseas public or those crossing the digital borders.

    Eighth Layer (Foreign Media): Reverse guidance of information through platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and outlets associated with dissident movements, presenting three parts truth and seven parts falsehood. This includes attacking its propaganda system, using low-level black humor, mockery, and extreme content to gradually incite dislike among the public, eventually leading them to distrust these foreign media.

    Ninth Layer (Foreign Media): Enhanced reverse guidance through platforms like YouTube and Twitter, crafting an image of objective and rational media, presenting seven parts truth and three parts falsehood. Generally avoiding certain discussions, maintaining an image of objectivity and neutrality, releasing credible information that is not available domestically, but during critical events, guiding public opinion and diverting attention to mislead the public.

    Note: The above refers to identifiable information creators or those whose creators can be traced back. However, a significant portion of daily decision-making by the public might still be influenced by uncontrollable information sources, such as "I've heard," "my friend said," or "someone said." This type of decision-making behavior is very useful for the Chinese Communist Party.

    Note: The above refers to identifiable information creators or those who can be traced back through various means. However, many everyday decisions made by the general public likely come from uncontrollable sources of rumor, such as "I heard," "my classmate said," or "someone said." Such decision-making behaviors are particularly useful for the Chinese Communist Party.





    Screenshot shared by netizens 网友截图 


    1. 第一层(国内媒体)表层信息,通过《人民日报》、《新华社》、新闻联播等全国媒体向普通民众传播的基本口号、方向、政策站队。
    2. 第二层(国内媒体)表层信息,针对特定的利益团体和特定身份的人群传递政治态度与政治讯号。
    3. 第三层(国内媒体)信息的官方解读,通过《环球时报》、凤凰卫视、搜狐、网易、百度头条等对第一层信息感兴趣的民众进行进一步的思想引导与行为引导。
    4. 第四层(国内媒体)信息的二次加工,通过微博、微信、抖音、快手、B站等平台中对表层信息不感兴趣或不敏感的不同年龄层制播放信息,包括娱乐信息,进行日常潜意识引导。
    5. 第五层(国内媒体)信息的三次加工,通过微博、B站、豆瓣等强调复型平台,平时经营制造话题,有正面有负面,连同特定的人海战术刷屏、回帖、带节奏,影响观众的日常的思维判断。
    6. 第六层(国内媒体)信息的反向引导,在信息失控或公信力危机爆发时,通过伪装成个体爆料的形式转移危机关注点,含卒保车,寻找替锅对象,制造爆料,引媒替间争办对拗民衅骇惧得以狡,为避免核心问题,甚至不惜断臂自黑,塑造英雄,收割线成如约。
    7. 第七层(境外媒体)信息的正向引导,制造国际化包装的信息,以海外媒体的形象或海外专家学者的身份进行正向的宣传,使得境外的民众或各网络越境的民众进一步接受意识形态的影响。
    8. 第八层(境外媒体)信息的反向引导,通过油管、推特、〇〇功、海外民运塑造负面信息,三分真七分假,主攻攻击自己的宣传系统;刻意低级黑、恶搞、极端偏激暴虐的信息,引发网络越境的民众逐渐对其厌恶,逐渐排斥,最终将海外媒体视为不可信的宣传。
    9. 第九层(境外媒体)信息的反向引导加强,通过油管、推特塑造客观理性的媒体,七分真三分假,平时不涉某讨论,维持客观中立的分析,力刻意喧哗,有意放出部分墙内不可见的可信的真消息,但在关键的重大事件出现时,带风向,转移矛盾,有意误导民众。

    : 以上所指是指有明确信息制造者,或者通过手段可以反向追踪信息制造者。 然而大量日常民众的行为决策,很可能还来自于不可控信息源的耳语传播,比如“我听说”“我同学说”“有人说”,而这种行为决策,对于中国共产党来说是非常有用的。



  6. The jury has found Miles Guo guilty. This is a tragic outcome for an INNOCENT man. This NY jury has again shown that you cannot get a fair trial in NY. Remember, that the Prosecution ADMITTED to working with the CCP in preparing for the case.



