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Posts posted by Roger

  1. starfig.jpg starfig2.jpg
    Starlink operational configuration| Starlink运行配置   Starlink ascent configuration |Starlink升空配置
    (Images: SpaceX)


    星链覆盖追踪器 |Starlink Coverage Tracker:  https://starlink.sx/



    数据最后更新时间:2024 年 3 月 26 日

    任务 总卫星数 在轨卫星 提前退役 正常运行 处置中 异常 预留 上升 运行轨道
    Starlink Gen1 4015 3647 215 3590 120 0 0 0 3450
    Starlink Gen2A 2062 2033 46 2020 5 0 86 133 1709
    总计 6077 5680 261 5610 125 0 86 133 5159


    • 卫星总数:已发射的卫星总数。
    • 在轨卫星:已到达轨道且未提前退役的卫星总数,无论是否正常运行。
    • 提前退役:已提前退役的卫星总数。
    • 正常运行:仍在轨道上正常运行的卫星总数。
    • 处置中:正在进行处置,即将提前退役的卫星总数。
    • 异常:处于异常状态的卫星总数。
    • 预留:处于预留状态的卫星总数。
    • 上升:正在升高到运行轨道的卫星总数。
    • 运行轨道:处于运行轨道的卫星总数。


    Data last updated: 2024 Mar 26

    Mission Total Satellites In Orbit Early Deorbit Operational Disposal Anomalous Reserve Ascent Operational Orbit
    Starlink Gen1 4015 3647 215 3590 120 0 0 0 3450
    Starlink Gen2A 2062 2033 46 2020 5 0 86 133 1709
    Total 6077 5680 261 5610 125 0 86 133 5159


    • Total Satellites: Total number of satellites launched.
    • In Orbit: Total number of satellites that have reached orbit and have not yet been early deorbited, regardless of operational status.
    • Early Deorbit: Total number of satellites that have been early deorbited.
    • Operational: Total number of satellites currently operational in orbit.
    • Disposal: Total number of satellites currently undergoing disposal process.
    • Anomalous: Total number of satellites in anomalous status.
    • Reserve: Total number of satellites in reserve status.
    • Ascent: Total number of satellites currently ascending to operational orbit.
    • Operational Orbit: Total number of satellites in operational orbit.


    引用来源|Source: https://planet4589.org/space/con/star/stats.html


    发表时间:2023 年 2 月 26 日

    Since the original license to operate the Starlink Generation 1 network was granted in March 2018, SpaceX has rapidly deployed satellites to bring internet to the hardest to reach places in the United States and abroad. Five years later, SpaceX has launched nearly 4,000 satellites and is providing highspeed internet to more than one million locations around the world, the majority of which are households. Starlink continues to grow rapidly, and SpaceX has raced to keep up with a surging demand for connectivity across the globe, especially in areas where few, if any, options for broadband connections have existed before now.


    With the recent authorization of our second-generation network, or "Gen2," SpaceX will provide even faster speeds to more users. This new authorization enables SpaceX to launch additional, much-improved spacecraft with significantly more throughput per satellite than the first-generation systems. For the end consumer, this means more bandwidth and increased reliability. As a result, millions of more people will have access to high-speed internet no matter where they live.


    V2 Mini

    V2 迷你版

    SpaceX will soon launch a new generation of satellites that are larger and more capable than earlier generations. We call these satellites "V2," and there will be two separate versions of this satellite design: one that is compatible with the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, and one that is compatible with the Starship launch vehicle. When we launch V2 satellites on Falcon 9, they won’t be the full-size version that are designed to be launched on Starship. The V2 satellites launched on Falcon 9 are a bit smaller, so we affectionately refer to them as "V2 Mini" satellites. But don’t let the name fool you, a V2 Mini satellite has four times the capacity for serving users compared to its earlier counterparts.



    Space Sustainability and Safety


    As we begin to deploy our Gen2 network, SpaceX will continue to lead the industry in creating a safe and sustainable space environment. SpaceX includes sustainability as a critical design element for its satellite operations, ensuring that no debris remains in space longer than five years, should a satellite become non-maneuverable. SpaceX adheres to, and significantly exceeds, any applicable requirements or industry best practices, and operates with full transparency, even going beyond what is required by U.S. regulations. As we've detailed in a previous update, numerous filings with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), and an "Industry Best Practices" guide, SpaceX’s space safety approach includes many elements that greatly enhance sustainability.


    These include:


    • Design and build reliability. SpaceX satellites are designed and built with high reliability, around 99% after the deployment of nearly 4,000 satellites.

    • 设计和建造可靠性。SpaceX卫星的设计和建造具有很高的可靠性,部署了近4000颗卫星后,约为99%。

    • Operations below 600 km. SpaceX has chosen to operate the vast majority of our satellites at an altitude below 600 km. At these altitudes, objects will decay and reenter due to atmospheric drag within a short period of time in rare off-nominal scenarios, eliminating the risk of persistent orbital debris.

    • 在600公里以下的运行。SpaceX选择在海拔低于600公里的绝大多数卫星上进行操作。在这些高度,物体会因为大气阻力而在短时间内衰变并重新进入,从而在罕见的非标准情况下消除持续轨道碎片的风险。

    • Deployment into low-insertion orbit below space stations. At these low altitudes (below 400 km), any SpaceX satellites that do not pass initial system checkouts are quickly deorbited actively, or by atmospheric drag.

    • 部署到低于空间站的低插入轨道。在这些低海拔(低于400公里)的高度,任何未通过初始系统检查的SpaceX卫星都将被快速主动地或通过大气阻力进行迅速的去轨。

    • Radical transparency and data sharing with the U.S. government and other satellite owners/operators to ensure full space situational awareness. SpaceX openly shares high-fidelity future position and velocity prediction data for all SpaceX spacecraft, along with uncertainties on those predictions. In addition, SpaceX is the only operator that provides routine system “health reports” to the FCC.

