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Posts posted by Roger

  1. 截屏2023-04-15 02.40.34.png



    电子化流程,它可以是一项虚拟商品的购买交易。 交易的商品服务类别就是提现。



    单纯以大幅度波动为卖点的数字货币,很难成为日常生活中流通等价交换的货币。我相信,HEU稳定币 + HPAY支付系统一经上市,必将引发商业领域的追捧。  

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  2. PAYMAP 社区,是选用的美国 Invision Community 公司的付费服务。 Invision Community是全球排名前13大优秀社区论坛程序之一。   






    4. 本站涉及的HPAY支付功能都属于演示功能,暂时无法/也不接受支付交易 。    

    5.为鼓励用户发布高质量内容,以及验证社区货币化支付流程,而进行的三个月用户激励活动(总计为111 枚HEU虚拟礼品券)在后续喜欧元上线后,是由 @Roger 进行兑付。  



    2.PAYMAP 社区网站数据

    程序托管在 Invision Community 公司的欧洲和美国服务器。

    网站的附件托管在 Invision Community公司提供的配套亚马逊云存储服务。  


    PAYMAP Community User Notice
    PAYMAP Community is a paid service provided by the American company Invision Community. Invision Community is one of the top 13 outstanding community forum programs globally.

    Before you register as a user on our website, here are some things you should know:

    1. Regardless of which website you visit, typically, the website backend can record your IP address.

    2. We recommend using an anonymous email address to register as a user on the PAYMAP website (the email address you bind when registering on this website will not be visible to other users except PAYMAP website administrators).

    3. PAYMAP community administrators will not share your personal registration information with any third-party organizations or individuals.

    4. The HPAY payment functions on this site are for demonstration purposes only and currently do not accept payment transactions.

    5. To encourage users to post high-quality content and verify the community's monetization payment process, a three-month user incentive activity (a total of 111 HEU virtual gift vouchers) will be redeemed by @Roger after the subsequent launch of the HEU.

    6. The PAYMAP community is not affiliated with any other organization and was established by HPAY fans.

    PAYMAP Community Website Data:

    The program is hosted on servers in Europe and the United States provided by Invision Community.

    Attachments on the website are hosted on complementary Amazon Cloud Storage services provided by Invision Community.

    截屏2023-04-14 21.18.58.png



    Invision Community(原名为IPB或IP.Board) 是美国美国维吉尼亚州的一家公司,是世界上最著名的论坛程序之一。

    Invision Community 使您能够创建您的客户和受众喜爱的在线社区。Invision Community 的内置主题定制、货币化和社交媒体推广工具可让您提高品牌忠诚度、促进品牌讨论并在您控制的平台上与客户建立联系。自 2002 年以来,Invision Community 一直是社区软件市场的创新领导者。从留言板到电子商务软件以及介于两者之间的一切。乐高、Shutterstock、世嘉、华纳兄弟和 NBC 等全球品牌信任 Invision Community 及其社区。

    官网: https://invisioncommunity.com/





    3. Introduction to the Community Provider:

    Invision Community (formerly known as IPB or IP.Board) is a company based in Virginia, USA, and is one of the most famous forum programs in the world.

    Invision Community enables you to create online communities loved by your customers and audience. With built-in theme customization, monetization, and social media promotion tools, Invision Community allows you to increase brand loyalty, foster brand discussions, and engage with customers on a platform you control. Since 2002, Invision Community has been an innovative leader in the community software market, offering solutions ranging from message boards to e-commerce software and everything in between. Global brands like LEGO, Shutterstock, Sega, Warner Bros., and NBC trust Invision Community and its communities.

    Official Website: https://invisioncommunity.com/

    Privacy Policy: https://invisioncommunity.com/legal/privacy/

    If there are any undisclosed matters, please feel free to ask questions. We will reply to your questions publicly with information that can be disclosed.


    PAYMAP 社区管理团队| PAYMAP Community Management Team 

    2023年04月14日|As of April 14, 2023




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  3. 12小时前,DK小白说:





    "Here you can speak freely. This forum belongs to those who love freedom. You won't be banned arbitrarily here."