    Heroes "Three Musketeers" Imprisoned 🔥🔥🔥

    A. Miles Guo (郭文贵), member of the New Federal State of China, imprisoned on 2023/03/15.

    B. Peter Navarro (皮特·纳瓦罗), American, imprisoned on 2024/03/20.

    C. Steve Bannon (史蒂夫·班农), American, imprisoned on 2024/07/01.



    1/11/2023 Miles Guo: All those cases and illegitimate investigations against Miles Guo and all fellow fighters of the Whistleblowers’ Movement were based on fraudulent information and evidence; Chinese Communist Party has weaponized the U.S. judicial system; if the U.S. does not get to the bottom of these and expose the truth, no one in the U.S. will be safe




    China’s $18 Trillion Economic COVID Attack on the American Economy

    A new nonpartisan report from the Heritage Foundation titled "Holding China Accountable for Its Role in the Most Catastrophic Pandemic of Our Time: COVID-19" reveals the devastating economic impact on the American economy following China's release of the coronavirus to the world.

    The report details the "Seven Weeks That Changed the World," during which "Chinese officials could have acted in good faith and fulfilled their international commitments to prevent the domestic epidemic from becoming a global pandemic. They consistently chose not to do so."

    The report also analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on the American economy, resulting in losses exceeding $18 trillion.




    中国对美国经济发动 18 万亿美元经济的新冠病毒攻击



    该报告还分析了新冠病毒对美国经济造成超过 18 万亿美元损失的影响。


    Holding China Accountable for Its Role in the Most Catastrophic Pandemic of Our Time: COVID-19 


  8. Dear friends,

    The most important thing is to stay close to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ has paid a great price for our sins, and He is our Savior and the source of our hope. No matter how busy or challenging your life may be, spending time with the Lord is the most valuable decision you can make in your life.

    For those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, I sincerely invite you to open your hearts and receive this unconditional love and salvation. Jesus Christ gave His life for you and me on the cross; His love is endless, and His grace is free. As long as you are willing to believe and accept, He will give you a new life and eternal hope.

    For our brothers and sisters in Christ, we also need to stay vigilant and remember the Lord's teachings. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus Christ commanded us to share His love and hope with others, and His return is the hope and expectation of every believer. We must pursue holiness with a devout and reverent heart, uphold our faith, and be a shining light and salt of the earth, bearing good witness for the Lord.

    Time is running out. Let us live each day in the love of the Lord and strive to share this love with more people. May we all be found faithful and good servants when the Lord returns.

    May God bless you, and may the love of Jesus Christ always be with us.











    Three months ago, a prophecy came true  |三个月前的预言成真 

    Trump will be shot, with an injury to his right ear... It really happened! |川普将会受到枪击,右耳伤伤... 他真的发生了!

    Additionally: the collapse of the US dollar... issues with cryptocurrencies|还有:美元崩溃...加密货币等问题 


    Cancer is about to be cured... (These pieces of information are very familiar, especially regarding artemisinin... stem cell technology, etc.)|癌症即将会被治愈... (这些信息,真的很熟悉,特别是关于青蒿素...干细胞技术等 )


    That's right, all of this is happening...

    A Cov19 vaccine disaster is breaking out, and there will be a massive number of deaths (in China, over 100 million people might die due to the Cov19 toxic vaccines and other reasons)...

    The global economic collapse, the truth about the Cov19 vaccine is exposed, people no longer trust the government, and all fiat currencies anchored to government credit lose their value.

    没错,这一切都在发生着... Cov19疫苗灾难爆发,将会有大量的人死亡(在中国接下来可能会有超过1亿人将会因Cov19毒疫苗等原因死去)...