    • 与美国政府和其他卫星所有者/运营商的彻底透明度和数据共享,以确保全面的空间态势感知。SpaceX向所有SpaceX航天器公开分享高保真度的未来位置和速度预测数据,以及这些预测的不确定性。此外,SpaceX是唯一向FCC提供定期系统“健康报告”的运营商。

    • Advanced collision avoidance systems protect SpaceX and other satellites. SpaceX satellites utilize an autonomous collision avoidance system that ensures spacecraft have the most up to date information to mitigate close approaches with tracked objects (including debris and active satellites). SpaceX’s autonomous collision avoidance system has been scrutinized by NASA’s Conjunction Assessment and Risk Analysis (CARA) program, which deemed it sufficiently trustworthy to rely on to avoid collisions with NASA spacecraft.

    • 先进的碰撞回避系统保护SpaceX和其他卫星。SpaceX卫星利用自主碰撞回避系统,确保航天器具有最新的信息,以减轻与被跟踪物体(包括碎片和活跃卫星)的接近。SpaceX的自主碰撞回避系统已经得到了NASA的共轨评估和风险分析(CARA)计划的审查,认为它是足够可信的,可以依靠避免与NASA航天器碰撞。

    • Post-mission disposal. SpaceX satellites are propulsively deorbited within weeks of spacecraft end of mission. This vastly exceeds the international standard of 25 years.

    • 任务后处置。SpaceX卫星在航天器任务结束几周内被推动进行轨道退役。这远远超过了国际标准的25年。

    • Starlink spacecraft are 100% demisable. At end of life, SpaceX satellites are designed to fully demise upon atmospheric reentry, eliminating the risk of falling debris.

    • 星链航天器可以100%被销毁。在寿命结束时,SpaceX卫星被设计为在大气再入时完全销毁,消除了掉落碎片的风险。

    • Best Practices. SpaceX’s approach to space safety relies on extreme transparency in operations, and SpaceX has collaborated with other operators and experts in developing “Industry Best Practices” based on operational lessons learned. SpaceX encourages all operators to implement these best practices to keep space safe and sustainable.

    • 最佳实践。SpaceX的空间安全方法依赖于在操作中的极端透明度,SpaceX已经与其他运营商和专家合作,根据运营经验制定了“行业最佳实践”。SpaceX鼓励所有运营商实施这些最佳实践,以保持空间的安全和可持续性。

    Brightness Mitigations


    SpaceX has also prioritized collaboration with astronomers and scientists to mitigate the impact of Starlink satellite streaks on their observations. For our Gen1 network, SpaceX proactively requested two license modifications from the FCC to reflect two different deployment phases to lower the operating altitude of the satellites. These modifications were a crucial mitigation for astronomers and one endorsed by the American Astronomical Society to reduce impacts on astronomy, as well as improve space safety with respect to orbital debris mitigation. More recently, the National Science Foundation and SpaceX announced an updated coordination agreement to protect astronomy and continue collaboration on mitigation practices.


    As we've detailed in an earlier update, SpaceX has proactively collaborated with astronomers and the U.S. government by dedicating engineers and resources to design and deploy mitigations and run experiments to test their efficacy. Initially, for example, SpaceX experimented with a dark paint to absorb sunlight. But when in-space experiments showed this mitigation was less effective than desired, SpaceX pivoted to development of a visor—VisorSat—to block sunlight from hitting the satellite and reflecting back to the Earth. SpaceX also implemented flight configuration changes to minimize the surface area of the spacecraft from which a reflection could result—both highly effective mitigations. SpaceX also started using dielectric mirror film on many surfaces of the satellite, which reflects light away from the ground and leads to less reflectivity.


    Since the first use of mirrors on our satellites, we’ve made significant improvements in mirror film technology and its application. We’ve also developed an industry leading space-qualified black paint for angled surfaces or those not conducive to mirror adhesion. SpaceX continues development with additional technologies, including a combination of dielectric mirror film (developed and made by SpaceX), which reflects sunlight away from the Earth, and the SpaceX-developed, low-reflectivity black paint, which reduces lower specular peak by a factor of five compared to the darkest available space stable paint. These improvements are implemented on our V2 satellites. With several years of experience and the ability to design, test, and field mitigation strategies, mitigations were able to be “baked into” the design of the V2 satellites from the start. Additionally, we’ve designed our solar arrays to allow off-pointing to reduce reflections as a satellite approaches the terminator. So, while our V2 Mini satellites are larger than earlier versions, we’re still expecting them to be as dark or darker once the full range of mitigations are implemented and the satellites reach their operational orbit.


    However, we want to emphasize that even though brightness component measurements, ground modeling, and analysis show effective brightness mitigations, we won’t know the full efficacy of our efforts until on-orbit observations are made of the satellites and data is collected and analyzed. What we learn from early observations will help us improve and refine mitigations. These V2 Mini satellites may be somewhat bright initially, especially during orbit raising and initial operations, but as our track record demonstrates, SpaceX will work tirelessly to refine design/manufacturing/materials and operational mitigations and continue to work with astronomers toward reducing the brightness of our satellites. Critically, we will also share our insights with other operators to protect the shared space domain. To that end, SpaceX will continue to make the dielectric mirror film and dark paint we’ve developed available at cost to other satellite developers and owner/operators.



    原文 Source :https://api.starlink.com/public-files/Gen2StarlinkSatellites.pdf


    Starlink engineering teams have been focused on improving the performance of our network with the goal of delivering a service with stable 20 millisecond (ms) median latency and minimal packet loss.


    Over the past month, we have meaningfully reduced median and worst-case latency for users around the world. In the United States alone, we reduced median latency by more than 30%, from 48.5ms to 33ms during hours of peak usage. Worst-case peak hour latency (p99) has dropped by over 60%, from over 150ms to less than 65ms. Outside of the United States, we have also reduced median latency by up to 25% and worst-case latencies by up to 35%.




