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Blog Comments posted by Roger

  1. Dear M,

    The delivery of drugs and supplements via suppository is a good idea indeed. Making a suppository is very easy:
    – buy suppository molds – available online
    – buy organic coconut oil
    – warm up a little the coconut oil so that it becomes fluid, and after that mix the active ingredient at the concentration you like. Here you will need to check how much oil goes into one mold. If it goes 1ml oil, and you want to have a dose of 1000mg Curcumin in one suppository, you will need to make sure you mix this concentration in the oil. So if you want to prepare 100 suppositories at 1000mg each, you will need to mix 100g Curcumin in 100 ml coconut Oil (in this example)
    – the mixture is injected into the suppository mold using a syringe
    – the suppository molds containing the oil, need to be stored in the refrigerator overnight, before starting to use them – the coconut oil will become solid overnight and the next day, the suppository will be ready to be used.

    Kind regards,





    • 购买栓剂模具 - 在线上有售
    • 购买有机椰子油
    • 将椰子油稍微加热,使其变成液体,然后与你喜欢的浓度的活性成分混合。在这里,你需要检查多少油放入一个模具中。如果1毫升油,你想在一个栓剂中有1000毫克的姜黄素,你需要确保在油中混合这个浓度。所以如果你想要准备每个1000毫克的100个栓剂,你需要在100毫升椰子油中混合100克姜黄素(在这个例子中)
    • 使用注射器将混合物注入栓剂模具
    • 含有油的栓剂模具需要在冰箱中存放一夜,开始使用之前 - 椰子油会在一夜之间凝固,第二天,栓剂将准备好供使用。

    祝好, 丹尼尔

  2. Hello,

    What about suppositories like these (https://detoxrejuvenation.com/products/nexus-suppositories) to treat rectal cancer? These have garlic powder and are used for parasites. I have been looking for information for the preparation of suppositories but have yet to find specifics. Can anyone help? Many thanks.






  3. Hello,

    I’ve been administering Artemisia annua (Luparte) to my dog who has disseminated histiocytic sarcoma and I was hoping to ask you for some clarification on your statement that “Artemisinin compounds inhibit their own absorption”. I’ve been researching this but I haven’t found anything useful and since the supplement manufacturers doesn’t recommend suspending the treatment to increase absorption, I was wondering if you have any references for this? The treatment doesn’t seem to be very effective until now, so I’m trying to figure out if we’re doing everything correctly…

    Thank you!



    我一直在给患有弥漫性组织细胞肉瘤的狗(名为Luparte)使用青蒿素(Artemisia annua),我希望就您提到的“青蒿素化合物抑制其自身吸收”的说法向您请教一些澄清问题。我一直在进行研究,但没有找到任何有用的信息,由于补充剂制造商不建议中断治疗以增加吸收,我想知道您是否有任何参考资料?到目前为止,这种治疗似乎并不是很有效,所以我想弄清楚我们是否做得正确...


  4. HI Mihaela,

    Thank you. I did found people willing to help even if the goal is to have most profits allocated to research projects and accelerate their translation to clinical space.
    More than the capital, is so much time that it takes to find good suppliers that are willing to make the products as I think its best.

    Regarding liposomal formulations, they can be good solution to increase bio-availability of supplements – and I would add some of those as discussed above as long as they are taken from a good supplier – but I would clearly not replace intravenous treatment with those.

    Kind regards,




    关于脂质体配方,它们可以是增加补充剂生物利用度的好方法 - 我会像上面讨论的那样添加一些来自好供应商的产品 - 但我肯定不会用它们来替代静脉治疗。


  5. Hi Daniel,

    Well I hope your supplement company is off to a good start. I can’t imagine the amount of capital it would take to start something like that, hopefully you have some good investors.

    That’s a shame, I really wished liposomal drugs had better bioavailability than what they claim. Marketing <– for your supplement company. We will hold off on Vit C for now.

    Thank you responding and all that you do!








  6. Synergic Effects of Artemisinin and Resveratrol in Cancer Cells:

    “The combination of the two drugs also markedly reduced the ability of cell migration. Apoptosis analysis showed that combination of ART and Res significantly increased the apoptosis and necrosis rather than use singly.

    Additionally, ROS levels were elevated by combining ART with Res.”






  7. HI Mihaela,

    Thank you so much. The high traffic indeed generates costs and not profits. Donations like yours help keep this running. I am now trying to convert this in a sustainable way for this kind of knowledge and be able to do much for for people without expecting donations. That is by (very soon) starting up a supplement company, which is my last and probably successful try to continue this in a sustainable way.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge on Art. That is very helpful.

