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Posts posted by Roger

  1. 背景与相关技术 Background and Related Technologies


      • 简要介绍 OpenAI 和 Llama-Parse。 Briefly introduce OpenAI and Llama-Parse.
      • 解释如何利用 Google Colab 和 Google Drive 实现文件的读取和保存。 Explain how to use Google Colab and Google Drive to read and save files.
    • 项目设置与环境配置 Project Setup and Environment Configuration

      • 详细描述如何在 Google Colab 上设置项目。 Detail how to set up a project on Google Colab.
      • 安装所需的 Python 库。 Install the necessary Python libraries.
      • 挂载 Google Drive 并配置 API 密钥。 Mount Google Drive and configure API keys.
    • PDF 文件加载与解析 PDF File Loading and Parsing

      • 使用 Llama-Parse 加载和解析 PDF 文件。 Use Llama-Parse to load and parse PDF files.
      • 将解析结果转换为 Markdown 文本。 Convert the parsed results into Markdown text.
    • 文本翻译 Text Translation

      • 使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 模型进行文本翻译。 Use OpenAI's ChatGPT model for text translation.
      • 详细说明如何编写翻译函数。 Explain in detail how to write the translation function.
    • 保存翻译结果 Saving Translation Results

      • 将翻译后的文本保存为PDF 文件。 Save the translated text as a PDF file.
      • 介绍使用 python-docxfpdf 库来实现这一功能。 Introduce how to use the python-docx and fpdf libraries to achieve this functionality.
    • 项目优化与用户体验提升 Project Optimization and User Experience Improvement

      • 使用 Google Colab 表单简化用户输入。 Simplify user input using Google Colab forms.
      • 提供代码优化建议和注意事项。 Provide code optimization suggestions and considerations.
    • 结论 Conclusion

      • 总结项目实现的过程和效果。 Summarize the implementation process and effects of the project.
      • 展望未来可能的改进和扩展方向。 Look forward to possible improvements and expansion directions in the future.




    在 Google Colab 上设置一个新项目并进行文件翻译的步骤如下:

    第一步:创建一个新的 Colab 笔记本

    1. 打开 Google Colab.
    2. 点击左上角的 File 菜单,选择 New notebook


    为了在 Google Colab 上提供一个更友好的界面,可以使用表单来让用户输入必要的参数。以下是经过优化的代码示例,包括所有必要的手工调整部分以及表单输入。


    !pip install llama-index llama-index-core llama-index-embeddings-openai llama-parse openai python-docx fpdf google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client

    第二步:存取 Google Drive

    import os
    from google.colab import drive
    # 设置路径
    THESIS_LOC = '/content/drive/MyDrive/PDFtranslate/'  # @param {type:"string"}

    第三步:设置 Llama-Parse 和 OpenAI API 密钥

    import nest_asyncio
    LLAMA_PARSER_KEY = 'your-llama-parse-key'  # @param {type:"string"}
    OPENAI_KEY = 'your-openai-key'  # @param {type:"string"}
    os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = OPENAI_KEY

    第四步:设置 Llama-Parse 用的 LLM 模型

    from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
    from llama_index.core import Settings
    LLM_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"  # @param {type:"string"}
    llm = OpenAI(model=LLM_MODEL)
    Settings.llm = llm

    第五步:加载 PDF

    from llama_parse import LlamaParse
    from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex
    PDF_FILE = "Case-23_cr_00118_Transcript-31-05-2024.pdf"  # @param {type:"string"}
    parser = LlamaParse(result_type="markdown")
    md_documents = parser.load_data(

    第六步:使用 GPT 解析 Markdown 文件

    from llama_index.core.node_parser import MarkdownElementNodeParser
    node_parser = MarkdownElementNodeParser(
        llm=OpenAI(model=LLM_MODEL), num_workers=8
    nodes = node_parser.get_nodes_from_documents(md_documents)
    base_nodes, objects = node_parser.get_nodes_and_objects(nodes)
    display(Markdown('\n\n'.join([t.text for t in nodes])))

    第七步:使用 ChatGPT 翻译

    import openai
    openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
    TRANSLATE_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"
    SYSTEM_PROMPT = '请你成为文章翻译的小帮手,请协助翻译以下法庭文件,以简体中文输出'
    def translate_text(text):
        completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                {"role": "system", "content": SYSTEM_PROMPT},
                {"role": "user", "content": text},
        return completion.choices[0].message['content']
    translated_text = []
    for node in nodes:
            'original': node.text,
            'translated': translate_text(node.text)
    # 显示翻译结果
    display(Markdown('\n\n'.join([f"**Original:**\n{t['original']}\n\n**Translated:**\n{t['translated']}" for t in translated_text])))

