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Ideas comments posted by Roger

  1. 2024/4/25 PM7点15分,Roger说:
    • 用北京青蒿秋季采的成株叶制成水煎浸膏,95%乙醇浸膏,挥发油对鼠疟均无效。
    • Decoction and maceration in 95% ethanol, as well as volatile oil, were ineffective against malaria in mice.


    • 乙醇冷浸,浓缩时温度控制在60度所得提取物,鼠疟效价提高,温度过高则仍无效
    • Ethanol maceration at controlled temperatures below 60 degrees Celsius resulted in increased efficacy against malaria in mice, but higher temperatures remained ineffective.


    • 乙醚回流或冷浸所得提取物,鼠疟效价显著增高稳定。(低沸点乙醚(34.8度),并将温度控制在60度以下
    • Ether reflux or cold maceration extracts showed significantly increased and stable efficacy against malaria in mice (using low-boiling-point ether at 34.8 degrees Celsius and maintaining temperatures below 60 degrees Celsius).

    Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/青蒿素



    The Impact of Temperature on Pill Preparation

    The temperature used during pill preparation has a significant impact on the stability and efficacy of the active ingredients. Here are some considerations and recommendations regarding the influence of temperature on pill preparation:

    1. Stability of Active Ingredients

    High temperatures can cause certain active ingredients to degrade or lose efficacy. In the extraction process of artemisinin, studies have shown that high temperatures can affect its therapeutic effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to control the temperature during the preparation of pills containing heat-sensitive ingredients to ensure the stability of the active ingredients.

    2. Drug Release

    The preparation temperature also affects the release characteristics of the pill. Lower temperatures can help maintain the sustained-release properties of the drug, while higher temperatures may lead to excessive release or degradation of the drug components.

    3. Choice of Excipients

    Using appropriate excipients, such as honey, can help stabilize the active ingredients and have a laxative effect. When making honey pills, high temperatures are typically not required, which helps protect the drug components from degradation.

    4. Process Control

    Low-temperature processes, such as cooling mixing or freeze-drying, should be used to ensure the stability and efficacy of the drug. For example, in the extraction of artemisinin, controlling the temperature and using low-temperature extraction methods help retain its efficacy.

    5. Specific Research Examples

    In 1971, the research team led by Tu Youyou successfully improved the efficacy of artemisinin extracts against malaria by controlling the temperature. This demonstrates the importance of appropriate temperature control in drug extraction and preparation.

    6. Recommendations

    • Use Low-Temperature Processes: Employ low-temperature techniques in pill preparation to protect the efficacy of the drug components.
    • Select Appropriate Excipients: Use stabilizing excipients like honey that are beneficial for drug stability and intestinal absorption.
    • Monitor Temperature: Strictly monitor the temperature during pill preparation to avoid degradation of the active ingredients.


    Temperature significantly affects the stability and efficacy of active ingredients during pill preparation. Using low-temperature extraction and preparation methods, selecting appropriate excipients, and strictly monitoring temperature can protect the efficacy of the drug components and ensure the therapeutic effectiveness of the pills.




    1. 有效成分的稳定性


    2. 药物释放


    3. 辅料的选择


    4. 工艺控制


    5. 具体研究实例


    6. 建议

    • 使用低温工艺:在药丸制备过程中,尽量采用低温工艺,以保护药物成分的有效性。
    • 选择适当辅料:如蜂蜜等,有助于稳定药物成分,且有益于肠道吸收。
    • 监控温度:在药丸制作过程中,严格监控温度,避免高温对药物成分的破坏。




  2. 补充:这是一个面对全球的服务。星链通信的机遇包括但不限于中国。中国大陆用户可能是最大受益者。



    1. 中国:中国实施了严格的网络审查和监控,通过“中国防火长城”系统限制了公民对互联网的访问,并过滤和审查特定网站和内容。

    2. 伊朗:伊朗政府对互联网实施了严格的审查和监控,限制公民访问特定网站和内容,同时监控和审查在线活动。

    3. 朝鲜:朝鲜实施了高度封闭的网络政策,只允许少数精英阶层访问互联网,对公民访问特定网站和内容进行严格控制。

    4. 土耳其:土耳其政府对互联网实施了审查和监控,封锁了一些社交媒体平台和新闻网站,限制公民对特定信息的访问。

    5. 沙特阿拉伯:沙特政府对互联网实施了审查和监控,限制公民访问特定网站和内容,尤其是涉及政治、宗教和性等敏感话题的网站。

    6. 俄罗斯:俄罗斯政府实施了一系列互联网审查和监控措施,封锁了一些社交媒体平台和新闻网站,限制公民对特定信息的访问。




  3. In an event organizing team, there are usually different roles and organizational structures to ensure the smooth running and effective management of the event. Below is a possible example of member roles and organizational structure for an event team:

    • Project Manager:

    Responsible for overall planning, execution, and supervision of the event.
    Coordinates the work of various team members to ensure the project is completed on time.
    Addresses issues and challenges in the project, making decisions to drive project progress.

