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为什么要推广Hpay|Why promote Hpay?

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1. 超市和传统供应链上的蔬菜和牛羊肉等食品已经不再安全 |Supermarkets and traditional supply chains for vegetables and meats such as beef and mutton are no longer safe.

mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It. Dr. Peter McCullough in the IVERSEN show revealed that  the USDA website has active projects using mRNA for the bovine respiratory sensational virus (RSV).

给奶牛接种新冠病毒疫苗,然后把牛奶和牛肉给人们吃掉,从肠道吸收掉毒疫苗,人类就这样被间接的接种了mrna。 而中国的食品安全,可想而知。食品不会有任何相关mrna信息的披露。


Human Fetal Cells in Your Food and Vaccines. New World Order Food Companies


我们还能吃什么|What else can we eat ?  

反人类组织Antihuman organizations: 
世界卫生组织 (WHO) |World Health Organization (WHO)
盖兹基金会 |Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
威康/惠康信托基金会 |Wellcome Trust
洛克菲勒基金会 |Rockefeller Foundation
联合国 (UN) |United Nations (UN)
全球疫苗免疫联盟 (Gavi) |Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Gavi)
流行病防范与创新联盟 (CEPI) |Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
世界经济论坛 (WEF)  |World Economic Forum (WEF)
美国食品药物管理局(FDA)|U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
疾病管制与预防中心(CDC)|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
美国美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)|National Institutes of Health (NIH)
澳大利亚治疗用品管理局(TGA)|Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia
英国药品及保健品监管机构(MHRA )|Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of the UK
南方保健品监理局(SAPHRA  )|South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAPHRA)

Scott Gottlieb 前FDA专员|Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner
Stephen Hahn
Deborah Birx 英国高层医疗防疫官员| Deborah Birx, senior UK medical epidemiologist
Dr. Anthony Fauci

CCP 共产党

Additional mention: CCP (Chinese Communist Party)



2.通过和新鲜的蔬菜、肉类基地建立联系,HPay生活圈可以用更优惠的价格过更优质的生活。|By establishing connections with fresh vegetable and meat bases, HPay Life Circle can enable people to live a higher quality life at more favorable prices.





Big Ag panicking as legislators push mandatory labeling for mRNA gene-altered meat


7 Reasons Why mRNA-Free, Freeze-Dried Steaks Are Your Future






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举个亲身经历的事情:大概5年前,我为中国某知名玉米加工企业做项目。  项目方领导亲口告诉我:“转基因食品有很大问题!我们企业不会使用转基因玉米加工猪饲料”。并举了一个例子:本来一个母猪一次可以下10个崽,如果养殖场用使用转基因玉米饲料养猪, 母猪一次下崽量可能会降至5个。母猪下崽量减少一半!所以,养殖场是不能用转基因饲料的。 


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🎙️ Jason欢迎《Solari报告》的凯瑟琳·奥斯汀·菲茨重返节目。凯瑟琳曾在乔治·H·W·布什政府任职,揭示了从90年代中期开始,联邦预算中消失的数万亿美元,以及这些财务失踪事件对通胀和经济控制的深远影响。她强调,房地产所有者需要在这个不稳定的财务环境中明智地应对。

在对话的第二部分,他们探讨了中国和欧洲央行对央行数字货币(CBDCs)的不同方法。凯瑟琳担忧CBDCs可能带来的政府控制和监控,强调隐私和财务自主的重要性。她建议保持与当地银行的紧密关系,并为经济不稳定做好准备。了解更多关于数字货币和财务管理的深刻见解,请收听完整节目! 📈💡 #金融揭秘 #数字货币 #财务自主 #经济稳定

 Once they control your transactions... they can dictate what food you can buy and what you can't buy." Former investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts: Controlling the food supply is one of the motivations behind pushing CBDCs. "They are pushing to control the food supply... Our idea is to get rid of farmers' constraints" "To kill all naturally grown food" "To produce food in factories and laboratories

一旦他们控制了你的交易......他们就可以规定你能买什么食物,不能买什么食物"。 前投资银行家凯瑟琳-奥斯汀-菲茨: 控制食品供应是推动 CBDCs 的动机之一。 "他们正在推动控制食品供应... "我们的想法是摆脱农民的束缚" "杀死所有自然生长的食物" "在制造工厂和实验室里制造食物。


Jason welcomes Catherine Austin Fitts, of the Solari Report back to his show after nearly eight years. Catherine, served as Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush. They discuss the disappearance of trillions of dollars from federal budgets, starting in the mid-90s and escalating over the years. By 2001, $4 trillion was unaccounted for, rising to $21 trillion by 2015. Catherine reveals systemic financial mismanagement and secrecy within the U.S. government, emphasizing the impact on inflation and economic control. She highlights the need for property owners to navigate this unstable financial landscape wisely.




In part 2 of Jason's talk with Catherine Austin Fitts, they discuss China's approach to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which integrates CBDCs through commercial banks to avoid disrupting the existing banking system. They contrasted this with the European Central Bank's approach, which might eliminate traditional banks. Fitts expressed concerns about CBDCs' potential for government control and surveillance, emphasizing the need for privacy and financial autonomy. They also discuss the broader implications of digital currencies, inflation, and the importance of decentralized financial practices. Fitts advises maintaining strong relationships with local banks and being prepared for economic instability.


more information: https://missingmoney.solari.com/

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Do you know that a company is applying a film to the exterior of fruits and vegetables? What’s it made of? Is it safe? Take a deep dive into Apeel’s product that may change your grocery shopping habits.

POSTED: September 22, 2023

你知道有家公司正在為水果和蔬菜的表面塗覆一層薄膜嗎?這種薄膜是用什麼材料製成的?它安全嗎?深入了解 Apeel 的產品,可能會改變你的購物習慣。


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