    Cov19 vaccine disaster + government currency collapse, the solution: Artemisinin is the antidote to the vaccine + Himalaya.Exchange digital currency and HimalayaPay payment tool !





    The world's number one disaster: Cov19 vaccine disaster


    Artemisinin (artemisinin derivative: "artesunate" has the best detoxification effect) is the antidote to the vaccine!

    青蒿素(青蒿素衍生物:“青蒿琥脂” 疫苗解毒效果最佳 )是疫苗解药!


    Economic and financial disaster|经济和金融灾难  

    Himalaya Exchange |喜马拉雅交易所(Himalaya.exchange




  10. Starlink Mini 的优点

    1. 便携性: Starlink Mini 设计紧凑,重量轻(仅6.73公斤),尺寸小(430 x 334 x 79毫米),可以轻松放入背包中,适合随身携带。

    2. 高性能天线: 采用电子相控阵列天线,提供110°的广阔视场和软件辅助的手动定向功能,确保稳定可靠的连接。

    3. 环境适应性强: 具备IP67环境等级,能够在恶劣天气条件下正常工作,工作温度范围从-30°C到50°C,耐受强风(96 kph+)和雪(每小时25毫米)。

    4. 低功耗: 平均功耗仅为25-40W,支持12-48V 60W的输入电压,适合各种电力供应环境。

    5. 高速低延迟: 提供高速、低延迟的互联网连接,适合需要实时数据传输的应用场景。

    6. Wi-Fi 5技术: 采用802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi技术,支持双频3 x 3 MU-MIMO,提供广泛的覆盖范围(高达112平方米)和稳定的连接。

    7. 多设备连接: 可连接多达128个设备,适合家庭、办公室或临时工作站等多设备使用场景。

    8. 融雪功能: 具备融雪能力,每小时可融化最高25毫米的雪,确保在寒冷环境下也能正常工作。

    9. 易于安装和使用: 配备支架和15米电缆,安装简便,支持软件辅助手动定向,用户可以轻松设置和使用。

    10. 兼容性: 兼容所有Starlink网状系统,方便扩展网络覆盖范围。

    这些优点使得Starlink Mini 成为需要便携、高效互联网连接的用户的理想选择,无论是户外活动、远程工作还是应急通信都能满足需求



    Starlink Mini 

    包裹重量: 6.73公斤(14.83磅)

    包裹尺寸: 430 x 334 x 79毫米(16.92 x 13.14 x 3.11英寸)

    天线: 电子相控阵列

    视场: 110°

    方向: 软件辅助手动定向


    • 1.10公斤(2.43磅)
    • 1.16公斤(2.56磅)带支架
    • 1.53公斤(3.37磅)带支架和15米电缆

    环境等级: IP67,安装直流电源电缆和Starlink插头/电缆

    工作温度: -30°C至50°C(-22°F至122°F)

    风速: 操作时96 kph+(60 mph+)

    融雪能力: 每小时最高25毫米(1英寸/小时)

    功耗: 平均25-40W

    输入等级: 12-48V 60W

    USB PD要求: 100W,20V/5A最小(需要Starlink USB-C到圆头插孔电缆附件)

    Wi-Fi技术: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac

    Wi-Fi代数: WiFi 5

    无线电: 双频3 x 3 MU-MIMO

    以太网端口: 一个(1)带锁定功能的以太网LAN端口,配有Starlink插头

    覆盖范围: 高达112平方米(1,200平方英尺)

    安全性: WPA2

    电源指示灯: LED | 后面板左下角

    网状网络兼容性: 兼容所有Starlink网状系统 *不兼容第三方网状系统

    设备连接: 最多连接128个设备

    Starlink Mini是一款紧凑、便携的套件,可以轻松放入背包中,旨在随时随地提供高速、低延迟的互联网。



    "You have to be brave now." Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: "We're in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It's global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It is long planned." "If you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your liberty, and probably your life. That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all."