    Regarding Vitamin C liposomal, I do not see that as an alternative to intravenous. But here is an idea how you could try to achieve that with oral Vitamin C, by combining DHA +Vitamin C + Liposomal Vit C https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/community/postid/2747/

    During the past years I looked a lot into Liposomal options. Also now when starting up the supplement company I had to look into that to select partners to work with. I even had a deep discussion about this a few hours ago with a friend who is an expert in this. The conclusion is that Liposomal oral formulations are these days coming from so many different type of suppliers and most of them are not having the right quality and profile to induce 1. a high blood level of the drug 2. maintain a level that reaches tumors. First depends on the quality and second specifically on the formulation of liposomes since most of them will be eaten up by macrophages before getting to the tumor. PEG formulations are less affected by macrophages.
    So when it comes to oral formualstions my rule is like this ~75% of target dose use non-liposomal products and if budget allows ~25% use liposomal or other formulations that promise much higher absorption (the second will be a lottery ticket in case the product will rely deliver what is promised).
    So, I like liposomal but what is commercially available is questionable. And since here we deal with a matter of life, we do not want to fully depend on the promise of various food supplement companies. Intravenous formulations on the other hand can be often very relevant.

    Yes, Mihaela, Jane’s book is a good start into the world of repurposed drugs and metabolic cocktails. And it’s great to hear that the results are showing improving effectiveness. After all these years, to me is clear that 1. metabolism is one of the most important perspective to address cancer in a more controllable way 2. cocktails of drugs and supplements (oral and IV) help extend and improve life.

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,





    关于脂质体维生素C,我不认为它是静脉注射的替代品。但是,这里有一个想法,您可以尝试用口服维生素C实现这一目标,方法是结合DHA + 维生素C + 脂质体维生素C https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/community/postid/2747/


    是的,米哈埃拉,简的书是进入重复使用药物和代谢鸡尾酒世界的良好起点。很高兴听到结果显示出改善的有效性。经过这么多年,对我来说清楚的是,1. 代谢是以更可控的方式解决癌症问题的最重要途径之一。 2.药物和补充剂(口服和静脉注射)的混合物有助于延长和改善生命。



  8. Hi Daniel,

    No problem, you deserve it, your work is impressive to say the least. Since you have high traffic you should definitely be making money from it not the other way around. But you probably don’t want any bad advertising and for people to buy products that are not vetted.

    I interpreted how the ART got into the cytosol from the interstitial space, I don’t know why. I thought that the free iron bound to ART which in turn bound to the transferrin-receptor and together they entered the cell by endocytosis. Which makes no sense because there should not be any free iron, it’s transferrin. Then I thought well how is ART going to get out and cause ROS since the HCQ increase the pH in the vacuole not releasing ferritin, therefore not releasing ART in the cytosol either. The second mechanism of action for HCQ that you mentioned is what I was worried about. This was all in my head which is all wrong.

    I found this awesome paper that explains everything.

    First of all ART is permeable to the cell membrane, so it enters through lipid layer no problem. ART doesn’t like being in the cytosol and goes to any lipid membrane since it’s hydrophobic. I now understand why ART induces lysosomal degradation of ferritin, therefore releasing free iron in the cytosol which is toxic for the cell.

    ART is reduced or activated by Fe2+, heme and Copper. Activated ART causes ROS, the apoptosis. If HQC reduces ferritin then there’s less heme to activate it, supply chain issue. But we just said that there would be more free iron in the cell from the degradation of ferritin, therefore it ART could be activated that way too for a period of time like you said.

    The paper suggests there’s another mechanism of action but only for yeast and malarial mitochondria. Again attacking the lipid membrane of the mitochondria. No energy factory, cell goes bye bye. Maybe just maybe if there’s less heme and at some point less free iron to activate ART, then it can focus on the anti-mitochondrial pathway even thought the paper said mammalian cells mitochondria didn’t respond to it.

    I do worry about iron deficiency anemia from the HCQ, do you suggest iron supplementation? Maybe we’ll just monitor her RBC count. Increasing iron will negate the anti-mitochondrial pathway.

    I definitely don’t want to stop HCQ. Definitely synergy in the beginning both causing ROS, then later maybe ART attacks the lipid membranes including the mitochondria since there’s less activation from heme or Fe2+, where else would it go, to the lipid layer of course. This is my hope.

