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  1. 12/17/2023【AMFEST2023】Adam Riojas, host of the “Freedom with Adam Riojas” podcast: Due to their love of money, Americans have allowed the CCP to infiltrate the U.S. When Xi Jinping lets Chinese people address him as father, he is saying that he is deity, he is God, and he can tell you what to do. Fauci covered up the truth that the virus was released out of Wuhan. 12/17/2023【凤凰城烽火行动】《与亚当·里奥哈斯追求自由》节目主播亚当·里奥哈斯:由于对金钱的贪婪,美国人容许了中共对美国的渗透。当习近平让中国人称呼他为大大时,他就是在说他是神,是上帝,他可以命令你该做什么。福奇掩盖了病毒是从武汉释放的这一真相。 NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_17_2023【#AMFEST2023】Adam Riojas, host of the “Freedom with Adam Riojas” podcast_ Due to their love of money, Americans have allowed t....mp4
  2. 12/18/2023【AMFEST2023】Pamela Johnson: We are getting to know the New Federal State of China, and I believe the Chinese people deserve to be free! Keep fighting. Don't let the CCP silence you. We are with you in spirit! 12/18/2023【凤凰城烽火行动】帕梅拉·约翰逊:我们正在逐渐了解新中国联邦,而且我认为中国人民应该获得自由!继续战斗吧,不要让中共令你们沉默,我们在精神上与你们同在! NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_18_2023【#AMFEST2023】Pamela Johnson_ We are getting to know the New Federal State of China, and I believe the Chinese people deserve t....mp4
  3. 12/18/2023【#AMFEST2023】Ron Shoup, musician: I have heard the song "Take Down the CCP" by Mr. Miles Guo. Music is the universal language of the world, and music binds us together. Never, never, never give up! 12/18/2023【#凤凰城烽火行动】音乐家罗恩·肖普:我听过郭文贵先生《消灭中共》这首歌!音乐是世界通用的语言,音乐将我们紧紧联系在一起,永远、永远、永远不要放弃! NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_18_2023【#AMFEST2023】Ron Shoup, musician_ I have heard the song _Take Down the CCP_ by Mr. Miles Guo. Music is the universal language ....mp4
  4. 新中国联邦 在中共体制内的战友再爆料: 习近平已经给军队下命令:随时准备对台作战。 接下来两个礼拜,中共可能在福建沿海和台湾东北部有动作。中共在新疆、贵州演练上万个气球,可侦察、携带武器和延时炸弹。 请台湾和西方做好准备,关键是防范。 2023-12.31 https://gettr.com/post/p2xi92yf17b MOS翻译 on GETTR.mp4 新中国联邦 再爆料: 中共亲自上阵了! 北朝鲜宣称在12月18日发射洲际导弹,其实,导弹是中共的潜水艇发射的。 中共直接把核武器原料给伊朗和北韩, 而不是帮助他们恢复提炼铀的能力, 西方老百姓怕死,中共不在乎老百姓死活,所以,西方应该斩首习特勒,避免战争。 2023-12.31 https://gettr.com/post/p2xigzm1c78
  5. 12/18/2023【AMFEST2023】Aila Wang: If you become the governor of Utah, will you expel the CCP from the state? Phil Lyman, Utah Legislator: Yes, absolutely! If you look deeper, you'll see that no matter what the deal is, the money ends up back in the hands of those who want to rule the world, i.e., the CCP. 12/18/2023【凤凰城烽火行动】小飞象:莱曼先生,如果你成为犹他州州长,会把中共赶出该州吗? 犹他州议员菲尔·莱曼:没错!如果深入研究,你会发现无论是什么交易,钱最终都会回到那些想要统治世界的人,也就是中共的手里! NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_18_2023【#AMFEST2023】Aila Wang_ If you become the governor of Utah, will you expel the CCP from the state_ Phil Lyman, Utah Legislator....mp4