  12. Ivermectin Vs. Stage 4 Cancer


    Paul Mann was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 prostate cancer. After treatment with ivermectin, he was still alive 18 months later.

    Paul Mann 被診斷出患有晚期前列腺癌第四期。 伊維菌素治療後,18 個月後,他依然健在。




    Ivermectin as 'powerful' anti-cancer drug: Review of the evidence


    Last episode, we discussed how the FDA just settled a lawsuit with three U.S. doctors and agreed to remove several government web pages that warned people not to take ivermectin.

    上一集,我們討論過 FDA 是如何剛剛和解了跟三位美國醫師的訴訟,同意刪除幾個警告人們不要服用伊維菌素的政府網頁。





  13. Do you know that a company is applying a film to the exterior of fruits and vegetables? What’s it made of? Is it safe? Take a deep dive into Apeel’s product that may change your grocery shopping habits.

    POSTED: September 22, 2023

    你知道有家公司正在為水果和蔬菜的表面塗覆一層薄膜嗎?這種薄膜是用什麼材料製成的?它安全嗎?深入了解 Apeel 的產品,可能會改變你的購物習慣。


  14. 数字货币支付可能会涉及的新领域:电子合同服务 



    1. DocuSign


    • 成立:2003年
    • 发展:DocuSign是最早的电子签名平台之一,迅速成为行业领导者。2012年,与Salesforce合作,进一步扩大市场。
    • IPO:2018年在纳斯达克上市。


    • 用户友好:界面直观,操作简便,适合各种规模的企业。
    • 广泛集成:与许多第三方应用(如Salesforce、Google Drive、Dropbox等)集成,增强业务流程。
    • 安全性:提供银行级别的安全性和合规性,包括ISO 27001认证和SOC 2报告。
    • 全球认可:符合多国和地区的电子签名法律,如ESIGN法和eIDAS法规。


    • 成本较高:相对于一些新兴平台,价格较高,可能不适合预算有限的小企业。
    • 复杂功能:一些高级功能可能对新用户来说复杂,需要时间学习和适应。

    2. Adobe Sign


    • 成立:原名EchoSign,成立于2005年
    • 收购:2011年被Adobe收购,整合为Adobe Document Cloud的一部分。
    • 发展:成为Adobe生态系统的一部分,提升了品牌影响力和市场份额。


    • Adobe生态系统:与Adobe的其他产品(如Acrobat、Photoshop)无缝集成,特别适合使用Adobe软件的企业。
    • 安全性:提供强大的安全和合规性,符合全球电子签名标准。
    • 用户体验:直观的用户界面和强大的文档管理功能。


    • 价格较高:定价策略使其对小型企业和个人用户来说可能成本较高。
    • 集成复杂性:尽管与Adobe产品集成良好,但与非Adobe产品的集成可能需要额外配置。

    3. PandaDoc


    • 成立:2011年
    • 发展:快速成长为一个全面的文档管理和电子签名平台,特别受中小企业欢迎。


    • 易用性:用户友好的界面,简化了合同创建和签署过程。
    • 价格实惠:相比一些大品牌,PandaDoc提供了更具竞争力的价格。
    • 多功能性:包括报价、提案、合同和支付集成,适合销售和营销团队使用。


    • 品牌影响力:品牌知名度不如DocuSign和Adobe Sign,对于大型企业可能缺乏吸引力。
    • 集成范围有限:尽管支持多种集成,但与一些专业软件的集成深度不如大品牌。

    4. HelloSign


    • 成立:2010年
    • 收购:2019年被Dropbox收购,成为Dropbox的一部分。
    • 发展:借助Dropbox的资源,进一步扩大用户基础。


    • 简单易用:直观的界面设计,用户体验良好。
    • 与Dropbox集成:与Dropbox无缝集成,适合使用Dropbox的用户。
    • 安全性:提供强大的安全和合规性,确保签名的合法性。