    I thought about vitamin C for better iron absorption, but I don’t want Vitamin C rescuing the cell from ROS. Then I thought about high dose IV vitamin C but I don’t want her going out all that much with the coronavirus and it’s quite expensive treatment. I haven’t looked into liposomal vitamin C to see if bioavailability is equivalent to IV. There’s a lot of YouTube videos to make your own liposomal vitamin C as well. I wonder if we can get it high enough to generate hydrogen peroxide, that way we’d have even more ROS AND it will help the absorption of iron. How do you feel about liposomal drugs? There’s liposomal Artemisin and Curcumin, is it worth it?

    I’ll look into Clarithromycin as well.

    We started her on a lot of medications and supplements and ketogenic diet based off of Jane Mcclelland book – how to starve cancer. Same idea, cancer is a metabolic disease not genetic. Her last scan her biggest tumor went from 9mm to 7mm and all the other ones stayed the same so it’s working. Before that grew 1mm every 3 months. I worry about resistance and the cancer getting smart so that’s why I want to be as aggressive as possible.

    Thanks for all you knowledge!



















  9. Dear Mihaela,

    First, with this I would like to thank you for the donation that helps a lot with maintaining this website which due to high traffic requires a good amount of resources to keep it up and running.

    Your question is of-course a very good one. Here is how I see the mechanisms that can explain both a synergy potentials and an antagonistic activity:

    HCQ inhibits autophagy leading to the interruption of degradation of damage mitochondria which in turn leads to increase ROS generation by the damage mitochondria. HCQ on the other hand also inhibits ferritin degradation in lysosomes, lowering the labile iron pool in the cytosol. https://dm5migu4zj3pb.cloudfront.net/manuscripts/115000/115301/cache/115301.1-20140626150537-covered-253bed37ca4c1ab43d105aefdf7b5536.pdf But Arte can induce lysosomal degradation of ferritin https://www.nature.com/articles/s41418-019-0352-3 that leads to increase ROS
    This can lead to two different mechanisms of ROS generation that can work in synergy https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25308836/

    It’s true that this can work only for a certain amount of time as long as Arte has on what to act to generate ROS. At some point there will be no ferritin left to degrade since HCQ inhibits further accumulation of iron (that can be stored in ferritin form) since iron from iron-saturated transferrin needs a low pH to be released, within the endosome, while HCQ interferes and alkalizes with endosomal.

    Latter, as there is no ferritin left for Arte to do it’s job, from an anti-cancer potential we are only left with HCQ to act as an anti cancer agent.

    Therefore, it’s a time dependent activity of this combo, first working in synergy towards increasing the ROS level, latter working in antagonism. Actually maybe I should not say antagonism since they do not cancel each other out, but just one of them will continue working only, i.e. HCQ.

    We could also argue that this is the theoretical picture, and that in real life HCQ does not totally inhibit the iron deployment into cells and the ferritin degradation, but only slows them down.

    If we stop HCQ to start Arte we may need to wait a few weeks for that to be totally out of the body, since the half-time of HCQ is some weeks.

    Another strong autophagy inhibitor could be this one but it’s an antibiotic https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/community/autophagy-inhibitors/clarithromycin-is-an-autophagy-inhibitor/#post-2885

    A strategy along the line of ROS generation that may be relevant is discussed here https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/modulating-the-yin-and-yang-energy-of-cells-to-fight-cancer-pro-oxidant-strategy/

    I hope this answers your question.

    Kind regards,














  10. Hey Daniel,

    My mom has stage IV cervical cancer, she has 6 small baby tumors in her lungs. They are so small they have not been able to take biopsies, but my sister and I are hypothesizing it’s her cervical cancer that metastasized to her lungs after her hysterectomy.

    I’m very confused about Chloroquine and Artemisin, you said that they are synergistic? We have her on Hydroxychloroquine for autopaghy inhibition. We want to start her on Artemisin but you said in the chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine post that they may interfere with iron. They way Artemisin works is by coming into the cell via iron and wrecks havoc. How is it synergistic if the iron cannot come into the cell anymore due to Hydrocychloroquine? Wouldn’t the two drugs cancel each other out? We really want something for autophagy for when the cells are dying and the debris won’t be recycled by new cancer cells. What do you suggest?

    Sorry I spent all day trying to figure this out and got nowhere,









  11. Hi @Daniel,

    I have received the liposomal quercetin today, has any sense to take high dosage of quercetin the four days that I do dried leaves plus 500 x 2 artemisinin extract?

    For the next rounds I have ordered Artemix Artemisinin Complex 140mg, how many caps daily would be a good therapeutic dosage?

    Thank you!