    第八步:保存翻译结果为中英文对照的 Word 和 PDF 文件

    import os
    from docx import Document
    from fpdf import FPDF
    DONE_LOC = os.path.join(THESIS_LOC, 'done')
    if not os.path.exists(DONE_LOC):
    # 保存为中英文对照的 Word 文件
    doc = Document()
    for t in translated_text:
        doc.add_paragraph("Original:\n" + t['original'])
        doc.add_paragraph("\nTranslated:\n" + t['translated'])
        doc.add_paragraph("\n" + "-"*40 + "\n")
    doc_path = os.path.join(THESIS_LOC, PDF_FILE.replace('.pdf', '_translated.docx'))
    # 保存为中英文对照的 PDF 文件
    class PDF(FPDF):
        def header(self):
            self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12)
            self.cell(0, 10, 'Translated Document', 0, 1, 'C')
        def footer(self):
            self.set_font('Arial', 'I', 8)
            self.cell(0, 10, f'Page {self.page_no()}', 0, 0, 'C')
    pdf = PDF()
    pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15)
    pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
    for t in translated_text:
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, "Original:\n" + t['original'])
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, "\nTranslated:\n" + t['translated'])
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, "\n" + "-"*40 + "\n")
    pdf_path = os.path.join(THESIS_LOC, PDF_FILE.replace('.pdf', '_translated.pdf'))
    # 移动原始 PDF 文件到 done 目录
    os.rename(os.path.join(THESIS_LOC, PDF_FILE), os.path.join(DONE_LOC, PDF_FILE))
    # 列出存储目录的文件
    注:请确保替换所有占位符(如 API 密钥和文件路径)为实际值。




    以下为法庭531号文件自动翻译的参考文件。需要注意的是,调用 OpenAI API 进行翻译是需要付费的。


    使用 OpenAI 模型(LLM_MODEL: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125)自动翻译 PDF 并保存为 PDF 文件的示例:

    • 文件页数: 236页
    • 费用: 约1.6美元
    • 实际运行耗时: 约20分钟
    • 完成任务: 自动翻译和保存为新文件


  2. 【Creative Seeking】Seeking Three Visually Striking HCTTM Design Images|【创意征集】寻求三张具有视觉冲击力的HCTTM设计图

    标题:【Creative Seeking】Seeking Three Visually Striking HCTTM Design Images |【创意征集】寻求三张具有视觉冲击力的HCTTM设计图

    We are looking for creative artists or designers to create three unique and memorable images for our project "HCTTM". HCTTM stands for "H Coin To The Moon", and we want these five letters to stand out in your design.
    我们正在寻找创意无限的艺术家或设计师,为我们的项目“HCTTM”制作三张独特而深刻的图像。HCTTM是“H Coin To The Moon”的简称,我们希望这五个字母在您的设计中能够显得突出并令人印象深刻。


    1. The images can be hand-drawn or digitally created. 图片可以采用手绘或数字绘制的方式。
    2. The design should focus on the five letters "HCTTM", other elements are free to play, but the overall design should be unforgettable.   设计需要围绕“HCTTM”五个字母展开,其他元素可以自由发挥,主要是要确保整体设计令人过目不忘。
    3. We encourage you to show originality and innovative thinking; your design should inspire curiosity and a desire to explore in viewers.   我们鼓励您展示原创性和创新思维,您的设计应该能激发观者的好奇心和探索欲。

    Each accepted design will be compensated with 17 GTR (GETTR Points). GETTR Points are a platform-specific reward for GETTR users, which can be earned through participation in platform activities or interaction with other users, and can be redeemed for rewards such as gift cards on the GETTR platform.
    每张被采纳的设计我们将支付17 GTR(GETTR Points)。GETTR Points是专为GETTR用户设计的平台内奖励,可以通过参与平台活动或与其他用户交互来赚取,并且可以在GETTR平台内兑换礼品卡等奖励。


    Please submit your works by replying to this post by September 1, 2024.



    Community Voting: Community members can use the online voting system to select their favorite designs. Each registered user can respond by liking the design they consider the best in the bottom right corner of the post.

    社区投票: 社区用户可以通过在线投票系统选择他们最喜欢的作品。每个注册用户可在作品的右下角通过点赞来回应,选出他们认为最佳的设计。

    Organizer Selection: As the event organizers, we will select works based on brand image and market needs. Our selection will take into account the community's feedback and voting results.

    主办方选择: 作为活动的主办方,我们将基于品牌形象和市场需求来选择作品。我们的选择将充分考虑社区的反馈和投票结果。

    Combined Selection: The final award-winning works will be determined by the organizers after integrating the results of community voting.





    Please ensure that your submissions are original and have not been authorized for use by others. We look forward to your outstanding creations, joining us to create an unforgettable visual feast!


    Short Link : https://gettr.ink/mDmiDG

    • 提供方:
    • 日期
    • 价格
    • 类别
    • Hpay


  3. im.webp

    Welcome to Our Community Feedback System

    In our community, your interactions are not only valued but also rewarded. Below is a table describing the different types of feedback you can give on posts and the impact each has on the author's reputation points. Engage with posts by providing feedback that reflects your thoughts and feelings, and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of our platform!