    Latency refers to the amount of time, usually measured in milliseconds, that it takes for a packet to be sent from your Starlink router to the internet and for the response to be received. This is also known as “round-trip time”, or RTT. Latency is one of the most important factors in your perceived experience when using the internet – web pages load faster, audio and video calls feel closer to real-life, and online gaming feels responsive. As an example, testing has shown that increasing bandwidth beyond around 10 Mbps does not increase web-page load time, but a reduction in latency results in substantially lower load times.

    延迟是指从您的星链路由器发送数据包到互联网并接收响应所需的时间,通常以毫秒为单位计量。这也被称为“往返时间”,或RTT。延迟是使用互联网时感知体验中最重要的因素之一 - 网页加载更快,音频和视频通话感觉更接近真实,在线游戏感觉更具响应性。例如,测试表明,将带宽增加到10 Mbps以上并不会增加网页加载时间,但延迟减少会大大降低加载时间。

    To measure Starlink’s latency, we collect anonymized measurements from millions of Starlink routers every 15 seconds. These 15 second average latencies are then used to calculate the median and worst-case latency. The median (50th percentile or p50) refers to the point where half of the latency measurements are below that number and the other half are above. The worst-case latency, or 99th percentile, is defined as the place where 99% of measurements are better than the point. While we look at data from all points in time, we specifically focus on the performance during hours of peak usage (6-9 PM local time), when the largest number of people are using Starlink, and the network is under the most load.



    What Drives Latency 是什么造成了延迟

    Latency in the Starlink network is driven by several factors. The biggest ones are:


    • Physical speed-of-light propagation from the user to the satellite and back to the ground. This is in the range of 1.8-3.6ms per leg, and usually under 10ms for the round-trip. Additional latency can be induced if traffic flows over laser links, instead of directly to the ground (as a result of congestion mitigation, lack of satellite to ground paths, or other factors). While laser connectivity is essential for connecting the most remote locations on Earth and for routing around congestion in the network, we are making strides to ensure that latency sensitive traffic can flow over the shortest path possible.

    • 用户到卫星再返回地面的物理光速传播。这一传播时间在1.8-3.6毫秒之间,通常往返不超过10毫秒。如果流量通过激光链路而不是直接传输到地面(这是由于拥塞缓解、缺乏卫星到地面路径或其他因素造成的),可能会引入额外的延迟。虽然激光连接对于连接地球上最偏远的地区以及在网络中绕过拥塞至关重要,但我们正在努力确保延迟敏感的流量能够沿着尽可能最短的路径流动。

    • Ground latency from the gateway sites to the internet connection point driven by ground network layout. In 2024, we are adding 6 internet connect locations (called Points of Presence, or PoPs) in the US and are optimizing gateway locations and our planning algorithms to ensure that traffic can land as close to its destination point as possible. We will continue to ensure that users are allocated to optimal internet connection locations, so that all users get the lowest latency possible route to the internet.

    • 从网关站点到互联网连接点的地面延迟,受地面网络布局的影响。2024年,我们将在美国增加6个互联网连接位置(称为PoPs),并优化网关位置和我们的规划算法,以确保流量尽可能地靠近其目标点着陆。我们将继续确保用户被分配到最佳的互联网连接位置,以便所有用户都能得到通往互联网的最低延迟路径。

    • Fronthaul (the radio links between the satellite and user) scheduling latency driven by the network topology and the number of users served by a given beam from a satellite. While this latency is an inherent part of shared wireless systems, there is significant room for optimization, and this has been a major focus in the past several months.

    • 前向链路(卫星与用户之间的无线电链路)调度延迟,受网络拓扑和由卫星给定波束服务的用户数量的影响。虽然这种延迟是共享无线系统的固有部分,但存在着重要的优化空间,这已经成为过去几个月的主要焦点。

    • Dumb stuff driven by non-physical limitations in our system – unneeded processing delays, unoptimized buffers, or unnecessary packet drops that force retries. Buffers across our network have been right sized to reduce bufferbloat, and queueing algorithms have been improved to increase capacity on our gateway links from the ground to satellites. Our WiFi latency has been improved, with the addition of active queue management, fq_codel, to the Starlink WiFi router. With active queue management enabled, when one person on your WiFi is downloading a big file, and another is playing a game, the game latency will not be affected by the download.

    • 非物理限制导致的愚蠢问题 - 不必要的处理延迟、未经优化的缓冲区或不必要的数据包丢弃,迫使重试。我们网络中的缓冲区已经被正确调整大小以减少缓冲区过度膨胀,并且排队算法已经得到改进,以增加从地面到卫星的网关链路的容量。我们的WiFi延迟得到了改善,通过向星链WiFi路由器添加积极的队列管理,fq_codel。启用积极的队列管理后,当您WiFi上的一个人正在下载大文件时,另一个人正在玩游戏,游戏延迟不会受到下载的影响。


    Continuing Towards Our 20ms Goal 继续朝着我们的20毫秒目标努力

    Over the past several months, monitoring and metrics have also been added across the network to measure latency on every subsystem down to the microsecond. We have rigorously tuned our algorithms to prefer paths with lower latency, no matter how small the difference and to remove any and all sources of unnecessary and non-physical latency.


    This is just a selection of some of the most impactful changes we have made. Since the beginning of the year, teams have deployed and tested 193 different satellite software builds, 75 gateway software builds, 222 Starlink software builds, and 57 WiFi software builds.


    Thank you to our 2.6M+ customers for choosing Starlink. You can expect latency to continue to improve over the coming weeks and months as we prioritize software changes, build additional ground infrastructure, and launch more satellites. In future updates, we’ll communicate other performance statistics and goals of our network as we work to improve your experience.