    • 功能有限:相比DocuSign和Adobe Sign,HelloSign的高级功能相对较少。
    • 市场定位:更适合中小企业和个人用户,可能不适合需要高级功能的大企业。



    • DocuSign:功能强大,广泛集成,安全性高,但成本较高,学习曲线稍长。
    • Adobe Sign:与Adobe生态系统集成良好,安全性高,适合Adobe用户,但价格高,非Adobe集成可能复杂。
    • PandaDoc:价格实惠,易用性高,多功能适合中小企业,但品牌影响力和集成深度有限。
    • HelloSign:简洁易用,与Dropbox集成良好,安全性高,但功能有限,更适合中小企业和个人用户。


    平台 成立时间 发展历史  优点 缺点
    DocuSign                      2003        2018年在纳斯达克上市             用户友好、广泛集成、高安全性、全球认可               成本较高、高级功能复杂
    Adobe Sign         2005 (2011被Adobe收购)        Adobe生态系统一部分             与Adobe产品集成、高安全性、用户体验良好               价格较高、非Adobe产品集成复杂
    PandaDoc                    2011        快速成长为全面平台             易用性高、价格实惠、多功能性               品牌影响力较弱、集成范围有限
    HelloSign                    2010         2019年被Dropbox收购             简单易用、与Dropbox集成、高安全性               功能有限、更适合中小企业和个人用户



  15. 使用与美元挂钩的稳定加密数字货币(HDO,Himalaya Dollar)来最大化实现国际贸易优化成本的模型涉及多个关键步骤和参与者,包括代采公司、买方和卖方。以下是一个简要的模型设计:

    1. 参与者角色和职责


    • 职责:代表买方采购商品或服务,处理交易细节,确保交易符合相关法律法规。
    • 使用HDO:代采公司使用HDO进行支付,减少交易时间和成本。


    • 职责:提供资金,确定采购需求,签订合同。
    • 使用HDO:买方将资金转换为HDO,通过代采公司进行支付,利用HDO的稳定性和低交易费用。


    • 职责:提供商品或服务,确认收到付款后发货。
    • 使用HDO:接受HDO付款,减少汇率波动风险。

    2. 模型设计


    1. 买方:将美元转换为HDO,并将HDO转移到代采公司的钱包中。
    2. 代采公司:使用HDO向卖方支付采购费用。
    3. 卖方:收到HDO后确认付款,并发货给买方。
    4. 买方:收到商品或服务,完成交易。


    • 使用HDO的好处
      • 降低汇率波动风险:HDO与美元挂钩,稳定性强。
      • 降低交易费用:加密货币交易费用相对较低,减少跨境支付成本。
      • 提高交易速度:区块链技术使得跨境支付更快捷,减少了结算时间。
      • 透明性和可追溯性:所有交易记录在区块链上公开透明,便于审计和合规。

    3. 税务合规和优化

    • 税务合规:确保所有交易符合相关国家和地区的税务法律法规,避免潜在的法律风险。
    • 税务优化
      • 利用国际税务协定:根据各国之间的税务协定,优化税务负担。
      • 税务优惠政策:了解并利用各国对使用加密货币的税务优惠政策。

    4. 技术实现

    • 区块链平台:选择一个支持HDO的区块链平台,确保交易的安全性和可靠性。
    • 智能合约:使用智能合约自动执行交易,减少人工干预,提高效率。
    • 钱包和支付系统:建立安全的加密货币钱包和支付系统,确保资金的安全流转。








    情况                                  HDO比例           法币比例        交易成本计算
    完全使用法币结算                       0           100        3000.0 美元
    完全使用HDO结算                       100            0          0.0 美元
    50% HDO和50%法币结算                       50            50         1500.0 美元
    25% HDO和75%法币结算                       25            75         2250.0 美元




