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掌握未来:深入学习AI、区块链与数字货币的关键策略|Mastering the Future: Key Strategies for In-Depth Learning of AI, Blockchain, and Digital Currencies

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1.关注 AI、区块链、数字币。比如,去数字币平台开户,准备好热钱包、冷钱包。

2.学习下门罗币和 worldcoin——未来数字货币两个非常典型的方向代表(但并不是建议去购买)。 

4.推荐HBO纪录片 《货币电: 比特币之谜》 

1.⁠ ⁠Focus on AI, blockchain, and digital currencies. For example, consider opening an account on a digital currency platform and prepare both hot and cold wallets.

2.⁠ ⁠Learn about Monero and Worldcoin—two very typical directions representing the future of digital currency (this is not a recommendation to buy).

3.⁠ ⁠Continue learning and adapting to changes in the times and the situation, especially in the fields of digital currency, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. You must be well-prepared, proficient in, and able to apply these technologies to react quickly at critical moments.

4.⁠ ⁠We recommend the HBO documentary Banking on Bitcoin.



1. 深入学习 AI、区块链和数字货币

  • 建立基础知识:先从基础知识入手,了解 AI、区块链和数字货币的原理。在线平台如 Coursera、edX 或 Udacity 提供许多关于这些领域的免费或付费课程,可以帮助您掌握基础。
  • 关注行业动态:订阅一些知名的科技网站和新闻平台,如 CoinDesk、AI Weekly 和 Blockchain News,以了解行业动态和最新趋势。
  • 参与在线社区:加入 Reddit、GitHub 和 Telegram 上的相关社区,与行业专家和爱好者交流,以获取更多实用信息和见解。

2. 准备好数字货币工具

  • 开立数字货币账户:选择知名且安全的平台(如 Kraken、Coinbase 等)开立账户,并进行身份验证,确保账户安全。
  • 热钱包和冷钱包的使用:了解热钱包和冷钱包的区别,热钱包适合日常交易,而冷钱包则适合长期安全储存。考虑购买硬件冷钱包(如 Ledger 或 Trezor)以确保您的数字资产安全。

3. 了解门罗币 (Monero) 和 Worldcoin

  • 门罗币 (Monero):门罗币是一种专注于隐私和去中心化的加密货币,了解其匿名特性和隐私保护的技术实现,有助于理解区块链中的隐私解决方案。
  • Worldcoin:作为未来数字货币的发展方向之一,Worldcoin 结合了区块链和生物识别技术,以实现广泛的货币分发。研究其分发方式和生物识别技术对加密货币未来的潜在影响,能提供新的视角。
  • 理性分析与投资:学习它们的技术优势和局限性,但不必急于投资。关注这些项目更多是为扩展视野,并非建议立即进行经济投资。

4. 提升学习与适应能力

  • 持续学习:科技变化迅速,尤其是区块链和 AI 领域。定期学习新知识,并适应技术趋势。可设定每月或每季度的学习目标,如掌握一种新的区块链协议或深入理解某种 AI 技术。
  • 参与实践项目:尝试小规模的实践项目,如创建简单的智能合约或开发自己的 AI 模型,通过动手实践更好地掌握知识。
  • 与行业人士交流:参加相关行业会议、研讨会或加入线上线下的兴趣小组,与其他专家和爱好者交流,不断获取新信息。

5. 观赏推荐纪录片以扩展视野

  • 《货币电:比特币之谜》:这部 HBO 纪录片介绍了比特币的起源、发展和面临的挑战,是了解数字货币历史和现状的好方式。通过观看这类纪录片,您可以更好地理解数字货币如何影响金融系统,以及区块链背后的理念。



1. Deep Dive into AI, Blockchain, and Digital Currencies

  • Build a Foundation: Start with the basics by learning about the principles of AI, blockchain, and digital currencies. Online platforms like Coursera, edX, or Udacity offer free or paid courses on these topics to help you gain a solid understanding.
  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Subscribe to reputable tech websites and news sources like CoinDesk, AI Weekly, and Blockchain News to stay informed about the latest trends and industry developments.
  • Engage with Online Communities: Join communities on Reddit, GitHub, and Telegram to interact with experts and enthusiasts, gaining insights and practical information.

2. Prepare Digital Currency Tools

  • Open a Digital Currency Account: Choose a well-known and secure platform (such as Kraken, Coinbase, etc.) to open an account, complete identity verification, and ensure account security.
  • Use Hot and Cold Wallets: Understand the difference between hot and cold wallets. Hot wallets are for everyday transactions, while cold wallets are for long-term secure storage. Consider purchasing a hardware cold wallet (like Ledger or Trezor) for safe digital asset storage.

3. Learn About Monero and Worldcoin

  • Monero (XMR): Monero is a privacy-focused and decentralized cryptocurrency. Learning about its anonymity features and privacy protection technologies can help you understand privacy solutions in blockchain.
  • Worldcoin: As one of the potential directions for the future of digital currency, Worldcoin combines blockchain with biometric technology for widespread currency distribution. Studying its distribution method and the implications of biometric technology on cryptocurrency can offer new perspectives.
  • Rational Analysis and Investment: Focus on understanding their technical strengths and limitations without rushing into investments. Exploring these projects is more about broadening your horizons rather than immediate financial investment.

4. Enhance Learning and Adaptation Skills

  • Continuous Learning: Technology evolves rapidly, especially in blockchain and AI fields. Set regular learning goals, such as mastering a new blockchain protocol or understanding an AI technique, to stay in tune with technological trends.
  • Participate in Practical Projects: Engage in small-scale projects like creating simple smart contracts or developing an AI model to gain hands-on experience and deepen your understanding.
  • Engage with Industry Experts: Attend industry conferences, workshops, or join online and offline interest groups to continuously gather new insights from other professionals and enthusiasts.

5. Watch Recommended Documentaries for Broader Perspective

  • Banking on Bitcoin: This HBO documentary covers the origins, development, and challenges of Bitcoin, making it a great way to learn about the history and current state of digital currency. Watching documentaries like this can help you understand how digital currencies impact financial systems and the philosophy behind blockchain.
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Here are three AI tools recommended for supporting your learning:

  1. ChatGPT (chatgpt.com)
  2. Perplexity (perplexity.ai)
  3. Claude (claude.ai)

These tools can greatly enhance your learning experience, but be mindful to protect your personal privacy when using them.


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