    Be sure to check the latest latency statistics for your region at starlink.com/map.


  4. 马斯克: SpaceX just achieved peak download speed of 17Mb/s from satellite direct to unmodified Samsung Android phonea







    洛杉矶,2024年3月2日 - 世界领先的航天公司SpaceX今天宣布,他们成功实现了一项里程碑式的技术突破,将卫星通信直接连接到未经修改的智能手机。该公司的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)通过推特宣布了这一消息。





    关于SpaceX Space Exploration Technologies Corp.(SpaceX)成立于2002年,是一家总部位于美国加利福尼亚州霍桑的航天公司,由埃隆·马斯克创立。该公司致力于通过研发和运营先进的火箭和太空舱,推动人类探索太空的进程。SpaceX的使命是实现人类成为一个多行星物种的愿景,为未来的太空探索和殖民铺平道路。

  5.  9/7/2022 Miles Guo: With the development of Starlink and other satellite internet services, the CCP's Great Firewall will become ineffective. However, the CCP will try to stop Chinese people from using satellite internet through PCR tests, encouraging people to rat on each other, and installing jammers in most cities. Getter will end up as the biggest winner!

    9/7/2022 文贵直播:随着星链和天网的发展,中共国的防火墙会基本失效;到那时共产党会通过测试核糖核酸、让老百姓互相检举揭发和布置干扰器来阻止中国人使用天网;盖特一定会成为大赢家!  





    PayMap论坛 星链通信交流中心



    我们诚挚地邀请您加入Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心,这是一个致力于为中国星链通信用户搭建交流平台的社区。在这里,您可以与其他用户分享经验、提出问题、探讨技术,共同探索星链通信所带来的无限可能。

    随着天空WIFI 星链通信在中国市场的推出,特别是StraLink已大量部署并投入使用的第二代星链卫星,不需要卫星与手机之间的额外接收硬件手机直连星链卫星的功能。我们意识到中国用户面临着独特的挑战和机遇。尽管我们迎来了一个绕开网络防火墙的新时代,但同时也面临着政府监管和控制的挑战。在这样的背景下,我们希望通过Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心,为中国用户提供一个安全、开放、充满活力的交流平台,让您能够自由地分享想法、交流经验,共同探索星链通信的前景和可能性。 


    • 了解最新的星链通信技术和应用。
    • 分享您的使用经验和技巧,帮助其他用户解决问题。
    • 参与讨论和交流,探索星链通信的创新应用和发展方向。
    • 参与活动和赛事,与其他用户一起共同成长和学习。

    无论您是星链通信的新手还是资深用户,我们都欢迎您的加入。我们相信,通过您的参与和贡献,Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心将成为一个真正有活力、有影响力的社区,为中国星链通信用户带来更多的价值和机遇。

    点击这里立即加入Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心,与我们一起开启星链通信之旅!


    To Chinese Starlink Communication Users:

    Dear Users,

    We cordially invite you to join the Paymap Forum - Starlink Communication Center, a community dedicated to providing a communication platform for Chinese Starlink communication users. Here, you can share experiences, ask questions, discuss technology, and explore the infinite possibilities brought by Starlink communication together with other users.

    With the introduction of Sky WIFI Starlink Communication in the Chinese market, especially the second-generation Starlink satellites that have been deployed and put into use in large numbers, eliminating the need for additional receiving hardware between satellites and mobile phones, allowing direct connection between mobile phones and Starlink satellites. We recognize that Chinese users face unique challenges and opportunities. Although we welcome a new era of bypassing the network firewall, we also face challenges of government regulation and control. In this context, through the Paymap Forum - Starlink Communication Center, we hope to provide Chinese users with a safe, open, and vibrant communication platform, allowing you to freely share ideas, exchange experiences, and explore the prospects and possibilities of Starlink communication.

    As a community member, you will have the opportunity to:

    - Learn about the latest Starlink communication technology and applications.
    - Share your usage experiences and tips to help other users solve problems.
    - Participate in discussions and exchanges to explore innovative applications and development directions of Starlink communication.
    - Participate in activities and competitions to grow and learn together with other users.

    Whether you are a novice or an experienced user of Starlink communication, we welcome your participation. We believe that through your participation and contributions, the Paymap Forum - Starlink Communication Center will become a truly dynamic and influential community, bringing more value and opportunities to Chinese Starlink communication users.

    Click here to join the Paymap Forum - Starlink Communication Center now and embark on the journey of Starlink communication with us!



    Best wishes for enjoyable communication in the world of Starlink Communication!


    Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心团队

    Paymap Forum - Starlink Communication Center Team



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    Gettr:  https://gettr.com/user/paymap

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    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@paymap


  6.  9/7/2022 Miles Guo: With the development of Starlink and other satellite internet services, the CCP's Great Firewall will become ineffective. However, the CCP will try to stop Chinese people from using satellite internet through PCR tests, encouraging people to rat on each other, and installing jammers in most cities. Getter will end up as the biggest winner!

    9/7/2022 文贵直播:随着星链和天网的发展,中共国的防火墙会基本失效;到那时共产党会通过测试核糖核酸、让老百姓互相检举揭发和布置干扰器来阻止中国人使用天网;盖特一定会成为大赢家!  





    PayMap论坛 星链通信交流中心



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    随着天空WIFI 星链通信在中国市场的推出,我们意识到中国用户面临着独特的挑战和机遇。尽管我们迎来了一个绕开网络防火墙的新时代,但同时也面临着政府监管和控制的挑战。在这样的背景下,我们希望通过Paymap论坛 星链通信交流中心,为中国用户提供一个安全、开放、充满活力的交流平台,让您能够自由地分享想法、交流经验,共同探索星链通信的前景和可能性。


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  7. 引用


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  8. History of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from birth till date (2023).

    Covers all the important events happened in due course of time with the AI Winter period.





