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A prophecy came true|预言成真 -Trump will be shot, with an injury to his right ear... It really happened! |川普将会受到枪击,右耳伤伤... 他真的发生了!

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Three months ago, a prophecy came true  |三个月前的预言成真 

Trump will be shot, with an injury to his right ear... It really happened! |川普将会受到枪击,右耳伤伤... 他真的发生了!

Additionally: the collapse of the US dollar... issues with cryptocurrencies|还有:美元崩溃...加密货币等问题 


Cancer is about to be cured... (These pieces of information are very familiar, especially regarding artemisinin... stem cell technology, etc.)|癌症即将会被治愈... (这些信息,真的很熟悉,特别是关于青蒿素...干细胞技术等 )


That's right, all of this is happening...

A Cov19 vaccine disaster is breaking out, and there will be a massive number of deaths (in China, over 100 million people might die due to the Cov19 toxic vaccines and other reasons)...

The global economic collapse, the truth about the Cov19 vaccine is exposed, people no longer trust the government, and all fiat currencies anchored to government credit lose their value.

没错,这一切都在发生着... Cov19疫苗灾难爆发,将会有大量的人死亡(在中国接下来可能会有超过1亿人将会因Cov19毒疫苗等原因死去)...


Cov19 vaccine disaster + government currency collapse, the solution: Artemisinin is the antidote to the vaccine + Himalaya.Exchange digital currency and HimalayaPay payment tool !





The world's number one disaster: Cov19 vaccine disaster


Artemisinin (artemisinin derivative: "artesunate" has the best detoxification effect) is the antidote to the vaccine!

青蒿素(青蒿素衍生物:“青蒿琥脂” 疫苗解毒效果最佳 )是疫苗解药!


Economic and financial disaster|经济和金融灾难  

Himalaya Exchange |喜马拉雅交易所(Himalaya.exchange




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Dear friends,

The most important thing is to stay close to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ has paid a great price for our sins, and He is our Savior and the source of our hope. No matter how busy or challenging your life may be, spending time with the Lord is the most valuable decision you can make in your life.

For those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, I sincerely invite you to open your hearts and receive this unconditional love and salvation. Jesus Christ gave His life for you and me on the cross; His love is endless, and His grace is free. As long as you are willing to believe and accept, He will give you a new life and eternal hope.

For our brothers and sisters in Christ, we also need to stay vigilant and remember the Lord's teachings. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus Christ commanded us to share His love and hope with others, and His return is the hope and expectation of every believer. We must pursue holiness with a devout and reverent heart, uphold our faith, and be a shining light and salt of the earth, bearing good witness for the Lord.

Time is running out. Let us live each day in the love of the Lord and strive to share this love with more people. May we all be found faithful and good servants when the Lord returns.

May God bless you, and may the love of Jesus Christ always be with us.










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该视频中包含了多位牧师和预言家的预言和梦境,都警告即将到来的重大灾难和经济。崩溃作者强调,这些预示表明上帝将在美国和全球范围内进行一次大规模的“震荡和唤醒” ”。这些灾难不是来审判的,而是要唤醒那些灵里和世俗上都“冷淡”的人,让他们在基督的再临之前做好准备。作者呼吁大家要警醒祈祷,并为家人和自己做点什么准备好适当的物质。

关键点 ✦

  • 多位先知和牧师,如 Kent Christmas、Dana Coverstone 等,都有关于即将到来的重大灾难和经济崩溃的预兆和梦境。
  • 这些预示预示着上帝要在美国和全球范围内进行一次大规模的“震动和唤醒” ”。
  • 这些灾难不是来审判的,而是要唤醒那些灵里和世俗上都“冷淡”的人,让他们在基督的再临之前做好准备。
  • 作者呼吁大家要警醒祈祷,并为家人和自己做点什么准备好适当的物质,如备齐食物、水、燃料等。
  • 作者强调这并非出于恐惧,而是出于对神的话语的遵行,并相信神必定会眷顾和保守自己的子民。


Prophecies and Warnings: The Impending Global Shaking and Awakening

This video includes prophecies and visions from multiple pastors and prophets, all warning of imminent major disasters and economic collapse. The author emphasizes that these prophecies indicate that God will conduct a large-scale "shaking and awakening" in the United States and globally. These disasters are not meant as judgment but to awaken those who are spiritually and worldly "lukewarm," so they can prepare before the return of Christ. The author urges everyone to stay vigilant in prayer and make appropriate material preparations for themselves and their families.

Key Points

  • Multiple prophets and pastors, such as Kent Christmas and Dana Coverstone, have had visions and dreams foretelling major disasters and economic collapse.
  • These prophecies indicate that God will conduct a large-scale "shaking and awakening" in the United States and globally.
  • These disasters are not meant as judgment but to awaken those who are spiritually and worldly "lukewarm," so they can prepare before the return of Christ.
  • The author urges everyone to stay vigilant in prayer and make appropriate material preparations for themselves and their families, such as stocking up on food, water, fuel, etc.
  • The author emphasizes that this is not out of fear but out of adherence to God's word, believing that God will surely care for and protect His people.



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