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对文贵先生八大问题的深思与行动指南|Thoughts and Action Guide on Mr. Guo's Eight Questions

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《对文贵先生八大问题的深思与行动指南》 ——战友:来年再见@justaction



1. 中国房地产金融危机全面爆发,中国会发生什么?国内的战友该做什么?能做什么?




2. 美国金融经济大崩溃,会给世界带来什么?我们该做什么?能做什么?




3. 习近平暴病而毙或被党内政敌除掉变成“齐奥塞斯习”事件,我们该做什么?能做什么?




4. 习死皇突然攻击台湾,美国及世界金融市场大崩溃,我们该做什么?能做什么?




5. 任何一个以上事件发生,世界经济必然大崩溃,俄乌战争、非洲动乱战争、疾病灾难、病毒扩散、粮食供应链断裂,全社会爆发贫富战争。我们该做什么?能做什么?




6. 无论是习被政敌除掉,还是入侵台湾被斩首,共产党和习家党都将被消灭,随之而来的是曾、王、韩的新袁世凯党必然在中国谋取政权,与邪恶势力勾兑。我们该做什么?能做什么?




7. 不管以上这些事情怎样发生,结果全世界的正义力量和人民都会选择NFSC代表未来的新中国人民推进中国国家治理现代化、法制化、民主化。七哥永远都不会参政,但战友们应该积极实现信仰自由、正道主义、一人一票的国家,战友们都应该问自己,该做什么?能做什么?




8. 全人类面临的“中国梦”破灭,新中国联邦帮助世界人民从中国噩梦中惊醒,帮助中国人民和世界实现梦想成真,我们该做什么?能做什么?


  1. 继续传播新冠病毒及疫苗真相:让世界人民认清共产党与邪恶势力勾结统治世界的阴谋,传播青蒿素、伊维菌素等有效药物,帮助受疫苗伤害的人恢复健康,减少伤亡。

  2. 持续揭露共产主义的邪恶本质:通过建立博物馆、展览、网站及社交媒体等,大力揭露共产党过去的罪行,包括文革、六四屠杀、新疆西藏种族灭绝、宗教迫害、香港民主运动镇压等,让中国和世界人民深刻理解共产体制的邪恶,清除“红色余毒”。

  3. 加速壮大新中国联邦的实力与影响力:在创新社交媒体、加密货币、区块链技术、AI、量子计算、生物医疗等领域形成独特影响力;招募更多战友,培养“爆二代”和“爆三代”,逐步构建新中国联邦的传承,构建百年甚至千年的基业。





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"Thoughts and Action Guide on Mr. Guo's Eight Questions"
——Comrade: See You Next Year @justaction

The eight questions raised by Mr. Guo offer a broad overview and foresight into future changes in the global landscape, serving as a guide for us to identify direction and take action. Mr. Guo urges us to reflect, hoping that every comrade can do their best, start from their surroundings, and continuously spread the truth of the Whistleblower Movement, building the New Federal State of China (NFSC).

1. What will happen if China's real estate financial crisis fully erupts? What should comrades in China do? What can they do?

China's real estate financial crisis is currently unfolding, with the real estate and financial industries facing severe shocks, impacting many other sectors such as manufacturing and services. This will lead to economic stagnation and increased unemployment in certain industries. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will likely go to great lengths to maintain stability by issuing bonds, printing money to shift the crisis, and using mainstream and social media to continue deceiving the public. They will also use violent tools to suppress the people's protests.

Comrades in China should try to transfer their assets abroad if possible, and those who can leave should do so to secure their survival. Those who cannot leave must protect themselves and their families, ensuring sufficient finances and maintaining social connections to sustain their lives. Under the condition of ensuring safety, they should spread the truth, including the harmful effects of the vaccine, the economic downturn caused by lockdowns, the dictatorship of Xi Jinping and the return to the Cultural Revolution, and the CCP's virus release.

2. What impact will a major financial and economic collapse in the United States have on the world? What should we do? What can we do?

The United States is the engine of the global economy. If it experiences a major financial and economic collapse, the influence of the dollar will be weakened, further affecting the global economy. At the same time, the CCP might unite with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and some Middle Eastern and African countries to form another bloc against the Western world led by the U.S., leading to a divided world with increased political and economic exchanges between nations.

In this situation, blockchain and digital currencies may see more opportunities. The NFSC should continue to support Himalaya Exchange, promote H-Coin and HPay, and ensure that platforms like Gettr and GNews grow stronger in terms of user base and content influence.

3. What should we do if Xi Jinping dies suddenly or is ousted by internal rivals, leading to a "Ceausescu-like" incident? What can we do?

If Xi Jinping dies suddenly, figures like Zeng, Han, and Wang might seize the opportunity to take power, intensifying the internal struggle with Xi's faction. This would lead to a period of tension and instability in the domestic political scene, and many citizens might celebrate with fireworks.

We should unite with comrades within the system, encouraging the more enlightened factions within the Party to abandon the evil CCP regime and push for greater political reforms, including lifting media and political restrictions, and allowing the people to vote. The NFSC should have enough strength to influence the domestic political situation during such instability, using its financial, social media, and international relations capabilities to promote good and suppress evil.