    1. 早期探索(1950年代):艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)在1950年提出了著名的“图灵测试”,这标志着人工智能研究的开端。约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)在1956年举办了达特茅斯会议,正式将“人工智能”这一术语提出,并提出了第一个人工智能程序——逻辑推理的“Logic Theorist”。

    2. 初期进展(1950年代至1960年代):在这一时期,研究者们开始探索各种AI技术,包括专家系统、搜索算法和机器学习。1957年,弗兰克·罗森布拉特(Frank Rosenblatt)开发了第一个神经网络模型——感知器。

    3. 第一个AI冬季(1970年代至1980年代初):尽管在20世纪70年代初期人工智能研究有了一定的进展,但是由于技术的局限性和期望过高而陷入了低谷。资金削减、研究方向不明确以及缺乏有效的技术进展都是这一时期AI冬季的特征。

    4. 专家系统的兴起(1980年代):在AI冬季期间,专家系统成为研究的重点。专家系统利用专家知识来模拟人类决策过程。这一时期还出现了一些重要的AI语言和工具,如Lisp和Prolog。

    5. 第二次AI冬季(1980年代后期至1990年代初):尽管专家系统在一些领域取得了成功,但是由于技术无法实现预期的智能水平,以及商业应用的失望,人工智能再次陷入低谷。

    6. 机器学习的复兴(1990年代至2000年代):随着计算能力的提高和数据的可用性增加,机器学习重新成为人工智能研究的关键领域。支持向量机(Support Vector Machines)和随机森林(Random Forests)等算法的发展使得机器学习在模式识别、自然语言处理等领域取得了突破。

    7. 深度学习的崛起(2010年代):随着大数据的涌现和计算资源的大幅增加,深度学习成为了人工智能研究的焦点。深度神经网络在图像识别、语音识别、自然语言处理等任务上取得了巨大成功。

    8. AI的应用广泛普及(2010年代至今):人工智能技术开始广泛应用于各个领域,包括医疗保健、金融、交通、制造业等。自动驾驶汽车、智能助手、智能家居等产品逐渐走入人们的日常生活。

    9. AI的道德和伦理挑战(2010年代至今):随着人工智能技术的普及,相关的道德和伦理问题日益凸显。包括隐私保护、算法偏见、自主武器系统等问题引起了人们的关注和讨论。




  9. Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced the nation. With a steady hand, he held up a vial of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, promising it would be the key to protecting America and its children from the “deadly” COVID-19 disease supposedly ravaging the country. But little did the public know, the truth about the Covid vaccine’s safety had been buried deep within Fauci’s own lies and deceit and confidential U.S. Government and Pfizer documents. Fauci used propaganda, lies and manipulation to coerce parents into getting their children vaccinated.







    But the weight of the lives lost has quickly come crashing down on him and the nation, as a secret Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report has revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults died within a year of his fateful announcement with over 118,000 of those deaths suspected to be due to the Covid-19 vaccine’s dangerous side effects.

    The CDC report should spark widespread outrage and be on the front page of every single major newspaper. But instead, it has been and will continue to be met with a deafening silence. Despite the staggering death toll the report will be buried and swept under the carpet.

    The mainstream media, consumed with working overtime to distract the public with propaganda on the war in Ukraine, alleged climate change and the cost of living crisis, has paid and will pay no attention to the devastating consequences of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s deception.

    The public will continue to be kept in the dark, and the U.S. Government will move quickly to cover up its own involvement in the tragedy. With Dr Fauci quietly announcing his “retirement” in August 2022.

    It’s all business as usual and simply just another day at the office. But it is also a shocking failure of transparency and accountability, and the people of the United States should be forever haunted by the lives lost due to the Covid-19 vaccine scandal.










    Compared to other countries, the U.S. Government has been terrible at publishing relevant and up-to-date data allowing us to analyse the consequences of rolling out the Covid-19 injections. However, we have finally managed to stumble upon it thanks to an institution known as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).

    The OEC is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. And for some reason, they host a wealth of data on excess deaths. You can find that data for yourself here.

    The following chart has been created using the figures found in the OEC database. Figures that have been provided to the OEC by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And it shows excess deaths among children and young adults aged 0-44 across the USA by week in 2020 and 2021.





    The official figures reveal that there was a slight increase in excess deaths among children and young adults when the alleged Covid-19 pandemic hit the US in early 2020.

    However, with the introduction of a Covid-19 injection, one would have expected deaths to have fallen significantly among the age group in 2021. But instead, the opposite happened.

    Excess deaths among children and young adults were significantly higher every single week in 2021 than they were in 2020 except for weeks 29 and 30. But then in week 31, something drastic happened to cause excess deaths to rise significantly among children and young adults.

    And official figures provided by the CDC, unfortunately, show that trend has continued in 2022.






    The most recent data released by the CDC covers up to week 40, the week ending October 9th, and it should be noted that the last few weeks of data are subject to change. But as you can see from the above, 2022 has also been a significant year for excess deaths among children and young adults.

    Just for comparison, here’s how the figures for 2022 so far compare to the figures up to week 40 in 2020 and 2021.




    The CDC has confirmed that there have been 7,680 more excess deaths among children and young adults in 2022 so far than there were during the same time frame in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

    The year 2021, was by and far the worst, however, with 27,227 more excess deaths by week 40 following the roll-out of the Covid-19 injection than what occurred in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

    The following chart shows the official CDC figures for all deaths and excess deaths among children and young adults across the USA prior to the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine, and after the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines on the 14th Dec. 2020.





    The above figures reveal that the year 2022 so far has only seen 1,352 fewer excess deaths among 0-44-year-olds by week 40 than what occurred by week 51 in 2022, despite the year 2020 being the alleged height of the COVID pandemic and also including an extra 11 weeks worth of deaths.

