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喜马拉雅交易所客户对司法部的法律诉讼 Himalaya Exchange Customers Launch Legal Action Against The Department of Justice

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Himalaya Exchange Customers Launch Legal Action Against The Department of Justice





Bradford Geyer 律师代表喜马拉雅交易所3,345 名客户上书法庭请愿,请求归还扣押的财产:

署名律师代表喜马拉雅交易所("交易所")持有喜马拉雅币(Himalaya Dollar,HDO)和喜马拉雅币(Himalaya Coin,HCN)加密货币的 3,345 名客户("请愿人")。根据《联邦刑事诉讼程序规则》第 41(g)条,请愿人要求归还美国在 "美国诉 Kwok 等人案"(United States v. Kwok et al, 23 CR 118 (SDNY))中扣押的财产。请愿人在被没收的财产中拥有明显的、可识别的第三方利益。请愿人提交所附备忘录以支持本动议。

日期:2023 年 12 月 6 日 2023 年 12 月 6 日

Myer and Scher LLP By: 
Jamie Scher

FormerFedsGroup.Com LLC By: 
Brad Geye


 我,Bradford Geyer,证明我已与政府律师进行了协商,努力在没有法院干预的情况下通过协议解决动议中提出的问题,但未能达成一致。我还特此证明,2023 年 12 月 6 日,通过纽约南区美国地区法院 ECF 系统以电子方式提交并送达了上述内容的真实准确副本。

FormerFedsGroup.Com LLC By: 
Brad Geyer



Attorney Bradford Geyer represents 3,345 clients of the Himalaya Exchange who are petitioning the court to return seized property:

"Signed by attorney representing the Himalaya Exchange ("Exchange") on behalf of 3,345 clients holding Himalaya Dollar (HDO) and Himalaya Coin (HCN) cryptocurrencies ("Petitioners"). Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(g), Petitioners seek the return of property seized by the United States in United States v. Kwok et al, 23 CR 118 (SDNY). Petitioners have a manifestly identifiable third-party interest in the seized property. Petitioners submit the attached memorandum in support of this motion.

Date: December 6, 2023

Myer and Scher LLP By: Jamie Scher

FormerFedsGroup.Com LLC By: Brad Geyer

Certificate of Conference and Notice

I, Bradford Geyer, certify that I have conferred with government counsel in an effort to resolve the issues raised in the motion by agreement without court intervention but have been unable to reach an agreement. I further certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing was electronically filed with and served upon the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York via the court's ECF system on December 6, 2023.

FormerFedsGroup.Com LLC By: Brad Geyer"





拟议命令 (法官如同意命令内容,只要签字,命令就生效):


1. 指示美国联邦检察官办公室与喜玛拉雅交易所 3,345 名客户的律师会面,制定一个安全、受保护的客户 HDO 储备返还系统,以立即返还申请人的财产; 

2. 该程序将允许保护请愿人的机密性,同时允许美国验证客户的真实性及其账户活动的真实性; 

3.    该程序和计划将于 2024 年 1 月 5 日或之前提交给法院进行不公开审查和批准,以便在 2024 年 1 月 20 日之前开始滚动式返还 HDO 储备金。

4.    在本法院批准该计划并开始滚动退还 HDO 账户储备金后,各方将向本法院提交不公开的定期状况报告,所有 HDO 账户储备金应在 2024 年 2 月 28 日之前退还请愿人(以及随后加入该集体诉讼的任何请愿人)。


Proposed Order (If the judge agrees to the content of the order, it will be effective upon signature):

Upon review of the motion for the return of property and the supporting memorandum, the Court hereby orders:

1. The United States Attorney's Office shall meet with the attorneys representing the 3,345 clients of the Himalaya Exchange to develop a secure, protected system for the return of client HDO reserves, with the aim of promptly returning the Petitioners' property.

2. The procedure shall allow for the confidentiality of the Petitioners to be protected while also permitting the United States to verify the authenticity of the clients and the genuineness of their account activities.

3. The procedure and plan shall be submitted to the Court for in camera review and approval by January 5, 2024, or earlier, with the aim of commencing the rolling return of HDO reserves by January 20, 2024.

4. Upon approval of the plan by this Court and the commencement of the rolling return of HDO account reserves, the parties shall submit confidential periodic status reports to this Court, and all HDO account reserves shall be returned to the Petitioners (and any subsequent Petitioners joining the class action) by February 28, 2024.




- 返还财产动议: 这篇文章是喜马拉雅交易所超过 3345 名客户的律师提交的一份法律文件,喜马拉雅交易所是一个加密货币平台,在一起针对其创始人的刑事案件中被美国政府扣押。

- 喜马拉雅交易所背景: 文章概述了喜马拉雅交易所、其产品、服务、客户群、合规程序、财务审计和稳定币储备。文章称,喜马拉雅交易所是一个合法、安全的平台,没有欺诈或损害客户的行为,但因政治原因成为中共的攻击目标。

- 查封的影响和后果: 文章认为,美国政府扣押交易所账户给客户造成了重大损失和损害,因为客户在被没收的财产中拥有明显且可识别的利益。文章还指出,客户对其个人信息被美国政府或 CCP 曝光或泄露感到恐惧和焦虑。

- 请求法律补救: 文章请求法院批准根据《联邦刑事诉讼规则》第 41(g)条提出的返还财产动议,并通过一项程序,将财产秘密、迅速地返还给客户。文章还建议实施推定信托以保护客户的利益。

Memorandum Supporting Motion for Return of Property:

- Motion for Return of Property: This document is a legal filing submitted by the attorneys representing over 3,345 clients of the Himalaya Exchange, a cryptocurrency platform, whose accounts were seized by the United States government in connection with a criminal case against its founders.

- Background of the Himalaya Exchange: The memorandum outlines the Himalaya Exchange, its products, services, customer base, compliance procedures, financial audits, and stablecoin reserves. It asserts that the Himalaya Exchange is a legitimate, secure platform with no history of fraud or harm to customers but has become a target of attacks by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for political reasons.

- Effects and Consequences of the Seizure: The memorandum argues that the seizure of the Exchange's accounts by the US government has caused significant losses and harm to customers, as they have manifest and identifiable interests in the seized property. It also highlights the fear and anxiety among customers regarding the exposure or leakage of their personal information by the US government or CCP.

- Request for Legal Remedies: The memorandum requests the court to approve the motion for return of property under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(g) and to implement a procedure for the prompt and confidential return of property to the customers. It also suggests the implementation of a constructive trust to safeguard the interests of the customers.






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《喜玛拉雅交易所的客户对美国司法部发起了法律诉讼》 的发布会YouTube 直播,在推出几个小时后就被下架了(后又人工上传了YouTube直播的非完整版本),这这突显出盖特(Gettr)平台的重要性。

The press conference regarding the lawsuit filed by clients of the Himalaya Exchange against the US Department of Justice was live-streamed on YouTube and taken down just a few hours after its release. This incident underscores the importance of the Gettr platform.


原直播的YouTube频道 |Original YouTube channel for the live stream:  https://www.youtube.com/@HimalayaRestoration



被Youtube封杀直播的截图| The screenshot of the YouTube live broadcast being banned:


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Restoring Justice: The Campaign to Recover Himalaya Exchange Funds from DOJ Control







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