    Feedback Types | 反馈类型

    1. Like | 喜欢

      • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
      • Description | 描述: Show your approval and enjoy the content. | 表示您对内容的喜爱和赞同。
    2. Thank | 感谢

      • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
      • Description | 描述: Express your gratitude for the insightful content. | 对富有洞察力的内容表示感谢。
    3. Smile | 笑脸

      • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
      • Description | 描述: Appreciate the humor or joy conveyed. | 赞赏内容传达的幽默或快乐。
    4. Confused | 困惑

      • Impact | 影响: -1 point | -1分
      • Description | 描述: Indicate areas where clarity is needed. | 指出需要澄清的地方。
    5. Sad | 难过

      • Impact | 影响: -1 point | -1分
      • Description | 描述: Reflect your dissatisfaction or concern. | 反映您的不满或关切。




    This guide helps you understand how to interact within our community effectively. Your participation helps shape the quality of discussion and enriches our community culture. Thank you for being an active member!



    MilesTrial Day 6 (1) Government witness Karin Maistrello, Guo's former translator, admitted that she had worked for the FBI. (2) Karin attended the Rule of Law Foundation board meeting where the cyber attacks on Guo and G-media were discussed. (3) Karin set up the security protocol for Golden Spring's office, but she testified yesterday, "There was no need for security, like, for a bodyguard in this true sense of the term." (4) Karin appeared to have a selective memory.

    Day 6 of Miles Trial The prosecution called Witnesses 5 and 6. The repeated anti-CCP themes in the testimony made the Chinese Communist Party the real defendant in this trial.






    #MilesTrial Day 5 The fourth witness testified today that she traveled to France to investigate the death of HNA CEO Wang Jian, who was murdered by the CCP. Miles Guo released photos and video footage of the investigation to the public in 2018.


    Day 5 of Miles Trial. The defense team presented evidence of the CCP's persecution of Miles Guo through its "Operation Fox Hunt," while the testimony of the prosecution witnesses inadvertently painted a historical picture of the Whistleblower Movement.



    #MilesTrial Day 4 The jury inspected G|Fashion items that the government's witness (a former member of the #NFSC) claimed were ordinary. Let the G|Fashion products speak for themselves.


    Day 4 of Miles' trial. A third prosecution witness testified that "G" in the G series stood for Miles Guo. However, this testimony is completely false and contradicts what Miles Guo's statement that "G" stands for God, Gold, Goal, and Good.



    MilesTrial Day 3: MilesGuo's lawyer, Sabrina Shroff, gave an emotional opening statement that brought #Miles to tears, and the jury to tears as well. The statement mentioned, 1) Miles came from a poor family and became a property developer in China. He founded the



    Miles Guo's trial officially began on the third day of the trial. In her opening statement, Miles' lawyer cited many facts about the CCP's persecution of Miles Guo, showing that Miles is innocent and that everything he did was to bring down the CCP..



    Ms. Sabrina Shroff presented the opening statement on behalf of Defendant Mr. Miles Guo in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on May 24, 2024.



    Miles Guo has repeatedly revealed since 2017 that Phoenix TV is a spy and intelligence agency controlled by the CCP's Ministry of Security, which takes orders from the CCP to deal with the Whistleblowers Movement and the NFSC.




    MilesTrial Day 2: (1) Miles was smiling, looking confident, well rested, and upbeat. (2) 3 of the 12 jurors were confirmed. (3) The judge announced that almost 100 new candidates would be coming.




    MilesTrial Day 2: On day 2 of Miles' trial, Miles Guo was relaxed, confident and smiling throughout the proceedings. All jurors will be selected tomorrow and the trial will begin immediately thereafter.



    MilesTrial Day 1 Observation Every time a juror came up and walked by Miles, Miles would smile and look at them, back and forth like in a tennis match. He woke up at four or five today and he was totally focused.




    On the first day of the U.S. trial of Mr. Miles Guo, the CCP's number one enemy, as fellow NFSC freedom fighters brought first-hand reports from the trial.


  5. 2024年5月30日对凯琳女士(Karin Maistrello)交叉询问过程中,施洛夫律师的审问策略成功削弱凯琳女士证词的可靠性(中英双语) 来源:节选自2024-05-30 庭审记录 618-621页

    On May 30, 2024, during the cross-examination of Ms. Karin Maistrello, Attorney Schloff's questioning strategy successfully undermined the reliability of Ms. Maistrello's testimony (Bilingual).