    But the most concerning figures revealed in the above chart are the overall number of deaths and excess deaths among children and young adults since the roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

    Nearly half a million people aged 0 to 44 have sadly died since week 51 of 2020, and this has resulted in an astounding 117,719 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

    The average life expectancy in the USA as of 2020 was 77.28 years. If we are to believe the official narrative that Covid-19 is a deadly disease then we could perhaps agree that 231,987 children and young adults up to the age of 44 dying in 2020 resulting in 40,365 excess deaths was an unfortunate consequence of this disease.

    But if we are to believe the official narrative that Covid-19 injections are safe and effective, then how can one explain the further increase in death among children and young adults in both 2021 and 2022?

    Because we know millions of Americans were coerced into getting the injections, and we know millions of parents were coerced into forcing their children to also get the same injections.

    The answer lies in the fact that the official narrative is an outright lie. The Covid-19 vaccines are neither.

    The data provided by the CDC, which has been incredibly hard to find, only gives us clues as to this being the case with so many deaths among young Americans. But further data published by the UK Government confirms it.

    One of the pieces of evidence confirming this is a report published on the 6th of July 2022, by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, which is a UK Government agency.

    The report is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.














    Table 2 of the report contains the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status by age group for deaths per 100,000 person-years in England up to May 2022.

    We’ve taken the figures provided by the ONS for January to May 2022 and produced the following chart which reveals the horrific consequences of the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

    The chart shows the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status among 18 to 39-year-olds for Non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 –





    In every single month since the beginning of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds. Triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds however have had a mortality rate that has worsened by the month following the mass Booster campaign that occurred in the UK in December 2021.

    In January, triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were ever so slightly less likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 29.8 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated and 28.1 per 100,000 among the triple vaccinated.

    But this all changed from February onwards. In February, triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 27% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 26.7 per 100k among the triple vaccinated and 21 per 100k among the unvaccinated.

    Things. unfortunately, got even worse for the triple vaccinated by May 2022 though. The data shows that triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 52% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds in May, with a mortality rate of 21.4 per 100k among the triple vaccinated and 14.1 among the unvaccinated.

    The worst figures so far though are among the partly vaccinated, with May seeing partly vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds 202% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds.

    That same report also reveals the mortality rates for children, although the UK Government did try to hide them.

    The following chart shows the mortality rates by vaccination status per 100,000 person-years among children aged 10 to 14 in England for the period 1st January 2021 to 31st May 2022, according to the figures provided by the ONS –
















    In regard to Covid-19 deaths, the ONS reveals that the mortality rate among unvaccinated children aged 10 to 14 equates to 0.31. But in regards to one-dose vaccinated children the mortality rate equates to 3.24 per 100,000 person-years, and in regards to triple vaccinated children the mortality rate equates to a shocking 41.29 per 100,000 person-years.

    Unfortunately, there is little improvement when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths.



    The all-cause death mortality rate equates to 6.39 per 100,000 person-years among unvaccinated children, and is ever so slightly higher at 6.48 among partly vaccinated children.

    However, the rate goes from bad to worse following the administration of each injection. The all-cause death mortality rate equates to 97.28 among double-vaccinated children, and a shocking 289.02 per 100,000 person-years among triple-vaccinated children.

    This means, according to the UK Governments’ own official data, double vaccinated children are 1422% / 15.22x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Whilst triple vaccinated children are 4423% / 45.23x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children.

    The figures provided by the Office for National statistics and both age-standardised and rates per 100,000 population. Therefore, they are definitive proof that the Covid-19 injections increase a person’s risk of dying. This means the Covid-19 injections have been and are continuing to kill people.

    This is why it should come as no surprise to find that a secret CDC report confirms half a million American children & young adults have died following the COVID vaccine roll-out. resulting in nearly 118,00 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.



    这意味着,根据英国政府的官方数据,双重接种的儿童比未接种的儿童更有可能因任何原因死亡,增加了1422% / 15.22倍。而三重接种的儿童比未接种的儿童更有可能因任何原因死亡,增加了4423% / 45.23倍。





    Source Data


    If happy endings existed in the real world then this nightmare would end with Dr. Anthony Fauci sitting alone in his prison cell, the weight of his actions weighing heavily on his mind. Not being able to do anything but think of the innocent lives lost because of his deceit.

    He has been hailed as a hero, even a saviour, but he is nothing more than a monster who sacrificed the safety and lives of America’s children for his own ambition and greed.

    He may have even thought he was doing the right thing. If you repeat a lie often enough then eventually you may come to believe it. But in the end, his actions had dire consequences for the nation and in time hopefully for his own soul.



    引用来源|Source Data:https://expose-news.com/2024/02/25/secret-cdc-report-fauci-lied-hundreds-thousands-children-died/




  10. 灭共V影节,诚挚欢迎全球战友投稿,共筑灭共视频文化盛事!

    The Eliminate the CCP Video Festival warmly welcomes submissions from global comrades to build a grand event of video culture for the elimination of the CCP!



    联邦星计划 | 灭共V影节   https://gettr.com/user/gtv_newstalk



    Submission link for Eliminate the CCP Video Festival:

    Submission Requirements:
    1) Theme: Whistleblower Revolution New Federal State of China's Elimination of the CCP
    2) Content: No logos, watermarks, or identifiers, no embedded advertisements
    3) Quantity: Each comrade can submit up to 7 individual or team video works
    4) Duration: At least 60 seconds long, with no more than 30 seconds of clips from the same video source
    5) Format: Only 16:9 horizontal screen format accepted, MP4 format required in 1080P or higher
    6) Scope: Accepting videos created from the beginning of the Whistleblower Revolution in 2017 to the present

    Federal Star Project | Eliminate the CCP Video Festival

    灭共V影32:为失去的亲人(病毒篇)    视频作者:台湾宝岛农场 @JasonLau



    Exterminating Communism V Shadow 32: For Lost Loved Ones (Virus Episode) Video by: Taiwan Treasure Island Farm @JasonLau

    Q: Will the virus come back? A: It will, soon, as long as the Communist Party exists.