  6. 12/31/2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother: Xitler has sent his representatives to Taiwan, aiming to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih to defeat Lai Ching-te. The NFSC's fellow fighters within the CCP system have revealed that Xi Jinping issued internal orders for the PLA to be ready to strike Taiwan at any time. 12/31/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:习特勒已派代表去台湾让柯文哲和侯友宜联手以干掉赖清德。新中国联邦中共体制内战友爆料近平已在内部下令解放军做好随时和台湾作战的准备。 NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_31_2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother_ Xitler has sent his representatives to Taiwan, aiming to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je ....mp4 https://gettr.com/post/p2xj8885d4f 12/31/2023 Changdao Brother, Secretary-General of the Himalaya Global Alliance, brings a bombshell revelation from fellow fighters within the CCP system! Xi Jinping has dispatched his representatives to Taiwan, attempting to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih for joint efforts. Their goal is to defeat Lai Ching-te and the Democratic Progressive Party in the last ten more days before the 2024 Taiwanese Presidential Election, enabling the CCP-controlled pawns to take over the office. 12/31/2023 喜马拉雅联盟秘书长长岛哥带来了来自中共体制内战友的重大爆料!习近平已派其代表到台湾,妄图在台湾大选前最后十几天里让柯文哲和侯友宜联合作战,进而在选举中击败赖清德和民进党,最终让中共控制的这一帮人上台。 NFSCTV on GETTR_ 12_31_2023 Changdao Brother, Secretary-General of the Himalaya Global Alliance, brings a bombshell revelation from fellow fighters withi....mp4 https://gettr.com/post/p2xhj703306 20210818文贵先生直播视频回顾 如果开战 #打台湾共军会从哪开始? 凌晨或者傍晚进行突然毁灭性定点打击;在美国半夜时间突然宣布拿下台湾 接着大兵压境控制台湾,利用斩首毁掉心理防线,动用小型核武器对付美日军队,台湾极大概率被拿下 台湾所有期望都寄托在美日联合军,但美日先期参战是绝不可能的 喜马拉雅纽约磐石农场 New York ROCK Ⅰ on GETTR_ #20210818文贵先生直播视频回顾 如果开战 #打台湾共军会从哪开始? 凌晨或者傍晚进行突然毁灭性定点打击;在美国半夜时间突然宣布.mp4 https://gettr.com/post/p2xhxkac160
  7. Professor Burkhardt explains the large number of heart, lung and thyroid abnormalities after vaccination https://gettr.com/post/p2xifkf4dab
  8. 新年新气象!为了确保您的家庭或办公室在新一年里始终保持清凉舒适,我们很高兴宣布,新加坡第一家空调服务公司正式支持 #Hpay 支付!这标志着我们迈向更便捷、更安全的支付方式,让您在安装空调时彻底告别烦恼。 🌬 轻松支付,顺畅安装 使用 #Hpay,您可以在短短几步之内完成支付,无需担心繁琐的手续或支付安全问题。我们致力于让您的空调安装过程变得更加简便,让您专注于享受清新的室内环境。 ❄️ 多品牌选择,尽在掌握 无论您钟情于哪个空调品牌,我们都能满足您的需求。在我们这里,多样性是我们的特色,您可以选择适合您空间和预算的最佳空调品牌,尽情享受高效制冷和温暖。 👨‍🔧 专业服务,完美交付 我们的专业安装团队将确保您的空调安装项目顺利进行。从技术到态度,我们都以客户满意度为中心,保证您的空调安装完美交付。 不要再为支付问题或手续烦恼,通过 #Hpay,让我们一起为您创造一个舒适、清新的空间。立即联系我们,开启一个更轻松、更舒适的空调体验! YJ M&E ENGRG is a BCA registered company in Singapore. We have more than 10 years of experience in the aircon industry. We provide services for air conditioner Servicing and air conditioner Installation and air conditioner maintenance for both Residential and Commercial Units with different bands YJ M&E ENGRG is a trusted company with technical staffs and well-trained workers. We do provide all models of major brands like Daikin, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, LG, Midea and so on. We also provide ducting calculation,design and installation and maintenance.