    Source: Excerpt from the Court Transcript, May 30, 2024, Pages 618-621





  6. 从科学角度谈转基因,请农业部唐部长在监狱里审阅






    举个亲身经历的事情:大概5年前,我为中国某知名玉米加工企业做项目。  项目方领导亲口告诉我:“转基因食品有很大问题!我们企业不会使用转基因玉米加工猪饲料”。并举了一个例子:本来一个母猪一次可以下10个崽,如果养殖场用使用转基因玉米饲料养猪, 母猪一次下崽量可能会降至5个。母猪下崽量减少一半!所以,养殖场是不能用转基因饲料的。 


  7. 2024.05.22 Miles Trial - Day 1



    2024.05.22 MILES TRIAL (Chinese-English machine subtitles)

    2024.05.22 L文贵先生庭审进展(中英双语机器字幕)



  8. 关于通过Starlink直连卫星使用未改装的手机成功完成首次视频通话的公告,是卫星通信技术的一个重要里程碑。这一成就展示了Starlink卫星网络在提供蜂窝连接方面的潜力,即使在传统蜂窝塔不可行的偏远地区也是如此。


    1. 首次视频通话:视频通话是使用标准的、未改装的手机进行的,这表明用户不需要特殊设备就可以受益于这项技术。

    2. Starlink直连蜂窝服务:这项服务利用SpaceX的Starlink卫星星座,直接向手机提供蜂窝连接。这种方法有可能提供广泛的覆盖范围,包括传统蜂窝网络服务不足的地区。

    3. 与T-Mobile的合作:Starlink与T-Mobile的合作旨在扩展移动服务覆盖范围,特别是农村和偏远地区。这一合作预计将在今年晚些时候上线,为T-Mobile客户带来这些先进功能。

    4. 影响:成功的视频通话突显了基于卫星的蜂窝通信的可行性和准备情况,这可以彻底改变连接方式,确保在缺乏传统基础设施的地区也能进行可靠的通信。


    The announcement about the successful first video call made through Starlink Direct to Cell satellites using unmodified mobile phones is a significant milestone in satellite communication technology. This achievement demonstrates the potential of Starlink's satellite network to provide cellular connectivity, even in remote areas where traditional cell towers are not feasible.

    Here's a breakdown of the key points:

    1. First Video Call: The video call was conducted using standard, unmodified mobile phones, indicating that users do not need special devices to benefit from this technology.

    2. Starlink Direct to Cell: This service leverages SpaceX's Starlink satellite constellation to provide cellular connectivity directly to mobile phones. This approach can potentially offer widespread coverage, including areas that are traditionally underserved by cellular networks.

    3. Partnership with T-Mobile: Starlink's collaboration with T-Mobile aims to extend mobile service coverage, particularly in rural and remote locations. This partnership is expected to go live later this year, bringing these advanced capabilities to T-Mobile customers.

    4. Implications: The successful video call highlights the feasibility and readiness of satellite-based cellular communication, which can revolutionize connectivity, ensuring reliable communication in areas lacking traditional infrastructure.

    This development signifies a major leap in bridging the digital divide, providing connectivity solutions to enhance communication, emergency response, and access to information globally.

    首次通过 @Starlink 直连卫星和未修改的手机在 @X 上完成了视频通话!

    我们很高兴今年晚些时候与 @TMobile 一起上线 🛰️🌎



    5/10/2024 [Ava on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776] Ava: We are confident that through Mr. Miles Guo’s trial on May 22, we will shed light on the American traitors and help rebuild America as the beacon of freedom. Grant Stinchfield: The way to take down the CCP is to decouple from it . 

    5/10/2024【莘7女孩做客格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德节目】莘7女孩(艾娃): 我们相信通过郭文贵先生5月22日的庭审,我们将揭示卖美贼、帮助美国重建自由的灯塔;格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:消灭中共的方法就是与其脱钩

    On March 15, 2023, miles guo was arrested.
    The trial will be held on May 22, 2024.

  10. Before Mr. Peter Navarro went to jail: They can put me in jail, they can put you in jail. Denied his rights before a jury trial. I'm scared for this country because what they're doing should chill every American's heart! Wishing Mr. Navarro a safe.

    Steve Bannon’s Conviction Upheld by Appeals Court

    Steve Bannon’s conviction for contempt of Congress was upheld by a federal appeals court on Friday. Bannon was found guilty of failing to comply with a subpoena from the House January 6 Committee and sentenced to four months in federal prison.


    President Trump make statement after court today, “ultimately we have to fight for the constitution”


    Miles Guo’s live broadcast on Jul.27,2022: Miles Guo has warned that Trump, Steve Bannon, and Peter Navarro will all be criminally convicted in 2021. 2021年,郭先生就警告说,川普、史蒂芬·班农、皮特·纳瓦罗都将被刑事入罪 07/27/2022


  11. Without (Miles Guo )Guo Wengui's warning to the United States, the country would not have implemented the travel ban in time to respond to the coronavirus! The consequences for the U.S. today would be unimaginable!