    灭共V影35:新中国联邦人在台湾      视频作者:台湾宝岛农场 @JasonLau
    Exterminating Communism V Shadow 35: New Chinese Federators in Taiwan Video by Taiwan's Treasure Island Farm  @JasonLau

    灭共V影63: 铁锁梦MV 视频作者: 日本东京樱花团农场 Smile77 @LightOfFreedom

    Mekong V Shadow 63: Iron Locked Dreams Music Video by Smile77 @LightOfFreedom, Sakura Mission Farm, Tokyo, Japan

  11. 天津快板兒..碰瓷!

    “Don’t touch her!”
    “You are not the same age! “🤣🤣🤣

    End of the CCP👏👏👏👍📣
    Little pink (小粉红)🤭,大外宣在全球丢尽了脸。

    为什么这些华人在英国国王火车站 会和K 博士发生如此激烈的冲突?




    是 ,我看视频的时候,那个傻帽的咆哮,差点把我捭机喇叭都震坏了








    为什么有巨婴价值观的人 会那么自信爆表?


    Why did these Chinese individuals at King's Cross Station in the UK have such intense conflicts with Dr. K?

    It's a clash between the giant baby values and universal values.

    What are the giant baby values?

    First type: "I roar, so I'm right";

    Yes, when I was watching the video, that fool's roaring almost blew out my earphones.

    What else?

    Second type: "Your territory, listen to me";

    They have a strong desire for control, like peeing everywhere.

    Anything else?

    Third type: "I'll set up traps, and you'll be unlucky";

    Yes, when someone touched their flag, they escalated it to claiming that the person touched the girl, satisfying their trap-setting addiction.

    Why are people with giant baby values so confidently assertive?

    Because some wolf warriors don't realize they are cockroaches.



    Dr K is BACK to the piano with Winnie the Pooh and shows his support for HK and Taiwan.

    evolved into a diplomatic incident. It was basically caused by the fact that I said No to the CCP. The behavior of the shouty guy shows that he was not used to be told No. He questioned me as if I was in China and was in a camp. He also played the race card, and once you say you are racist, the UK policemans just melt. It is an unholy wedlock between political correctness and authoritarianism, and he weaponized it. CCP, you attempted to take down the video, but we are keeping it up !

  12. Police Called To Stop Filming During Piano Livestream


    CCP walk up to a British public piano and call the police to say filming them is not allowed. The fun starts at 9:14

    Appearances Can Be Misleading When You Sing The Blues


    Jim sings the blues with some help from Dr K



    The Chinese Video - Worldwide Interest And TalkTV Interview Tonight

    Dr K will be  interviewed on the Mike Graham show on TalkTV this evening Mon 22nd, 9.15 pm  GMT


    Dr K Vs. The Chinese Communists - Interview On TalkTV


    Dr K interviewed on the Mike Graham Show on TalkTV about his clash with the CCP stooges who tried to stop his filming in a public place in the UK.

    This Whole Situation Just Got Even CRAZIER

    Elton John has been asked to comment on the fact that his piano in now cordoned off and guarded by Security.

    Update and Interview On Piers Morgan Uncensored This Eve

    DrK will be interviewed at 8pm tonight on Piers Morgan Uncensored Wed 24th Jan

    Dr K Interviewed On The Piers Morgan Show About The 'Chinese Incident'

    As this story keeps getting bigger and bigger, Dr K has a chat with Piers Morgan about Free Speech and defying the Chinese Communists.



    Chinese Commies Go GAGA And Start A Smear Campaign

    The ‘little pink’ communists have started a disinformation campaign on Social Media…


    They Are DESPERATE To Delete The Livestream

    I Just turned on my computer and got yet another complaint on the 'Chinese Incident' livestream. Seems like its making the right people uncomfortable...

    DON'T TOUCH HER! (Nasty Newton Remix)

    This is now becoming quite a cool meme. CREDIT: BENSON TSAI

    Ok, so now I can talk about the death threats

    Feeling a bit more confident now to reveal some of the things that happened immediately after the video went viral

    I Just Got Back From St Pancras To Find THIS


    The Return To The Public Piano - Documented by TalkTV

    Talk TV did a spot on yesterday's return to the piano where the 'Chinese Incident' occured.


    She deleted it on Instagram, so I uploaded it to YouTube


    How 'PIANOGATE' Was Reported In The Far East

    The public piano is now FREE and has become a designated CCP FREE zone and a symbol of defiance.


    Chinese Communist Dances To Boogie Woogie

    The power of boogie woogie to unite us all


    Enjoying the FREE Piano With An Appreciative Crowd

    The piano is FREE


    Latest update




    20240115塔克·卡尔森&佛罗里达州卫生局长约瑟夫·拉达普医生:通过mRNA新冠疫苗,外来DNA可进入细胞,并永久改变DNA,永久改变人类!(中英机器字幕) )

  14. 【中英文字幕】20240112 国会议员玛乔丽·泰勒·格林(Marjorie Taylor Greene)主持关于COVID-19疫苗引起的伤害的听证会:第二部分。

    证人包括Ryan Cole博士、P. McCullough博士和Kirk Milhoan博士。



  15. 避风港-230 Eglise医生讲解 青蒿琥酯原料粉 (有删节)