  9. .responsive-iframe-container { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 163.17%; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; } .responsive-iframe-container iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 10px; border: 0; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .responsive-iframe-container { padding-bottom: 100%; } }
  10. 喜马拉雅交易所代表客户向司法部提起诉讼 12 月 21 日更新 Himalaya Exchange Launches Legal Action against the DOJ on Behalf of Customers: December 21st Update https://himalayarestoration.com/news-updates/
  11. 更多有趣的现场花絮|More interesting live footage : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EMhf1z4PZlRu7RqK8QJK7KJUMOtkP-ti?usp=sharing
  12. NFSCTV on GETTR_ 2023.12.18 N121801(特殊任务) 烽火行动1218-1【#AMFEST2023】12_18_2023 Mr. David Xia, General Secretary of the New Federal State of China and Chairman....mp4 【#AMFEST2023】12/18/2023 Mr. David Xia, General Secretary of the New Federal State of China and Chairman of the Rule of Law Society, introduces the NFSC and its mission to American patriots. The mission of the NFSC is to take down the Chinese Communist Party and bring one person, one vote, and freedom to the 1.4 billion Chinese people. Everything the NFSC has done and endured proves that we are the ones truly committed to taking down the CCP and are capable of doing so. We hope to let more people around the world know that the CCP has come to your doorstep. 12/18/2023 新中国联邦秘书长、法治社会主席长岛哥向美国爱国者们介绍新中国联邦及其灭共的事业。新中国联邦的使命就是灭共, 并给14亿中国人带来一人一票的选举权和自由。我们新中国联邦今天所遭遇的一切都证明了我们是真正灭共、且最有能力去灭共的。我们希望让世界上更多的人知道,共产党已经来到了你们的家门口。 https://gettr.com/post/p2ws7hb8338
  13. WhatsApp Video 2023-12-19 at 19.21.58.mp4 12/18/2023【#AMFEST2023】Roy Guo: I am here so that our Chinese people’s stories do not become the Americans' stories! Here are three pieces of exclusive intelligence from the NFSC: 1.The CCP has built 11 P3 biolabs in the Middle East, Africa, and South America, where new viruses can be released at Xi's command; 2.The CCP has deployed 3,500 DF-10A series ballistic missiles in the Middle East and manufactured no fewer than 20 ICBMs; 3. The CCP has established an army of 20,000 mercenaries, ready to join Hamas. 12/18/2023【#凤凰城烽火行动】罗伊:我在这里是为了防止我们中国人的故事成为美国人的故事!分享三个新中国联邦的独家情报: 1.中共在中东、非洲和南美建成了11个P3生物实验室,习一声令下即可放新病毒; 2.中共在中东部署了3500枚DF-10A系列弹道导弹,还制造了不少于20枚核洲际弹道导弹; 3.中共已建立了一支由两万名雇佣兵组成的军队,可随时加入哈马斯。 视频来源:https://gettr.com/post/p2wrwt814a8 WhatsApp Video 2023-12-19 at 22.53.02.mp4 12/19/2023, AmFest, Aila Wang: 新中国联邦肩负着推翻中国共产党的使命。我们是中共政府的幸存者,我们是中共病毒的幸存者。对于从共产主义政权逃离的幸存者来说,他们是在寻找自由。我很担心,我所逃离的共产主义也蔓延到了我所站在的这块自由之地。 12/19/2023, AmFest, Aila Wang: The New Federal State of China is on a mission to take down the CCP. We are survivors of the CCP government and we are survivors of the CCP virus. For the survivors who fled from the communist regime, they were looking for freedom. I am worried that the communism I escaped from has also spread to this land of freedom where I stand. 新中国联邦优秀的年轻一代Aila的精彩演讲再次震撼全场! 她告诉美国: 如果不与中共脱钩,你就是在用你的人民、你的技术和你的投资授权独裁政权对你发动核战争; 你们的科学家就是在帮助中共制造和发动下一场生物战争; 就是把美国的土地拱手交给中国共产党独裁政权! Aila, another courageous young NFSC member, warned America at #AmFest23 that if the U.S. doesn't decouple from CCP, you are empowering the dictatorship, along with your scientists, your technology, and your investments, to wage nuclear and biological warfare against yourselves. NFSC Speaks on GETTR_ The New Federal State of China joins AMFEST 2023, December 16-19, Phoenix, Arizona. Join us, visit our booth, chat with us, share l....mp4 Turning Point USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Charlie Kirk. The organization’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government. Turning