    Navarro acknowledges in his book "In Trump Time" on page 23 that it was Guo Wengui's intelligence that led the U.S. government to consider and issue the travel ban!







    In Peter Navarro's book "In Trump Time," Miles Guo is mentioned in relation to the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. According to Navarro, Miles Guo communicated with Steve Bannon and others, warning that the situation in China was much more severe than the public statements by Chinese authorities indicated at the time. Guo suggested that the virus had already reached the U.S. much earlier than it was officially recognized, partly due to initial inaction. This information influenced some of the U.S. response to the pandemic.

    在彼得·纳瓦罗 (Peter Navarro) 的《特朗普时代》一书中的文字中,文贵先生在谈到 COVID-19 爆发的早期阶段时被提及。据纳瓦罗透露,郭文贵正在与史蒂夫·班农和其他同事就中国的情况进行沟通。据报道,郭先生在中国境内有联系人,他警告说,疫情比中国当局当时公开承认的要严重得多。他表示,该病毒已经在美国出现的时间比官方承认的要早得多,部分原因是最初的不作为。这一信息被认为很重要,因为它构成了美国应对新冠疫情的一部分。


    In Trump Time: Inside America's Plague Year" is a book written by Peter Navarro, who served as the Assistant to the President and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy during the Trump administration. The book provides an insider's account of the Trump administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Navarro offers his perspective on the actions and decisions made during that critical period, as well as his interactions with key figures in the administration and other stakeholders.

    The title "In Trump Time" refers to the urgency with which the administration claimed to address various crises, including the pandemic. Navarro, known for his hardline stance on trade with China and his support for aggressive economic policies, uses the book to present what he views as a defense of the administration's handling of the pandemic, while also criticizing other public health officials and entities whom he believes hindered the response.

    The book is positioned as a firsthand narrative that counters mainstream media portrayals of the administration's pandemic response, providing a unique viewpoint from within the White House's inner workings during a global crisis. Navarro's account is intended to shed light on the complexities and challenges faced by the government during a time of unprecedented public health and economic turmoil.




  12. 中美科技合作协定涉及多个重要领域,其中包括但不限于人工智能、生物技术、机器学习和量子数学等领域 (Fudan Development Institute)。这些领域的合作对于推动科技创新和应对全球挑战尤为关键。


    1. 科研合作减少:该协定为双方科研机构和学者提供了一个官方的合作框架,如果协议失效,可能导致双方科研合作项目的数量减少,影响科研进展速度和质量。

    2. 数据和资源共享障碍:协议中可能包括的数据共享和资源交流条款的失效可能会限制双方在科研和技术开发中的信息和资源流通,从而阻碍科技创新。

    3. 经济和技术竞争加剧:缺少合作的框架可能使得两国在关键技术领域的竞争更加激烈,影响到全球供应链和市场稳定性。

    4. 全球问题应对能力减弱:中美作为世界科技前沿的两大国,合作在应对气候变化、公共卫生等全球性问题上发挥着关键作用。协议的失效可能减弱这种合作,降低解决这些问题的效率和效果。

    5. 知识产权问题增多:协定中包含了关于知识产权的管理和保护的条款。如果协议终止,缺乏明确的共识和标准可能会导致双方在知识产权方面的争议增多 (Fudan Development Institute)




  13. IF12510.pdf



    The document "U.S.-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement" (updated on May 16, 2024) from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) provides a detailed overview of the historical and current status of the Science and Technology Agreement (STA) between the United States and China. Here are the key points and analysis of the content:

    Historical Context and Evolution

    1. Origins and Initial Purpose: The U.S.-China STA was signed on January 31, 1979, by U.S. President Jimmy Carter and PRC leader Deng Xiaoping shortly after the establishment of diplomatic relations. Initially, it aimed to build U.S.-China ties to counter the Soviet Union's influence.

    2. Evolution Over Decades: During the 1980s and 1990s, the focus shifted towards integrating China into the global system and influencing its development. In later years, particularly under President Barack Obama, the STA expanded to address global challenges like health, energy, and climate change.

    Current Challenges and Criticisms

    1. Shift in U.S. Strategy: The U.S. perception of China has evolved, viewing it more as a strategic competitor. Critics argue that the STA does not adequately reflect the U.S.'s concerns regarding China's science and technology practices and industrial policies, including issues like IP theft and restrictive research environments.

    2. Extensions and Negotiations: The STA was set to expire on August 27, 2023, but was extended twice for six months each time to negotiate renewal terms. This indicates ongoing deliberations about the future of the agreement.

    Provisions and Functions of the STA

    1. Objectives and Activities: The STA aims to promote science and technology progress through cooperation, exchanges of personnel and information, joint projects, and more, all based on equality, reciprocity, and mutual benefit.

    2. Governance and Duration: It is overseen by a U.S.-PRC Joint Commission on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, meeting annually to coordinate activities. The agreement is flexible, allowing for modifications or extensions.