    • Planning and Execution Team:

    Event Planner: Responsible for developing the event planning scheme, including determining event content, timing, location, etc.
    Event Executor: Responsible for implementing the event planning scheme, including preparing event venues, materials, equipment, etc.

    • Promotion and Marketing Team:

    Promotion Manager: Responsible for formulating event promotion plans and strategies.
    Social Media Manager: Responsible for posting event information, engaging with users, and responding to user comments on social media platforms.
    Promotion Designer: Responsible for designing and creating promotional materials such as posters, brochures, etc.

    • Technical Support Team:

    Website Administrator: Responsible for maintaining the event website or online platform, ensuring the website runs smoothly and content is updated in a timely manner.
    Technical Support Staff: Responsible for resolving any technical issues that may arise during the event, providing technical support and guidance.

    • Volunteer Coordination Team:

    Volunteer Manager: Responsible for recruiting, training, and managing the volunteer team.
    Volunteer Coordinator: Responsible for scheduling volunteer tasks and timetables to ensure the smooth running of the event.

    • Finance and Budget Team:

    Finance Manager: Responsible for event financial management, including budgeting, fund management, and financial reporting.
    Finance Assistant: Assists the finance manager in handling event financial affairs such as account reconciliation, reimbursement processing, etc.

    • Evaluation and Feedback Team:

    Feedback Collector: Responsible for collecting participant feedback and suggestions to evaluate event effectiveness and improvement plans.
    Data Analyst: Responsible for analyzing and summarizing event data to provide data support for event effectiveness evaluation.

    • Legal Affairs and Risk Management Team:

    Legal Advisor: Responsible for reviewing event-related legal documents and contracts to ensure event legality and compliance.
    Risk Management Specialist: Responsible for identifying and evaluating risks that the event may face, and formulating corresponding response measures.

    The above is a common example of member roles and organizational structure for an event team. Specific organizational structures and member roles can be adjusted and optimized according to the scale, nature, and needs of the event.




    1. 了解活动的愿景和目标:在加入活动组织团队之前,确保您了解活动的愿景、目标以及组织团队的使命。这将有助于您更好地融入团队,并为活动的成功做出贡献。
    2. 展示您的技能和经验:无论您是在活动策划、宣传推广、技术支持还是活动执行方面有所专长,都可以在加入团队时展示您的技能和经验。这些技能可以使您在团队中发挥重要作用。
    3. 积极参与讨论和决策:在团队会议和讨论中,积极发表自己的观点和建议,并参与团队决策的过程。这可以展示您对活动的承诺和贡献度。
    4. 建立良好的团队合作关系:与团队成员建立良好的合作关系至关重要。尊重他人的意见和贡献,倾听并支持其他团队成员,共同努力推动活动的发展。
    5. 灵活适应变化:在活动策划和执行过程中,可能会遇到各种挑战和变化。作为团队成员,要保持灵活适应,与团队一起寻找解决问题的方法,并做出相应调整。
    6. 与志同道合的人建立联系:加入活动组织团队还可以为您提供与志同道合的人建立联系的机会。通过与其他团队成员合作,您可以结识新朋友,并与他们共同追求活动的目标。
    7. 持续学习和成长:作为活动组织团队的一员,不断学习和成长是非常重要的。通过参与活动策划和执行过程,您可以积累宝贵的经验,并不断提升自己的能力和技能。



    Below are some suggestions for joining an event organizing team, which can provide you with opportunities to participate in and shape the direction of the event, while also allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals:

    1. Understand the vision and goals of the event: Before joining the event organizing team, make sure you understand the event's vision, goals, and the mission of the organizing team. This will help you integrate into the team better and contribute to the success of the event.

    2. Showcase your skills and experience: Whether you have expertise in event planning, promotion, technical support, or event execution, showcase your skills and experience when joining the team. These skills can enable you to play an important role in the team.

    3. Actively participate in discussions and decision-making: During team meetings and discussions, actively express your views and suggestions, and participate in the team's decision-making process. This demonstrates your commitment and contribution to the event.

    4. Build good teamwork relationships: Building good teamwork relationships with team members is crucial. Respect others' opinions and contributions, listen to and support other team members, and work together to drive the development of the event.

    5. Be flexible and adapt to change: During event planning and execution, various challenges and changes may arise. As a team member, stay flexible and adaptive, work with the team to find solutions to problems, and make necessary adjustments.

    6. Connect with like-minded individuals: Joining an event organizing team also provides you with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. By collaborating with other team members, you can make new friends and pursue the event's goals together.

    7. Continuous learning and growth: Continuous learning and growth are essential as a member of the event organizing team. By participating in event planning and execution processes, you can gain valuable experience and continuously improve your abilities and skills.

    By following these suggestions, you can better integrate into the event organizing team, contribute to the success of the event, and build good teamwork relationships with other team members. Additionally, this will provide you with a meaningful social and learning platform.

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