Point USA believes that every young person can be enlightened to true free market values. Since its founding, Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on high school and college campuses across the country. With a presence on over 3,500 campuses, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing youth organization in America. WHAT WE BELIEVE The United States of America is the greatest country in the history of the world. The US Constitution is the most exceptional political document ever written. Capitalism is the most moral and proven economic system ever discovered. NATIONAL FIELD PROGRAM The National Field Program is dedicated to supporting students on campuses daily through setting up tables, engaging in face-to-face conversations, distributing educational literature, registering new student activists, and hosting campus events. TPUSA currently employs over 350 full- and part-time staff dedicated to recruiting new activists, registering voters, and becoming major leaders of the movement in their community. TPUSA has established over 2900 chapters covering all 50 states, and has built a substantial network of the next generation of supporters, activists and leaders. Each semester, Charlie Kirk embarks on a nation-wide campus tour to challenge the status quo and encourage free thinking -- something too often neglected on college campuses today. INNOVATIVE GRASSROOTS MESSAGING With phrases like “Big Government Sucks”, “Gen Z is Gen Free”, and the incorporation of pop-culture into day-to-day activities, TPUSA reaches new demographics and continuously expands its base. We combine culture with politics to engage young people in meaningful, effective ways. In order to spread Turning Point USA’s message to as many audiences as possible and dominate the digital world, TPUSA’s Shows and Media Departments makes it possible to continue to develop digital impact and recruit new activists through the online medium. Shows TPUSA Shows educates, enlightens, and entertains by creating unique and relevant daily and weekly content that spreads across the internet. This department currently maintains several ongoing projects such as POPlitics, Only In America, Real America with Graham Allen, Benny on the block, and Freedom Fights with many new projects in store. TPUSA Shows helps change the narrative in a space only the left has dominated for too long. Media Turning Point USA’s Media Department identifies current and potential thought leaders and personalities that advance TPUSA’s mission of spreading the values of free markets and limited government in the fight to win the American culture war. This department equips social media influencers with every available resource necessary to spread these ideas on college campuses and throughout social and mainstream media. ACTIVIST CONFERENCES Turning Point USA has earned the reputation of being the premier brand in events for young conservative activists across the country. Turning Point USA hosts 6 National Summits and 8 Regional Conferences each year, which consistently attract students from every state in the country. Each conference features the top thought leaders in the conservative movement as well as provides resourceful break-out training and networking sessions for attendees. Past speakers include: President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Jared Kushner, Ambassador Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Secretary Betsey DeVos, and many more. We believe it is equally important to expose young people to tremendously intellectual and inspiring speakers – as well as provide students with the tools they need to effectively battle the left. Additionally, a strong sense of community is established at TPUSA regional and national events, providing a place for young people to realize that they are not alone in their conservative values, but rather, they have an army of like-minded peers across the nation. You can learn more about our events, and apply to attend, here. Turning Point USA 是一家成立于2012年的501(c)3非营利组织,由查理·柯克创立。