  4. PAYMAP社区



     一、“PAYMAP单话题一万浏览量” 排名榜   

    即日起,凡参与本论坛发贴分享对推广HPAY有价值的贴子(浏览量大于1000次),将抽出若干位幸运儿,并送上Himalaya Euro/喜马拉雅欧元 (简称:HEU/喜欧元)礼品兑换券。 在HEU上市后,HEU礼品兑换券 可以申请兑换为HEU(喜欧元)。 

    1. 单账号、单主题(HPAY推广主题)、在PAYMAP 社区发布; 
    2. 为了引导大家发高质量贴子,单个贴子大于1000次浏览量为申报门槛; 
    3. 月中、月末统计公布排行榜;月周期奖励;
    4. 月中申报:当月中旬18号,美东中午12点前,在本贴回复当月1-15日新发的贴子浏览量链接;  
    5. 月末申报:次月初3号,美东中午12点前,在本贴回复上个月16~31日新发的贴子浏览量链接;
    6. 根据1~5条要求,引用单个浏览量最高的贴子主题链接回复本贴;   
    7. 排名 Top10; Top 前 3 单月奖励 7 枚;  Top4-Top10 单月奖励 1 

    核算: 3 人*7 枚 HEU=21 枚;  7 人*1 枚 HEU=7 枚 ;  合计 28 枚/月


    二、“PAYMAP社区等级头衔值” 排名榜 

    1. 单个PAYMAP社区等级头衔值最高的账号参与排名;
    2. 月中申报:当月中旬18号,美东时间中午12点前论坛用户的等级头衔; 
    3. 月末申报:次月初3号,美东时间中午12点前前论坛用户的等级头衔; 
    4. 每月两次,分别在月中、月末统计公布排行榜;月周期奖励;
    5. 排名 Top3; PAYMAP社区等级头衔值的账号获得 1 枚; 可连续领取 3 个月;

    核算: 上限不超过 3 个;合计 3 枚/月;



    1. 初学者(Novice)
    2. 实习生(Intern)
    3. 新手投资者(Rookie Investor)
    4. 投资达人(Investment Prodigy)
    5. 数字货币爱好者(Crypto Enthusiast)
    6. 数字货币专家(Crypto Expert)
    7. 区块链探索者(Blockchain Explorer)
    8. 区块链研究者(Blockchain Researcher)
    9. 区块链创业者(Blockchain Entrepreneur)
    10. 区块链投资家(Blockchain Investor)
    11. 区块链领袖(Blockchain Leader)
    12. 数字货币战略师(Crypto Strategist)
    13. 数字货币大师(Crypto Master)
    14. 区块链先驱(Blockchain Pioneer)




    说明:在PAYMAP社区中,做出开拓性的行动而优化了HPAY推广的有影响的实例或见解; 包括不限于    

    1. 在PAYMAP博客中投搞有影响力博客并创造令人瞩目的曝光量;(以往 5000+曝光的均可提报)  
    2. 单俱乐部运营者,得到令人瞩目的关注; 
    3. 创建新的社区推广路径和方法;   
    4. 其他特殊的社区开拓贡献事项;  

    核算: 每月 6 枚;  


    1. 人员: @Roger 负责收集整理初检; 并在月度直播活动中公布发奖名单;

    2. 总计预算:  合计: 28 枚+3 枚+6 枚= 37 枚HEU礼品兑换券/月; 活动时间暂定3个月,共计:3x37 枚=111枚HEU礼品兑换券;








    • Thanks 1
  5. 1.实现自动化采集文章功能(RSS/Atom提要导入)

    目前已支持 采集喜马拉雅交易所博客、喜支付新闻、喜支付信息网站的内容。

    注:支持 Feed 功能的第三方网站,均可以自动的导入文章到本站。👉 https://www.paymap.org/articles.html/

    截屏2023-04-12 04.17.13.png



    直播主题 是将人们聚集在一起进行实时聊天活动的好方法。每月发布聊天网络研讨会使用直播主题。过去我们使用盖特来主持直播并回答一些问题。这种方法很好,但是一旦 盖特直播结束,我们的社区将无法使用聊天记录。我们为那些错过了活动的人上传了一个视频,但感觉没有互动性。