    • 尽可能使用HDO结算

      • 在HDO交易费用率为0的情况下,完全使用HDO结算可以将交易成本降至最低,即0美元。
    • 部分使用HDO结算

      • 如果完全使用HDO结算不可行,可以部分使用HDO和法币结算,例如50% HDO和50%法币结算,这样可以将交易成本降低到1500美元。
      • 根据交易双方的实际情况和支持程度,调整HDO和法币的比例,选择一个平衡点以优化交易成本。
    • 批量处理和合并交易

      • 合并多笔交易,通过批量处理来分摊固定费用,减少每笔交易的单独处理费用。
    • 选择低费用中间商

      • 选择交易费用低的中间商或货币兑换服务,减少转换过程中产生的费用。
    • 税务优化

      • 了解并利用各国对使用加密货币的税务优惠政策,优化税务负担。






    1. 传统货币支付:买方向代采公司支付美元或其他法定货币。
    2. 代采公司转换:代采公司将收到的法定货币转换为HDO,支付给支持HDO的卖方。
    3. 交易记录:代采公司记录所有转换和支付细节,确保透明和合规。


    1. 买方:支付美元给代采公司。
    2. 代采公司:将美元转换为HDO。
    3. 代采公司:使用HDO支付给卖方。
    4. 卖方:确认收到HDO并发货。



    1. 代采公司支付:代采公司使用HDO向支持HDO的中间商或货币兑换服务支付。
    2. 中间商转换:中间商将HDO转换为卖方支持的法定货币。
    3. 支付给卖方:中间商或代采公司直接向卖方支付法定货币。


    1. 买方:将美元转换为HDO并支付给代采公司。
    2. 代采公司:使用HDO向中间商支付。
    3. 中间商:将HDO转换为法定货币。
    4. 中间商:支付法定货币给卖方。
    5. 卖方:确认收到法定货币并发货。



    1. 买方支付:买方向代采公司支付法定货币。
    2. 代采公司操作:代采公司根据需要使用法定货币或转换部分资金为HDO,用于支付给支持HDO的中间商或服务。
    3. 中间商操作:中间商将HDO转换为法定货币支付给卖方,或代采公司直接使用法定货币支付卖方。


    1. 买方:支付美元给代采公司。
    2. 代采公司:使用美元或转换部分美元为HDO。
    3. 代采公司:支付美元或HDO给中间商。
    4. 中间商:将HDO转换为法定货币。
    5. 中间商:支付法定货币给卖方。
    6. 卖方:确认收到法定货币并发货。


    • 灵活性:无论买方或卖方是否支持加密货币交易,代采公司都可以灵活操作,确保交易顺利进行。
    • 成本控制:通过优化资金流转方式,尽可能减少交易成本和汇率风险。
    • 合规性:确保所有交易符合相关法律法规,避免潜在的法律风险。





    • 交易金额:100,000美元
    • HDO交易费用率:0%(假设为零)
    • 法币交易费用率:3%


    1. 买方不支持加密货币交易

      • HDO比例:100%
      • 法币比例:0%
      • 交易成本:100,000美元 * 0% = 0美元
    2. 卖方不支持加密货币交易

      • HDO比例:50%
      • 法币比例:50%
      • HDO部分成本:100,000美元 * 50% * 0% = 0美元
      • 法币部分成本:100,000美元 * 50% * 3% = 1,500美元
      • 总交易成本:0美元 + 1,500美元 = 1,500美元
    3. 买卖双方均不支持加密货币交易

      • HDO比例:25%
      • 法币比例:75%
      • HDO部分成本:100,000美元 * 25% * 0% = 0美元
      • 法币部分成本:100,000美元 * 75% * 3% = 2,250美元
      • 总交易成本:0美元 + 2,250美元 = 2,250美元