4. What should we do if Xi Jinping suddenly attacks Taiwan, causing a collapse in the U.S. and global financial markets? What can we do?

If Xi Jinping suddenly attacks Taiwan, global supply chains will be disrupted, and the decoupling of the West from China will accelerate. Domestically, China could nearly close its borders, with the CCP imposing stricter controls over society and the population, such as centralized supply of goods, border controls, and possibly martial law in some regions, which would be worse than the lockdowns during the pandemic.

At the same time, the CCP might once again spread viruses globally, leading to another pandemic. Comrades inside the Great Firewall should protect themselves and their families, while overseas Chinese should actively promote the message that "the CCP is not equal to the Chinese people," denounce Xi Jinping and the CCP, and emphasize that the Chinese people love peace and strongly oppose war and aggression. They should loudly declare that "world peace requires the elimination of the CCP." The NFSC should invest more resources in anti-CCP campaigns in the West to influence Western governments and public opinion, and to protect Chinese and Asian people.

5. If any of the above events occur, leading to a global economic collapse, wars in Ukraine and Africa, accompanying diseases and disasters, viral outbreaks, and a breakdown of the global food supply chain, with society erupting into wars between the rich and poor, with no distinction of race, region, or nationality, what should we do? What can we do?

A global economic collapse would signal the fall of the old world order and the rise of a new one. This transition will impact global politics, national systems, and economic and social structures, directly or indirectly affecting everyone's lives. As individuals, our strength is limited; only by forming organizations and groups can we become stronger.

Comrades in the NFSC should become more united, spreading the truth and making friends through social media, HPay life circles, organizing public activities, online social networks, and daily neighborhood interactions, whether online or offline. Under the unified planning and deployment of the farm alliance, we should gradually build a global social platform (Gettr), interpersonal networks and services (GClub), and farm bases with corresponding physical organizations, recruiting more comrades to join, expanding our strength, and becoming capable of defending against various disasters.

6. Whether Xi is ousted by internal rivals or is decapitated after attacking Taiwan, the CCP and Xi's faction will be eliminated. The ensuing power struggle will see figures like Zeng, Wang, and Han rise as a new "Yuan Shikai party," possibly seizing power and colluding with evil forces to control China's 1.4 billion people. What should we do? What can we do?

If Xi is ousted, the new "Yuan Shikai party" of Zeng, Wang, and Han might use political reform slogans to win people's hearts while colluding with evil forces to continue exploiting the Chinese people under a rebranded dictatorship. In this scenario, we need to awaken more citizens to the ideas of the rule of law, democracy, equal rights, and a multi-party system where one person has one vote to elect the president.

The NFSC, with its growing power and influence, should strengthen cooperation with the U.S. and Western governments, supporting enlightened forces within China to help establish a democratic representative and electoral system. A critical step in this process is to break through China's firewall, lift media restrictions, and achieve press freedom.

7. Regardless of how the above events unfold, the result will be that the world's just forces and people will choose the NFSC to represent the future of the Chinese people, advancing China's governance modernization, rule of law, and democratization. Mr. Guo will never participate in politics, but comrades should actively work towards achieving religious freedom, the righteous path, and a one-person-one-vote system. Comrades should ask themselves, what should we do? What can we do?

We believe that the NFSC's strength and capability will be crucial in establishing a new China based on the rule of law, democracy, and international cooperation. Comrades should contribute their talents in politics, business, education, agriculture, and other fields. Everyone should think, plan, and act accordingly.

We should start with ourselves and our surroundings, taking action in every aspect of life, every day, to contribute to religious freedom, the righteous path, and democratic elections. On a personal level, I hope to use my abilities to help those persecuted for their religious beliefs under the CCP, strengthen domestic civil society groups, and support the spread of freedom of belief and love.

8. If the "Chinese Dream" collapses, and the NFSC helps the world wake up from the Chinese nightmare, helping the Chinese people and the world achieve their dreams, what should we do? What can we do?

We should:

  1. Continue to spread the truth about COVID-19 and the vaccines: Make the world aware of the CCP's collusion with evil forces to control the world. Promote the use of Artemisinin and Ivermectin to help those harmed by vaccines recover their health and reduce casualties.

  2. Continue to expose the evil nature of communism: Through the establishment of museums, exhibitions, websites, social media, and independent media, we should vigorously expose the CCP's past crimes, including the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the genocide in Xinjiang and Tibet, religious persecution, and the suppression of the Hong Kong democracy movement. This will help both Chinese and global citizens understand the evil nature of the communist system and rid the world of its "red poison."

  3. Accelerate the growth of the NFSC's strength and global influence: Establish unique and cutting-edge influence in innovative fields such as social media, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, AI, quantum computing, and biomedical science. Recruit more comrades, cultivate the "second generation of the Whistleblower Movement," and encourage the unvaccinated population to have more children, creating a lasting legacy for the NFSC that could last a century or even a millennium.

We should continue to promote the righteous path of the NFSC, helping China emerge from the shadows of the communist system, contributing to the transformation of its institutions, the recovery of its society and economy, the revival of morality, and the inheritance of its fine culture. At the same time, we should consistently highlight the hardworking, kind, and peace-loving nature of the Chinese people, striving to achieve a thousand years of peace between China and the world, earning respect and affection for Chinese people worldwide. 

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