    Kind regards Inaki




    1. 在进行四天的干叶和 500 毫克 × 2 的青蒿素提取物治疗期间,服用高剂量的槲皮素是否有意义?
    2. 下一轮治疗,我已经订购了 Artemix 青蒿素复合物 140 毫克,每天服用多少颗会是一个良好的治疗剂量?


    1. 在进行干叶和青蒿素提取物治疗期间,槲皮素具有抗氧化和抗炎特性,可能会有一定的辅助作用。您可以在咨询医生后考虑服用适量的槲皮素,但请注意不要超过推荐剂量,以避免可能的副作用。
    2. 对于 Artemix 青蒿素复合物 140 毫克,建议您在咨询医生后确定剂量。通常情况下,根据个体情况和疾病严重程度,每日剂量可能会有所不同。医生可以根据您的具体情况为您制定最合适的用药方案。



  12. Hi Daniel

    Thank you.

    Yes, i went through this topic in the past. We have a chance to apply garlic intratumoral injections as tumor is easily accessible , but i am not capable of nether decision nor application. May be such option could be postponed.

    Kind Regards








  13. HI Asafsh,

    Artesunate is already available for injection but Garlic not. However you may like to read this discussion on Garlic injections https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/community/natural-substances/garlic-possible-treatment/#post-2057

    Kind regards,





  14. Hi Daniel

    I don’t know whether paper below is relevant to this article. But just in case below it is:
    The Synergistic Anticancer Effect of Artesunate Combined with Allicin in Osteosarcoma Cell Line in Vitro and in Vivo

    unfortunately both artemisia and garlic were administered IP, so this greatly impacts applicability for humans due to Garlic absorption.


    嗨 Daniel



  15. Dear Daniel,

    Thank you very much for the tremendous support and encouragement along the way!
    This “project” is too hard and too complicated to deal with alone and I don’t have enough words to thank you especially and everyone who support us and advise in this amazing blog!

    All the best!





  16. Hi Nissim,

    Very nice to hear about the “no news”!

    I would use Artemisia regardless of chemo or not. Cycles are a great idea indeed, specifically because it may be a little heavy on the liver when taken continuously for long time. I would use Artemisia also during the days with Curcumin, etc. but just try to take them the tea at least half an hour apart from the others if possible and on empty stomach.

    All the best to you and your brother dear Nissim!

    Kind regards,







  17. Hi Daniel and all!
    How are you?

    We were quite intense this week, as my brother had another (4th) brain MRI on Sunday and analysis with his oncologist yesterday.
    The MRI demonstrated stability after additional 2 chemo cycles (3 long months).
    This month it will 1 year with the GBM cancer and for now NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!

    This week we also got 200 gr of dried Artemisia annua whole plant and I have some questions about adding Artemisia into our chemo and alternative protocol:

    Q1 – we plan to use it along the day (3-4 times x 250ml) as “tea” extracted with warm (not hot) water and I was thinking of using it 1 week on & 1 off. any other suggestions?

    Also, as I understand Artemisia is a (strong?) prooxidant and as such I am not sure how to optimise its use in combination with chemo and our protocol:
    Q2 – is it ok or even recommended to use Artemisia on the week of chemo? (1 week of TMZ + CCNU every 6 weeks)
    Q3 – what about using Artemisia while taking other daily antioxidants (which we stop during the chemo)? We prefer not to stop using these while taking Artemisia, so how best to combine?
    Q4 – Just to be sure, I understand that all the following, which we use regularly or alternately are antioxidants? (in some level) –
    Boswellia, Curcumin, Berberine, Melatonin, Vit E, Vit D3, Omega 3, Astragalus, Milk thistle, EGCG, Bacopa monnieri, Honokiol and Ashwagandha.

    Many thanks!
    Wishing everyone stability and improvement of health!!!

    Best regards,






    问题1 - 我们计划一天使用3-4次250毫升的"茶",用温水(不是热水)提取。还有其他建议吗?

    问题2 - 在化疗周期中使用艾草是否可以或甚至推荐?(每6周一次的一周TMZ + CCNU)
    问题3 - 在服用其他日常抗氧化剂时使用艾草如何?(我们在化疗期间停止使用这些)我们希望在服用艾草时不停止使用这些,那么最好如何结合?
    问题4 - 为了确保,我了解到以下所有物质,我们定期或交替使用的物质都是抗氧化剂?(在某种程度上)-



  18. Hi Daniel,

    As there are missing references re autoinduction of Artemisinin and I had a related discussion somewhere else:
    “…Artemisinin oral clearance increased 5.3-fold (P <.001) by the tenth day of administration…."