    直播主题 自动将问题和答案转换为常规论坛主题,以便继续讨论。此外,问题与活动期间的一般聊天分开,使主持人更容易找到和回答活动期间提出的问题。

    直播主题  非常适合从产品发布活动到每月读书俱乐部讨论以及介于两者之间的任何活动。

    转换话题 直播会话完成后,将所有直播留言交流数据转换为常规论坛主题。 👉 https://www.paymap.org/events/

  6.  发贴自动同步至Facebook 

    基于zapier ,我们其实可以配置开发更多的“自动化工作流”。 


    截屏2023-04-10 17.32.06.png






    先说缺点: 我们这个论坛依然是中心化的论坛。如果所有人都来关注这个论坛,当关注这个论坛的人越来越多。此时依然可能会出现类似Gnews 的被封杀情况。

    优点:如果有第二个Gnews的价值 (相当于第二个Gnews,用户多了一个获取信息的选择 ),就是去中心化努力又成功了一步,弥补了缺点。 



    搜索引擎(Google、百度 、Bing),相当于一个蜘蛛🕷️ (人们常说的数据爬虫就是说的这个蜘蛛)。


    问题:蜘蛛、大的节点(大网站: youtube 、facebook、reddit、twitter... )都被坏蛋控制了。

    解决方案:新建一张蜘蛛网(这需要更多的各种类型的网站!)、一个新的蜘蛛🕷️(基于成熟且开源的爬虫模型和各类可信任的网站数据源,搜索引擎并不是一件难事 )。  






  7. 如果您做为一个区块链行业的小白,需要更多的学习这方面的知识。这里可能有您需要的资料。




    PAnews https://www.panewslab.com/zh/index.html

    Odaily https://www.odaily.news/

    火星财经 https://www.marsbit.co/

    AllRecoce重构 https://allrecode.com/

    碳链价值 https://www.ccvalue.cn/

    巴比特 https://www.8btc.com/

    金色财经 https://www.jinse.com/



    cointelegraph https://cointelegraph.com/

    coindesk https://www.coindesk.com/



    币安 https://discord.gg/sYqAN7FUHh

    币安华语社区 https://discord.gg/GKC22rnGGM

    Okex https://discord.gg/neD9m65bYf

    Mexc https://discord.gg/bbhbvDrWfM

    Huobi https://discord.gg/SuRyvjfjYv

    链闻 https://discord.gg/dFqzTws6KX








    🖥️ 網站

    喜馬拉雅交流 - https://himalaya.exchange/

    客戶支持 - https://himalaya-exchange.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb

    博客- https://blog.himalaya.exchange/

    📲 社交媒體

    脸书- https://www.facebook.com/Himalaya-Exchange-100410372107526

    推特- https://twitter.com/himalayaxchange

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/himalayaexchange/

    電報 - https://t.me/himalayaexchangeofficial


    中文站- www.hpay.news




    gettr: https://gettr.com/user/hpayinfo



    twitter :https://twitter.com/MosHpay


    telegram(CN) :https://t.me/HpayNews


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  8. 下载苹果手机HPay(喜支付)APP



    1. Albania    阿尔巴尼亚
    2. Algeria    阿尔及利亚
    3. Angola    安哥拉
    4. Anguilla    安圭拉
    5. Antigua and Barbuda    安提瓜和巴布达
    6. Argentina    阿根廷
    7. Armenia    亚美尼亚
    8. Australia    澳大利亚
    9. Austria    奥地利
    10. Azerbaijan    阿塞拜疆
    11. Barbados    巴巴多斯
    12. Belarus    白俄罗斯
    13. Belgium    比利时
    14. Belize    伯利兹
    15. Benin    贝宁
    16. Bermuda    百慕大
    17. Bhutan    不丹
    18. Bolivia    玻利维亚
    19. Botswana    博茨瓦纳
    20. Brazil    巴西
    21. British Virgin Islands    英属维尔京群岛
    22. Brunei    文莱
    23. Bulgaria    保加利亚
    24. Burkina Faso    布基纳法索
    25. Cambodia    柬埔寨
    26. Cameroon    喀麦隆
    27. Cape Verde    佛得角
    28. Chad    乍得
    29. Chile    智利
    30. Colombia    哥伦比亚
    31. Congo, Republic of the    刚果共和国
    32. Costa Rica    哥斯达黎加
    33. Cote d'Ivoire    科特迪瓦
    34. Croatia    克罗地亚
    35. Czech Republic    捷克
    36. Denmark    丹麦
    37. Dominica    多米尼加
    38. Dominican Republic    多米尼加共和国
    39. Ecuador    厄瓜多尔
    40. El Salvador    萨尔瓦多
    41. Estonia    爱沙尼亚
    42. Fiji    斐济
    43. Finland    芬兰
    44. France    法国
    45. Gabon    加蓬
    46. Gambia    冈比亚
    47. Georgia    格鲁吉亚
    48. Germany    德国
    49. Ghana    加纳
    50. Greece    希腊
    51. Grenada    格林纳达
    52. Guatemala    危地马拉
    53. Guyana    圭亚那
    54. Honduras    洪都拉斯
    55. Hong Kong    香港特别行政区 中国
    56. Hungary    匈牙利
    57. Iceland    冰岛
    58. India    印度
    59. Indonesia    印度尼西亚
    60. Ireland    爱尔兰
    61. Israel    以色列
    62. Italy    意大利
    63. Jamaica    牙买加
    64. Jordan    约旦
    65. Kazakhstan    哈萨克斯坦
    66. Kenya    肯尼亚
    67. Korea, Republic of    韩国
    68. Kuwait    科威特
    69. Kyrgyzstan    吉尔吉斯斯坦
    70. Laos    老挝
    71. Latvia    拉脱维亚
    72. Liberia    利比里亚
    73. Lithuania    立陶宛
    74. Luxembourg    卢森堡
    75. [07:14]
    76. Macao    澳门
    77. Madagascar    马达加斯加
    78. Malawi    马拉维
    79. Malaysia    马来西亚
    80. Maldives    马尔代夫
    81. Mali    马里
    82. Malta    马耳他
    83. Mauritania    毛里塔尼亚
    84. Mauritius    毛里求斯
    85. Micronesia    密克罗尼西亚
    86. Moldova    摩尔多瓦
    87. Mongolia    蒙古
    88. Montenegro    黑山
    89. Montserrat    蒙特塞拉特
    90. Morocco    摩洛哥
    91. Mozambique    莫桑比克
    92. Namibia    纳米比亚
    93. Nauru    瑙鲁
    94. Netherlands    荷兰
    95. New Zealand    新西兰
    96. Niger    尼日尔
    97. North Macedonia    北马其顿
    98. Norway    挪威
    99. Oman    阿曼
    100. Panama    巴拿马
    101. Papua New Guinea    巴布亚新几内亚
    102. Paraguay    巴拉圭
    103. Peru    秘鲁
    104. Philippines    菲律宾
    105. Poland    波兰
    106. Portugal    葡萄牙
    107. Qatar    卡塔尔
    108. Romania    罗马尼亚
    109. Rwanda    卢旺达
    110. São Tomé and Príncipe    圣多美和普林西比
    111. Saudi Arabia    沙特阿拉伯
    112. Senegal    塞内加尔
    113. Serbia    塞尔维亚
    114. Seychelles    塞舌尔
    115. Sierra Leone    塞拉利昂
    116. Singapore    新加坡
    117. Slovakia    斯洛伐克
    118. Slovenia    斯洛文尼亚
    119. Solomon Islands    所罗门群岛
    120. South Africa    南非
    121. Spain    西班牙
    122. Sri Lanka    斯里兰卡
    123. St. Lucia    圣卢西亚
    124. St. Vincent and the Grenadines    圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
    125. Suriname    苏里南
    126. Sweden    瑞典
    127. Switzerland    瑞士
    128. Taiwan    台湾
    129. Tajikistan    塔吉克斯坦
    130. Tanzania    坦桑尼亚
    131. Thailand    泰国
    132. Tonga    汤加
    133. Trinidad and Tobago    特立尼达和多巴哥
    134. Turkey    土耳其
    135. Turkmenistan    土库曼斯坦
    136. Turks and Caicos Islands    特克斯和凯科斯群岛
    137. United Arab Emirates    阿拉伯联合酋长国
    138. Uruguay    乌拉圭
    139. Uzbekistan    乌兹别克斯坦
    140. Vanuatu    瓦努阿图
    141. Vietnam    越南
    142. Zimbabwe    津巴布韦

    https://discord.com/channels/783716075421564968/973245395432009759/1087590050054819900 来源 discord






  9. 推特、Reddit等主流的社交媒体平台封杀自由言论。这是可恶的! 