该组织的使命是识别、教育、培训和组织学生,推动自由、自由市场和有限政府的原则。Turning Point USA 相信每个年轻人都可以被启发,接受真正的自由市场价值观。 自成立以来,Turning Point USA 走上了建立全美高中和大学校园最有组织、最活跃、最强大的保守派基层活动网络的使命。在超过3,500个校园存在,Turning Point USA 是美国最大、增长最快的青年组织。 我们的信仰: 美利坚合众国是世界历史上最伟大的国家。 美国宪法是有史以来写成的最卓越的政治文件。 资本主义是有史以来发现的最道德、最经得起考验的经济体制。 全国现场计划 国家现场计划致力于通过设立摊位、进行面对面的对话、分发教育文献、注册新的学生活动人士以及主持校园活动,每天在校园支持学生。TPUSA目前雇佣了超过350名全职和兼职员工,致力于招募新的活动人士、注册选民,并成为他们社区运动的主要领导者。 TPUSA已经在覆盖所有50个州的2900多个分会中建立起了庞大的支持者、活动人士和领导者网络。每个学期,查理·柯克都会展开一场全国性的校园巡回,挑战现状并鼓励自由思考——这在当今大学校园往往被忽视。 创新的基层信息传递 通过诸如“大政府糟糕”、“Z世代是自由世代”等口号,以及将流行文化融入日常活动,TPUSA触及新的人群,并不断扩大其基础。我们将文化与政治结合起来,以有意义、有效的方式吸引年轻人。 为了将Turning Point USA的信息传播到尽可能多的受众,并在数字世界占据主导地位,TPUSA的节目和媒体部门通过在线媒介继续发展数字影响力并招募新的活动人士。 节目 TPUSA Shows通过创造独特而相关的每日和每周内容,以在互联网上传播,既教育又娱乐。该部门目前维护着几个正在进行的项目,如POPlitics、Only In America、Real America with Graham Allen、Benny on the block和Freedom Fights,还有许多新项目正在筹备中。TPUSA Shows有助于改变长期以来左翼一直主导的领域的叙事。 媒体 Turning Point USA的媒体部门确定当前和潜在的思想领袖和个性,推动TPUSA在赢得美国文化战争中传播自由市场和有限政府价值观的使命。该部门为社交媒体影响者提供一切必要的资源,以在大学校园和社交媒体以及主流媒体上传播这些思想。 牛津视觉 on GETTR_ AMERICA FEST于2021 年首次亮相,日益成为美国政治的重要影响力活动。 AMERICA FEST 2022使得新中国联邦第一次成为世界瞩目的焦点,是彻底消灭中国共产党历史进程的重.mp4 活动家大会 Turning Point USA 在全国范围内赢得了作为年轻保守派活动人士活动首选品牌的声誉。Turning Point USA每年主办6次全国峰会和8次地区会议,这些活动始终吸引来自全国各州的学生。每次会议都邀请保守运动中的顶级思想领袖,并为参与者提供富有资源的分组培训和交流会议。曾经的演讲嘉宾包括:唐纳德·特朗普总统、迈克·彭斯副总统、贾里德·库什纳、尼基·黑莉大使、唐纳德·特朗普·小唐、金伯利·吉尔福伊尔、本·夏皮罗、塔克·卡尔森、贝琪·德沃斯秘书等等。 我们认为,让年轻人接触非常有智慧和鼓舞人心的演讲者同样重要,同时为学生提供有效对抗左翼的工具。此外,在TPUSA的地区和全国活动中建立了强烈的社群感,为年轻人提供了一个认识到他们在保守价值观上并不孤单的地方,而是在全国范围内有一支志同道合的同龄人军队。您可以了解更多关于我们的活动的信息,并申请参加,点击这里。 美国非营利组织“美国转折点”(Turning Point USA)2023最新活动官网: https://www.amfest.com/ TPUSA Faith is dedicated to empowering Christians to put their faith into action. We engage, equip, and empower millions of grateful Americans who are prepared to defend our God-given rights, by giving them the tools to expose lies and articulate the connection between Faith and Freedom. https://tpusafaith.com/
  14. The main message of the video is: The three main antidotes for vaccines are 1. Artemisinin and its derivatives (recent feedback suggests that artemether is the best choice), 2. Ivermectin, 3. Vitamin D3 injections (testing for deficiency is required first, as the efficacy of injections and oral dosage forms are completely different). 00:00-01:30: Demonstration of the process of administering a vitamin D injection; 01:31-03:29: Artemisinin, ivermectin, and vitamin D (injection) are the three main components of the vaccine antidote under development . Cite source: https://gettr.com/post/p1y036z06b0 À propos de la vitamine D3 en injection 郭先生介绍科学家推荐的维生素D3针剂:可以预防新冠,也是感染新冠病毒和接种了毒疫苗的解药主要成分之一。
  15. 说明:以上功能,暂仅用于DEMO 演示体验。暂不开放商用!谢谢~
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  17. Mr Guo Wengui 09/05/2021 Live: #Kentucky Is currently one of the best sources of **artemisinin**, with the second-best also located in the United States and the third in Canada. Among the top five locations globally, four are in the United States and Canada. These regions boast the world's purest and finest artemisinin. Additionally, there are other herbal medicines in Kentucky that are more valuable than artemisinin. The immense wealth that will naturally emerge for humanity in the future is undoubtedly worth many times more than the illegal opium trade in Afghanistan.