    I hope that one helps.




    “…在第十天,青蒿素的口服清除率增加了5.3倍(P <.001)…。”




  19. Dear Daniel,

    Thank you for the information.
    As there’s a lot “traffic” of information, sharing of ideas and experience in this blog, it is good to get such an opinion!

    Best wishes and a successful year,


    Dear Daniel,



  20. Dear Nissim,

    Nice to hear from you! I hope you had a good holiday too!
    Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding Artemisia Annua and it’s possible impact on the effectiveness of seizure medication.
    I am not aware of any such effects and I haven’t heard anyone reporting anything on this line.

    Kind regards,





  21. Dear Daniel and all,
    I hope you all enjoy the new year holiday!

    I was looking further at Artemisia annua, which seems very promising and was also recommended in the 2nd opinion report we got, as another option for chloroquine (together with using Metformin).

    I happen to see some warning here, about possible cause of seizures due to use of Artemisia annua:
    “Do not take if: You are taking antiseizure medications: Artemisia can induce seizures making such medications less effective.”
    “Seizure disorders, including epilepsy: Wormwood contains thujone, which can cause seizures. There is concern that wormwood might make seizures more likely in people who are prone to them”

    looking at this “thujone”, perhaps it is more relevant to another type of Artemisia?
    “Thujone is found in a number of plants… and wormwood, most notably grand wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)”.

    Remark – this becomes more confusing to me, since in this page it is mentioned that “Medicinal extracts of wormwood have not been shown to cause seizure or other adverse effects at usual doses”.

    So I’m not sure, is this warning less related/ not related to Artemisia annua?
    Have you heard of any case of seizures due to use of Artemisia annua?

    Many thanks!
    Best wishes,







    “白藜芦醇存在于许多植物中……和苦艾,尤其是大苦艾(Artemisia absinthium)”。




  22. Hi All-
    Here are 3 great resources on Artesunate IV administration from Paul Anderson, who has a significant amount of clinical experience:

    Artesunate Monograph- Covers initial administration building up to full dose, drip vs push, monitoring, complication and synergism with vitamin C. Also discusses iron (Anderson is of the opinion that it doesn’t need to be given unless clinically indicated due to anemia)

    Answers some additional questions on Artesunate



    以下是保罗·安德森(Paul Anderson)关于青蒿素静脉注射(IV)使用的三个优质资源,他在临床方面拥有相当多的经验:

    1. 《Artesunate专论》- 包括初始使用建议,逐渐增加剂量,滴注与推注,监测,并与维生素C的协同作用。还讨论了铁剂(安德森认为除非因贫血而临床指示,否则不需要使用铁剂)
       链接:[Artesunate Monograph](https://www.academia.edu/20316500/Artesunate_Monograph)

    2. 回答了一些有关Artesunate的额外问题
       链接:[Answers some additional questions on Artesunate](https://www.consultdranderson.com/iv-artesunate-considerations-cont/)
       链接:[Answers some additional questions on Artesunate](https://www.consultdranderson.com/b17-artesunate-iv-vitamin-c-cont/)


  23. Hi Johan,
    It seems there are cases of ART compound efficacy both used with and without iron, but there is no doubt that maximizing the iron in the cancer cell increases efficacy. This is countered with the concern that too much iron in the serum and RBCs could reduce efficacy and cause RBC lysis. I have been giving my husband a 25mg iron injection once a month to help keep his ferritin and serum iron in the normal range, it also gives his hemoglobin a boost. I’m sure the cancer cells are also grabbing on to that same iron and storing it up. I read through the paper you linked to and info from D and, after some deliberation, I think we are going to try the artesunate initially without an iron supplement since the iron injection may be loading the cells, and see if we get a response. We will change our strategy if needed. My husband has done oral artemisinin combined with whole plant in the past, but more than 2 days in a row cause stomach upset. We probably won’t start this for a few more weeks as we wait for the medication to arrive. As always, thank you for taking the time to help and provide useful information, tips and important aspects I hadn’t considered.


    Hi Johan,



  24. Shanti, regarding iron admin prior to ART treatment:
    “I have been unable to give up thinking about the man with prostate cancer in Belgium who tried a unique approach to treatment with ART compounds. One day a week he took a supplemental iron pill with one meal and then took 700 mg of ART compounds that evening. He reported a substantial reduction in his PSA with this unique treatment approach. Unfortunately, there is no contact information to follow up on his long term results with this innovative approach. ”




     原文链接 http://www.medicinacomplementar.com.br/biblioteca/pdfs/Cancer/ca-1735.pdf

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