    永远要记得:做自已独立的社交平台! 不要依靠第三方 !






    如果您在第三方平台发布您的图片作品,要知道,就相当于永久把您的版权授权给了第三方平台(无限制的许可给了第三方平台 )。









    因为图片是上传到 Imgur 而不是你的论坛。因此,实际上是 Imgur 持有您的信息,适用的是他们的隐私政策和服务条款。老实说,他们并不好,他们基本上说他们对您上传的图像拥有无限制的许可,直到您删除它们。

    在你说可以删除/管理这张由 API 上传的图片之前?我查看了该网站,但不存在 API 上传的图像。不知道看哪里。



    截屏2023-10-05 23.09.29.png




    如下是在昨天被同一天 封杀的部分帐号截图:

    截屏2023-04-08 02.12.26.png截屏2023-04-08 02.11.35.png截屏2023-04-08 02.11.08.png截屏2023-04-08 02.10.22.png截屏2023-04-08 02.08.52.png

    截屏2023-04-08 02.32.10.png

    截屏2023-04-08 02.32.41.png

  10. 记得最初注册喜联储时,Google Voice 虚拟号码是可以接到验证码的。在2022年有一段时间,突然无法接收到喜联储的验证码。


    请教:Google Voice 虚拟号码现在还能接验证码吗?  



  11. PayMap 是 第一个以支持 HDO、GTR 为特色的 HPAY 粉丝社区,专注于虚拟礼品卡的二手交易。

    PayMap is the first HPAY fan community featuring support for HDO, focusing on the secondary trading of virtual gift cards.



    It is reported that Himalaya Coin (HCN) may soon be listed on the Coinbase wallet, and this forum is also planning to introduce a feature that supports payments via the Coinbase wallet! This means that in the future, we will be able to accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and any other cryptocurrencies supported by Coinbase Commerce.

    As shown in the image below: Coinbase wallet payment interface.

    如下图所所示:CoinBase 钱包支付界面





    俄乌战争爆发后,俄罗斯受到美国的金融制裁,被切断Swift,全球银行间金融交易和支付执行相关的服务 。切断Swift就像当于切断了俄罗斯资金跨境收付清算的“信息流”。 这时候俄罗斯的人们发现ATM机和网银的国际转账功能都歇菜啦!卢布瞬间暴跌!不分好人坏人,都有银行卡可能无法取钱的问题。


    喜联储(Himalaya Exchange)它存在的最大意义就是在未来病毒溯源真相揭开以后,全世界声讨中共声讨中国,要冻结中国人海外资产用于赔偿,喜联储是唯一安全的且可以容纳足够资金的金融蓄水池。 

    随着美国病毒溯源正式推进以及全世界各国政府政客们推行强制人民打疫苗的真相曝光,人民将不再相信政府。当人们失去了对政府的信任,以政府信背书的全世界法币将逐步退出历史舞台。 问题来了:未来人们将如何便捷的买水、买食物,购买日用生活用品?   

    只要有手机和网络,喜支付/HPAY(Himalaya Pay)就可以买水喝、买药吃、买面包、买油,这就是 PayMap 社区推动的目标。   


    d.各行技术类别     等咨询服务业


    • 注册、使用HPAY的教程攻略分享。
    • 跟着数字货币玩家,一起发掘HPAY的新玩法! 
    • 体验现阶段HPAY点到点交易的Swift功能。
    • 加入兴趣爱好小组,一起探讨推广HPAY经验。
    • 创业开店(筹备上线中...)
    • 众筹(募款) 
    • ...




    第二阶段:当有足够多的HPAY用户,我们开始按行业或地域来划分专业小组、二手实物商品交易、上线个人开店功能等 。  



              2. PAYMAP社区不隶属于其它任何组织,属于HPAY粉丝用户创立的社区。 





    What is PayMap?