  18. 北卡理工大学的 Pamela Whethers 博士在这次疫情期间用体外新冠感染的细胞株试验,证明艾叶热泡后溶液比单纯的青蒿素有更强的抗病毒性,表明植物中其它不明成分的作用。 非洲蒿不含青蒿素,抗新冠作用是青蒿素的几十倍以上。 伍斯特理工学院 Pamela Weathers 教授专栏 https://www.wpi.edu/people/faculty/weathers 青蒿热水提取物在体外对 Covid-19 变体(包括 delta)显示出有效的活性 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114797 实施例3 青蒿素及其假体治疗脱发的作用 一、材料 1.1青蒿素及其假固体分散体 制备同实施例1;使用时用无水乙醇配成含有青蒿素及其近似20mg/100ml浓度,每次喷雾脱发处均干燥为溶液,每天早午晚各观测1次。 二、方法与结果 一批全头性圆形脱发患者80例,其中男性53例,女性47例,年龄40岁至65岁, 试验90天,生发行硬发者48例,生发行硬发浓密者32例, 试验180例天,生发生出硬发者63例,生发出硬发浓密者55例,总有效率93%,显效率78%,无效率7%,表明青蒿素及其固体分散体治疗脱发的作用。 https://patents.google.com/patent/CN106333945A/zh 基于上述信息,青蒿素及其提取物在抗新冠病毒和治疗脱发方面表现出显著的潜力。商业化思路可以包括以下几个方面: 医药领域: 抗病毒药物研发:基于 Pamela Whethers 博士的研究,青蒿素及其提取物在体外对 Covid-19 变体显示出有效的活性。商业化思路可以围绕这一发现展开,推动进一步的临床研究,争取将青蒿素纳入抗病毒药物的研发。 脱发治疗产品:根据实施例3的信息,青蒿素及其固体分散体在治疗脱发方面表现出良好的效果。商业化思路可以包括研发相关的药物或医疗产品,例如洗发水、喷雾剂等,以满足脱发患者的需求。 保健品领域: 抗氧化保健品:考虑将青蒿素及其提取物应用于抗氧化保健品,因为抗氧化剂对健康有益,可用于提高免疫力和预防疾病。 头发保健产品:基于脱发治疗的成功实例,可以开发面向头发健康的保健产品,满足消费者对于美容和健康的需求。 农业领域: 青蒿素的农业用途:考虑将青蒿素应用于植物保护,以提高农作物的抗病虫能力,增加农业产值。 有机农业:推动有机青蒿的种植,以生产更纯净、无农药残留的原材料,满足对有机产品的市场需求。 科研合作与专利保护: 与研究机构合作:建立合作关系,共同推动青蒿素的研究和开发,加速产品上市。 专利保护:确保对相关技术的专利保护,以保障商业利益和市场竞争优势。 市场推广和教育: 科普宣传:通过科普宣传活动向公众传递青蒿素的研究成果,提高产品认知度。 医学专业推广:与医疗机构和专业人士合作,推广青蒿素的医学应用,提升在医学领域的声誉。 国际市场拓展: 进军国际市场:基于青蒿素在抗病毒和脱发治疗领域的潜力,考虑拓展国际市场,与国际企业和研究机构展开合作。 这些商业化思路可以根据实际情况进行调整和细化,但整体上旨在充分发挥青蒿素及其提取物在医药、保健品和农业等领域的潜在价值。 Dr. Pamela Whethers from North Carolina State University conducted experiments during this pandemic using in vitro COVID-19 infected cell lines, demonstrating that the solution obtained after hot-infusing Artemisia annua leaves exhibits stronger antiviral properties compared to pure artemisinin. This suggests the involvement of other unidentified components in plant action. African sweet wormwood does not contain artemisinin, yet its anti-COVID effects surpass those of artemisinin by several times. Professor Pamela Weathers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute provides insights in her column: https://www.wpi.edu/people/faculty/weathers Hot water extract of Artemisia annua demonstrates effective activity against COVID-19 variants (including delta) in vitro: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114797 Example 3: The effects of artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion in treating hair loss I. Materials 1.1 Artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion (prepared as in Example 1; when in use, dissolve in anhydrous ethanol to achieve a concentration of approximately 20mg/100ml. Spray the solution on the area of hair loss, allowing it to dry each time. Observe morning, noon, and night daily. II. Methods and Results A batch of 80 patients with total circular hair loss, including 53 males and 47 females aged 40 to 65, underwent a 90-day trial. Among them, 48 showed hair regrowth with increased firmness, and 32 showed thickening of the regrown hair. In a 180-day trial, 63 patients exhibited firm hair regrowth, and 55 showed thickening of the regrown hair. The overall effective rate was 93%, with a notable effect rate of 78% and an ineffectiveness rate of 7%, indicating the efficacy of artemisinin and its pseudo-solid dispersion in treating hair loss. https://patents.google.com/patent/CN106333945A/en Based on the above information, artemisinin and its extracts demonstrate significant potential in combating the novel coronavirus and treating hair loss. The commercialization strategy encompasses various sectors: Medical Field: Antiviral Drug Development: Building on Dr. Pamela Whethers' research, artemisinin and its extracts exhibit effective activity against COVID-19 variants in vitro. The commercialization strategy involves further clinical research to integrate artemisinin into antiviral drug development. Hair Loss Treatment Products: Leveraging