    • 最优方案:买方不支持加密货币交易的情况下,100%使用HDO支付,交易成本为0美元。
    • 次优方案:卖方不支持加密货币交易的情况下,50%使用HDO支付,50%使用法币支付,交易成本为1,500美元。
    • 最差方案:买卖双方均不支持加密货币交易的情况下,25%使用HDO支付,75%使用法币支付,交易成本为2,250美元。


     情况                                                   步骤1                             步骤2                           步骤3                            步骤4                           HDO比例       法币比例     交易成本
    买方不支持加密货币                 买方支付美元             转换为HDO            支付给卖方               卖方确认并发货         100%             0%            0美元
    卖方不支持加密货币                 转换为HDO并支付     支付给中间商          中间商转换为美元    中间商支付并发货       50%            50%           1,500美元
    买卖双方均不支持加密货币      买方支付美元             部分转换为HDO      支付给中间商           中间商支付并发货       25%            75%            2,250美元

  16. Dr. Chris Shoemaker: The DNA in the COVID vaccine can keep making RNA and Spike proteins for a decade, making those vaccinated more likely to get cancer, pulmonary embolism, and infertility in the next five years, and even healthy young people are not exempt. The likelihood of every citizen on earth having the chance to be as vaccinated virtually as the ones who were vaccinated is a literal possibility.


     疫苗灾难 :20230808 克里斯·肖马克博士:💥新冠疫苗中DNA会不断制造RNA和刺突蛋白达 十年之久,会致使接种者未来五年内 更易患癌症、肺栓塞、不孕不育等疾病,即使健康年轻人也无法幸免。 打苗者刺突蛋白脱落会对地球上每个人造成同等伤害




  17. Dr. Kimberly Biss: "But it’s a problem because there is this shedding, too. We’re constantly around other people that are vaccinated. We’re all getting exposed to spike every day and we all probably need to be on something to get rid of."

    #疫苗灾难:20240615 金伯利·比斯博士:疫苗 #刺突蛋白脱落 有传播的现象。经常和接种过疫苗人在一起,每天都会暴露在刺突蛋白中,都需要采取一些措施来清除它。

  18. 2024年6月7日郭先生庭审的全文中文翻译






    下载地址: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C_ZvbtzOJ88CxsexfwB5bSyOYElVHe6r?usp=sharing

  19. 揭露财务谜团与数字货币:凯瑟琳·奥斯汀·菲茨深度解析

    🎙️ Jason欢迎《Solari报告》的凯瑟琳·奥斯汀·菲茨重返节目。凯瑟琳曾在乔治·H·W·布什政府任职,揭示了从90年代中期开始,联邦预算中消失的数万亿美元,以及这些财务失踪事件对通胀和经济控制的深远影响。她强调,房地产所有者需要在这个不稳定的财务环境中明智地应对。

    在对话的第二部分,他们探讨了中国和欧洲央行对央行数字货币(CBDCs)的不同方法。凯瑟琳担忧CBDCs可能带来的政府控制和监控,强调隐私和财务自主的重要性。她建议保持与当地银行的紧密关系,并为经济不稳定做好准备。了解更多关于数字货币和财务管理的深刻见解,请收听完整节目! 📈💡 #金融揭秘 #数字货币 #财务自主 #经济稳定

     Once they control your transactions... they can dictate what food you can buy and what you can't buy." Former investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts: Controlling the food supply is one of the motivations behind pushing CBDCs. "They are pushing to control the food supply... Our idea is to get rid of farmers' constraints" "To kill all naturally grown food" "To produce food in factories and laboratories

    一旦他们控制了你的交易......他们就可以规定你能买什么食物,不能买什么食物"。 前投资银行家凯瑟琳-奥斯汀-菲茨: 控制食品供应是推动 CBDCs 的动机之一。 "他们正在推动控制食品供应... "我们的想法是摆脱农民的束缚" "杀死所有自然生长的食物" "在制造工厂和实验室里制造食物。


    Jason welcomes Catherine Austin Fitts, of the Solari Report back to his show after nearly eight years. Catherine, served as Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush. They discuss the disappearance of trillions of dollars from federal budgets, starting in the mid-90s and escalating over the years. By 2001, $4 trillion was unaccounted for, rising to $21 trillion by 2015. Catherine reveals systemic financial mismanagement and secrecy within the U.S. government, emphasizing the impact on inflation and economic control. She highlights the need for property owners to navigate this unstable financial landscape wisely.