    PayMap is a platform that aims to establish an HPAY community, allowing users to explore various aspects of mainstream digital currency trading scenarios, virtual goods transactions, and, in subsequent phases, the organization of specialized groups based on industry or region, as well as the facilitation of second-hand physical goods transactions and the launch of personal store functionalities. It is currently in the free open registration testing phase, and it may transition to invitation-only registration in the future. PAYMAP is an independent community founded by HPAY fans and users.


    Site Story:

    Nobel laureate in economics, Hayek, believes that the sole cause of inflation is excessive currency issuance, and the root of monetary overissuance lies in the government's monopoly over currency issuance. The serious harm caused by inflation is not just the social unrest and anxiety caused by rising prices; the most severe consequence is the disruption of market mechanisms. As long as the quantity of money does not increase, whether it's higher wages or higher prices for oil and food, it cannot raise the overall price level of goods. Therefore, the cycle of vicious inflation and economic crisis has a direct causal relationship with monetary monopoly: when politicians hold the exclusive right to issue currency and face various temptations and complex situations, it is impossible to expect them to rationally restrain the impulse to print money. Thus, the first and foremost step in the scientific governance of a democratic country is a thorough reform of the current currency issuance system, even if it is extremely challenging.

    After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, Russia faced financial sanctions from the United States, being cut off from Swift, the global banking system for financial transactions and payment execution-related services. Cutting off Swift is akin to severing the "information flow" for Russia's cross-border funds settlement. At this moment, Russians found that the international transfer functions of ATMs and online banking were suspended! The ruble plummeted instantly! Regardless of who is right or wrong, there is a possibility that bank cards may be unable to withdraw money.

    This may not be far from the Chinese people, but I am sure that many people may not fully realize how serious this issue is!

    The greatest significance of Himalaya Exchange is that, after the truth of the virus origin is revealed and the world condemns the Chinese Communist Party and demands compensation by freezing Chinese people's overseas assets, Himalaya Exchange is the only safe and sufficiently funded financial reservoir.

    As the US virus origin investigation officially advances and the truth about governments worldwide enforcing mandatory vaccination is exposed, people will no longer trust the government. When people lose trust in the government, fiat currencies endorsed by the government will gradually exit the historical stage. The question arises: how will people conveniently buy water, food, and daily necessities in the future?

    As long as there is a mobile phone and the internet, Himalaya Pay (HPAY) can be used to buy water, medicine, bread, and oil. This is the goal promoted by the PayMap community.



    1. HPAY Listing Phase
       HPAY functions similarly to Swift, enabling peer-to-peer payments (building an internal circulation ecosystem).

    2. Five Advantages for Merchants Using HPAY
       a. Open with zero fees, extremely low transaction costs, gaining access to a new payment channel.
       b. Facing global customers, unimpeded cross-border sales.
       c. Zero-cost exposure on GETTR social media for comprehensive business visibility.
       d. Establishing close connections with high net worth users in the global Himalaya ecosystem.
       e. Becoming an early winner in the trend of digital currency payments.

    3. Target Audience for Promotion
       a. Export and import industries, such as specialties, high-end furniture, medical equipment, etc.
       b. Industries owned by oneself and friends, including food and beverage, entertainment, automobiles, yachts, hotels, etc.
       c. Online services and technology-related industries, including software industry service payments.
       d. Consulting services in various technical categories, such as tax consultation, accounting services, etc.

    Value of this Site to You:
    - Tutorial and strategy sharing for registration and using HPAY.
    - Explore new ways to use HPAY along with cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
    - Experience the Swift functionality of HPAY's peer-to-peer transactions.
    - Join interest groups to discuss and share experiences in promoting HPAY.
    - Entrepreneurial opportunities (preparing for launch).
    - Crowdfunding initiatives (fundraising).
    - ...

    Welcome everyone to join hands in maintaining this community. Our goal is to establish an HPAY circle in the fields you are familiar with.

    Phase One: Recruiting the first batch of founding members for the community. Together, we'll explore mainstream digital currency trading scenarios and virtual goods transactions.

    Phase Two: When there are a sufficient number of HPAY users, we will begin to organize specialized groups based on industry or region, facilitate second-hand physical goods transactions, and launch personal store functionalities.

    1. Currently, this site is in the free open registration testing phase, and it may require invitation-only registration in the future.
    2. The PAYMAP community is not affiliated with any other organization; it is a community established by HPAY fans and users.

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