the positive outcomes from Example 3, the strategy includes developing related drugs or medical products, such as shampoos and sprays, to meet the needs of individuals experiencing hair loss. Health Products: Antioxidant Health Products: Considering the application of artemisinin and its extracts in antioxidant health products due to the beneficial effects of antioxidants on health, promoting immunity, and preventing diseases. Hair Care Products: Based on successful instances in treating hair loss, the strategy involves developing health products aimed at promoting hair health, meeting consumer demands for beauty and health. Agricultural Field: Artemisinin's Agricultural Applications: Considering the application of artemisinin in plant protection to enhance crops' resistance to diseases and pests, thereby increasing agricultural yields. Organic Farming: Advocating for the cultivation of organic Artemisia annua to produce purer, pesticide-free raw materials, meeting the market demand for organic products. Research Collaboration and Patent Protection: Collaboration with Research Institutions: Establishing collaborative relationships to accelerate research and development of artemisinin, expediting product launch. Patent Protection: Ensuring the protection of relevant technologies through patents to safeguard commercial interests and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Market Promotion and Education: Public Awareness Campaigns: Conducting public awareness campaigns to disseminate the research findings on artemisinin, increasing product awareness. Medical Professional Promotion: Collaborating with medical institutions and professionals to promote the medical applications of artemisinin, enhancing its reputation in the medical field. International Market Expansion: Venturing into International Markets: Capitalizing on the potential of artemisinin in antiviral and hair loss treatment, considering expanding into international markets and collaborating with international companies and research institutions. These commercialization strategies can be adjusted and refined based on the actual situation, but overall, they aim to fully exploit the potential value of artemisinin and its extracts in the fields of medicine, health products, and agriculture.
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    非中国区苹果手机ID:指的是在苹果设备上使用非中国区的Apple ID账号。通过切换至非中国区Apple ID,用户可以访问其他国家或地区的App Store,下载那些在中国区不可用的应用程序。 Shadowrocket(小火箭):App Store的主流翻墙代理软件 。 是一种基于SOCKS5代理的科学上网工具,通过加密和混淆网络流量,绕过网络封锁。 翻墙纯净IP节点:指的是一种用于科学上网的服务器节点,具有良好的网络性能和较低的封锁风险,以提供稳定和高速的翻墙服务。 国外接码非实名电话卡:是指在国外购买的可以接收短信和电话的电话卡,通常不需要提供实名信息进行注册和激活(Gettr、Discord、Telegram、WhatsApp、Instagram)。这种电话卡常用于一次性验证、匿名注册或绕过短信验证码等需求。 联系方式: 电话:+1 484 3769980 WhatsApp:https://wa.me/14843769980 Essential Kit for Accessing the Internet Beyond China (Standard Edition) Shadowrocket (小火箭): A leading VPN proxy app available on the App Store. It employs SOCKS5 proxy technology to bypass network restrictions by encrypting and obfuscating network traffic. Pure VPN IP Nodes: These are servers used for accessing the internet via VPN, known for their strong network performance and low risk of being blocked, providing stable and high-speed VPN services. Foreign Non-real-name Phone Cards: These are phone cards purchased overseas that can receive SMS and calls. Typically, they don't require real-name registration or activation, making them suitable for one-time verification, anonymous registration, or bypassing SMS verification requirements on platforms like Gettr, Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram. Contact Information: Phone: +1 484 3769980 WhatsApp : https://wa.me/14843769980 本广告短链接|Short link for this advertisement: gettr.ink/ist7mJ

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