    文贵先生向世界宣布疫苗是毒药,青蒿是解药的时候。爆料革命战友家人是最早的受益者。经过了两年半多的临床应用,其 #神奇疗效 已经被证实,很多真实案例证实了无数次。我相信在座的观众,大多也是青蒿的受益者。人们从未遇到过如此大规模的健康攻击,正确信息的获得,可以帮助达到保命保财的目的。我们可以很自豪地说,新中国联邦人做到了。至于最近有人声称青蒿衍生物 原料粉 ,如何的荼毒人命,健康。我想这时候放这风似乎也太晚了,因为墙内已经有无数人,战友家人,知道爆料革命信息的,早已经成功试用了青蒿原料粉。我相信今天在座的观众当中,就有很多人正在用青蒿原料粉,自己灌胶囊服用。并且每天还有大量的得到爆料革命的青蒿救命信息,正在进入服用期。




    如何查询 #药物冲突 或 #配伍禁忌 ? @Adelin 
    2.点击Interactions Checker。
    4.添加所有需要检查的药物后,点击Check for Interactions,得到报告。
    Artesunate (青蒿琥脂,作为青蒿类的代表),无论是青蒿素还是青蒿衍生物,青蒿保健品,在药库中输入 Artesunate即可。
    《避风港Haven》124 病案与分享八
    《避风港Haven》131 病案与分享七

    #药物冲突 #配伍禁忌 #药物比较 #药物相克 #药物间冲突 #药物间比较 #Interactionschecker #interaction #interactions


  16. 17 million deaths from the Covid vaccine? That's like the death toll of a global war! - Yes, absolutely, this is a great tragedy of history, it's of that proportion.

    疫苗灾难:20240105 塔克.卡尔森第60集《新冠灾难教训》进化生物学家布雷特·韦恩斯坦: 新冠疫苗 严重不良事件发生率为1/800,已经导致 1700万人死亡,规模相当于一次世界大战的死亡人数,这绝对是人类历史上的巨大悲剧!






    Tucker Carlson
    Ep. 60  Is the lesson of the Covid disaster that we should give its architects more power? Bret Weinstein on the WHO’s plans for you.

    20240105 第60集《新冠灾难的教训,应该给予其设计者更多权力吗?布雷特·温斯坦谈世卫组织对你的计划。》(中英双语机器字幕)


  17. Kelly Bakker:自 2017年以来,我一直观察人们的血液 ,我知道血液中应该有什么,它看上去应该是什么样子。但我最近发现了变化,血液中有不该有的东西。我只能说这是我的发现,然后客户首先会说的是,他们该怎么办,但是我没有答案。这就是为什么我要寻求帮助。


    我看到的这些东西,我已经发送了视频和照片,它们会 发光 。它们发绿光而且他们会 #自我组装 。当它们变成我眼前的任何生物体时,它们看起来像螃蟹乌贼或其他类似的东西,它看起来像是有触手,分节触手,有点像蜘蛛。但我以前从没见过这种东西,从来没有。还有一些看起来像最终会降解的金属碎片。但会变成一个我甚至不知道是什么的活物。






  18. 9小时前,balencia9a说:



    帕劳ID 貌似是中国政府深度参与/支持的一个项目。


    2.帕劳ID卡网页,还会有一个中国ID卡Legal DID(現有司法管轄區)】选项。

    3. 如果之前已使用护照注册WISE,并不能使用帕劳ID卡重新在注册另一个WISE帐号(系统会直接提示您已注册过 )。姓名和出生日期没改,并不能用于做身份隔离

    4.帕劳ID可用于注册火币等中共控制的数字货币平台KYC(其实和用中国证件注册没什么区别),不能用于 COINBASE等平台注册。  


    爱沙尼亚电子居民“身份”或许可能有一定潜力。(HPay的清算公司,可能注册在爱沙尼亚 )



    Are you aware, that crypto regulations have been changed recently in Estonia. Now the cryptocompany needs at least one CEO, who is Estonian nationality, with higher education and 2 years of financial background, with no criminal record and that person can be CEO only in 2 crypto-companies at the same time. Please give us a name of this person, as you are planning to start a crypto-company in Estonia.

    * The other change is that a crypto-company has to have 100 000 / 250 000 € equity capital with impeccable sourcing background (depending whether you are offering a wallet-service or changing services). Please send us a bank account statement of yourself or your company, which hold the said sum on it.

    您知道爱沙尼亚最近修改了加密货币法规吗?现在,加密公司至少需要一名首席执行官,此人必须是爱沙尼亚国籍,受过高等教育,有 2 年的金融背景,无犯罪记录,而且此人只能同时担任 2 家加密公司的首席执行官。请告诉我们此人的姓名,因为你们正计划在爱沙尼亚成立一家加密公司。

    * 另一个变化是,加密公司必须拥有 100 000 / 250 000 欧元的权益资本和无可挑剔的来源背景(取决于您提供的是钱包服务还是兑换服务)。请将您本人或贵公司持有上述金额的银行账户对账单发送给我们。

  19. 10小时前,Never-Mind说:




    2023/4/12 PM6点21分,Turkeymap说:




    批你这个平台、批给你交易市场、批给你牌照、批给你支付、批给你稳定币、批给你黄金储备币、下一步还批给你银行执照。肯定G系列会买银行的,会买一系列的银行。那你想想你在日本的交易市场,所有的世界前十大的虚拟货币交易市场都做比特币做火的,没有一个不是的,其他全是陪衬装修。现在谁来做G-Coin、G-Dollar 你就是下一个最牛的十大虚拟货币交易市场。咱日本这位战友你说傻到能傻到什么程度?今早上给我发信息,七哥我不想做这个。我说你傻呀你还不赶快做这个去。全球各地的农场战友,现在你们在各国各地申请一个这个牌照一点都不难,申请完这个牌照以后,你赶快拿G-Coin在当地找客户买——卖、买——卖、买——卖,然后把支付系统各农场代理拿走,你就拿了一个下金蛋的老母鸡呀。没有人动这个脑子啊!美国拿到了,给你拿到了全世界的通行牌照。

    欢迎大家在本贴分享讨论有关于 数字货币交易牌照注册和申请、税务等相关的话题。  



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