    3. Sub-Agreements: The STA includes around 30 agency-level protocols and 40 sub-agreements covering diverse fields such as agriculture, energy, and health, indicating its broad scope and impact.

    Perspectives and Implications

    1. U.S. Views: The U.S. has leveraged the STA to deepen diplomatic ties and advance science, providing American researchers access to extensive research resources. However, there is growing concern about China’s reliability as a research partner and about protecting sensitive capabilities.

    2. Chinese Strategy: China has used the STA to enhance its science and technology capabilities significantly, strategically filling research gaps and building intellectual property in key areas.

    3. Strategic Competition: The rise of China in global science and technology landscapes presents both opportunities and challenges for the U.S., necessitating a careful evaluation of the benefits and risks associated with ongoing cooperation.

    Options for U.S. Policy

    1. Congressional Actions: Options for Congress include renewing the STA with or without modifications, renegotiating it significantly, letting it expire, or shifting focus to other international partnerships.

    2. Legislative Oversight: Potential legislative actions might involve reconstituting reporting requirements, making reports public, or conducting assessments to evaluate the benefits and risks of continued S&T cooperation with China.

    Overall, the document emphasizes the complexity of the U.S.-China science and technology relationship, highlighting both the strategic importance and the contentious issues that shape current and future cooperation.




    1. 起源及初衷:美中STA于1979年1月31日由美国总统吉米·卡特和中国领导人邓小平签署,这是在建立外交关系后不久。最初,目的是通过建立美中关系来抗衡苏联的影响力。

    2. 几十年的演变:在1980年代和1990年代,焦点转向将中国整合到全球体系中并影响其发展。在后来的年份,尤其是在奥巴马总统任内,STA扩展到应对全球挑战,如健康、能源和气候变化。


    1. 美国战略的转变:美国对中国的看法已经演变,更多地将其视为战略竞争对手。批评人士认为,STA并未充分反映美国对中国科技实践和产业政策的担忧,包括知识产权盗窃和限制性研究环境等问题。

    2. 延期和谈判:STA原定于2023年8月27日到期,但两次各延长六个月以谈判更新条款。这表明关于协议未来的讨论正在进行中。


    1. 目标与活动:STA旨在通过合作、人员和信息交流、联合项目等推动科技进展,一切基于平等、互惠和共同利益的原则。

    2. 治理与期限:由中美科技合作联合委员会监督,每年召开会议以协调活动。该协议灵活,允许修改或延期。

    3. 子协议:STA包括约30个机构级协议和40个子协议,涵盖农业、能源和健康等多个领域,显示了其广泛的范围和影响。


    1. 美国观点:美国利用STA加深外交关系并推动科学发展,为美国研究人员提供了广泛的研究资源。然而,对中国作为研究伙伴的可靠性以及保护敏感能力的担忧日益增长。

    2. 中国战略:中国利用STA大幅增强其科技能力,战略性地填补研究空白并在关键领域建立知识产权。

    3. 战略竞争:中国在全球科技领域的地位显著变化,为美国带来了机遇和挑战,需要仔细评估与中国继续合作的利弊。


    1. 国会行动:国会的选项包括(但不限于)按原样更新美中STA、修改并更新STA、显著重修和重新谈判STA、让STA到期、将焦点转向与欧洲、日本等深化STA以及与盟友和伙伴共同开发针对中国的S&T工作方法。

    2. 立法监督:潜在的立法行动可能包括重新设立STA报告要求、公开报告、召开听证会、要求行政部门进行评估或自行进行评估,以评价在STA下与中国进行的美国研究的利弊。






    The website https://crsreports.congress.gov/ is the official site for the Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports. The Congressional Research Service is a public policy research arm of the United States Congress. The CRS provides non-partisan, objective analysis and research on legislative issues to Congress members, committees, and their staff to aid in the legislative process.

    Key features of the CRS Reports website include:

    1. Access to Reports: The site provides access to a wide range of reports on various topics, including economics, foreign policy, environmental issues, and more. These reports are designed to provide comprehensive, unbiased information and analysis to support legislative decision-making.

    2. Search and Browse: Users can search for specific reports or browse through different categories and topics to find relevant information.

    3. Non-Partisan Information: The reports are known for their objectivity and non-partisan stance, ensuring that the information provided is reliable and unbiased.

    4. Updates and Archives: The website is regularly updated with new reports and maintains an archive of older reports, making it a valuable resource for historical research as well as current legislative issues.

    Overall, the CRS Reports website serves as a critical resource for policymakers, researchers, and the general public seeking in-depth, non-partisan analysis of legislative issues.

