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PAYMAP社区用户需知|PAYMAP Community User Notice

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PAYMAP 社区,是选用的美国 Invision Community 公司的付费服务。 Invision Community是全球排名前13大优秀社区论坛程序之一。   






4. 本站涉及的HPAY支付功能都属于演示功能,暂时无法/也不接受支付交易 。    

5.为鼓励用户发布高质量内容,以及验证社区货币化支付流程,而进行的三个月用户激励活动(总计为111 枚HEU虚拟礼品券)在后续喜欧元上线后,是由 @Roger 进行兑付。  



2.PAYMAP 社区网站数据

程序托管在 Invision Community 公司的欧洲和美国服务器。

网站的附件托管在 Invision Community公司提供的配套亚马逊云存储服务。  


PAYMAP Community User Notice
PAYMAP Community is a paid service provided by the American company Invision Community. Invision Community is one of the top 13 outstanding community forum programs globally.

Before you register as a user on our website, here are some things you should know:

1. Regardless of which website you visit, typically, the website backend can record your IP address.

2. We recommend using an anonymous email address to register as a user on the PAYMAP website (the email address you bind when registering on this website will not be visible to other users except PAYMAP website administrators).

3. PAYMAP community administrators will not share your personal registration information with any third-party organizations or individuals.

4. The HPAY payment functions on this site are for demonstration purposes only and currently do not accept payment transactions.

5. To encourage users to post high-quality content and verify the community's monetization payment process, a three-month user incentive activity (a total of 111 HEU virtual gift vouchers) will be redeemed by @Roger after the subsequent launch of the HEU.

6. The PAYMAP community is not affiliated with any other organization and was established by HPAY fans.

PAYMAP Community Website Data:

The program is hosted on servers in Europe and the United States provided by Invision Community.

Attachments on the website are hosted on complementary Amazon Cloud Storage services provided by Invision Community.

截屏2023-04-14 21.18.58.png



Invision Community(原名为IPB或IP.Board) 是美国美国维吉尼亚州的一家公司,是世界上最著名的论坛程序之一。

Invision Community 使您能够创建您的客户和受众喜爱的在线社区。Invision Community 的内置主题定制、货币化和社交媒体推广工具可让您提高品牌忠诚度、促进品牌讨论并在您控制的平台上与客户建立联系。自 2002 年以来,Invision Community 一直是社区软件市场的创新领导者。从留言板到电子商务软件以及介于两者之间的一切。乐高、Shutterstock、世嘉、华纳兄弟和 NBC 等全球品牌信任 Invision Community 及其社区。

官网: https://invisioncommunity.com/





3. Introduction to the Community Provider:

Invision Community (formerly known as IPB or IP.Board) is a company based in Virginia, USA, and is one of the most famous forum programs in the world.

Invision Community enables you to create online communities loved by your customers and audience. With built-in theme customization, monetization, and social media promotion tools, Invision Community allows you to increase brand loyalty, foster brand discussions, and engage with customers on a platform you control. Since 2002, Invision Community has been an innovative leader in the community software market, offering solutions ranging from message boards to e-commerce software and everything in between. Global brands like LEGO, Shutterstock, Sega, Warner Bros., and NBC trust Invision Community and its communities.

Official Website: https://invisioncommunity.com/

Privacy Policy: https://invisioncommunity.com/legal/privacy/

If there are any undisclosed matters, please feel free to ask questions. We will reply to your questions publicly with information that can be disclosed.


PAYMAP 社区管理团队| PAYMAP Community Management Team 

2023年04月14日|As of April 14, 2023




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Welcome to Our Community Feedback System

In our community, your interactions are not only valued but also rewarded. Below is a table describing the different types of feedback you can give on posts and the impact each has on the author's reputation points. Engage with posts by providing feedback that reflects your thoughts and feelings, and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of our platform!



Feedback Types | 反馈类型

  1. Like | 喜欢

    • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
    • Description | 描述: Show your approval and enjoy the content. | 表示您对内容的喜爱和赞同。
  2. Thank | 感谢

    • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
    • Description | 描述: Express your gratitude for the insightful content. | 对富有洞察力的内容表示感谢。
  3. Smile | 笑脸

    • Impact | 影响: +1 point | +1分
    • Description | 描述: Appreciate the humor or joy conveyed. | 赞赏内容传达的幽默或快乐。
  4. Confused | 困惑

    • Impact | 影响: -1 point | -1分
    • Description | 描述: Indicate areas where clarity is needed. | 指出需要澄清的地方。
  5. Sad | 难过

    • Impact | 影响: -1 point | -1分
    • Description | 描述: Reflect your dissatisfaction or concern. | 反映您的不满或关切。




This guide helps you understand how to interact within our community effectively. Your participation helps shape the quality of discussion and enriches our community culture. Thank you for being an active member!


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