    In part 2 of Jason's talk with Catherine Austin Fitts, they discuss China's approach to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which integrates CBDCs through commercial banks to avoid disrupting the existing banking system. They contrasted this with the European Central Bank's approach, which might eliminate traditional banks. Fitts expressed concerns about CBDCs' potential for government control and surveillance, emphasizing the need for privacy and financial autonomy. They also discuss the broader implications of digital currencies, inflation, and the importance of decentralized financial practices. Fitts advises maintaining strong relationships with local banks and being prepared for economic instability.


    more information: https://missingmoney.solari.com/

  20. https://gettr.com/post/p2gru43f8d2

    ⚡️ FLASHBACK 3/10/2023 Miles Guo: Is there an intimate relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi? Follow the sextual and financial relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi, then we won't be far from uncovering the origins of the CCP virus and the truth of COVID vaccine disaster 

    3/10/2023 文贵盖特:福奇和王延轶到底有没有关系?盯住福奇和王延轶的性关系、金钱关系,我们离病毒溯源和疫苗灾难的真相还远吗?



    Clarify the love triangle relationship between Fauci, Wang Yanyi, and Wang Yanyi's husband, and the source of the virus will be clear!

    ab580c08516eb449cd35437576e56d78 (1).jpeg


  21. 2024年6月5号 郭先生庭审英文文字笔录原文(英文)


    2024年6月5号 郭先生庭审英文文字笔录(中文)AI翻译中文后PDF、Html文件链接:https://paymap.org/1a



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    NFSC官网的中文翻译网址: https://nfsc.press/2023/04/22/court-case-documents/




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    HCoinTOTheMoon- HCTTM-1.jpg


    Newborn Hope:

    • 第一张图片展示了五个蛋,其中四个蛋上分别刻有 “H”、“C”、“T”、“T” 四个字母,而第五个蛋破壳而出,里面是一只带有 “M” 字样的小鸡。这幅图片象征着新生与希望,寓意 HCTTM 将带来全新的机遇和未来。
    • The first image shows five eggs, with four eggs inscribed with the letters "H," "C," "T," and "T," and the fifth egg hatching with a chick bearing the letter "M." This image symbolizes new life and hope, implying that HCTTM will bring new opportunities and a bright future.




    HCoinTOTheMoon- HCTTM-2.jpg


    Journey of Dreams:

    • 第二张图片展示了一个打开的行李箱,里面仿佛是一个热带岛屿的微型世界,有椰树、海滩、飞机和 HCTTM 的字样。这幅图片展现了 HCTTM 带来的无限可能性和梦想之旅,激发人们对探索和冒险的渴望。
    • The second image shows an open suitcase, appearing as a miniature tropical island with palm trees, a beach, an airplane, and the letters HCTTM. This image showcases the infinite possibilities and dream journeys that HCTTM brings, inspiring people's desire for exploration and adventure.



    HCoinTOTheMoon- HCTTM-3.jpg


    To the Moon:

    • 第三张图片展示了 HCTTM 的标志背景是月球,下面写着 “HCOIN TO THE MOON”。这幅图片传达了 HCTTM 的宏伟目标和雄心壮志,象征着 H Coin 将飞跃至更高的高度,达成前所未有的成就。
    • The third image features the HCTTM logo with the moon in the background and the phrase "HCOIN TO THE MOON" below. This image conveys the grand ambition and lofty goals of HCTTM, symbolizing H Coin's leap to new heights and unprecedented achievements.





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