    网站 https://crsreports.congress.gov/ 是美国国会研究服务处(Congressional Research Service,简称CRS)报告的官方网站。国会研究服务处是美国国会的公共政策研究机构。CRS 提供不偏不倚、客观的分析和研究,帮助国会议员、委员会及其工作人员在立法过程中做出决策。

    CRS 报告网站的主要特点包括:

    1. 访问报告:该网站提供各种主题的报告,包括经济、外交政策、环境问题等。这些报告旨在提供全面、客观的信息和分析,以支持立法决策。

    2. 搜索和浏览:用户可以搜索特定报告,或浏览不同类别和主题,找到相关信息。

    3. 非党派信息:这些报告以其客观性和不偏不倚的立场著称,确保所提供的信息可靠且无偏见。

    4. 更新和存档:网站定期更新新报告,并保留旧报告的存档,使其成为进行历史研究以及当前立法问题的宝贵资源。

    总体而言,CRS 报告网站是政策制定者、研究人员以及寻求深入、不偏不倚的立法问题分析的公众的重要资源。

  14. 新中国联邦独家情报:


    May 14th, the New Federal State of China brought another exclusive intelligence on Solomon Islands, because of the election of pro-CCP former diplomat Jeremiah Manele as the new prime minister of Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands will continue its pro-CCP policies. The opposition parties in Solomon Islands have decided to retaliate against the Chinese living in Solomon Islands with violent activities.



    1. 中共加快一体化应急应战管理体系建设。 征求意见稿已下发,通过后全国实施, 包括企事业单位、国企、大型私企,都要设立武装部。发生对外战争或内部动乱时,一是对付老百姓,二是对付外面。
    2. 中共想借美方希望中共调解中东之乱作筹码,换取美日菲在南海问题上让步。
    3. 中阿部长级峰会很快会在北京召开。 中共不希望中东和平,希望扩展自己的中东影响力。
    4. 习近平5月初将出访法国、塞尔维亚、匈牙利,中共内部正在设计扩大习访欧的成果和影响力。习将与法国总统马克龙共同发表有关俄乌战争联合声明。
    5. 伊朗的挫败整个动摇了中共提出的“向东看”,也影响/降低了中东对中共的依赖和倚仗。
    6. 欧盟将对中共十几家中资港资企业进行制裁,匈牙利总理欧尔班主动询问中共是否需要其出面阻止。欧尔班在上海有大量资产,其女儿在疫情期间赴上海打理资产。
    7. 泽连斯基希望与习近平在匈牙利见面,习尚未答复。如果习不见面,特使李辉将与乌克兰驻华大使见面。
    8. 习要求军委加快落实向友好国家出口更新更好军事设备。第一批国家有委内瑞拉、哈萨克斯坦、古巴、乌兹别克斯坦、也门。 出口设备涉及枪炮、器械、炸弹、无人机、导弹,包括红旗导弹歼10-100,飞弩 FN6、FN16 便携式防空导弹、运3运输机、飞鸿901无人机等。
    9. 所罗门群岛现任总理梅纳西·索加瓦雷(Manasseh Sogavare)认为自己连选后会发生内乱,希望中共根据2022年签署的安全协议,出人出装备,帮其维稳。
    10. 瑙鲁在与中共谈警务合作安全协议,培训、装备等费用都由中共承担。
    11. 普京连任后首次出访定于5·15访华,将要求中共协助说服欧洲,推动俄罗斯主导的“欧亚大陆安全架构”,其核心是欧亚人主导欧亚问题。
    12. 中共欧亚事务特使李辉在北京大范围约见各国驻华大使,说服他们支持俄罗斯。
    13. 针对台湾赖清德5·20上任,习近平要求,调动各部门各层级力量,破坏台湾的国际经贸环境,并进行军事打压。对与台交好国要分类施策。要打压报复惩戒台湾邦交国。各领事馆要按照中共中央精神灵活处置。对美国要软硬兼施两手准备,用好美国有求于中国的心态,提前施以重手迫使美国履行对台承诺。对岛内各派要拉打结合,要让民进党支持者付出代价。以上已经在实施中。
    14. 中共一直在围绕台海战争做准备,向各有关部门布置了未来3~6个月的演练内容。目前已下达涉外动员的8个方面能力提升要求: 1)协同友好国家支持能力; 2)分化打击欧美的能力; 3)利用仇美国家袭击干扰美国的能力; 4)主持北朝鲜牵制美韩的能力; 5)影响国际舆论的能力; 6)侦察情报打击能力; 7)诱骗误导能力; 8)应对突发不可控的外部环境的能力。
    15. 非洲东部的索马里兰向中共示好,称只要中共支持其独立建国, 将与台湾断绝关系。
    16. 中共海军已通过加快在非洲和北印度洋推进提高实现可持续战斗力的规划,将需要6个月时间预演,旨在维持中共在相关地区的军事存在和持续战斗力。
    17. 中共正在推动核技术在非洲落地。
    18. 习近平批示交通部组建大型特殊运输团队,已经针对该团队的规模、归属、如何避免美国制裁等在各城市做调研,旨在为应对中共国本土、台海地区、或海外其他地区发生大规模战争行动做准备。


    Breaking: New exclusive information released by the NFSC on April 27th (1 of 18)

    1. The CCP is accelerating the construction of a society-wide civil-military integrated emergency response management system, the draft of which has been issued for comment and will be implemented nationwide after its adoption.
    2. Xi wants to use the CCP's influence in the Middle East to take advantage of the U.S.'s desire to coordinate with the CCP. He also wants to recieve the U.S., Japan and the Philippines' concessions on the issue of the South China Sea.
    3. A Sino-Arab State Summit will soon be held in Beijing, attended by some heads of state from Middle Eastern countries.
    4. Xi Jinping is visiting France, Serbia and Hungary from May 6-11, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) is internally designing ways to amplify the results and significance of Xi's trip to Europe. Xi and Macron will issue a joint statement on the Russia-Ukraine war.
    5. The recent setback for Iran in the Middle East conflict has shaken the Middle East countries' confidence in the security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s "Look East" proposal, affecting the Middle East's reliance on the CCP.
    6. The European Union is preparing to impose sanctions on a dozen Chinese and Hong Kong companies, and Hungary has asked the CCP if it needs assistance in the EU to stop the sanctions. Offering to mediate, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has substantial assets in the Shanghai, which his daughter managed while she is in Shanghai during the epidemic.
    7. Ukrainian President Zelensky has offered to meet with Xi during his visit to Hungary, which has not yet been confirmed by Xi. If not, the CCP envoy plans to meet with the Ukrainian ambassador to China in Beijing.
    8. Xi Jinping instructed the Military Commission to speed up the implementation of the export of military equipment, including guns, instruments, bombs, drones, and missiles, to countries friendly to the Chinese Communist Party. The first exports involved countries such as Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. Specific weapons include the Red Flag series Sword 10-100, Flying Crossbow FN-6, FN-16 portable air defense missiles, Transport 3, and Feihong 901 drones.
    9. The current Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, has given the CCP an indication that he can be re-elected, but there will be civil unrest in the country. Australia and New Zealand will not intervene, hoping to help stabilize the country after the CCP steps in under a security agreement signed between the two sides in 2022.
    10. Nauru is negotiating a security agreement with the Chinese Communist Party for police cooperation. The Chinese Communist Party will bear the costs of funding, training, and equipment.
    11. Putin's first trip to China after his reelection is scheduled for May 15, and he will ask the CCP to help promote the Russian-led Eurasian Continental Security Architecture, which centers on the idea of "Eurasians taking charge of Eurasian issues," and for the CCP to lobby its European allies to support the Russian architecture.
    12. Putin's first trip to China after his reelection is scheduled for May 15, and he will ask the CCP to help promote the Russian-led Eurasian Continental Security Architecture, which centers on the idea of "Eurasians taking charge of Eurasian issues," and for the CCP to lobby its European allies to support the Russian architecture. Li Hui, the Chinese Communist Party's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs, has made extensive appointments with ambassadors in Beijing to convince them to support Russia. So far, we have learned that the BRICS countries, SCO member countries, some African countries, and a few Eurasian countries have expressed their support.
    13. In response to Taiwan's Lai Ching-Te taking office in 520, Xi Jinping has called for mobilizing forces from all sectors and at all levels to suppress and undermine Taiwan's international environment, economy, trade, science, technology, and military. Countries that are friendly with Taiwan should be categorized, suppressed, retaliated against, and punished. The consulates should flexibly follow the intent of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
    14. The CCP has been preparing for "peace and war in the Taiwan Strait" and has set out the contents of exercises for the next three to six months to all relevant departments.
      1️⃣Synergizing the supportive capacity of friendly countries
      2️⃣The ability to divide and conquer Europe and America
      3️⃣Use of America-hate attacks to interfere with U.S. capabilities
      4️⃣Leveraging North Korea's ability to hold back the U.S., Japan and South Korea
      5️⃣Ability to influence international public opinion
      6️⃣Reconnaissance Intelligence Strike Capability
      7️⃣ Ability to entice and mislead
      8️⃣Ability to cope with unexpected and uncontrollable external environment
    15. Somaliland in eastern Africa has made overtures to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), saying it will sever ties with Taiwan as long as the CCP supports its independent statehood.
    16. The Chinese Communist Navy's plan to accelerate its advance in Africa and the northern Indian Ocean to improve its ability to achieve sustainable combat power has been formally adopted after a six-month preview of the plan.
    17. The Chinese Communist Party of China (CCP) is pushing for nuclear technology in Africa.
    18. Xi Jinping instructed the Ministry of Transportation to set up a large fleet of special transport ships for special operations in wartime. Coordinated research is now underway on multi-layered issues such as size, ownership, and how to avoid sanctions.
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